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Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/December 11, 2014

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Neil Patrick Harris

Neil Patrick Harris is an alter ego of Barney Stinson and a popular A-list so-called celebrity. He is best known for being gay, starring in some ‘80s TV series that you can't even recall, and meeting your mother. It should also be noted, that despite his wide-open gayness and the fact that he's already "married" AND has two adopted kids, he's one of the most longed-for fingering material to half of the heterosexual women population in this world.

There's not really much to tell about this smug faggot and his acting career before 2005, maybe except for the fact that he somehow graduated from high school. After a couple lousy roles here and there, '05 was the year that he was finally granted a chance to become famous: by morphin into suit-wearing, irresistible sex machine Barney Stinson into a brilliant, award-winning sitcom called How I Met Your Mother.

Aside from being unfunny on the television and humping men's asses, Harris would also become an inspiration for moar RAGE comics and memes, no surprise there. There are at least three infamous memes starring Harris and his creepy personality of Barney. These are named: Legen-wait for it-dary!, True Story, and Challenge Accepted. They are all equally unfunny and forced, but the first one is more of an annoying quote that every fan on the show will use no matter where and what for.

Fun fact: in the series, he's heterosexual.

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