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June 2023

The year is 2023, and AI is slowly taking over content creators' jobs. Also in 2023, for some unknown reason, Nickelodeon is still producing new episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants after over 24 years of the show. Have you ever wondered what the show would be like if something that wasn't even human produced it? No? Well, too bad.
Introducing AI Sponge, a Twitch YouTube channel stream that does just that, and ironically, it's somewhat better.
The stream follows a very simple structure: the entire stream is comprised of AI-generated dialogue skits between 2 to 4 characters that last about 30 seconds, before a time card signals a transition to the next skit. During the conversation, the characters will slowly walk around, carry objects, or get hit by speeding car/boat things. The current characters in ai_sponge include: SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward LOUDWARD, Sandy, Mr. Krabs, Gary, and the latest addition, Mrs. Puff.
You can also donate $3 to appear in the scene as a generic fish character with a nametag, so that's one more way you could be wasting money.
September 2022

Animation "Memes" (AKA Head Bobbing Memes) are horribly animated music videos that are popular on sites like YouTube and DeviantArt. These so-called "memes" are similar to animated music videos from the earlier internets when Newgrounds was popular and Flipnote Hatena was a thing, except with all the originality and talent ripped out of them, and likewise, pumped full of trendfaggotry and AIDS to replace it- and a large dash of furfaggotry as well. Every one of these animation "memes" consist of some overused animation format and accompanying song with either an original character or popular media character traced over the animation format. Animation memes are popular in part due to how easy they are to make, usually consisting of just two repeating frames in which the head is selected and placed a little lower in the second frame (creating the "head bobbing" effect). Most people who make animation memes are weeaboos or emo-furries expressing their angsty suicidal emotions. Tik Tok can be considered a live action form of animation memes.
gone missin'
January 2019

SuperMarioLogan (Powerword: Logan Austin Thirtyacre), is a JewTube channel owned by a nasally voiced faggot that makes videos about him and some other fucktards playing with plushies of their extremely original and creative characters, such as Bowser Junior, Mario and Shrek. They also use puppets such as those from Melissa and Doug including Chef Pee Pee and Brooklyn T. Guy. Much recently, Jeffy was added into the mix which made the channel somehow "popular".
The channel's content consists of them randomly screaming and doing God knows what, while a spic whore (his gold digging "girlfriend") films and rubs her stank pussy to Logan's micro cock. Autistic 5 year olds on crack can make better quality videos than him (Also what his fanbase consists of). He actually makes a living off of this stuff, we shit you not. He has hit over 6,000,000 YT subscribers last Thursday.
December 2017

Kraut and Tea or Joseph Lancaster single-handedly stopped the raise of the anti-semitic, meme-spouting, racist-fascist, white-ethnostatist alt-right by making poorly researched videos on race realism, where it was quite evident he had no fucking knowledge on the subject. And these videos were fucking boring as Joseph likes to try to sound smart, but he just isn't. And his voice is that of under-developed Microsoft Sam, with an awful German accent.
Before his time on YouTube as a protector of the fair Jewish people, Joseph was busy protecting M'Lady on various atheist forums, where he tried to his abysmal spelling to impress all the fair maidens, so they would have sex with him.
In December of 2017 it was found that Kraut's crack team of researchers were trying to dig up old posts to find dirt on alt-right losers. Newsflash idiot, the alt-right are already lolcows. They touch their tiny dicks to traps and anime tiddies and will never touch a real girl. Something both the alt-right and Joseph have in common. This caused Kraut's best friends Sargon of Akkad (Carl Benjamin) and Veemonro (Codrin Stavri) decided to ditch their support for him.
April 2017

June La Porta/June Lapine is like a 33 year old boxxy wannabe with even less common sense, a bigger ego and a free-for-all pussy, who occasionally makes uninteresting videos with some of the worst editing you have ever seen. An attention whore of the highest caliber, everything she does is done to pander to the beta virgin anti-feminist crowd. Naming herself after an old meme, copying boxxy's look, her clickbait video titles and thumbnails, parading her tiny tits around, and her edgy anti-feminist opinions were all calculated acts done in order to net her the highest possible amount of Youtube jewgold. The saddest part is that it totally worked, as she now has over 400k subs.
March 2017

JonTron (Powerword: Jon Jafari) is a fat, ugly and unfunny JewTube gamer that makes shitty review videos once every blue moon. He has somehow amassed over two millions retards to subscribe, in order to see him do his best Family Guy imitation skits interspersed with a lot of loud screaming and endless jump cuts in between. The only reason he is famous that makes him stand out of the four trillion other YouTube reviewers is because he was in Game Grumps and for some reaction gifs posted over and over on /v/. He also somehow thinks that stealing video content from one of our own users is somehow a smart idea.
March 2017

ADoseOfBuckley (Powerword: Adam Buckley) is a Canadian edgelord that makes videos red-pilling the ignorant masses in a shitty MS Paint slideshow format. He believes that he's "not a YouTuber" because he doesn't like YouTube, and instead thinks of himself as a "comedian", but the only thing funny about Buckley is that he finds himself funny. Also anybody that uploads videos to YouTube is a YouTuber.
July 2014

You're 17 years old, bored and struggling with addiction, and you have the unfortunate name of Addison. So what do you do? Find a hobby that will make you money, of course.
Addison Marshall Mikkelson did just that, and that hobby is filming every cop he could intentionally come in contact with and passive aggressively attempt to flip the script and preach their own law to them.
If he felt they acted out of line during the encounter, he promptly uploaded the video to YouTube and cried to everyone that he was violated by the Gestapo police force of his militant town. Many lulz were had when he was later busted for possessing numerous drugs, exposing the true reason behind his attention-whoring scheme.
April 2014

Frank F. Bonafede (born 1955) is an internet predator living two separate lives. One life is that of a happily married man who frequently travels the world, while the other is the dark life of a sexually depraved fetishist fighting a battle with his inner demons. Frank currently resides in the greater San Diego area of California.
Frank's perversion is that of seeing the bodies of young men and women in a sickly thin fashion. For example: anorexics, bulimics, people going on extreme diets, victims of starvation, and people attempting to fast as long as they possibly can and then posting internet updates of their progress.
January 2014
The Dickriders are a super-team of extremist Coughlan fanboys that have taken a level in faggotry. Anybody that dares criticize their hero will certainly enjoy a series of intellectual comments and video responses from these sad and pathetic loser assholes that come out of the woodwork to throw in their two cents and tell you to STFU.
December 2013

Lord Shadrach, more commonly described as just Shadrach is someone who is totally not Christian Weston Chandler, and to prove it, he makes videos of him complaining about it to try to prove it, much like someone else does. On top of this, he is his own brand of autism craziness, believing himself to be a super awesome ninja and thinks he goes up against the rock star from Mars often.
July 2013

Aleksandr Pistoletov aka "Alexander Pistols" aka "Dongcopter Pirate" is a Russian singer/pornstar who mesmerized the internet last Thursday, by swinging his dick to shitty techno and corny pirate movies. Unfortunately, YouTube finally noticed that a video showing cock uploaded in March 2012 was probably against their Terms of Service and deleted it. But, there's a lot more where that came from.
May 2013

The Online Gamer is a YouTube series created by RecklessTortuga about a nigger playing Call of Duty, because he doesn't have chicken or watermelon. So all that he can do is be a basement-dwelling homophobic manchild that over-abuses censored curse words. The series is almost like the AVGN, since both of the protagonists are cussing out like an autistic child. The only difference is that the Angry Video Game Nerd is a retrofag, and Aaron is a Call of Duty fucktard that despises everything that isn't CoD.
April 27, 2011
JuggaletteJenny is an obese pre-op transsexual goth lesbian juggalo. Srsly.
If you're confused, hold on. It gets worse. Much worse.
Notice: Due to a violation of the agreed upon stipulations put forth during arbchat by JuggaletteJenny, this article will remain online until reconciliatory actions are taken and the stipulations are met.
Warning: Jenny will use his 1337 HACKER SKILLZ TO TAKE DOWN THIS SITE!!!111
April 16, 2011

DJ Keemstar (also known as Marshyd13 2: Electric Boogaloo) is a leader of a clan on exbawcks live made up of 12 year olds known as the "Federation of Asshole Gamers" or the "F@G". He gained a following of many 12 year old Halo fanboys who call their dungeon master "Halo's #1 Trashtalker": IRL he's a butthurt father with an extreme amount of unwarranted self importance. DJ spends his life on Xbox Live, BlogTV, and Youtube where he has 50,000 subscribers from dick riding machinima directors and Call of Duty commentators. He begged them to advertise his YouTube channel but, hilariously enough, the only people that actually subscribed were 12-year-old boys.