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Encyclopedia Dramatica:Thizzlehat Junction Center/Archive/14

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QOTN Suggestion - MeganSpeaks

Found this on HappyCabbie's blog.


Do not copy my description. It is rude and disrespectful. IF YOU EVER TRY ME BITCH I WILL MAKE SURE YOU DIE IN COLD FUCKING BLOOD. I know were you and your family live. I am not fucking kidding. You dont see me fucking with you and your life so dont fuck with mine. If I ever see that you do this again I will have you hacked.



—A serious death threat from MeganLeeHeart as MeganSpeaks

Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 08:29, 1 June 2012 (EDT)

Link? Why does nobody ever leave sources to the shit they post? --zaiger (talk) 19:39, 6 June 2012 (EDT)

<+DomesticErrorist> if being black were hard, why could a nigger do it? 12:39 am 7/12/12 PST Dr. Rice

Presidential Erection 2012 - Republican Panic!

Okay, I was wrong, this ~is~ gonna be good! :D

*makes popcorn*

--Onideus   01:38, 4 June 2012 (EDT)

lolmine incoming   01:48, 4 June 2012 (EDT)
holy shit this will cause massive asshurt! --One With The Lulz 02:49, 4 June 2012 (EDT)
It's pretty hilarious watching the Republican party fall all apart...but then, they pretty well had it coming. I mean Mitt Romney is like the most crazy, far out, ultra-conservative nut job they could have possibly found to run it's no wonder that Ron Paul looks like the ~moderate~ sane choice in the group. *epic face palm*
Image related:
The Republicans...they're done...put it down, time for bed, Ron Paul is the new Mad Hatter and has officially taken over your broken (tea) party.
--Onideus   05:27, 4 June 2012 (EDT)
No wait, I take that back, it really ~could~ be worse:
--Onideus   05:38, 4 June 2012 (EDT)
Wow talk about power-hungry assholes. --zaiger (talk) 19:48, 6 June 2012 (EDT)


We are all going to die. Lord Tony 20:31, 6 June 2012 (EDT)

The media has a big hard on for attributing anything evil to "designer drug" use. --One With The Lulz 12:58, 9 June 2012 (EDT)

QOTN suggestion

"First of all, a federal officer must be present when they insert a reverse-barbed catheter with an integral infringement detector through your pee-hole and keep shoving until it reaches your copyright gland, where it auto-expands like an IUD and deploys the "Intellectual Property Probe", or I-PP, which compares the ratio of "P" in parts-per-petabyte to the Binary-Midichlorian, as PPPP:BM, AKA "ratio of infringement". To get an accurate reading, the reverse-barbed catheter extraction must take place in one fluid motion, ripping your dick off and distracting you from the federal officer subjecting you to surprise buttsex while at the same time lifting your wallet. The entire procedure is so specific it is now known as "mega-mega-megauploading". THEN, and only then, can the PPPP:BM ratio be extruded through a stuxnet-laden centrifuge to an explosively satisfactory level of exponential increase. Whatever that number is, it is placed just after the US Dollar symbol and added to the MPAAs total amount of political contributions for the year-to-date (minus Wisconsin, because fuck them) to determine exactly what you owe, which you should fill in on line 5b." - SockPuppetGovernment from [1] Kubla Khan 00:45, 7 June 2012 (EDT)

Hey uh...I don't mean to get ya down or anything...but seriously, most of ED's readership is like...spastically hormonal seventh graders strung the fuck out on Pixie Stixs and Pepsi. Pretty much if it's over a line or two it's gonna sail right on over Generation Barney's Ritalin bitched little perceptions and all yer gonna get is, tl;dr in response. Sad but true, you always need to dumb everything on down to a 3rd grade reading level around here if you expect the mass majority to like it. I'm just sayin... --Onideus   01:29, 7 June 2012 (EDT)
Shut the fuck up you sperg, I can't believe he's not banned yet. Onideus. I don't want to type the rest of this sentence any more 20:49, 29 June 2012 (EDT)

pixie sticks - got it. How's this? could be cut from the top anywhere... "I think it's kind of a reaction, one that can be tempered once you get more used to certain visuals. In my first semester in college, on day one, I sat in a class and was checking out this chick. As my eyes wandered down, I noticed she had unshaven legs. Luckily, I managed to catch the vomit in my mouth before spewing publicly. True story. Now, that shit is still absolutely disgusting as all fucking hell to me, but it doesn't trigger my gag reflex instantly anymore. I actually have to think about it for a minute. BRB." - SockPuppetGovernment from [2]Kubla Khan 02:37, 7 June 2012 (EDT)

"...most of ED's readership is like...spastically hormonal seventh graders strung the fuck out on Pixie Stixs and Pepsi. Pretty much if it's over a line or two it's gonna sail right on over Generation Barney's Ritalin bitched little perceptions and all yer gonna get is, tl;dr in response. Sad but true, you always need to dumb everything on down to a 3rd grade reading level around here if you expect the mass majority to like it. I'm just sayin..." ~Onideus, explaining your typical EDiot.

I vote for this LurktheEdiot 08:30, 7 June 2012 (EDT)

Your 2nd quote mentioned attending college, probably not a good idea. Plus it is a comment in a thread discussing gay superheros and their costumes. Hang on , that might go down well  TUXLIE  19:05, 7 June 2012 (EDT)

Since when did we become so self deprecating? Fuck off out of Encyclopedia Dramatica if you don't like it. Elvis 11:32, 26 June 2012 (EDT)

Lauren Faust acknowelges that a lot of bronies in the fandom have autism or aspergers.

"An adult Brony who has Aspergers, Autism or other syndrome or disorder and has been helped by the show."

Lord Tony 11:50, 7 June 2012 (EDT)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA   11:57, 7 June 2012 (EDT)

Hitler reincarnation, anyone?


What do you think? I'd make a real good Hitler, don't I? Lord Tony 13:20, 8 June 2012 (EDT)

The resemblance is uncanny mate, reminds me of Ron Mael from Sparks I guess I am showing my age with that !  TUXLIE  19:11, 8 June 2012 (EDT)

People look like hitler in a comedic way but I think I look like him in a serious and creepy way. Lord Tony 20:55, 8 June 2012 (EDT)
Not even close, you look like a virgin who wants to look like Hitler but fails, or like an autistic Charlie Chaplin, but definitely not Hitler. --zaiger (talk) 22:31, 8 June 2012 (EDT)
W-what's all over the camera lens? ಠ_ಠ
And why tha'fawk would you ~want~ to look like Hitler? Shlock and awe? Or are you just desperately reaching for negative attention? --Onideus   03:12, 9 June 2012 (EDT)
Nothing like him dude ~Oblique 03:23, 9 June 2012 (EDT)
Don't listen to these queers dude. I'm probably the only /fa/shionista here, and I gotta say I dig the style. You plan on keeping it for a bit? Mike the Great (talk) 07:30, 9 June 2012 (EDT)
Aww come on guys, I was bored and I wanted to see what I would look like. I shaved it off anyways. Lord Tony 04:09, 9 June 2012 (EDT)
This made me sad. ;~; Mike the Great (talk) 08:09, 9 June 2012 (EDT)
There's this girl on my FB friend's list who wears various Hitler garb, amongst other shock stuff (like stag antler helmets)...she's like 16 though...and has some pretty severe psychological issues to boot. For some people though this is a kind of sexual fetish...especially uniforms of "power" in general. Some people really get off on it. Not sure if we've got a page for that or not...if not, we should. --Onideus   15:16, 9 June 2012 (EDT)
Well, there's something close to it, but we sure should expand it with moar Internet desease : Holocaust Porn--Polmas 02:55, 10 June 2012 (EDT)

The Pirate Bay article

Via the talk page:

why did we AOTN this when it is sooooo outdated and just all around shitty? This article needs an update and a clean-up ASAP, any volunteers?



discuss. --zaiger (talk) 01:30, 10 June 2012 (EDT)

My LIttle Pony: Documentary on Bronies.

I know why bronies are the way they are. They are very "special" people that need our "special" love and attention. If we were to tell a "special" person they are wrong we would ruin their "special" individuality. Lord Tony 11:42, 11 June 2012 (EDT)

Back in my day we called grown men that watched little girl cartoons faggots. --One With The Lulz 12:24, 12 June 2012 (EDT)
What would you call grown men who are obsessed with grown men who watch little girl's cartoons? --zaiger (talk) 13:16, 12 June 2012 (EDT)
Wastes of Carbon. Douche McCowfucker 13:24, 12 June 2012 (EDT)
The vid was taken down, I think I got a backup. Lord Tony 15:55, 8 July 2012 (EDT)
the video was pretty good at exposing the brony fandom. how big is it? -hipcrime   16:04, 8 July 2012 (EDT)

This video should be up in 30 minutes. Lord Tony 17:03, 8 July 2012 (EDT)

Video is up, enjoy. Lord Tony 17:31, 8 July 2012 (EDT)

IRL laws against trolling

In yet another of a frightening series of events, the government has seen fit to step in for sixteen year old girls everywhere and violate civil liberties once more to stop trolling:

What the fuck. Juggerbot 14:36, 12 June 2012 (EDT)

Can somebody go down to the beach this weekend and cut the fucking cord? I am so sick of Britain with its truth = libel, its perpetual copyrights, its fancy government rating schemes, its cutesy little "private voluntary"* under penalty of law IWF censorship scheme, just against pedophiles * and Pirate Bay, and criminal trial reporting, and everything else ... and above all, their damn whining that the rest of the goddamned Internet has to be that way or they'll send their lawyers around the world to sue you. Fuck, how much stuff is there in Britain worth reading anyway? Maybe their newspapers give better reports about the U.S. than ours do, but the Russians put out stuff a hell of a lot better than theirs. Just cut the damn cable for the weekend, if anybody notices and complains they can splice it Monday morning. Wnt 16:44, 14 June 2012 (EDT)
a. There is another cord at sao paulo, it won't work.
b. Lol falkland islands are argentinian, by the way. -- Javier Andrés Severus Snape Yabuki, Doctor of Philosophy at lulz from Bann Towne university. 23:16, 14 June 2012 (EDT)

Yer a bit late to this party:
The comments section was great fun! :D
--Onideus   17:32, 17 June 2012 (EDT)

QOTN suggestion

These predators who keep rubbing their fetish in everyone's faces (including children) are giving us ordinary pedophiles a bad reputation.


Alterego-X, on how the sick fucks in Habbo are ruining it for other pedophiles in the world

BakaRed 02:40, 13 June 2012 (EDT)

lol'd ~Oblique 02:40, 13 June 2012 (EDT)
This is typical behavior with any deviant sexual interest. One side is always trying to pass themselves off as the "more normal" or "not harmful" variety by making like a child and arbitrarily pointing their finger at someone else to draw attention away from their own sordid interests. The furries tend to be the worst, they attack their own community far more than any troll or hater ever has (especially their sub-communities like baby furs, vore furs, preg furs, etc, etc).
Some are in such vehement denial and have such a pressing need for self-repression that they'll even go so far as to recategorize themselves completely...bronies for example not wanting to admit to being furries, furries not wanting to admit they're zoophiles, and those who are furries who try and pass their sexual interest off as a hobby, lifestyle or form of entertainment. For some, yes, it can be those things, but for most of those that cling to such ardent labeling it's simply a fact of hiding in the closet so to speak.
Pedophiles are a particularly nasty breed in and of themselves. A lot of pedophiles in general will try and make themselves out to be victims in order to try and justify their interests or to seek a kind of equivocation for their feelings (like saying the child wants it). The NAMBLA site for example is and always has been one of the ~easiest~ sites online to brute force into and deface to your liking. The pedos though like that, they try and paint themselves up as being victims of harassment and attacks against their "free speech", all the while openly inviting and encouraging it by having the most shit grade security imaginable. By trying to make themselves out to be victims they can try and avoid the stigma of being child stalkers and abusers.
Coincidentally, those types of pedophiles often tend to be the most dangerous, because they don't recognize that they are a danger to children, they try and pass their interests and behavior off as "innocent" and "non-harmful" and often wind up on slippery slopes that lead them right on into full blown child molestation and rape.
--Onideus   01:00, 15 June 2012 (EDT)

"guy cuts me off in traffic, i call em a homofag and my son calls em a homo. family bonding right there" 5:35 am

no more 6 AM UTC downtime

:) -- Edgeworth E. Euler 02:44, 13 June 2012 (EDT)

yay ~Oblique 02:45, 13 June 2012 (EDT)


Penis sakes, black goo, the WHHHHAAAAA sound in the trailer, disappointed sci-fi fanboys, a writer from Lost, etc. I haven't seen the movie yet, but it sounds deserving of an article. --JuniusThaddeus 12:25, 14 June 2012 (EDT)

Agree, gotta watch it in spic movie stealer machine ( It will suck. -- Javier Andrés Severus Snape Yabuki, Doctor of Philosophy at lulz from Bann Towne university. 23:18, 14 June 2012 (EDT)
I believe that it'll be better than the long and pointless action-movies-disguised-as-sci-fi-movies (e.g. Transformers) that Hollywood keeps shoving down everyone's throats. I simply find the reaction to the film to be funny. [3], [4]. --JuniusThaddeus 12:59, 15 June 2012 (EDT)
I remember when it was first announced saying to a friend (who's a massive 'Alien' fan) that even if it did turn out to be a crock of shit the resulting tears would be delicious enough. - Mr Jonzz   13:19, 15 June 2012 (EDT)

AOTN Suggestion

Tumblr whore Erik Rhodes died of a heart attack today from shooting too many roids and drugs. MisterSnuggles 15:39, 14 June 2012 (EDT)

Article of the Now Corrections

Yesterday I went through the Article of the Now on Gabrielle Chana and fixed a load of typos. I've just noticed that the preview of the article on the Main Page still shows the uncorrected version "Nobel Price laureate" etc. I was wondering is this by design (of the Wiki) ? Thanks  TUXLIE  17:47, 14 June 2012 (EDT)

Fixed TKN 18:24, 14 June 2012 (EDT)

New top-level doman: .lol

New York City wants Internet addresses ending in ".nyc," while several companies and groups are looking to create ".doctor," ".music" and ".bank." Google Inc. is also seeking ".YouTube" and ".lol" — the digital shorthand for "laugh out loud."


—→Novus Ordo Seclorum 17:17, 15 June 2012 (EDT)

This is asinine and defeats the purpose of top level domains if anybody's just allowed to go and make their own. Mike the Great (talk) 21:18, 15 June 2012 (EDT)
Is this going to happen then ? I know they were talking about one for Porn but didn't realise they were going this far  TUXLIE  19:29, 15 June 2012 (EDT)
The group that implements top-level domains is planning on adding multiple ones to the bunch. Currently they're only taking suggestions at the hefty price of like 150k. Corporations are basically just flooding them with a shit-storm of domain endings in the hope that the ones they already hold exclusive usage copyrights to are chosen. BakaRed 19:58, 15 June 2012 (EDT)
there's talk that ICANN wants to add around 1k TLDs and that its some mad rush to grab whatever shit they can buy up. LurktheEdiot 21:06, 15 June 2012 (EDT)
Full list here. Lots of corporations seeking vanity domains, like having .shit at the end of your domain will make people give any more of a fuck about your jewgold farming operation. Google after .fun, .love and .phd, too. ~   ~ Gaper 12:17, 16 June 2012 (EDT)
I think I found about ten in this entire list that could be passable ideas. The rest of these are fucking retarded. Has .com really become so gruelling that they feel it necessary to register 1000+ new TLDs just to phase it out?  S A V I T R  14:41, 16 June 2012 (EDT)
Apparently they really are running out of available .com domains that don't look like someone slapped their dick randomly on the keyboard. Personally I think it's just in preparation so companies like Comcast can start selling "net access packages" that only let you go to certain domain endings. BakaRed 14:45, 17 June 2012 (EDT)
how come everyone forgot about .asia '~'   13:24, 16 June 2012 (EDT)
I don't see this ever actually happening, it would effectively destroy the domain industry...which is like a multi-BILLION dollar a year industry! The idea is to keep the options LIMITED in order to make domains have over inflated, theoretical WORTH...if you start making hundreds or even dozens of different domains it'll plummet that theoretical value right down the shitter! Usually what they do is only released a COUPLE new top level domains every 4 or 5 years or so and often go out of their way to either obscure them from the general public's knowledge, or they sell them at a PREMIUM price. Which is the only way this could even make sense, like if they were planning on offering .lol domains at $100 bucks a pop (starting price). --Onideus   17:38, 17 June 2012 (EDT)
That said, I have been playing around with the idea of slopping together a FireFox plugin to handle "arbitrary domains". Basically the idea would be that I would setup a website and you could register on it and pay a certain fee for a "specialized domain". The plugin would work by checking on that master site's database and then redirecting to their primary site. So if you typed in like, it would redirect to
It would be dependent upon teh plugin though, which means everyone would need it (like Flash) in order to make it really viable. The best way of getting it to that level would be to offer FREE ones, sort of similar to how sites like TinyURL work...basically teh freebie ones could be temporary, lasting say only three months and then requiring a small fee to renew them and keep them going. The site could be setup so that people could buy/sell/trade their specialized domains around as well, in order to generate even more money/popularity for the site and plugin. --Onideus   17:51, 17 June 2012 (EDT)
It's happening. My worry is more along the lines of that recent facebook worm with the file familyphoto.jpg__PHOTO_FROM_FACEBOOK.COM. People are uneducated, they don't get what extensions and TLDs are. If I bought a .secure site because suddenly that's okay for 1000, nothing is certificated for being secure. It's just an expensive Nigerian scam. I could then proceed to buy which looks way the fuck more believable than the current phishing tactic of Mike the Great (talk) 22:25, 18 June 2012 (EDT)

BG Kumbi

I just found out about   this kid and apparently this incident is still unfolding. Should there be an article about him?  S A V I T R  06:11, 17 June 2012 (EDT)

Suddenly feels compelled to find his parent's address and to send them a bill for 4Chan's "online babysitting service" made especially for "overly neglectful parents of spergs looking for a little negative attention". --Onideus   17:41, 17 June 2012 (EDT)
  - Mr Jonzz   18:37, 17 June 2012 (EDT)
I'm pretty sure this kid is an elaborate troll. -- Edgeworth E. Euler 01:12, 18 June 2012 (EDT)
I actually hope this kid succeeds lol. 4:05 to 4:16 is the best part. 12:53, 18 June 2012 (EDT)

Latest ED-related ArbCom case

wikipedia:Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Fæ/Workshop#Michaeldsuarez_Battleground – This is perhaps ED's largest role in an ArbCom case since the EEML drama in 2009. I still remember October 2009 and the EEML drama. I remember Bantustan and Long-term abuse. I remember Piotrus and how he temporarily defected to ED. That was my first month (or was it the second?) at ED. The Wikipedians now wish to put my head on a stake due to the Fae article, which isn't even as vicious as the other articles on Wikipedians. I'm due to become banned on July 2nd. Whatever happens; no regrets. --JuniusThaddeus 17:27, 17 June 2012 (EDT)

Can you give a rundown on what's happened?   17:40, 17 June 2012 (EDT)
wow thats stupid. ~Oblique 17:55, 17 June 2012 (EDT)
Which part? --JuniusThaddeus 19:53, 17 June 2012 (EDT)
@Meepsheep: Simple timeline:
P.S.: Fæ is currently the Chairman of Wikimedia UK. --JuniusThaddeus 19:53, 17 June 2012 (EDT)
Thats a great summary, thanks JT. Are you def going to be banned. I am on Wikipedia, is there anything I can do to help ?  TUXLIE  04:47, 18 June 2012 (EDT)
wikipedia:Wikipedia_talk:Arbitration/Requests/Case/Fæ/Evidence#Update_on_case_status: – Thanks for the offer, but the best thing for you to do is to not interfere. They'll accuse me of "canvassing" if you interfere. --JuniusThaddeus 05:00, 18 June 2012 (EDT)
QUESTION: Are they banning you just cuz or is there actually a rule you broke? Seems to me like like the admins there need to learn that the tools they have are not for personal use, only the upkeep of existing policy. I get ED/WR/WPocracy are all horrible horrible sites and anybody who uses them should be irl banned and all, but even the ToS restricts Harassment to on-site. Your article doesn't violate anything afaik. If all else fails, I'd take to Ironholds' adminship tactic of spamming requests at BASC until you get your way. Mike the Great (talk) 22:15, 18 June 2012 (EDT)
They're claiming that I've violated wikipedia:Wikipedia:Harassment. I would prefer it if no one approaches BASC on my behalf. --JuniusThaddeus 07:57, 19 June 2012 (EDT)
Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see that the article happened after his outing ( didn't even exist yet), so basically it is pretty obvious (to me at least) that this is just fae trying to instigate a witch hunt. ED is not homophobic, literally 2/3 of the administration is gay or bisexual. --zaiger (talk) 09:27, 19 June 2012 (EDT)
We're self hating gays, obviously. -- Edgeworth E. Euler 20:07, 19 June 2012 (EDT)
i'm not surprised. my ban came as a result of an SPI opened by a sockpuppet created 'for the legitimate reason of privacy'. my ban reason was: 'if not a sock, then a meatpuppet'... then my unblock request was turned down by someone who not only had declined a prior unblock request (not allowed, apparently) but who is/was in a sexual relationship with the blocking admin. shit's rigged man. my basc request is unlikely to be successful, so now, i am learning to do the things they accused me of doing. wikipedia doesnt want transparency about ediots editing there. -hipcrime   20:55, 19 June 2012 (EDT)
Yay maybe they'll ban me soon! I can't wait to be in the banned EDiots club :D --zaiger (talk) 04:05, 20 June 2012 (EDT)

What`s this guy outed as, some kinda otherkinÉ ||||  — Preceding comment added by T (talkcontribs), 02:46, 20 June 2012 (UTC)

Shit's fucked up, niggers

I'm trying to upload full versions of the gifs from X doesn't change facial expressions, but the uploader is not allowing me to upload new versions. It's saying a file with that name already exists, yet shows "File:$1". I have uploaded full versions of thumbnails in the past so what the fuck's going on? --One With The Lulz 01:52, 19 June 2012 (EDT)

OH the right to do that for regular users was revoked due to abuse. Mike the Great (talk) 05:55, 19 June 2012 (EDT)

Youtube's autoplay

The folks at Google realized people embed their videos just for the music and now have a minimal size. If anybody comes across any videos that attempt to conceal the video with a 1x1 video size, the following code can fix that:

<div style="position: absolute; top: -9999px;"><video type="youtube" id="ID GOES HERE&autoplay=1"/></div>

Always, always however realize this shit is very obnoxious and gets old fast so only use it when it's highly relevant to the article, userspaced, or you want to piss off User:T. Mike the Great (talk) 07:30, 19 June 2012 (EDT)

ED is not MySpace. No Autoplay ever. --zaiger (talk) 08:43, 19 June 2012 (EDT)
getting hotter for you day by day Zaiger -ty

This Is Really Getting Good!

Oh your gawd I LOL'd! :D

If Carreon doesn't have an ED page yet he definitely needs one!

--Onideus   06:57, 19 June 2012 (EDT)

Mmmm, there is a slight reference to it on the FunnyJunk page apparently:
That looks like it though. --Onideus   08:46, 19 June 2012 (EDT)
I agree. This definitely needs to be documented. --zaiger (talk) 13:00, 19 June 2012 (EDT)

wikipedia:Charles_Carreon – Carreon has a history. --JuniusThaddeus 13:35, 19 June 2012 (EDT)

What a lovely man (just in case he decides to sue me)  TUXLIE  18:13, 19 June 2012 (EDT)
  • I know most of what there is to know about this, but I don't feel like repeating myself. Everything there is to know about the comic, with exception of the most recent FunnyJunk incident, is already in the article I wrote about it on the Bad Webcomic Wiki (lol Shameless Self Promotion) right here.

If anyone wants to write the article and has anything else he wants to know about this topic I can probably help   11:37, 20 June 2012 (EDT)

Crash the wicnic erryday (Sat June 23)

Make sure you put your real full name, guys.

The "Great" American Wicnic is happening this Saturday June 23rd and ED wants YOU to be there. Write here below if you are close to one of the over 20 cities, discuss how we will recognize each other, and how to make the Wicnic more "eventful". --zaiger (talk) 08:59, 19 June 2012 (EDT)

hipcrime is already confirmed for going :3   09:00, 19 June 2012 (EDT)
Me too. I will be at the Boston Wicnic, since I live about 5 stops away by train. There is no alcohol allowed, so if anyone wants to get a drink before/after let me know. I know a nice little Irish pub right on Boston Commons (the location of the Wicnic). --zaiger (talk) 09:18, 19 June 2012 (EDT)
Wikipedia is racist against UK   09:36, 19 June 2012 (EDT)
hipcrime and i will be at the sf wicnic H64 15:34, 19 June 2012 (EDT)
  [[User:H64|H64]] likes this.
  • confirmed. my GNAA tshirt is ordered, but isn't likely to arrive in time. :\ -hipcrime   15:35, 19 June 2012 (EDT)
by the way, the sanfrancisco wicnic is on the same day as the biggest spectacle in America: the gaypride thing. about half of you are going to be at pride anyway so show up and have lunch with us or something. :3 -hipcrime   16:13, 19 June 2012 (EDT)
  [[User:H64|H64]] likes this.
Yeah, me and patch will just have our own wicnic, with blackjack, and hookers. Elvis 17:12, 19 June 2012 (EDT)
On 4/7 cuz fuck yanks   18:28, 19 June 2012 (EDT)
Someone should take a bottle of pepper extract. Everyone loves searingly hot spicy food, right? ~   ~ Gaper 18:41, 19 June 2012 (EDT)

Chicago here. If you want to know the best way to piss people off here, just either publicly burn fedoras or yell "NATO deserves to be in Chicago every year, the stock market's fine!" Also, wow holy pissnic I've been missing for a while. -  23:26, 19 June 2012 (EDT)


So there's one here in Boulder this year, I'll see what kind of damage I can do.   16:31, 20 June 2012 (EDT)

Colo Spgs here. Leave it to TOW to choose some rural county seat over Denver, Colorado Springs, or hell, even Pueblo. ДlεχThεRσϛε 00:31, 22 June 2012 (EDT)

Hmm...Chicago huh? --WheatThins 20:54, 21 June 2012 (EDT)

CiNiC, 2.5-year-strong EDiot lurker. Might hit the Boston one tomorrow - someone want to post the time & location for a lazy fuck? Also willing to reimburse for anyone buyin' me booze beforehand, otherwise it'll be flask tiem. User:CiNiC

I can't fucking go to one, unfortunately. Those of you who are going to crash one of the Wiknics, please remember to write about your experiences! Suki 19:14, 22 June 2012 (EDT)

i'm bringing my iPhone, and h64 has a nice camera iirc. -hipcrime   19:45, 22 June 2012 (EDT)
cops stole my good one, ill bring a regular digital cam tho H64 23:41, 22 June 2012 (EDT)
weak. shoulda gone to pride instead. -hipcrime   11:19, 24 June 2012 (EDT)

I couldn't figure out who was from Wikipedia and who wasn't. There wasn't any groups larger than 5 people in the commons in Boston. If there was a meetup either it was a flop or I totally missed it somehow. --zaiger (talk) 11:39, 24 June 2012 (EDT)

there were about 20 at the sanfrancisco one. at first, we couldn't identify them but their nametags gave them away. amorrow was apparently at last years weaknic, but i didnt think to look for him. we sat on the grass and had a picnic, took a couple of (bad) pix, and left. totally worth it. -hipcrime   12:54, 24 June 2012 (EDT)
yeah, the wicnic was p lame. we sat off to the side and drank and gave them dirty looks, then we wandered over to the gays at castro. hipcrime made friends with a bum. H64 17:00, 25 June 2012 (EDT)

Memorial Page Tourism Alert: Erik Rhodes Facebook Memorial

Facebook memorial for James Elliot Naughtin, aka Erik Rhodes. Potential for lulz eruption. Should be monitored. MisterSnuggles 05:06, 20 June 2012 (EDT)

Epic frothing butthurt in 5...4...3...2...1...
--Onideus   11:17, 20 June 2012 (EDT)
Awww, they baleeted it. Looks like if you want any dramaz you'll have to start a separate memorial page for the d00d, cause on that one they're just mass baleeting off anything that isn't sucking the dead d00d's dick.
Here's the original post:
"passed away unexpectedly"
...uh...the guy was like a suicide freak and an nth level drug addict (amongst other things)..."unexpectedly" isn't exactly the word I would use to describe his death. Pretty well everyone who had ever even heard of the guy knew he was going to keel over at any time. Let's hope his sordid life can serve as a billboard for what happens when you become a screwed up druggie. I blame his friends and family the most though. Where were *THEY* when he was shooting up drugs and nearly killing himself left and right? They could have done a *LOT* more to help him, especially early on in life...before he became such a horrific drug addict.
Works good as a template to use on other memorial sites. There's a few important points, the most important one is to blame their friends and family for their death as much as possible. Attacking a dead d00d is pretty well pointless directly (not like they can read it), what you're really trying to do is incite froth from those that ~liked~ the dead d00d. As such pinning blame on them and slapping them with a guilt trip is *VERY* effective. Likewise, painting their death as shameful, disgraceful, abhorrent or otherwise despicable will also work well.
On a final note, reverse any attempts at labeling you as a "troll". For example on Georgia Varley's memorial page I depicted the majority of her supporters as imposters that were just ~claiming~ that they knew her or were friends with her. And then I started painting them up as sordid pedophilic freaks who were molesting her memorial page simply because she was a pretty little rich underage white girl with nice tits. Pointing out how they weren't posting on any ~other~ memorial pages, pointing out that if she had been a minority/ugly/poor that they wouldn't have even cared at all, etc, etc. Basically painting myself up as a righteous slayer of nasty pedophiles who were only interested in her death because they were spoogin all over her media photos.
You could use a similar tactic with this guy, claim that his supporters and those that are "sorry" about his death are only actually sad that they'll never be able to suck his cock. Works better for his non-gay supporters/friends (because honestly, most of his gay friends ~are~ just sad that they'll never get the chance to suck his cock).
--Onideus   02:04, 22 June 2012 (EDT)


I made a template for SonicFags and added it to every related page I could find. If anyone knows about this and can think of any article iv missed (or can help make my template less of an eyesore) please do so. <3 <3 <3   09:03, 20 June 2012 (EDT)

Tweaker Girl busted for making meth twice. The first time in a Wal-mart

While ED was down, much lulz was occurring in America. For instance, in St. Louis, Jennifer Vaughn-Culp (Facebook) got busted for making shake-n-bake in a Wal-mart. From pulling up the story, which was on June 7th, this isn't the first time some Tweaker has made meth in such a refined place as Wal-mart. In fact, some guy in Ohio just got busted today and someone in Los Angeles a few days ago. Sure this happens all the time. However, there must be some judge in St. Louis County court who is so naive to let criminals walk. And so Vaughn was let go, only to do it again on June 18. The second time she threw the bottle which sadly didn't make go boom. Vaughn is likely to be sent to State pound-me-in-the-ass Prison when this is over. But she won't be alone. Mary Busch will be joining her. They can make one of those lesbian prison movies. --SadMonkey 22:40, 20 June 2012 (EDT)

Karen Klein

Anyone working on an article about the bullied bus monitor raid?--FlamingMudkip 17:08, 21 June 2012 (EDT)

A Diamond In The Rough

Look what I stumbled across:

At first I thought maybe it was that Daniel Woodward guy, but I'm pretty sure he just did free/traded fan art for him at one point. Anyway, this guy could be the next Chris Chan. Aside from his obviously being a man-child and horrific adult level crayon rape his subject material is just...WOW! Basically he idolizes Michael Jackson, cosplays as the Pedo of Pop, draws himself ~as~ Michael Jackson, often with Pokemon characters, especially "Officer Jenny" and he also apparently has an unhealthy obsession with Chuck E. Cheese:

He also has numerous pictures where he draws himself in cartoon form holding a gun to his head. His usual attire apparently involves wearing really poorly silk-screen printed t-shirts featuring his "art" and he can often be seen wearing a fingerless SINGLE GLOVE on his public. ಠ_ಠ

Oh, he also has a "book" and by "book" I mean cookie cutter publishing molested with hordes of his Crayola rape:

...and for only FORTY ONE DOLLARS! Wow, what a bargain! :D

He looks to be pretty "untouched" as far as trolling goes. I couldn't find very many "hidden comments" on his DA page, which is surprising considering how long he's been around. According to his YouTube account(s) he's 25 years old:

And going by the three videos he has up I'm ASSuming that he's either friends with or apart of some kind of "Retard Club" or...something. I only skimmed through with no audio so I'm not completely sure. There's a really hilarious part though in one video where he's dancing:

This guy could be a potential lulz-mine, especially if he reacts favorably to trolling...and by that I mean spaz out in 38 different directions with the right incentive. I think maybe I'll try and poke at him a bit, maybe ask him some random questions like if he has ass-burgers and such. I don't want to scare him off too quickly with a full trolling onslaught. Better to go with the more subtle "pretend to want to be friends" approach. --Onideus   05:14, 22 June 2012 (EDT)

I see a possible lollercoaster on the way. ДlεχThεRσϛε 14:01, 23 June 2012 (EDT)

Your Very Own Personal Sonic Recolor!

1) Go to Google images.

2) Search for your first name followed by "the hedgehog".


--Onideus   06:02, 22 June 2012 (EDT)

[5] --One With The Lulz 09:02, 22 June 2012 (EDT)
  - Mr Jonzz   09:08, 22 June 2012 (EDT)
thisthreadagain.jpg   23:44, 22 June 2012 (EDT)
I beat you to it like a year or so ago! Lord Tony 03:31, 23 June 2012 (EDT)

Offended Page & Editing

So whats with the "Offended" page coming up if you click edit on any page ? (Barf)  TUXLIE  19:55, 23 June 2012 (EDT)

I think it's fixed now. Weirdness. --Onideus   20:29, 23 June 2012 (EDT)
Well, it was fixed...for about 30 seconds, then went back, now it's off again. --Onideus   20:35, 23 June 2012 (EDT)
autoblocks is broken, and affecting everyone for some reason. Ehhhh sorry about that, I have notified E and maybe he can fix the problem I have also removed all autoblocks so you shouldn't experience any problems. ~Oblique 00:41, 24 June 2012 (EDT)
E says the problem has been fixed. ~Oblique 03:17, 24 June 2012 (EDT)
Kewl. Of all the pages it could show it had to be bloody "Offended" didn't it !  TUXLIE  10:30, 24 June 2012 (EDT)

I just stumbled upon a fucked up youtube channel.

This looks like a goldmine to me, do with it as you will. Lord Tony 12:10, 24 June 2012 (EDT)

Looks like an AB/DL Exhibitionist, I usually stay away from those types...mostly cause they usually get off on you trolling and poking at them. Like this fact that might be Damien's YouTube account (wouldn't surprise me). --Onideus   12:29, 24 June 2012 (EDT)

loli removal drive

I'd like to remove all of the lolicon from ED. If you guys could get together a list of links to the allegedly disgusting pedobait for the sysops to go over and delete I would appreciate it. Having articles on loli, toddlercon, yuri, yaoi etc is fine, but there doesn't need to be actual sexualized imaged of children included therein. I hope everyone else feels the same way. So we need a discussion and a huge argument about the first amendment and obscenity laws or can we just go ahead and get the shit off the wiki? --zaiger (talk) 12:34, 24 June 2012 (EDT)

get it out or risk losing ED. i haven't seen any though. :\ -hipcrime   12:39, 24 June 2012 (EDT) [struck absurdity 20:27, 25 June 2012 (EDT)]
Yeah, it's a moot matter as far as law, at least as far as drawn material goes. Not unless the server is located in Australia where they've actually ruled that imaginary children are, seriously, they have. That's honestly the only real argument though I can see for promoting the shit, just to piss people (Australia) off. The potential problem as I see it though is that pedos and others are basically trying to use ED as a kind of image dump site, possibly for purposes of hotlinking, promotion/spam, or just to have their own private external file server. On many of the articles brought up it's basically like the article itself has become completely littered with nothing ~but~ pedo whack off material. --Onideus   22:17, 25 June 2012 (EDT)
I just removed a bunch of it from the Baby Fuck article. Someone emailed me letting me know it was there, looked like reups from old ED so it has been there for a while. I am sure there is more, there are over 200,000 images on the server. --zaiger (talk) 12:42, 24 June 2012 (EDT)
As an alternative, existing content, or rather old content (not new stuff uploaded just for the sake of creating a pedo archive) could be censored, like with blockatiel stuff, or just pixelated/black boxed. Not really for random articles, but for articles that pertain directly to CP, like the BF article. With some stuff it's a bit of a gray area though, like Rule 34 stuff, cause most of that is supposed to fall into the category of "shock images". When you start getting into cartoon/anime art it becomes even grayer. --Onideus   12:52, 24 June 2012 (EDT)
404 girl and Azumanga Daiho are both flooded with CP. Lucky Star looks like CP, but all the characters are in their last year in high school so it doesn't count. Best to look into all anime related articles imo  oddguy  12:47, 24 June 2012 (EDT)
Megatokyo has Freds digusting hidden loli porn section.
Pretty well every other anime/cartoon page has got some loli/rule 34 shit in it, it's gonna take a lot of effort to get it all out. --Onideus   12:59, 24 June 2012 (EDT)
Ok well I will work on it in the next few days. I just deleted a bunch, but yeah it's gonna take some work. -zaiger (talk) 13:00, 24 June 2012 (EDT)
The Family Guy article seems to have a whole epic shit ton of it (mostly with Meg stuff). --Onideus   13:02, 24 June 2012 (EDT)
On the Family Guy article, it also looks like there's spam/advertising going on, like this bit:
"more pictures like this at!"
It might be easier to look at users uploading it (provided it's newish content), as some of them may simply be spam artists mass uploading branded porn pics to dozens of articles. --Onideus   13:07, 24 June 2012 (EDT)
bleedman article has alot. Some of it is only implied nudity so I think it's okay, but some of it is straight up loli porno.  oddguy  13:12, 24 June 2012 (EDT)
Drawn Sex  oddguy  13:24, 24 June 2012 (EDT)
The implied nudity and even partial nudity (topless etc) are fine, just the hardcore drawn CP is what I'm looking to get rid of, that's the only obscenity ever really prosecuted. And yeah I saw the Hotdog shit, that is def spam. All of the shit with that logo can go no matter what the content. --zaiger (talk) 14:00, 24 June 2012 (EDT)
I'll join in after the England football match tonight (Quarterfinals Amerifags!) Is there a method or is it just going through article by article that you think might have some ?  TUXLIE  14:15, 24 June 2012 (EDT)
Where do you want the links posted Zaiger ? I've just discovered I can't delete images heh  TUXLIE  14:22, 24 June 2012 (EDT)
Just post links to the articles they are in here. --zaiger (talk) 15:41, 24 June 2012 (EDT)
I found a few articles with what looks like loli in them.
  1. Azumanga Daioh In the gallery.
  2. Cardcaptor Sakura Gallery again.
I'll add more later, ED isn't working well for me right now.~ Sirkillsalot 08:56, 25 June 2012 (EDT)

Check out Lucky Star  TUXLIE  18:39, 25 June 2012 (EDT)

You know it might be easier to just search out pages that have that "More Rule34" banner/template on them...which seems like that's what was inciting the problem to begin with. Every page that has a crap load of kiddy porn on it has that idiot banner plastered across the top of it. --Onideus   19:10, 25 June 2012 (EDT)

This topic begins the process of you selling your soul Zaiger. Not a one of the images you delete could ever be more crude and offensive than File:Baby-fuck.jpg which tops the Baby Fuck article. "there doesn't need to be actual sexualized imaged of children" ? ED isn't about what there 'needs' to be, because editors understand that need is subjective. That what is added is subject matter that illustrates and aids in clarifying matters. A huge discussion over the first amendment and obscenity laws would be EXCELLENT. I really hope this is some kind of very late April Fools Day joke. Ty c 02:28, 8 July 2012 (EDT)

Wow what a surprise that Tyciol is the only person who is bitching about this. Do you see all the people up there ^ who agreed? It is a consensus. The baby-fuck image is relevant to the article, that's why it isn't being removed. We are just removing the irrelevant shit. Anyways, this thread is from last month, and you come by 3 weeks later and bitch about it now? Why didn't you say something in the beginning? And I thought you were trying to suppress your "pedophile" label? This definitely isn't helping. --zaiger (talk) 13:45, 8 July 2012 (EDT)
Zaiger I thought you were better than this. Being the first to bitch about it publically on Thizzlehat doesn't mean I'm the only person doing it. My guess is others are keeping it private because (hey, since we're being presumptuous) you and others would probably call them a pedophile if they opposed the decision. This is a pathetic consensus "all the people" is hip, oni, odd, tux, sirkills, and maybe sir jonzz. That's 6 people. You proposed this less than a month ago, you're not going to get input from people who go on hiatus and may only check out the site when they have a meme to contribute about. Yeah, sometimes I may not visit ED for a couple weeks. Even when people visit ED, they don't always check the Thizzlehat or find out via the IRC or whatever. It's like you're looking down on people for having other interests?
I suppress the pedophile label by pointing out that I've never assumed it and that it's inaccurate and has bad etymology, not by pretending I don't believe in free speech or pretending that I don't like loli art, because those are both clearly awesome. I think you know full well this has the potential to snowball beyond removing off-topic art (which is already done for the most part, random loli art isn't surviving on the nigra article is it?) to actually compromising the free flow of information in existing articles. Ty c 03:04, 12 July 2012 (EDT)

For removal? - Mr Jonzz   02:44, 9 July 2012 (EDT)

  • Well yes, she has childish/youthful characteristics: like the vast majority of Japanese fan-art. Better err on the side of caution and mass-delete in case ED offends someone. Alternatively, if ED doesn't want to host things, we should at least include a link like this one for various character in their place, and make sure that any art on ED is present there before deleting it. Can you imagine if we deleted art without assuring its safekeeping? That's just a bad day. Ty c 03:04, 12 July 2012 (EDT)


This guy is stirring up minor drama on the 'tubes and has a blog as well; if noone makes an article or wants to, I'll start it in my userspace. No link provided, because I'm on a shitty iPad that won't provide YT video source addresses.--Lurkaholic 03:06, 25 June 2012 (EDT)

Major Weeabess

You might remember this video from the Japanese earthquake last year

Well I just came across this article and it seems this annoying little cunt is even creepier than once thought. --One With The Lulz 07:06, 26 June 2012 (EDT)

That's an actual sexual fetish you know...would you like to see some extremely creepy artwork? :D
They make these "doll suit" things (they have an a specific name for them in Japan), a lot of them modeled specifically after anime characters. There's a "furry" side to it too (of course), basically wearing fursuits that look more like giant plushies (or just regular fursuits). Don't know if there's an article for it or not...if not there probably should be.
--Onideus   15:39, 26 June 2012 (EDT)
We already have an article on her - Venusangelic Mike the Great (talk) 21:49, 26 June 2012 (EDT)

4 articles that are all the same thing

Married to the Sea is a webcomic made by Oldnataliedee and Drewtoothpaste, who made another webcomic that spawned JESUS CHRIST IT'S A LION GET IN THE CAR!.

Why are there four articles? Can I get a green light to turn all of these into one article? Ill leave it as "JESUS CHRIST IT'S A LION GET IN THE CAR!" and redirect everything else to it... in fact, Married to the Sea is a crap, vanity article about their unfunny, not noteworty webcomic, that was either written by them or by one of their autistic fans. I might as well just make a sub section for all their comics (there are four of them, but they are all exactly the same) and be done with it.

Thought?  oddguy  21:52, 26 June 2012 (EDT)

  • Fuck you cunt, I like MTTS. - Mr Jonzz   14:12, 27 June 2012 (EDT)
  • ok so fix it then aspie. --zaiger (talk) 15:35, 27 June 2012 (EDT)
  • eat a dick yo.

I didn't want to spend time fixing it only to get told "stop mass blanking articles *rollback*" Anyway, cool +1 for my to do list.  — Preceding comment added by oddguy (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

  • None of your Buseys point to your user page. Just sayin' (and the comment above isn't mine)  TUXLIE  21:09, 27 June 2012 (EDT))
You don't have to mass blank the articles. Do you mean they are literally carbon copies of each other, or are they just similar? I cba to check atm. --zaiger (talk) 00:26, 10 July 2012 (EDT)
They're different articles, but none have more than one section. I would think he's getting at a merge. Mike the Great (talk) 00:30, 10 July 2012 (EDT)
^this. each one is either a stub, or could easily be worked into jcialgitc. -hipcrime   06:28, 12 July 2012 (EDT)
Yes, I was talking about a merge. Drew toothpaste and natalia Dee are husbend and wife. They made 3 comics together (maybe 4) one of which is MITS and another one spawned "it's a lion get in the car". There is no need for 4 articles. I will make them all into one.  oddguy  11:28, 17 July 2012 (EDT)

This bitch makes her dog take hits off her bong.

Thread on /b/ 404'd

The tumblr in question



This is beyond fucked up. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 16:29, 27 June 2012 (EDT)

i dont see him complaining   17:01, 27 June 2012 (EDT)
Mmmm...not necessarily...keep in mind that human drugs don't usually have the same effects on animals. I mean, I don't see anyone getting upset over giving cats catnip and, well, to them it ~is~ a recreational drug. Likewise if you give cats opium it has the opposite effect in humans. Where as with humans it makes us feel tranquil, at ease and is generally kind of a downer, for cats it's like super speed, it has the same analgesic/pain relief, but it makes them incredibly hyper active, almost like being on speed. Anyway, tl;dr (for all you tweenage muppet fucks)...human physiology =/= animal physiology.
Besides which, far, far, far, *FAR* worse has been done and ~is being~ done to animals...mostly in laboratory testing facilities. I say we let the 4Chan furry kiddies handle this one if they want to try and "make the world a better place...on dog at a time"...yeah, right. *rolls eyes* And yes, yes I am a cynical, sarcastic bastard. --Onideus   17:07, 27 June 2012 (EDT)
How would the dog know to create an air-tight seal and then inhale for long enough to draw any smoke through? Smells like doggy-doo to me. - Mr Jonzz   17:09, 27 June 2012 (EDT)
Of course we all are ASSuming that there's even any pot in the bong at all. Could be entirely fake just to make dramas. --Onideus   17:39, 27 June 2012 (EDT)

Found some reading on the effects it can have on dogs:

Apparently they get quite a number of cases where idiots have given their dogs marijuana, not that many that result in death though. Overall it's not really some epic problem...not when you put it into perspective with other things. And hey, if you want to have your dog vomiting and pissing all over your room, well...who is the Internet to stop you? --Onideus   17:43, 27 June 2012 (EDT)

Forgetting about the potential 'animal cruelty' for one second; if this is legit then the girl is a fucking retard for wasting good matress-stuffings on a dumb animal... unless by some strange quirk it happens to be a King Crimson fan. - Mr Jonzz   18:47, 27 June 2012 (EDT)
Whenever a certain friend of mine would come over he would always make a joint and my cat would always go and sit on his lap and go to sleep. Every-time. This is the same cat that the vet gave Temazapam to when she got stressed when we moved house. She lived to be 23 (about 109 human years) and at the end the vet had her on liquid morphine (or whatever the cat equivalent is)  TUXLIE  21:17, 27 June 2012 (EDT)
Oh yeah, she was also totally blind for the last 3 years of your life. God, I loved that cat ;(  TUXLIE  21:20, 27 June 2012 (EDT)
Every time your nice to animals I get a boner. Mike the Great (talk) 05:42, 28 June 2012 (EDT)
Are you "just-a-noodle?" lol. Lord Tony 05:51, 28 June 2012 (EDT)
No, I'm just a cute wittle wolf-fox boy :3 At least I'm not a brony rite? Mike the Great (talk) 19:11, 28 June 2012 (EDT)
I got a bit carried awat there didn't I ? I was a bit "tired and emotional"  TUXLIE  19:15, 28 June 2012 (EDT)
Every pothead ever gets their pets high. Stop being such a downer, faggot. What are you a narc or something? Fucking lamer. --zaiger (talk) 20:09, 8 July 2012 (EDT)

ED doesn't seem very active as much as it use to be,

Where is the drama? Where is the faggots bitching? My watchlists aren't even being updated regularly anymore as they use to be. The only drama we have is a woman making her bitch smoke out of a bong. Lord Tony 05:01, 29 June 2012 (EDT)

Because we're old and tired and we don't care anymore.
PS A pretty good drama right now is Charles Carreon vs. The World
Also, cocks. --Gseed 07:41, 29 June 2012 (EDT)
ED is focused on biting satire. Unfortunately this conflicts with the love and tolerance our staff here share so we're not as active as we have been before we discovered friendship and magic. Also we lost a lot of SEO in the whole .com > .ch > .se thing.
Our peak is only half as high and notice people still try for .ch ;~; fortunately we have a good team of dedicated staff who will be here long enough to see it out that we're back up to our former glory, it'll just take some time. The first day we had .se it was hilariously dead. Mike the Great (talk) 19:00, 29 June 2012 (EDT)
Yeah I still encounter quite a number of people who think that the site is gone or ask questions about the .se thing. One thing you can do is to help promote the site yourself. Post links to various articles and such when they're relevant to the particular conversation/thread in another group...preferably one that has high traffic. The more sites linking in the better.
Also, getting older ~is~ a bit of a problem for some. That's one of the reasons why The Grand And Glorious Empire Of The Meow faded was originally started mostly by college kids...but after they got out of college and started down the career path...well, most of them left it aside.
That's one of the reasons why I try and push it as an art form; Invective Word Art and Reality Manipulation Art..."flaming" and "trolling" making it an art form it becomes something that isn't just for high school pranks, college shenanigans and trying to "get back" at a person. It becomes something which can be mastered, improved upon, it has meaning, purpose, direction, etc.
Some of us oldbies do stick around though. I believe Hipcrime and I are the oldest on here, dating back to the days of Usenet (where the arts originated), during the Meow Wars. That was like 17 years ago. Some also migrate to other groups over time. Like most of the original AAVFFF regs have migrated to a FB group, not really doing anything on Usenet at all these days. Most of them have families now, other responsibilities and such, not much time for the old fun. There's LOTS of examples of people fading out like that, like Kthor for example (what happened to all the pics on his page anyway), once he hooked up with a girl and they shat out a kid...yeah, he was pretty well done at that point. Same with the guy who originally started the Portal of Evil.
On the flip side though there's ALWAYS "new blood" coming into the scene, some of them a little wet behind the ears, but they've got the right spirit. Things change, that's something you usually learn when you get older, but you also learn that the more things change, the more they stay the same. The site won't die out though, if anything the site is in *FAR* better hands now than it ever was. Keep in mind that Butter Queen was a Usenet REJECT...she originally started out on Usenet...but she could only dish it...she couldn't take she ran off to the World Wide Waste to start her own group...because she was WEAK and didn't have the balls for the completely unregulated, zero ban hammer world of Usenet. I think that's why she eventually quit the site too, she knew deep down inside that she was just a poser class little flunkie trying to play pretend flaming/trolling artist. Good riddance to halfass rubbish. --Onideus   17:11, 29 June 2012 (EDT)
Stop bundling yourself with hipcrime pls. You're some kind of massive sperger and a pathological liar. Also stop pretending you're staff, fatty. 15:14, 30 June 2012 (EDT)
I think this is probably the first time I've ever even ~mentioned~ "him". You really don't know what Hipcrime really you? LOL
PROTIP, kiddo...Hipcrime isn't n'f n TEBHC...n irel, *IREL* anfgl TEBHC ng gung. Gur *ERNY* Uvcpevzr, gur bevtvany tebhc, npghnyyl flfgrzngvpnyyl boyvgrengrq pbhagyrff gubhfnaqf bs Hfrarg cbfgf bhg bs gur bevtvany Qrwn nepuvir naq nggrzcgrq gb erjevgr Hfrarg uvfgbel vgfrys...ernyyl jnf dhvgr gur fpnaqny bs gur ren. Gung naq nyy gur sybbqf naq fb sbegu. I don't know who the person on here who calls himself "Hipcrime" is at all, but the simple matter that they're aware of the NAME, means that they're from the same "generation" so to speak as me.
Also I'm not exactly "staff", but then, honestly, it wouldn't exactly matter because I don't actually believe in things like "banning". But, that's because I'll always be a Usenet regular at heart...and there is no such thing as banning on Usenet kiddo. That would be the difference between you and I. Those like you run away from kooks and nut jobs...those like me, we INFLAME THEM, often to the point of kookplosion, to the point where they become absolutely obsessed with trying to "get back" at you. Someone like you will probably never know or appreciate the fun of TAKING a person's life...not physically mind you (anyone can do that), but MENTALLY ~taking~ a person's very existence and forcing them to fixate completely, entirely, unequivocally upon your very being.
You are right about the liar thing though...I do that quite more ways than you or anyone else will ever know. I am glad you like my article though...especially given how much money was put into it. I really do need a piece from Kalida would match well with the ones from SBN and Astolpho. Could use a bit less...insane froth, though. That Robert James kook really did a number on it, but most of his more insane stuff was removed by others at least.
Always remember this though...nearly every single thing in my article is either directly designed to infuriate someone, or some group...or to entice them into doing something. For example, that SINGLE image is currently causing one Candace Stewart the most enraged butthurt imaginable! I mean, you seriously have no idea just how pissed off you can make a furry until you take one of their coveted little "fursonas" and turn it into a babyfur whilst running around claiming it as your personal "fursona". :3
--Onideus   16:28, 2 July 2012 (EDT)
  • v pubfr gur anzr gb erghea fxrjrq erfhygf sbe nalbar bofrffrq rabhtu gb tbbtyr zr. :) -hipcrime   17:23, 2 July 2012 (EDT)
V svtherq nf zhpu, sha gb zrff jvgu gur xbbxf. V jbaqre vs nalbar orfvqrf whfg hf pna ernq nal bs guvf gubhtu. EBG13 unf xvaqn snyyra bhg bs cbchynevgl va gebyyvat pvepyrf va gur cnfg qrpnqr...needs a comeback I think!
We could always switch to 011000100110100101101110011000010111001001111001
...might be easier for the newer generations...moar bloaty though. Onfr64 jbhyq or orggre...nygubhtu rira zbne bofpher guna EBG13. --Onideus   17:38, 2 July 2012 (EDT)
lrf, nf bofpher nf zbgureshpxva Pnrfne pvcure
nygubhtu zsj V ernq nyy gung jnf fgvyy yvxr:   --Gseed 17:57, 2 July 2012 (EDT)
I think you mean a art.   But srys.
>On ED
>Complaining about lack of edits
Mike the Great (talk) 21:24, 29 June 2012 (EDT)
Actually it was originally a single art, called UPA or Usenet Performance Art. The "trolling" name didn't come around until after. There's quite a number of different ways to look at it though. Mike Reed's work is very entertaining. --Onideus   17:48, 29 June 2012 (EDT)
Oh, spelling mistake, LOL, I didn't even notice until now. If you really want to be my personal online secretary though I do have quite a bit of stuff that needs to be copy edited. :3
--Onideus   17:51, 29 June 2012 (EDT)
"Unfortunately this conflicts with the love and tolerance" so bronies killed ED? Lord Tony 06:29, 30 June 2012 (EDT)
Erm no it's an old 4chan meme, I guess I thought it was more wide spread. It's simple you just say "Trolling is a art" and then when people say "an art" you trollface them basically. Mike the Great (talk) 18:49, 30 June 2012 (EDT)
I never much cared for 4chan to be honest...too...fleeting, I guess you could say. I prefer at least some measure of permanence. I just never much saw the point in reposting shit over and over and over and over again ad nauseam. I mean I still link to decade old Usenet posts for reference like they were made them just last week.'s a beautiful thing! :D
--Onideus   16:28, 2 July 2012 (EDT)
The dying is not because of .com > .ch or .ch > .se but rather because they notice ED losing its soul once more so they figure "I may as well go to OhI". Here I thought this reincarnation could have the ability to absorb the validity of fallen wikis and eclipse itself. Ty c 02:46, 8 July 2012 (EDT)
>Implying anybody goes there Mike the Great (talk) 06:47, 8 July 2012 (EDT)
You *MUST* be joking...right? According to Alexa's rankings, OhInternet is fumbling at around 30 thousand domestically, with a serious overall decline/bomb since it was brought online. On the flip side, ED Proper has been holding quite steadily in the top 10 thousand range, which is *REALLY* impressive given three major domain changes. If anything it's a testament to just how important the SITE is over the DOMAIN...which is largely atypical of the old tech bubble's prevailing notion that the domain is more important than the site/content...which sort of explains ~why~ the old tech bubble burst all apart so quick. --Onideus   03:44, 8 July 2012 (EDT)
The domain is only a few months old, we just need to write better articles and to get some more back links. In order to get more back-links we need better content. That's where you faggots come in. Instead of complaining about it, fix it. Link us fucking everywhere. Link us from Twitter, Facebook and googgle plus. Write blogs about us. We need to have more activity for the search engines to see, only then will our page-rank and alexa rank recover. So fucking get on that shit, like right now. --zaiger (talk) 13:51, 8 July 2012 (EDT)

QOTN suggestion

As if /r/atheism wasn't already faggy enough, here's something a moderator said.

“It happened to me at my dad's funeral. He wasn't religious, but some woman he didn't even like got up and started singing some religious song. I jumped up and started raging at the entire place. I flipped my shit and started saying every cuss word I could think of. I raged for a while and stormed out. My dad was prominent in the community and there was a lot of people there all dressed up and I had on an old Subhumans tshirt. It was actually pretty awesome, I wish someone would have filmed it.

It did piss me off that he was misrepresented. The woman singing was the last straw. Several others had gotten all preachy and shit too.”

/r/atheism's moderators fulfill their every stereotype. They are literally unable to function in public because they lack the basic manners associated with not being a retarded man-child. And this moderator is a female.

Honestly, I'd like nothing more than to hack /r/atheism's mods accounts and take that shithole down, but I have no idea how to go about doing that.

--Daviddwd 08:54, 30 June 2012 (EDT)

If you look really carefully you'll notice that comment has been downvoted into oblivion. So it's quite literally not any representation of /r/atheism. Elvis 11:19, 30 June 2012 (EDT)
It was upvoted, but then /r/SubredditDrama, /r/circlebroke, /r/circlejerk, /r/Braveryjerk, /r/ShitRedditSays, and several others who fucking hate /r/atheism got a hold of the thread, and downvoted it to hell. It is quite what one should expect from /r/atheism. Not tolerance of others' beliefs, but hatred of the concept of religion and angst. --Daviddwd 12:11, 30 June 2012 (EDT)