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DOOM is the video game adaptation of the critically acclaimed movie of the same name. Like every time when a good movie is turned into a video game, the game sucks. Fans of the movie cried that they did not stick to the original plot of having people get a virus and turn into either a superhuman or a monster, depending on how many times they were molested as a kid. They complained about the idea of having teleportation technology giving demons the opportunity to rule the Earth was unoriginal, even though they, at the same time, love Warhammer 40k and steal that part of the plot for the story of one of their figurines.

The whole story of Doom, in YouTube videos




Your typical Doom Furfag

The Imp

Breakfast with Mancubus

Lunch with Mancubus

Dinner with Mancubus


The final boss!

The player takes the role of a silent protagonist, only known as the Doom guy. As this totally original character that is almost never used in today's FPS games, you are sent to a military base or some shit on the Mars moon Phobos. The booklet that originally came with the game explained most of the backstory, but nobody reads those, do they? Basically, shit gets real, and Satan sends his minions after you, and you shoot them in the face. Lather, rinse, repeat. Wow, what a great gameplay mechanic. Shoot monsters until they die.

There is also something about a large evil corporation, and since all corporations are evil, this is bad news for our hero. The so-called Union Aerospace Corporation is responsible for bridging hell to the moons of Mars and the Earth, and therefore they must be put down, Obama style. Eventually, once you slaughter enough innocent hell-creatures, Satan shows up and you fire dildos in his brains, killing him.

Episodes & Megawads

PROTIPs stop you from failing.

Doom I

  • Knee-Deep in the Dead - The first episode, designed by John Romero. For this alone thousands of fanboys will fellate Romero until the end of time. Way too fucking easy, even back in the day - but basically acts as a "design guide" for every newfag mapper.
  • The Shores of Hell - A mixed bag of maps with great music and weird design choices. This is where Sandy Petersen's reign of terror started.
  • Inferno - Mostly fugly, rushed maps with irritating, misaligned texture-placement and a pathetic final boss.
  • Thy Flesh Consumed - Released after Doom II, Romero and other mappers created a bunch of prequel maps that were purely designed to piss off shitters who said Doom I was too easy. This episode was mainly created to make extra bucks from retail sales with Doom I (now renamed to "The Ultimate Doom"), instead of mail orders.
  • Sigil - After more than 25 years, Romero decided that it's time again to dab on a bunch of game journalists and release ANOTHER Doom 2 - prequel mapset, filled to the brim with bullshit encounters. Most notably, he abused the difficulty settings to make Ultra Violence overly hard, while Hurt me Plenty was the actual default difficulty. The maps are full of lava and filled with tight hallways. Because of Romero it has also become common behaviour to shoot eyeballs to open secrets in every user .wad released after 2019. He made everyone his bitch again.

Doom II

  • Hell on Earth - It is commonly agreed that the Doom II maps are worse than I's, showing signs of being rushed and having mostly brown-ish, boring areas. They make up for it by having larger concentrations of monsters and a sandbox-like feeling. Doom 2's saving grace were, in the long run, the new monsters, the Super Shotgun and the mapping community.
  • Master Levels for Doom II - A bunch of absolutely shitty .wads made by different mappers from 1995, sold officially at retail stores. The name of this product is pure irony.
  • No Rest for the Living - Created for the Xbox Live port of the Xbox 360 by Nerve Software. Solid addition of good maps.

Final Doom

  • TNT: Evilution - Starts off with nice looking tech bases, but turns into a same-ish looking slog not very much later. At the end the maps become almost unbearably shitty and there's not much happening, other than killing one wave of monsters after the other.
  • The Plutonia Experiment - An entire megawad specifically created to make 1996 Doom players cry and ragequit. Innumerable amounts of Chaingunners, Revenants and Archviles around every corner wait to fuck you up whenever possible. Admittedly, user maps have become way, way harder - but it is quite a testament when an old-ass mappack can still piss off thousands of players.

User Wads

... so much to rip & teaaaaaaar ...
... so much to rip & teaaaaaaar ...

Too many user .wads exist, that's why we have a dropdown list
> Click here <


Typical Doom monster.
  • Former Human - The most pointless enemies in the game, as they can be killed by a mild gust of wind and shoot their little pea shooters worse than women at NRA festivals. Getting killed by one is an indication that you fail at life and should do the right thing. Easily gibbed, so what they lack in strength they make up in lulz. Basically pointless retards with handguns and the intent (though definitively not the skill) to use them.
  • Spectre - Like the above, only mostly invisible, making them expert stalkers. Make them take a seat right over there with your super shotgun.
  • Imp - Angry nigger devils which are pretty useless, even in large numbers. Impse them with your fists of rage. Fling fireballs at you, which you can dodge by slightly moving your body 2 inches.
Archie and the rest of the gang
  • Lost Soul - Horned flaming skulls which will either swarm the player or (more likely) go flying off into oblivion. If one is charging at you, just shoot him once with the pistol, and they'll slowly, retardedly float backwards until they touch a wall. Do this to one across a massive map for extra lulz.
  • Revenant - Shoots guided missiles that will follow you like a Catholic to a kindergarten. Surprisingly scary for a demon that runs like a retarded child. Looks like a huge fucking skeleton in combat armor with missile-launcher shoulders, essentially angry Skull Trumpets.
  • Mancubus - Reportedly modeled after your mom, though with the semen removed from her face for the sake of good taste. The "man" in the name is a reference to her appearance. Randomly shoots fireballs that usually hit everything, but the player.
  • Baron of Hell - Were an ever-so-mildly threatening boss at the end of Episode 1. They seem big and scary at first, but all but the most pathetic of players will easily outrun them and their slow-moving green blobs they hurl at you. Their entire existence is to act as roadblocks, be the monster you waste most of your ammo on, infight other monsters and be a cheap faggot that gets a lucky shot on the player, because he got tired of dodging a hundred million Imp fireballs.
  • Hell Knight - Recolor of the Baron of Hell with half the hit points, making it the only OC in history to be weaker than the character it's a recolor of. In theory more dangerous than Barons, because they're commonly spammed in many custom maps, while doing the same damage as their big brothers.
  • Arachnotron - "Awwww, it's so cute ... how can you even shoot this little thing?" - Your ex. Fucking brain on robot legs with a plasma penis. Like its mommy, it needs ridiculous amounts of walking space to even get from point A to B and gets stuck at every corner.
  • Archvile - A spooky scary anorexic skeleton which resurrects the dead and sets you on fire. Extremely annoying when you just killed 20 Barons and it ran across them, resurrecting all of the retards, while you were dealing with a single fucking Chaingunner twenty miles away on a ledge, that was somehow hitting you across all that space.
  • Cyberdemon - To defeat the cyberdemon, shoot at it until it dies. Giant minotaurus with a robot arm, that spams three rockets with every attack. One hit and you're basically fucked. Just circlestrafe and shit penis rockets at it, and it will die quicker than you can say "sausage party".
  • SS Trooper - id Software attempting to spread the Jewish lie that Aryans are short and bad at hitting moving targets. They're so lazily copied from Wolfenstein 3D, that Adrian Carmack didn't even bother to add any rotation sprites for the attack animation. Appears on the secret maps 31 and 32 and every terrible custom wad by a noob mapper, especially from the 90s.


  • Fists - Though Wolfenstein had used a combat knife as its default melee weapon, John Romero and Adrian Carmack decided that hairy fists better represented their working relationship. Worst weapon in the game unless you find a Berserk pack, then it turns into a CQC rocket launcher.
  • Chainsaw - Great against basic Demons and Cacodemons, who will turn away and cry like little bitches when chainsaw'd in the face. You will still get torn apart by everything else. Today's Doom players hate this weapon and will actively cry on Doomworld whenever you put it into your map, instead of a Berserk pack ... this is not a joke.
  • Pistol - Weak, impotent, and useless for nearly everything. On the plus side, compatible with UAC's 100-bullet ammo clips. Use only against Former Humans and maybe Imps, anything greater is asking to be assraped. Single shots are 100% accurate, but unless you're playing on a map that is autistically stingy with ammo, this is useless information.
  • Super Shotgun - Despite a reload time of 8 hours and an effective range of three feet, still one of the best weapons of all time. Instantly make everyone your bitch in multiplayer. Good for raping anything at close range, no exceptions.
  • Chaingun - Big-ass rotary-barrel machine gun ... which sounds like fucking bubble wrap (using the puny pistol noise) and behaves like an SMG. Use it to massacre Former Humans and lower demons, but don't even try touching anything above a Hell Knight.
  • Rocket Launcher - It was John Romero's explicit wish to include a dick which shoots smaller dicks as ammo. Behold the result.
  • Plasma Gun - ...and when that wasn't enough, he also wanted there to be a spooge gun as well. Makes the Chaingun its bitch, and shreds anything in general. Zoomers & soy boys cry about the noise it makes and constantly replace its sound effect in their maps.


Brutal Doom

Not long ago, in the late 2000s, some Brazilian thought Doom was obviously not "hardcore" enough, so he transformed Doom into a hypercharged version on crack, with cartoonish levels of blood and guts everywhere. The result is a COWADOOTY/Michael Bay Doom that attracts retards, zoomers and people who hate regular Doom gameplay. This mod poisoned the landscape of Doom mods in the early 2010s and is rightfully hated to this day.

It's a cheesy and childish mod. Taunts come straight out of a B action movie dubbed by some dude trying to act tough while recording in his bedroom. Takedowns come with crude, ridiculous animations and ludicrous amounts of blood - even more than your mom on her period. This washes out any emotional trigger it might have, and the cartoonish way in which all that gore happens, shatters any immersion into pieces. It also features overly loud gun noises that will cause Tinnitus for headphone users, cracks that block your vision, as well as Call of Duty blood smears on your helmet. There's also recoil and powered up monsters, turning every encounter into a peekaboo-fest or trench warfare, utterly destroying the original fast-paced, movement-based Doom gameplay.

To summarize it that way doesn't do it justice, the result manages to be even worse than the sum of these parts. Perhaps, particulary because it takes such a great game as a base and brings it down to the abysmal craphole many first-person shooters have been in for the last decade or so. This mod seemingly manages to take every terrible modern feature and shoves it into an old game, creating the worst possible scenario: a game with poor gameplay *and* outdated eye candy. It could be an ironic depiction, a statement about the stereotypical FPS gamer, but here comes the frightening part: THERE IS NO IRONY.

To put it in reference: in stock Doom, former humans are literally Down syndrome incarnate and serve as entertaining cannon fodder and mobile ammo boxes. In Brutal Doom, each and every former human is a solid rifle-wielding enemy on its own, and will rape you at 50 feet, turning any map that has a lot of these guys into a nightmare, which throws the difficulty curve into the trash. And they did nothing about the level of enemies. Your anus should come prepared, because rape and eternal discomfort is all you'll get in this mod.

Requires Zandronum or GZDoom to run.

It is also noteworthy, that instead of improving, this mod becomes more idiotically overblown with each version. Just play regular Doom with a good mod, like "Corruption Cards". Have some self-respect, you faggot.


In other news: Sergeant Mark IV has shown his true colors, revealing himself as a racist, sexist asshole who encourages suicide. No fucks were given among his fanbase, but this caused his banning across all major Doom forums. If you google hard enough you can find all his little outbursts, or see most of them in this review of Brutal Doom.

Source ports

Accurate comparison of all the popular ports (2010-2015)
Accurate comparison of all the popular ports (2010-2015)

Since Doom is an old-ass DOS game that almost certainly predates the average age of the Encyclopedia Dramatica reader, here's a list of ports people usually use to play it on a modern OS.



The ZDoom community is comparatively small, but the source port ZDoom itself is pretty popular among shitty and experienced mappers alike, due to all the FANCY EFFECTS, CUSTOM MONSTERRZZZ, UNLIMITED USE OF TEXTURES AND COEDING!!! it supports. There's a chance you'll find some decent mods for ZDoom (with some exceptions), and it's worth looking for them, if you don't mind some of the more fucked up people, who can be found on their forums. It is worth noting however, that ZDoom is outdated and was replaced by LZDoom, GZDoom and Zandronum.

If you want to troll a ZDoom fag, tell him that Eternity Engine is better than ZDoom and has more flexibility for modding.

Skulltag [Defunct]


A dead multiplayer port that was based on ZDoom. Some guy wanted to make a better version of ZDaemon, but as it turns out, in the end they both sucked. There also were a few over nine thousand furfags and ponyfags playing this port, so yes, trolling and flamewars were possible back then. However, in one of the later Skulltag updates, they added a "Ignore player" function. This made it harder to piss people off. Also you couldn't use the kick-shield glitch anymore, because the way you kick players was changed. Instead of typing the player's name you had to choose it. There was also a group of people called "The Nazi Rangers", which just plainly went around saying "GO GO NAZI RANGERS!!!" and stupid shit like that. They usually hung around in Jumpmaze servers. So as you can see, this was mostly just unimportant kiddie banter.

The forums were a breeding ground for furfags, weeaboos, spics, jews, retards, internet tough guys, faggots and black people. Most of the people who posted on the forum, didn't even play anymore. Instead they spent their pathetic lives bawwwwing about how the moderators were nazis who did nothing, but abused their powers (ironically the moderators rarely banned people and unbanned everyone later) and demanded that they'd ban someone, whenever they were made fun of. It was also home to some of the most hilariously retarded clans, such as "[Magic]", whose main tactics for achieving victory consisted of either a) saying they beat the opposing clan, even if they hadn't even challenged them yet b) blaming their defeat on lag and saying they were victorious, because they would have won if they hadn't lagged so much.

The Projects / Releases section of the forums was an especially lulzy place to be. Craptastic projects as "Swan Fox" are a perfect example of DeviantArt's odd ability to infect every goddamn nook and cranny of the internet with its poorly-drawn anime fanart. Even a source port for a videogame that was made at least 100 years ago was not safe.

Almost all other Skulltag projects followed the same template -- mundane shitty-looking material that had been ripped from Realm667 and hastily thrown together and pasted into ugly maps, that looked like they were made by a braindead 6-year-old with cerebal palsy.

After some shitstorm with details that nobody should give a fuck about, the staff of mentally deficient moderators and coders decided to set up shop elsewhere and left Skulltag to die. It is survived by a port with a stupid name, Zandronum, which is the exact same bullshit as Skulltag, minus Carnevil.

Chocolate Doom / Crispy Doom / PRBoom+

Despite all the positive additions of ZDoom, Retro Doomers/Doom purists viciously hate ZDoom and wish they could erase it from history. They're butthurt that their inferior ports cannot run ZDoom maps (which have existed since the mid-2000s!) and that it fucks with OG Doom's ruleset too much (no pre-defined RNG, no demo playback, and many other stupid minor things). Doom purists are pretty much the cancer that split the Doom community apart and are filled with tryhards, powergamers and speedrunners.

That's why these three (among many other) ports exist. Chocolate Doom emulates how Doom used to play and look like on MS-DOS. Crispy Doom is Chocolate Doom minus the terrible resolution. PRBoom+ (and as of more recent DSDA-Doom) is the culmination of decades of Doom modding that sticked to the original ruleset and is pretty much only used by speedrunners & powergamers to jack each other off. It is a really fucking ugly port, too.


Pretty much Skulltag 2: Electric Boogaloo. It is the most popular modern multiplayer port. You will need this to play dumb mods like Brutal Doom with others, for example. Almost all servers have overmodded wads and you'll have to download tons of crap every time you want to play. Also, like Skulltag, the community is filled with Bronies, Furries, Brazilian fat-asses who can barely speak English and of course, a shitload of kids telling you to shut up because you killed them ingame.. Can be used for single player and is slightly easier to set-up than GZDoom, but is also a technologically inferior version (A lot of newer mods do not work with Zandronum).


Doom purists whenever you release a map that offers Vanilla gameplay, but runs on a modern port...

The unoptimized modern version of ZDoom. It supports tons of interesting mods, total conversions and has even become the base engine of games. However multiplayer support is nonexistant. Even trying to play via TCP:IP on LAN does not work without desyncing. It also suffers from absolutely retarded and new-user unfriendly default settings like "Dark" sector lighting (everything is too fucking dark) and anti-aliasing (pixels are blurred instead of sharp). For whatever egotistical reasons, Graf Zahl and his tranny squad of incompetent programmers has never tried to fix these horrible default settings.


People used to play Doom online with this, until Zandronum replaced it. It is an ugly, outdated port for really, really old computers. It keeps clinging to life like a dying man in the desert, surrounded by a swarm of carrion birds. Occasionally you'll see a life sign of some poorly organized multiplayer session, posted on YouTube, in a last ditch effort to get anyone to play on their dead servers. Seriously, there are more empty listed servers than there are players for this port. There's also a ZDaemon page for more info.


This multiplayer port is so fucking atrocious that it doesn't even deserve to be positioned alphabetically, it rightfully belongs at the bottom. Literally nobody plays this god-awful port, they even have a playercount on their main page to show that nobody plays it. The only notable feature this thing has, is that it can support over 100(!) players on one map, but nobody would do such a thing, unless a popular streamer actively provokes people to join one of those dead servers.

The Doom Community

The Doom Community is fairly large for such an old game, but also heavily fragmented. There are several sites that make up the main population of the community. While some are better then others, they all have their fair share of faggotry and lolcows.


The Doom walk - Big Pimpin.

Doomworld is by far the largest community, and possibly the center of Doom related drama, much of it stemmed from the /newstuff chronicles and the various lolcows that are just too adorable to put down immediately. While the most intelligent members of the doom community can be found on Doomworld, there are quite a few retards who show up every now and then. Most of the time they simply leave or do so much stupid shit that one of the moderators finally gets tired of locking their threads and either bans them or used to "Loser" them, which means they can only post in a section of the forum called "Losers" that only other losers can see. They removed this section later, probably because it offended the SJWs, trannies and women that infested Doomworld at this point, but it lives on at Doomer Boards.

There are many on Doomworld who just can't seem to get the fact through their thick skulls, that nobody wants them around. One example of this would be ReOL, an ancient ex-Doom mapper, currently known as GeorgeF551. He is a creepy motherfucker with a weird elevator fetish who spends most of his days recording himself riding up and down elevators and then putting the videos on YouTube, which can be found here.

Nowadays, the most drama can be found within the forum itself, especially from its admins, like Linguicia; great lord of the soy. (He got his name from a type of sausage, pretty gay.) These admins love to manipulate everyone in a GESTAPO-tier fashion, where snitching on others is not only encouraged, but also demanded. It goes as far as moderators browsing through your personal messages and then stalking & banning you.

The majority of users on Doomworld fucking hate modern games. If you praise Halo, Call of Duty , Overwatch, Team Fortress 2, Gears of War, Fallout or some other shit game, chances are the established oldfags of Doomworld will form an angry mob and take turns raping your sorry ass until it bleeds. However, getting down on your knees and sucking the dicks of Half-Life, Quake, Deus Ex, or other old games, which are considered classics, will result in the oldfags accepting you. Then again, some of these boomers are so old they only accept Doom and Wolfenstein, meaning a single mention of "Duke Nukem" could get your ass booted off the website.

The users of Troonworld are quite easy to troll. Criticize any WAD, game, source port, website, video card, user they like, or say you like Terry WADs or have the wrong political opinions and you can cause a shitstorm with ease! (Or get banned because fuck you.). Chances of success depend on what kind of "terror moderator" is online that day. You'll even enhance your chances of getting banned by just joining any related Discord and writing anything slightly offensive on that platform. In a matter of hours you'll be publicly fucked in the ass by DoomKid, Obsidian (PROTIP: If you see his floating-skull avatar in your profile visitor section, your account is probably already fucked) or any other Social Justice Warrior that got their hands on the moderator title, justifying their actions based on some imaginary moral high ground. Remember kids, the internets, especially a Doom forum, is SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESS.

On October 12, some brony hacked the whole site and it got the usernames, email addresses, IP Addresses, dates of birth and hashed passwords. Other than spooking a bunch of dyslexic retards, tech illiterate morons and suicidal trannies, nothing happened.

Persons of interest


This capable and strong male figure is the main admin of Doomworld and has gamer eyes. He is known for banning people with right winged opinions and enforces his rule of terror by permanently removing nay-sayers and otherthinkers as fast as possible. This GESTAPO-tier handling of forum matters and the encouragement of snitching has lead to a community that constantly bans older forum members. At the same time he encourages ADD-ridden children to spam up the place with inane threads, constant "inoffensive" shitposting and half-assed Doom community projects that end up going nowhere, because nobody with any actual talent participates in those anymore. Because of this, many level headed and calm people raided Doomworld's forums with almost no success. All this drama about free speech lead to the creation of the Doomer Boards, which sort of resemble a really ugly 2000s era forum, full of banned DW users.

Tormentor 667

Tormentor himself. Seriously.
Tormentor when he's not mapping.

Tormentor is a skillful mapper who likes to think of his wads as unique pieces of art, no matter how shitty they are. This particular lolcow enjoys introducing innovative game elements to Doom (so much as to make a site vein-ly named after himself, realm667), such as giving the player a pitchfork and a couple of shitty guns that are all completely useless because all except one of them does less damage than the pitchfork the player starts out with. Another fine example of his shitty maps would be Sapphire - Orbital Research, which he mainly made to show off some shitty textures he ripped from some quake texture pack. Deathz0r wrote a review on it and basically called it shit. Almost 9000 pages of flames, lulz, and bawwing ensued.

None of this compares to his magnum opus, Knee Deep in ZDoom, which took him at least 100 years to finish. Tormentor, being the creative genius that he is, came up with the brilliant idea of remaking the first episode of Doom... IN ZDOOM! Meaning he could do all sorts of amazing stuff like adding in new monsters, slopes, scripting, and transparent glass! In addition to this he decided it would be a good idea to totally revamp the maps in terms of appearance by adding in all sorts of mind blowing shit such as more lights, borders in rooms, and even more computer terminals.

Upon it's release however, it was almost universally trashed. For one thing, the wad was bloated with all sorts of unnecessary shit such as fake lens flares and ugly sprite rotations. On top of that, a lot of the maps had extremely confusing layouts that left the player wandering in circles for hours and extremely unbalanced enemies such as a black imp that was a pain in the ass to see in the dark, almost completely silent, and had an attack that could kill you in just a couple of hits. Again, Deathz0r flamed the shit out of it but this time it was greeted with over 9000 pages of flames and bawwwing that ended with a wonderful surprise, Tormentor showing off a letter he had received from John Romero praising it, and he gladly waved it around like a retarded kid showing his mom a macaroni picture he made in special ed. At this point Bloodshedder, one of the moderators, decided that the AIDS level in the thread had reached dangerous levels and it was time to close it, but Doomworld shall never forget the day /newstuff was closed.

A sequel to Knee Deep in ZDoom, The Shores of ZDoom, was planned, but never came out to this day. It was, like the first, going to be a remake of a classic episode using the new features provided by the ZDoom engine, because we all know how well that went last time. The irony was that Tormentor was not the one leading this project. Supposedly, he only made one map for the project and never started working on it after decades. The only reason he had anything to do with the project at all is because the project leader was too damn stupid to kick his sorry faggot ass off the team.

One of Tormentor's recent masterpieces, Stronghold: On the Edge of Chaos, is a shitty souped-up version of awful Invasion mode from Skulltag. The wad was actually started in 2004, but was on hiatus from early 2005 to later 2008, meaning that it was actually in development for 3 years. On top of that, the majority of the maps consist of nothing but copy and paste jobs, which suggest even less time was spent working on it.

Doom Comicbook. Pure awesomeness

He has a staggeringly pretentious website which can be found here, which is mostly used for hosting ZDoom mapping ressources.

CJ Wright

CJ Wright was a mysterious figure who rode into Doomworld somewhat quietly, but managed to start lactating sweet delicious lolcow milk almost immediately. Although he had only appeared recently, he claimed he had been mapping for Doom since 1994. He also proudly claimed that he was a 30 year old unemployed psychology major who lived in his parents' basement. CJWright takes a lot of pride in his mapping. In fact he takes so much pride in it that he confessed that he usually just maps until he's bored with the map which usually takes 5 minutes or less, throws in an exit, and then releases it. As a result, every single map he's churned out is complete shit and there's way too many to name. They all suffer from the same problems. Poor texture choices, poor monster placement, poor texture alignment, poor FUCKING EVERYTHING. Never the less, this doesn't stop him from raging whenever someone insults his maps, provides him with constructive criticism, or even a fucking compliment. Post by post, he slowly reached internet infamy, almost reaching his climax when he made a joke a former doom member who had died of cancer. Finally the mods had had enough of him and decided to ban his sorry ass.

CJ Wright majored in Psychology so he knows exactly how to make people pity him.


Thanks to a quick google search last thursday, Sigvatr became somewhat of a legend on Doomworld as well as the origins of a sort of mini meme. One day a lonely doomworld member was searching for hardcore porn using google. At some point he decided to search for keyboard goop, and what was the first search result? Why none other than a post on something awful from everyone's favorite member on Doomworld. The something awful post consisted of a montage of photos of Sigvatr scraping gunk off his keyboard. Nothing special right? After he was done scraping it off though, he proceeded to photograph himself jacking off and then ejaculating on to said keyboard gunk. Still nothing special right? After he was done jacking off, he proceeded to eat the semen and keyboard gunk combination. The last photograph in the thread is him bear his teeth at the camera with mouse poop and semen dripping from his mouth. This became the source of a major discussion on both the forum and IRC and Sigvatr will forever be remembered for this. The thread if you really want to see it:

Doomer Boards

The DB forums exist because Doomworld became too pozzed, heavily moderated, as well as filled with normies and transgender freaks. The DB forums are in some way a safe haven for anyone that got banned from Doomworld and actually let you communicate like a normal human bean. Unfortunately the website is beyond ugly and looks more like a Russian warez platform than a Doom forum. Not even the other available color schemes make this place look any better, which leads to a minimal population. Occasionally you'll see raids by angsty DW users & moderators who want this place off the face of the planet, because it violates their own cushy safe space.

The only interesting thing that this place currently offers, other than free speech (at least technically), are the monthly Doomer Board Projects, where mappers come together to create maps based on a limited texture set. If you dare to advertise any DBP stuff on Doomworld, you'll get banhammered instantly.

ZDoom Forums

The forums of the ZDoom port are its own plaguegrounds with a long history. While the furry infestation on ZDoom is small, the furfags there are extremely annoying.

Ceeb (UPDATE: BANNED, THANK JESUS CHRIST) and Project Dark Fox, two of the more unsavory furries have a nasty habit of exploding in pure rage whenever someone replies to their posts with "Much like your posting", or MLYP for short. The exact reason for this has never been determined as they add anyone to their ignore list who points out that they're being total faggots. Some speculate that they were once raped by a large black person screaming "MUCH LIKE YOUR POSTING" with each thrust. However, this is untrue because one of Ceeb's favorite activities is buttsecks and he would most likely have enjoyed the raep session. Project Dark Fox is an angsty loser who's pretty much a hobo half the time since he keeps losing places to live due to losing any shitty menial job he gets in embarrassing ways. He has a terrible self-insert Sonic crossover furry sprite comic that details him being a whiny attention whore to those around him, as if this somehow made for captivating dialogue and plot. He also has on a mod based on his comic that he's been working on for over five years, and he only has 2 levels done. It got leaked for the lulz at one point by a former collaborator and he raeg'd. JackTheRipper is by far the worst furry though. However, he has been inactive for some time so it is assumed that he died of AIDS, proving that that there is a God after all. JTR first became infamous due to the rather disturbing threads he would post consisting of extremely sick shit. Sometimes it'd be a thread about a shit he'd taken. Once he created a thread where he bragged about getting fucked in the ass by a shemale (seriously). He disappeared for some time and everyone hoped that he was dead. Unfortunately, he returned again, this time under the name JMAA and announced that he was coming out of the closet, and revealed that he was a gay furry and that he had made a change for the better and would no longer create fucked up threads. Shortly after this announcement he announced his newest project for ZDoom, The first gay furry dating simulator for Doom. Needless to say, things only went downhill after that. The moderator, WildWeasel, is a fat, spineless fuck that thinks that reskinning his shitty weapon mod and naming it something different somehow makes his generic mods more unique than the same shit being spewed out by other people. At least they made some half-decent gun tutorials at GunLabs. Other noteworthy member is TheAdmantArchvile, who proclaims himself the God of all Graphics, claims to create Doom-themed cereal boxes which he somehow fails to show to the community, because...well, he just won't, and that's all (obviously he is nothing but a faker douchebag, seeing that his "super-duper" levels contain the same eight-bit shit from 1993). Similar members include terranova (sort of a Chris-Chan abomination, who keeps whining under the Resource forums for stuff to be done for him, but generally throws sissy fits when other people request help), and Zero X. Diamond, who have been kicked out from DieHard Wolfers forums with double feet for his obvious faggotry, and now seeks refugee at ZDoom forums in hope that nobody shall mess with him and his personal army over there. Yeah, right...

As of 2022, the author of the ZDoom port itself identifies as trans now, so there is a very strong tie in to LGBTQ stuff in the ZDoom community, which is why it's a good thing that development of the ZDoom source port stopped in 2017. Hopefully the ZDoom port itself will be forever locked in a pre-rainbow state.

A controversial Doom mod has been taken offline after its latest update included references to the Holocaust and transphobic mockery of Marisa 'Randi' Heit, the transgender creator of the popular ZDoom source code used by many other modders.

The mainstream Doom community, like all mainstream game communities now, has long been in the "toxic fanbase" state. They all cancel each other over "micro aggressions" that would have been standard practice on the 2000-2010 internet. Someone on Doomworld recently lamented that Massmouth 2 (2003) used the word "fag" in a joke, even though no one back in 2003 or even 2010 would have or did care about that word being used. And Scuba Steve of course recently heavily censored the gay bar level in Action Doom 2 even though that map was not a problem when the wad released in 2007.

To summarize: Everything is stupid and the Doom communities are turning into SJW safe spaces.

New Doom [defunct]

This site is DEAD thanks to Wmull, the Administrator. During the time it was active though, it was somewhat infamous due to the fact that Wmull would ban people for various retarded reasons, such as saying Doomworld or having an account on Doomworld. Eventually the site was hacked and pretty much raped. Surprisingly, that's not what killed it. One day while fucking his plushie doll and pretending it was Chris Chan, Wmull got the brilliant idea that he should make people pay to post on his forum, kind of like Something Awful. Unfortunately, it wasn't quite the same thing because Something Awful's forum is actually active. Unsurprisingly, this didn't stop Wmull from trying. It failed. Miserably.

Persons of interest


Carnbarn and his mommy

Carnevil, aka Carnbarn, aka fatfuck faggot, powerword "Brad Carney", is the lulzworthy creator of the clusterfuck that is Skulltag. He also started making some dumb videogame of his own called Project Vegan, but nobody really cares about that because it basically resembles the Quake 3 engine and it's totally gay. He ragequits both projects on a bi-weekly basis, like the whiney little attention-seeking bitch he is. Although he just loves to dish out sarcasm and flame whatever he doesn't like, he's the first one to get upset if you criticize anything that he's associated with, even if you're right.



RGMBSK stands for "Rofl Gay Mushroom Buttsex Kingdom". A RGMBSK member will tell you that they were 100 hackers strong at one time, but in reality it was just three 24-year-old college-dropouts who were butthurt because they were molested during their childhood. Theta, Harrison, and Simk, who are even gheyer than the sites and users that they "hack", are constantly trying to inflate their own e-peens by flauting their hacking "victories" on their own damn forum which nobody ever sees. Their hatred of Skulltag stems from the fact that they all got their dumb asses banned for trolling sometime around 2007 because they were dumb and had no idea how to proxy or otherwise get away with trolling. Rather than being grown-ups and owning up to their stupidity, they blamed the Skulltag administration for being "power-hungry tyrants" and denying them their rights to be a part of Skulltag. Of course, their arguement is invalid because Skulltag is free and its "community" consists of nothing more than furfags and memefags. Regardless, they swore that they would one day have their vengence on Skulltag.

In reality, they failed to really do anything at all. The only 2 successful "hacks" of the Skulltag forums (aka a simple PHPBB exploit that even a retard could spot) were spotted by the dumbfuck admins when they were on their semen breaks, and fixed almost instantly. (Although in the short time that the forums were down, Simk managed to redirect this particularly luzly video of his tiny 1-inch Korean chode, which was, in his own words, "dedicated to MEAGALHHHED":

Simk's balls

Theta, the most lulzy member of RGMBSK, in addition for having an appetite for the cock, thinks that he is SUPER 1337 because he and RGMBSK claim to have "destroyed" the [SM] clan, which is lol because a.) all they did was get a few passwords on the clan's forums and b.) SM really wasn't even a clan to begin with. Rather, it was just a bunch of self-obsessed furfags (such as [this guy]) who made an "HQ" wad where they plastered the walls of each room with extremely hi-res porn of Sonic the Hedgehog. Theta also used to make Youtube videos where he "leaked" crappy wads that sucked anyways, so nobody really gave a shit. Also, Theta claims that he started "a war with skulltag", which is just a fail way for him to make himself feel more important than he really is. Which is funny because over 9000 percent of Skulltag players don't even know who he is because they're too busy playing GvH and eating their own shit. Sometime during the summer of 2010, Theta "retired" from LibertyDoom and RGMBSK. That's right folks, he "RETIRED" from something that he never got PAID FOR in the first place: trying to troll a small online Doom community that nobody IRL has ever heard of. But hey, not as if he had a job (or a life) anyways!



Thats right. It has its own article. Anyways, GVH (which stands for Gays vs Homos, the rumors of it being called Ghouls Vs Humans are FALSE!!!), Any way, it is the result of a terrible experiment on a rat's Testicle, created by this faggot, thats right, urban dictionary hates him too. Anyways, the player base is particularly consists of well.... FAGGOTS, GAYS, HOMOS, FURRYS, NIGGAS, RETARDS, AND TERRORISTS. The game is over-played, which is updated 6 months. (oh ya btw, cuttymanmike, you said upudate it, its been a month nigga). Basically, you play as a GAY or a HOMO. GAY usually can fly around and use melee attacks and sometimes ranged attacks (such as cumming on someone), HOMOS have low hp and have guns and shit like that. Then they duke it out to see who wins, but the real winners are straight people.


An australian punk islamic terrorist that kills skulltag every month or so with shit wads that don't deserve praise. Like All out war 2... the second cumminginging! This attentionfag never ceases to amaze people with shit he spews out. And when attention is drawn away from him, he always manages to get it back by promising shit that will never happen, Australian servers in skulltag.


Just when you though the doom community couldn't get any more cancerous, this man joins the fray. Caused a massive amount of lulz when he decided to cheat on the now dead Skulltag. Frequently comes on zandronum to try and and get himself unbanned and beg to the staff that he has changed. However anyone with an IQ above -2 knows this is false. Note: he actually has over 9000 bans and is banned from ALL TWO POPULAR SOURCE PORTS and one lulz (odakek) you can see him and the other souls caught from the internet police here. Avoid this legend at all costs, however if you want to make him the next shooting spree statistic beating him on Dwango 5 Map 01 does the trick.


Cutty kills St again! (noez)!


Fuck you, there's already an Omegalore page and you don't want to read it unless you like subjecting yourself to autistic, poorly-drawn, weaboo cringe.

Doomguy 2000

Doomguy 2000 is a self-proclaimed "Terrywadder" who steals assets from 1990s Doom wads. His most famous work is 10,0000 Levels (or someshit) which is literally 10,0000 generic STARTAN rooms with a switch.

Terry and Company

Some time in 2007, some troll who called himself Harry got together with a bunch of other faggots (including Theta and Simk of RGMBSK, and some other faggots nobody knows anything about who went by Ballsintime, Roxas, ShitDizzle, nok nok, Wheel, and Crashhelper) to form the HC clan. After having their first circlejerk, they started work on UAC Military Nightmare, the first in a long slew of wads centered around assrape released under the name Terry. The plot involved a gang of John Romero heads trying to rape you with overpowered homing BFG blasts that kill you even in god mode. At some point, Carnevil and giant transsexual Ralph Vickers join in the rape, along with some shitty MSPaint pictures. Oh, and it also won the Worst WAD award for 2008.

Harry then took the Terry name for himself and started making his own wads, which were all incomplete levels designed to lure you into a bunch of assrape. The Doomworld community was very angry at this. Then in 2009 he released ATG (Ass Tickling Gang) vs. Humans, a Gays vs Homos clone, and then returned to the same old shit. The word on his channel is that he's currently developing sequels to both ATGVH and UACMN, which will undoubtedly be masterpieces. HC members also occasionally pop up around various sites to troll and spam or create things like this fucked up mess of a forum.

Genuine terry-brand products

Then around 2010, another troll by the name of Joey showed up and started making the first few wads in Terry's style that weren't by Terry himself, but then stopped after a few months. The scene didn't really explode until 2012, when Joey started up full force again and Ogre started mapping, with many of the same results. And then more people started doing the same shit and before long /idgames was flooded with these types of wads. Even saying the word "terrywad" will send any Doomworld user into an unstoppable fit of BAAAAAAAAAAAW as seen here.

And here. This review is on almost every terrywad.

In 2014, a few of the big players got together with some nobodies and formed the Grapevine Elites, which they claimed to be "The Next HC", however they don't do a lot as of yet except spamming Zandronum servers and the occasional spamming attack on some poor fucker's deviantart. They have also made an unofficial prequel to UACMN, entitled Before the Nightmare. On Doomworld, it has such amazing reviews like these.

What's with all the 5 star ratings on this piece of shit?



For a TerryWAD, there's quite a bit of effort put into it. While it has quite a bit of trial and error, I found myself enjoying the weird, surreal experience that the devs brought me. While I understand that TerryWADs aren't everyone's cup of tea, I'd still recommend you at least try it up to MAP10 before actually voting. And please, go in with an open mind as opposed to joining the legions of drones that are voting it low just because of it's Terry theme and exterior.



Troll wad #23903 meant for provoking only. @ authors Zander Morrow (Nambona890), Daniel, Misaki Fukumoto & friends: stop trolling and placing childish fanboy posts, the adult world is not a kindergarten for maladjusted kids. /nofi, but that's what you get when you keep on uploading shit like this. BTW @ Zander: putting your ugly head in this kind of wads is quite interesting for potential employers when you search for work, and they search the net for your name. @ Daniel: shave that hilarious tuft asap


—Some faggot

Some things : "Bwaaaah it's trap wad - NO SIR it's beatable. - Bwaaaah it's like UACMN - Check out on google before downloading a wad. - Bwaaaaaaah Terry, automatic 0 stars - Did you ever pay attention to the mapping and effort put there and put your butthurt aside your judgement for once? " Damn, this deserves the jokewad of the year cacoward nothing less.


—Someone who gets the picture

Then in May 2014, Ty Halderman, the maintainer of the /idgames archives, took down a lot of Terry WADs for bullshit reasons such as "bogus lumps just to increase filesize", "instant trap", and also "Screwing up the player's configuration settings". This made every Doomworld user orgasm, as the butthurt levels reach their maximum when a Terry WAD is on the archive. Terry and his minions were less than pleased with this. The Grapevine Elites, which were mentioned already, decided that they would reupload the Terry WADs to fit in with the new rules.

In August 2015, Ty Halderman died, and Bloodshedder decided he would be the new maintainer. He completely fucked it over, with the non-Terry Terry WADs being rejected for even more bullshit reasons like "Racism is not welcome on the archives", "Personal grudges are not welcome on the archives", "No gameplay", "Signing us up to over a hundred Christian newsletters will not make us accept Christ as our savior. Go away (and take your trap wads with you).", "Bogus unwinnable trap map", and many others. [GE] had been discussing what do do, but did jack shit because noone is using the chatroom anymore. The last Terry WAD to be successfully uploaded to /idgames was The Bad Castle by Doctor Mister Ropotnik on the 12th of December 2016. No further Terry WADs or related WADs have been accepted since then, all getting rejected with reasons like "trollwad", "terrywad", or "trapwad".

After this, the entire Terry WAD scene died, with all the big guys including everyone in [GE] deciding to call it quits and moving on to other things. However, despite all the main repositories for Doom WADs not accepting Terry WADs anymore, many really good mappers are still desperately trying to keep it alive by creating half formed turds that get uploaded onto a random file hosting site and sent to a Doom WAD reviewer named Aquarius199, with the hope of the wad getting reviewed on his "Crappy Doom WADs" series so as to appear famous.

Terry and some old HC members

Grapevine Elites

Other faggots


Doom is considered a more important artistic achievement than the works of William Shakespeare. It's all about killing and death and despair, teaching followers to murder infidels in the utmost neutralization of The Great Satan. Still, Hamlet can compare to this amount of pointless death of worthless creatures.

It has also received much criticism for its lack of relevance to the feature film and for the fact that Romero hired Mexicans to make the game.

Doom is a mass murder simulator


—Some guy, SWEET!

Many critics have accused the game of inciting violence in young children. These accusations have led to the industry enforced rating system in all of our games today. Because everyone knows that 17 year olds will murder their parents because of video games, but once you turn 18, you'll be A-OK!

Doom IRL

Doom has inspired many great attempted reenactments. One such attempted Doom scenario was Columbine, in which two avid Doom fans(with the help of Marilyn Manson's satan invoking music) teamed up to go on a rampage at their school. There may have been a miscalculation somewhere, as instead of shooting demons and hell spawns, they just shot some kids. Definitely not as cool, but still pretty badass, and an achievement rivaling the likes of Doomguy. Notably, they did try to be faithful to the source material. Eric was equipped with a shitty Hi-Point carbine (which did do a good job of emulating a former human's gun given how many times they fucking missed). Both had shotguns they described as "straight out of Doom", which ended up killing most of the enemies they got on the level. Eric even named his "Arlene" after a character from the novels.

Children across the globe still honor Doom's memory by playing it, getting extremely violent, and going on shooting sprees. Doom's legacy is in the hands of the children now. Nothing goes better together than an angsty teen and an assault rifle.


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