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Gegabyte is in an internet sissy fight with Coffee--Pot.
Please dig up lulz on them both.
Gegabyte = infected with GOTIS
You can help by not giving her any attention.

Note: this is an article about an Encyclopedia Dramatica user. For more information, please see the appropriate user page. To leave this user a message, please visit their talk page.
The thread that started it all!

Gegabyte aka Amu-Amateur aka Ichigo Murasaki is a name shifting, fag hating, weeaboo pedofur who came to ED to seek revenge on a coffee pot! Apparently some random nobody named "Coffee Pot" on DeviantArt had the audacity and nerve to accuse poor Pedobyte of being an obnoxious weeaboo after she desperately tried to latch onto their Japanese tainted titty. This of course infuriated Pedobyte to no end! Vengence would be hers! I mean, how DARE this woman with a Japanese husband accuse HER of being a weeaboo?! Well little miss Pedobyte wasn't going to take that lying down!

I don't perfer ED as my personal army, I think of it as a community with a bunch of people like me.


—Gegabyte on ED, yes, because all of us are yaoi-lovin' weaboo furfags. Thanks, Gegabyte!

Sweet Vengeance

The ED troll army is coming for you!
"Some channers can and will track you down and hurt you!"

Pedobyte concocted the perfect revenge against her antagonistic Coffee Pot... an ED article! Oh that would surely show her! She immediately set to work churning out the most brilliantly written article ED has ever seen filled with the most scathing of accusations and "100% truthfulness", it was a shining beacon of JUSTICE!

But something went terribly wrong! Instead of being horrified, shamed and afeared for her life the cunning Coffee Pot simply shrugged and laughed it off! This of course was undeniable PROOF of what a horribly demented and sick person they are and Pedobyte busied herself right on back to her DevianTartlet page to squirrel off a frothing journal rant about how sorry Coffee Pot was going to be for not taking her ED article more seriously!

Pedobyte advised that Coffee Pot invest in costly "police protection" as soon all her dox would be discovered and evil channers would soon be tracking her down and physically assaulting her! OH NOES!

Everyone Is A Coffee Pot!

Paranoia abounds as Pedobyte becomes increasingly agitated; in her mind you're either "with her" or you're "whoever she's lashing out at". This fact became hysterically apparent when she started randomly accusing ED regulars of being the subject of her freshly created blatant attack article when they started to show signs of disinterest and mocking commentary...

A Past Uncovered

It didn't take long of course for ED regulars to notice that Pedobyte's brilliant article looked like it had been written by a spastic nine year old strung the fuck out on meth. A blatant rape of the English language if ever there was one, not only was the article poorly written, it was completely incoherent and disconnected; aimlessly stabbing in the dark with the most infantile of insults and failing accusations.

Their first reaction was to give this new user the benefit of the doubt and to try and goad them into improving the article. However, when they started to investigate the specifics of the article it became blazingly apparent that this Coffee Pot was no lolcow at all, but in fact was just a boring, non-descript little nobody who didn't even give a shit about the article or the person who wrote it.

It was revealed that their snitty little bitch fit was entirely the product of getting lightly mocked and then rightly blocked after they started to spaz out over it. This it turns out was their typical M.O. as a GOTIS infected attention whore. Basically they would run at the mouth in order to try and bait someone into giving them a short verbal smack across the face and then they'd blow up and turn a mole hill into a mountainous shit storm until the person would block them and move on.

But the rabbit hole it turns out goes deeper, MUCH deeper!

Panic Attacks And Mental Breakdowns

Pedobyte routinely suffers from "mental breakdowns" apparently having had several major meltdowns during Live-Stream sessions. This of course has led to Internets PTSD which causes horrible panic attacks whenever she's faced with "words on a screen" that she doesn't agree with. Rather than being a sensible adult about her irrational behavior and logging the fuck off the Internet she instead chooses the masochistic self-entitlement approach where in she expects the entire world to revolve completely around her and her deranged, unchecked psychosis.

Most of her friends routinely have to remind her to calm her cantankerous cunt and step the fuck off whenever she starts to get too out of line. This is routinely followed by six or eight journal entries in which she bawwws on about "leaving the Internets forever" only to pop right back in a few days later. This vicious cycle of stupidity is played out again and again and again, almost always starting with one of her friends whining about a "cyber bully" which she then feels compelled to "take a bat to", asking for links and personal details to start stalking and false reporting with.

This of course never ends well for her and "panic attacks" and "mental breakdowns" soon follow, occasionally littered with suicidal ideations in a desperate attempt to guilt trip the people she just tried stalking into feeling bad about themselves. And, again, that's followed by indignant, flustered fit throwing about how she's going to take her literal bawl and run home with it.


This is what she has the balls to call "art." Obviously, this has SOOOOOO much effort put into it.

Pedobyte is, of course, also a furtard, her totally original fursona is a neon eggplant colored sparkle dog that she totally put WEEKS worth of effort into finding a suitable base to steal borrow and then countless sleepless nights recoloring it! You just don't know the struggles that a hard working, original artist like Pedobyte has to endure!

When it comes to OC's I put hard effort into them. And that's another thing I hate on DA too many Mary Sue's and Gary Stu's get too much attention when they don't have a lot of effort put into them.



Erotic Snuff Fanfiction

You can never be too edgy online and Pedobyte knows how to really play up the shock value by routinely yammering on about 4Chan, 8Chan and ED. But when she REALLY wants to impress her tweeny bopper friends with how scary and fringe she is, she does it up proper with erotic snuff fan fiction! Clearly written by someone with a masterful grasp of both the English language and human sexuality, these "creepypastas" as she likes to call them really drive the point home and leave no measure of doubt that she's clearly skating along a knife-edge of vervacious volatility!

You Wanna Fight?!

Pedobyte is the literal "Grouchy Ladybug" of the Internet, constantly scouring deviantArt for people to pick fights with. She primarily facilitates this need by making friends with random lesser weebs who get trolled and poked fun at and then hauls off into full retard stalker mode in order to defend their "friend's" Internets honor! And by "friends" I mean "completely random, faceless strangers"... that she's never the fuck even met before in real life and doesn't even know them at all outside of a few overly sordid role playing sessions.

The majority of these cases are derived from her pedophile-friendly initiatives where she rants on about the wonders of shotacon child molestation which is then followed up with random friends crying about how they've been victims of the vicious cyber-bullying trollies due to their love of naked children.


Like many tartlets these days, much of "their" artwork wasn't created by them, but rather by other slightly more talented tartlets who then "sold" their work off in exchange for autistic egg looking
virtual currency called "points" (so original) or "pity points" as the rest of civilized Internet society refers to them.

The majority of this art, either bought, traced, or added onto a base is either furry, Sonic or animu related.

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I believe this should apply here.

It's Awwwright!

Pedobyte and friends explain the merits of sexualized child art.

Probably the most disturbing aspect of Pedobyte is their intense, fiery passion for sexualized children. She goes to extreme lengths not only to defend the fictional sexual exploitation of children, but likewise runs around reporting and attacking anyone who doesn't share her perverted love of child molestation.

Pedobyte routinely attempts to justify this position by fixating on the fictional nature of the work. In her mind, as long as it doesn't involve a real child then it's perfectly normal to want to sexualize depictions of children and to sexually pleasure yourself over such works. Of course, in the real world, it is clearly documented that convicted pedophiles routinely have a tenuous grasp at best of the line between reality and fantasy and that such fictional works more often than not encouraged and fueled their horrible actions. Much in the way serial killers often start out torturing and killing small animals, most pedophiles start out sexually gratifying themselves with fictional depictions of child pornography before working their way up to the real thing.

Shotacon essentially attempts to create a pseudo-normalization of child exploitation and sexual abuse, a proverbial marketing tactic to try and "sell" pedophilia to the masses under the guise of "harmless fiction". Much in the way "Old Joe" the cartoon camel was once used as a marketing ploy to attract kids and teens into smoking.

Just so you know Shotacon isn't illegal but it is in Tokyo, Japan because, people actually voted it out of the adult genre because, they also think it's "child pornography" but it's not because, "why"? The charters are "FICTIONAL!" If you idiots don't know what "FICTIONAL" is please Google it!


—Pedobyte "explains" shotacon

Her Pedo Arts About missing Pics
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Taking Down ED

Before this article could even be finished Pedobyte threw a rage tantrum and went crying to ED admins to try and get it taken down. Her "reasoning" or lack thereof was centered around the premise that everything on ED must be 100% true and honest... and by "truth" she means anything that helps her lash out at condescending adults who laughed at her for being a weeb. And of course, based upon that self-serving definition, this article is 100% slanderous lies. This Bizzaro line of thinking extends into pretty much every aspect of Pedobyte's USI ridden life. She is the literal, living embodiment of the word hypocrisy.

Convinced that this article would be taken down because of it's "bad grammar" (read: written above her 5th grade reading level) she retarded on back to YouTube to WhineStream with her friends about what a horrible meany Coffee Pot is and how it's just not right that people she doesn't like can create articles on ED! After all, only overly ass flustered tweens should be able to create articles on ED!

Unbeknowst to poor Pedobyte the evil clone Coffee Pots were hiding in the shadows and recording the entire session for great justice!

Maybe she meant ~abstract~ realism...

It runs in the family apparently.

Being a weeaboo was just a phase, they're bronies now!

Typical GOTIS infected teenagers, whining on about "who started it".

You do not disrespect the yaoi!

Apparently she doesn't know what that is.

Look out, we got a bad ass over here!

It's okay for her to lie, just not anyone else.

With two other people watching. Hurr durr!

You do not poke fun at teenagers!

The only other article on ED they've seen.


Who doesn't love a little ass action?

Her weaboo tears didn't stop there, as she planned for a second, 'follow-up' video to double-down on her blazing stupidity. She claims it will "prove my innocents" and "correction with her considering she still can't take it". Despite her friends and ex knights pleaing for her to stop, this weeb wants to ride the retard train until it crashes in an epic fiery explosion.

Okay. The rant/livestream became private because we know "you know who's" white knights and her herself watched the stream on their own intuition. "Good on you want a cookie for that, sweetie?" C:

Anyways, I'll be doing more of a "review/follow up" video on her in stead of a rant series to prove my innocents and correction with her considering she still can't take it like a real adult should. I have a few theme songs that describes her personality very well but sadly I won't be adding them to this new journal to avoid conflict and what not.

Also, "you know who" making that FALSE ED page on me and my friends was a complete waste of time and energy. YOU got a ED page because someone else "not me not Gabi not AmuAmateur" but someone else got fed up with your bullshitzery that they thought it would be nice to make you a special icing on you're cake for an ED page not us so, quit doing "the blame game" on us other than yourself toots. This is going to be my last journal so have a nice day peeps.


—Pedobyte at the peak of desperation

Screenshots Of Retardation

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See Also

External Links

Primary Collective Clique

- Geganigger's ShitArtists account

White Knight Supporters

Attempted Targets

Gegabyte is part of a series on


Visit the DeviantART Portal for complete coverage.

Gegabyte is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.