Encyclopedia Dramatica:Thizzlehat Junction Center/Archive/37

From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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call to action -- let's wreck some shit.

My dearest EDiots,

I am weev. I have for a few years been on bail or in prison, and thusly not given Encyclopedia Dramatica the attention it deserved. If you are unaware of who I am and my relation to Encylopedia Dramatica, for several years I played the role of Joseph Evers, wrote the response to the Australian Human Rights commission suing him in absentia, gave the Australian_Media_ED_Interview, brought ED press tens of times, and was the judge of the Arbchat.

Now I am out of prison and on nonextradition soil and ready to fuck shit up. I miss Encyclopedia Dramatica being the most effective platform for ruin in the whole world. I miss fucking with foreign governments so hard with it that they literally bring lawsuits and legislative bodies to move against us. I miss it being the single most feared institution on the Internet. It is high time to restore it to that status.

The lulz used to pick worthwhile targets. Targets that caused mountains to move. Let's fucking get that shit going again.

I need you all behind me. I ask you, my countrymen, to follow a simple process:

  • Get On IRC Fgt irc.wtfux.org #ed
  • state in the channel, "I hate Jews and doesn't afraid of anything"
  • proceed to chat and plot, and bring consistent energy and activity to the channel.
  • Perform missions

Let's make lulz an institution again. --Rabite 22:27, 2 December 2014 (EST)

+1. I miss the action. Encyclopedia Dramatica hasn't been involved in anything big -- real big -- since Operation Payback (late 2010 / early 2011), and our involvement in that was cut short. ED hasn't made headlines since Bullet to the Head of the NRA (January 2013, nearly two years ago), and an ED wiki article (as opposed to a game created by a forum member) hasn't made headlines since 2011. Yes, ED and its articles continues to be mentioned in news articles regularly, but it's been ages since we were the main focus of a news piece.
I'm also seeing an contributor retention problem. We had much larger contributor-base (as opposed to a reader-base) back in 2011. Our IRC channels are pretty quiet these days, and our mailing lists are dead. In short, we're in dire need of reinvigoration, and no, this "GamerGate" business we've been documenting isn't doing the job of replenishing our numbers.
I wish that I could join in, but I'm busy recovering Wikisposure articles (and soon, images), and I have my own plans for January and February. --JuniusThaddeus 10:50, 3 December 2014 (EST)
The laws against hacking were the original sin of the internet. We all knew at the time they were wrong (or should have), because they're against the principle of free speech. We knew that putting some kid fooling around in jail was not going to do anybody any good. It took a remarkably long time until we reached the point where we're at now, where there is thirty years of shit programming tradition and the corporates finally realize they're not putting the Syrians and North Koreans in jail like the teenager next door. I definitely sympathize with anyone affected by these stupid laws, or even dumber laws like drug prohibition and the copyright system.
That said, you don't need to violate any laws to make headlies nowadays, because for every new thought you have there's a new ban needed to stop it. People on ED are afraid to post half a page of data from a phone book while the NSA is listening to every word you say around your turned-off cell phone. For a Spanish paper to allow Google to say what news articles they have today would get them fined about $750,000. Whether we're talking about Ali Anouzla in Morocco or Barrett Brown in the U.S., merely citing a source has become an illegal act. Simply finding out what is going on and making your own interpretation of it is an existential threat to the security state.
The result is that a sufficiently provocative Wikipedia-like article (by which I mean written entirely within the law and from reliable sources) inevitably demands the censors' attention. For example, suppose someone made up a photo gallery and index of all the women he could find who had been convicted of making false allegations of rape, perhaps asking some disquieting question like "If they reported a rape today, who would believe them?" Even though it might only index the news and only provide "legal" data, it would still doubtless be judged beyond the pale because someone has applied thought to this public data, and the result of that thought might be abused.
So rather than coming up with a troll for a moment, what I'd really wish to see an elite programmer do is to create something like "Usenetpedia" - a way to make an unlimited encyclopedic resource available via the Usenet distribution system, so that no central authority controls what can and can't be said on it, yet it is possible to have one group effectively administering something like Wikipedia and another running something like Encyclopedia Dramatica using this exact same distribution network. Now file sharing software offers the precedent that it is dangerous to write something that two people can use to communicate without seating the government censor in the conversation first, but if I knew a radical programming genius I'd wish him luck with the lawyers. Wnt 14:04, 14 December 2014 (EST)

ed is turning ten in less than 7 days and we need cards, art, and cakes for ED10

pls make spome. if a sysop could put a request in the Sitenotice that would be great too. all the art/cake stuff in it now is left over from the 5th birthday article. --Talk to me|Contribs 16:37, 3 December 2014 (EST)

I will pull a hero mode if nobody puts anything forward but only if I have to, and I wont be happy about it. Anything from EDF? Pretty sure I saw that they had a thread about ED's b-day. -=- Phobos 02:08, 4 December 2014 (EST)
  • I made a thread asking people to draw art of Ae-tan for the birthday on the DA subforum. I need to upload it. oddguy 02:19, 4 December 2014 (EST)

User:LmaoZedong found this.Idk what to do with it.

--Boudica 15:50, 4 December 2014 (EST)

Supreme Faggotry at FAKKU

I'm surprised there wasn't anything on this site yet. it's rather large, and revolves around weeaboo porno shit, and yet ED has nothing on it. for insight see here. Niggershit5000 22:45, 5 December 2014 (EST)

Add it to the list: Hentai#External_links. As hard as it is to believe, there are many, many lolicon-filled hentai sites out there. Does Fakku stand out from the rest? --JuniusThaddeus 23:05, 5 December 2014 (EST)
I wouldn't know, but this one does stand out as far as popularity and interface goes. apparently the owner is a jew with a big personal army, which may warrant more than a link Niggershit5000 23:30, 5 December 2014 (EST)

Wikipedians are protecting pedophiles by censoring archive.org

http://wikipediocracy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=121052#p121052. This also means that I won't be able to restore the images and thumbnails that archive.org possessed, but fortunately, the text was what mattered most. I was able to restore the text of 400+ articles from archive.org's archive of evil-unveiled.com before it was censored. --JuniusThaddeus 10:23, 9 December 2014 (EST)

That's just pathetic. Anyone who espouses harm to children as a good thing deserves to be exposed to open air for all time, appreciate your archival of everything you've retrieved so far on ED. DarkLordTR --> Talk here, n00bs. 10:36, 10 December 2014 (EST)
Thanks. They apparently forgot to ask archive.org to delete their copies of wikisposure.com, so we're still in business. Plus, I copied the archive.org copied of the wikisposure.com articles onto my harddrive, so it doesn't matter if archive.org deletes their archives now. I'll be finished transcripting and importing the text by the middle of next week. --JuniusThaddeus 12:52, 12 December 2014 (EST)

How do you know it was Wikipedians behind it? Wnt 14:08, 14 December 2014 (EST)

Evil-unveiled.com has been down since April. The opponents of Evil-Unveiled were aware of this since then (e.g. Tyciol in April, AZU in June). For over half a year, no one bothered asking archive.org to take down their archive of evil-unveiled.com until I draw attention to it this month (December) on a forum that Wikipedians hate yet watch. --JuniusThaddeus 22:40, 14 December 2014 (EST)


H.R. 4681

   (a) Definitions.--In this section:
       (1) Covered communication.--The term ``covered communication 
   means any nonpublic telephone or electronic communication acquired 
   without the consent of a person who is a party to the 
   communication, including communications in electronic storage.
       (2) Head of an element of the intelligence community.--The term 
   ``head of an element of the intelligence community means, as 
           (A) the head of an element of the intelligence community; 
           (B) the head of the department or agency containing such 
       (3) United states person.--The term ``United States person 
   has the meaning given that term in section 101 of the Foreign 
   Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1801).
   (b) Procedures for Covered Communications.--
       (1) Requirement to adopt.--Not later than 2 years after the 
   date of the enactment of this Act each head of an element of the 
   intelligence community shall adopt procedures approved by the 
   Attorney General for such element that ensure compliance with the 
   requirements of paragraph (3).
       (2) Coordination and approval.--The procedures required by 
   paragraph (1) shall be--
           (A) prepared in coordination with the Director of National 
       Intelligence; and
           (B) approved by the Attorney General prior to issuance.
       (3) Procedures.--
           (A) Application.--The procedures required by paragraph (1) 
       shall apply to any intelligence collection activity not 
       otherwise authorized by court order (including an order or 
       certification issued by a court established under subsection 
       (a) or (b) of section 103 of the Foreign Intelligence 
       Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1803)), subpoena, or 
       similar legal process that is reasonably anticipated to result 
       in the acquisition of a covered communication to or from a 
       United States person and shall permit the acquisition, 
       retention, and dissemination of covered communications subject 
       to the limitation in subparagraph (B).
           (B) Limitation on retention.--A covered communication shall 
       not be retained in excess of 5 years, unless--
               (i) the communication has been affirmatively 
           determined, in whole or in part, to constitute foreign 
           intelligence or counterintelligence or is necessary to 
           understand or assess foreign intelligence or 
               (ii) the communication is reasonably believed to 
           constitute evidence of a crime and is retained by a law 
           enforcement agency;
               (iii) the communication is enciphered or reasonably 
           believed to have a secret meaning;
               (iv) all parties to the communication are reasonably 
           believed to be non-United States persons;
               (v) retention is necessary to protect against an 
           imminent threat to human life, in which case both the 
           nature of the threat and the information to be retained 
           shall be reported to the congressional intelligence 
           committees not later than 30 days after the date such 
           retention is extended under this clause;
               (vi) retention is necessary for technical assurance or 
           compliance purposes, including a court order or discovery 
           obligation, in which case access to information retained 
           for technical assurance or compliance purposes shall be 
           reported to the congressional intelligence committees on an 
           annual basis; or
               (vii) retention for a period in excess of 5 years is 
           approved by the head of the element of the intelligence 
           community responsible for such retention, based on a 
           determination that retention is necessary to protect the 
           national security of the United States, in which case the 
           head of such element shall provide to the congressional 
           intelligence committees a written certification 
                   (I) the reasons extended retention is necessary to 
               protect the national security of the United States;
                   (II) the duration for which the head of the element 
               is authorizing retention;
                   (III) the particular information to be retained; 
                   (IV) the measures the element of the intelligence 
               community is taking to protect the privacy interests of 
               United States persons or persons located inside the 
               United States.

The government decided to bring SOPA back, but now it's even worse than before. AuctionedHen8 02:27, 12 December 2014 (EST)

From what I read, this seems to be more geared towards national security shit, whereas SOPA was mainly copyright.Idk.--Boudica 15:56, 12 December 2014 (EST)

Well, that's the response to "HTTPS everywhere" -- they're using it as an excuse to have no limits at all on their data retention, regardless of nationality or bogus claims of needing to understand terrorism that they'd have made anyway. Wnt 13:08, 14 December 2014 (EST)

Staff open application period begins now until New Years day

Not really, but it's a catchy headline. If anyone has any recommendations for editors or sysops please leave them here or on my talkpage so I can check them out, make them cough while I cup their balls etc. We haven't promoted any new staff in a while and I have not been active enough in the front of the house to notice myself, so I am counting on established members to give me nominations. You may nominate yourself as well, but having a current staff member back you up as a reference would be a plus. I will be checking this spot periodically for staff requests, nominations and referrals. --Mantequilla (talk) 21:36, 13 December 2014 (EST)

I nominate article-making machine LmaoZedong for Editor status. --JuniusThaddeus 08:31, 14 December 2014 (EST)
TROLAHOAR for sysop or editor. ••General Niggerson Page me. 02:01, 15 December 2014 (EST)
Definitely Tigercommander for EDitor. He can't into English but I'm tutoring / copyediting in that regard, he's in a shithole time zone which is rare among the userbase, and he's pushing out moderately lulzy content on a regular basis. V X 16:11, 15 December 2014 (EST)

I vote for tigercommander also. His dedication despite being on the site for a relatively little period of time is nice. Also, I believe he can be taught anything he might have trouble with.--Boudica 21:24, 15 December 2014 (EST)

Also Tigercommander for editor. ••General Niggerson Page me. 00:55, 16 December 2014 (EST)

Someone educate whoever gets promoted how to set XOTNs so we can have more users who care enough to make sure they don't keep being left empty. I feel we've got enough spam cleaners and vandal reverters atm, but we could use more maintenance for the main page. With all the current admins and editors on board, there's got to be more users out there with a decent enough sense of humor who can set a worthy video or article for all our lovely visitors to see.  Vermin    10:26, 17 December 2014 (EST)

  • Tigercommander is schnookums, if he wants to use his own account he can but otherwise he can kill himself. --Mantequilla (talk) 19:05, 19 December 2014 (EST)

Excuse me I'm not sure if I can comment here but, I'm not schnookums, and if there is anyway You want me to prove it, then tell me Tigercommander 14:03, 20 December 2014 (EST)

CrackRabbit: also you are apparently TigerCommander on the wiki according to zaiger?
I'm not Tigercommander. Can we stop accusing people on the forums and wiki of being my sock puppets? This is getting ridiculous. If this was my sock puppet I'd just say so and besides my VPN isn't exactly uncommon. That or he logged into one of those bugmenot accounts.
Anyways Tigercommander just go into #ed and ping zaiger. You don't even live in the same country as I do. So hopefully you can provide him with a timestamped picture with your username or something to prove that you aren't me.
If that doesn't work and you get told to kill yourself then you're just collateral damage. Sorry. reply 15:36, 20 December 2014 (EST)
Oh dear... your break from ED just increased another 4 months, didn't it?
And no one (intelligent) on the forums believes I'm you, they only say that to playfully pick on me, so stop crying about it.  Vermin    10:33, 21 December 2014 (EST)

I used to use VPNs on ED because of the censor here on porn, but that was removed a few days ago, so I can use my real IP and ping him if he wants Tigercommander 15:43, 20 December 2014 (EST)

This is bullshit. I can guarantee that Schnookums is not tigercommander. If this is just deduction from that bugmenot account, than that's nothing--Boudica 22:04, 20 December 2014 (EST)

  • OMG give them all sysop. i am olding and brittling as we speak. -hipcrime 12:20, 21 December 2014 (EST)
  • I agree with hipcrime everyone STFU. If you have a recommendation, go for it. --Mantequilla (talk) 14:43, 21 December 2014 (EST)
I've noticed LoverOfBats and Miyazaki being active contributors on my end. Bats has also been writing new articles, and Miyazaki has been updating the new Social Justice portal. Oh, and SaveTheWhales is an active editor too.  Vermin    00:59, 22 December 2014 (EST)

Sub-pages for image-heavy articles

What is the opinion of making sub-pages for articles that have too many images in the gallery for anyone to browse through it all. For instance Pokemon has almost 200 images, in just one gallery. If we then kept the best for the front page, and then sent the other to a sub-page, that would make pages load faster. On the subpage, we should then include a big fat CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE thing. CobaltCat 08:37, 14 December 2014 (EST)

How painfully slow is the loading? I like the idea but I don't see anyone following a link to see pics. V X 16:11, 15 December 2014 (EST)
I think it is about 2 seconds for the Pokemon article with a fast connection. I tried to download a lot of shit, so it would eat all of my connection and then it was around 6 seconds extra of load time. CobaltCat 14:33, 17 December 2014 (EST)
that Pokemon article killed my internet, you really have to do something Tigercommander 06:07, 21 December 2014 (EST)
props to Assholio500 for slashing the Pokeman article to a much more manageable 41k, down from 100k. any images tossed out in the rewrite could go onto a subpage with a link from 'see also' or the top of the gallery/galleries section(s), imo. but it should be case by case imo, because Pokeyman has such a following that yeah i could see people clicking through to get their pokeymemes or r34 of their favorite Pokeyman, but this may not hold true for other articles. -hipcrime 17:17, 21 December 2014 (EST)

Eric Garner

So there is a Trayvon Martin article, and a Michael Brown article (for some reason called OpFerguson, not sure why, will read and find out). Wondering if there is any chance that we can get one for garner, that fat guy who got choked to death or whatever that everyone is making a fuss about lately. Was brought up on Dr. Phil this week and they trotted out the mother of Trayvon as if it were fucking equivalent or something (never mind that Trayvon was going for a gun and bashing head of guy into concrete). Wondering if we could create a stub and build from there. 16:02, 15 December 2014 (EST)

Also in nigra territory, Bill Cosby does not even mention rape. 20:14, 19 December 2014 (EST)

Thatdog, bugmenot account

I used to know a guy by that name, see 1chan. It's cool the new ED is letting a bugmenot account work. The only downside is usually bugmenot accounts have someone go and change the password to the account. KimboSlice 06:05, 17 December 2014 (EST)

ED and anonymity go hand-in-hand. I like having those accounts around to order to improve anonymity and to allow the more timid individuals to participate here. Sometimes, people use those accounts to to be obnoxious or stupid, but I don't mind the risks. Every good thing has a downside. --JuniusThaddeus 10:01, 17 December 2014 (EST)

You can't change an account's password unless you have access to the Email of that account Tigercommander 06:11, 17 December 2014 (EST)

No, KimboSlice is talking about logging into the account, then changing the password from within the account; he or she isn't talking about pressing the "Email new password" button without ever logging into the account. --JuniusThaddeus 08:31, 17 December 2014 (EST)

Arrow Cats

Yo, Zaiger, since when are we not allowed to make new articles? Or do new articles have to be "furtard friendly" or sum shit?

--Onideus 00:32, 21 December 2014 (EST)

You are allowed to make new articles, they just have to be more than a fucking gallery. Work on it in your userspace, then we will gladly move it. CobaltCat 00:34, 21 December 2014 (EST)
Since when? This is in direct contradiction to everything Zaiger has said since day one... hell it's in direct contradiction to shit that's on his talk page right now! Herp derp! Angry furtard is aaaaaangry! :D
--Onideus 00:40, 21 December 2014 (EST)
Ehm no it isn't. Even Z starts out articles by creating them in his userspace. That can be overruled if multiple people are suspected to work on it, or if it is a current situation. Not fucking cats.
CobaltCat 00:48, 21 December 2014 (EST)

cockslap--Boudica 00:35, 21 December 2014 (EST)

I create articles in my userspace because I want to, not because you have to. You seem to have new moderator syndrome, I suggest chilling out. --Mantequilla (talk) 16:41, 21 December 2014 (EST)
Pretty sure you don't have a one of those, Furtard. ;)
--Onideus 00:40, 21 December 2014 (EST)

Yes because I am female--Boudica 00:41, 21 December 2014 (EST)

Yeah, yer basically the "group slut" of the moment, a proverbial "mascot slut" if you will... don't worry, your role gets replaced every 3 to 6 months, usually after you start trying to use the wiki as yer own personal playground (like in this case) and start blatantly ignoring shit Zaiger's been plastering all over his talk page for YEARS on end. I mean, seriously, out of all of Zaiger's personal pet peeves... you pretty well just pissed all over his favorite one... and I'm not so sure he's into watersports.
--Onideus 00:48, 21 December 2014 (EST)

I will just put this riiiiiiight nyah:

--Onideus 01:03, 21 December 2014 (EST)

Yeah, obviously taking something 3 years old proves your point expertly.
Also nicely taken out of context you dumb shit.
CobaltCat 01:11, 21 December 2014 (EST)
You know what no one likes? Sockpuppets. Nobody gives a fuck, Onideus. Keep bitching. V X 01:14, 21 December 2014 (EST)
It can't be Onifag, as he is too busy making his own ED that will rule the internets. CobaltCat 01:18, 21 December 2014 (EST)
It's him.I'd think it would be obvious. File names are dead giveways. Noone else does this. _-_--Boudica 01:24, 21 December 2014 (EST)
CobaltCat 01:34, 21 December 2014 (EST)

I believe he used to do ^_^'s the -_- is common for facepalm Tigercommander 01:24, 21 December 2014 (EST)

*makes popcorn*

Boy this keeps gettin better and better! I love the new "furtard friendly" ED! :D

--Onideus 01:26, 21 December 2014 (EST)

Tigercommander 01:31, 21 December 2014 (EST)

  • He is right, stop being faggots and policing articles and let him make his page wherever the fuck he wants. How about you guys go create content instead of stifling it, k? This isn't fucking Wikipedia. --Mantequilla (talk) 14:35, 21 December 2014 (EST)

  • This can't be Onideus. Onideus has never made a new article. oddguy 17:01, 21 December 2014 (EST)
Not articles, per se. He was quite fond of making gallery articles, however. V X 12:31, 22 December 2014 (EST)

Arrow Cats are Disturbing (back on subject)

Has there been any actual internet reaction/memes over these arrow cats outside of shoehorning in the voerused "arrow to the knee" joke on the Arrow Cats page? If not, we should probably put them in The Disturbing Cat Page. I figure that at least Zippocat and Chase 'No Face' have fan bases and/or actual community reactions enough to make them notable as "intnernet cats". Without those things then it doesn't make sense to have Arrow Cats be it's own page. --3tails 19:40, 24 December 2014 (EST)

It's fine where it is. I think it's pretty funny, plus people have been searching it out for 3 or 4 years now. Longer than "arrow to the knee". --Mantequilla (talk) 19:50, 24 December 2014 (EST)
The search thing is largely a result of local news station affiliates running such stories and the ensuing interest. In most of them there's only one or two images, but a few of them there's a whole bunch. A lot of them have some pretty entertaining comment sections as well, plus some drama. There was one recent case where this lady embezzled $20,000 to in order to help pay for surgery for one of them. There's other ones too, not just cats, but for some reason the cat ones always get people the most riled up, followed by dogs and then other animals. There's people ones too! It could possibly be eventually expanded into an article about bow and arrows in general, or a sub-article of such a subject. --Onideus 20:01, 24 December 2014 (EST)

Possible upcoming drama

Apparently some TGWTG fag (aren't they all the same?) downloaded CP and posted it on fullchan to try and slander gamergate. --One With The Lulz 03:33, 25 December 2014 (EST)

Yeah, it seems pretty lulzy. But we need more dirt on the faggot, else we just need to add it to the TGWTG article. I am busy celebrating Christmas, so I probably can't do much digging and shit before the new year. CobaltCat 15:41, 25 December 2014 (EST)

https://twitter.com/foldablehuman he's linking to the shitty article on here --One With The Lulz 12:03, 27 December 2014 (EST)

all sites that handle user generated content have to deal with that. he should have a look at http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Nude_or_partially_nude_children if he wants to raise hell about it. -hipcrime 12:31, 27 December 2014 (EST)

Merry Christmas, freaks

File:Vermin xmas1.jpg File:Vermin xmas card.jpgHeil 2015!

File:Vermin xmas4.jpg   

10:41, 25 December 2014 (EST)

Tigercommander likes this.

Merry christmas, dont drink much drink like alcoholists who havent seen a drop of alcohol in months :) --LmaoZedong 25th December 2015

Is that first pic from Danny Antonucci? --One With The Lulz 03:03, 26 December 2014 (EST)
It's Rat Fink by "Big Daddy" Roth.   
10:37, 26 December 2014 (EST)

Social Experiment

While I am inclined to continue my policy of emitting a constant stream of 0fuck-tons I have been asked by a user to look into the possible identity of Onideus to determine if he or she is a disgusting diaper shitting retard. To better understand this individual I will be banning them for exactly 24 hours so their reaction afterward can be gauged. Additionally, said user is an unfunny contributor of garbage so fuck them anyway. If the rumors of a certain disgraced fuckup returning under a false name are true it would not surprise me to see him exploding in rage even with a post such as this in full view because he's just that much of a faggot. Better safe than sorry! Please resist the urge to unban this person due to the short length of the banishment. KKKThnx - Phobos 22:00, 26 December 2014 (EST)

I'm a big fan of The Social Experiment
23:41, 26 December 2014 (EST)
Even if it is him I'd rather know what account he is using than have to guess and play whack a mole with sock puppets. If he wants to edit and improve articles without being a sperg that is fine with me. PS you are giving him exactly the attention he wants from you. --Mantequilla (talk) 01:32, 28 December 2014 (EST)
Tigercommander likes this.
He hasn't been back yet since the ban. If it is Onideus, yah he def loves the attention, but as demonstrated previously he doesn't know how to correctly handle it. He's a complete fucking moron and the more he is given what he wants the more insufferable he becomes. I'm also not suggesting we ban him. If EDF discovers he has returned they'll chase him away just on principle regardless of what you or I say. I just wanted to shed some light on the matter - Phobos 14:34, 28 December 2014 (EST)
He is back actually I saw him edit the chris chan article's talk. Tigercommander 14:58, 28 December 2014 (EST)
Your cuckold world view is noted and disregarded. Just because you spend all your time editing talk pages doesn't make it real wiki activity, shit for brains. - Phobos 15:44, 28 December 2014 (EST)
Your USI is also noted, just because you see my contribs and not actually see what I do doesn't make you a good judge Tigercommander 15:47, 28 December 2014 (EST)
I see what you do, I see how you chat, I see your endless contributions lacking any and all relevance, I see you continuing to reference ED lingo in a pathetic attempt to fit in, I see you linking to acronyms that no one is confused about because they aren't fucking brain dead and have browsed ED for more than 30 days. The only thing I haven't seen you do is finding somewhere else to cry about it, aka, go whine somewhere else fag. - Phobos 15:54, 28 December 2014 (EST)
Oh I also see what you do, I see You engaging in stupid wars with other admins, removing posts you don't like, and also hating on me cuz I said you should not vandalize vermin's user page,keep bawwwwwing, it makes me laugh more Tigercommander 15:58, 28 December 2014 (EST)
USI, bawwing, Chris-Chan. You reek of 5 year old memes. No matter, let's tally your total:

1. Sucking Vermin's Dick ☑
2. Getting upset after being advised to fuck off ☑
3. Claiming to be not involved and ceaselessly involving yourself ☑
4. Becoming distraught that ED is not your hugbox ☑
Lol and I don't remember you laughing last night in IRC:

* tigercmdr has quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<phobos> lol
<pkTiCAAAL> lol bounced
<phobos> rq
<pkTiCAAAL> well congrats. we are one faggot lighter

Stop hatin on me!!!. You are one fat sack of embarrassment, nerd. - Phobos 16:15, 28 December 2014 (EST)

Lol I didn't know that saying the truth is called dick sucking, this is a satire site,a fight between admins is stupid, I didn't say I'm not involved, I said I ain't on anyone's side

Oh and about that IRC, I don't want to post the full log cuz that would make you look bad dear, I only come on IRC for like 10,30 mins and leave, I laughed so hard after that talk I had with you ,

Also all that aside, You are right, vandalizing ppl's user pages,wars with other admins, and doing all you can to try and drive away potential editors by calling them nerds and bragging how your 100 years old article that you didn't even make your self has 100k views is truly the way to help ED become better, I have to sleep now, I'll see the rest of your butthurt tomorrow Tigercommander 16:27, 28 December 2014 (EST)

Meme bingo - Butthurt☑
1. You have made 0 worthwhile contributions and there is nothing to be lost by your departure from this site. However you seem to be confused, so let me help you understand since your crippling illiteracy appears to be causing you emotional distress. Clicking the save changes button as often as possible does not make you an editor or creator of quality content. It makes you an RT spamming pissant. Your presence on this wiki is almost as useless as your life off of it. You = useless scumfuck.
2. 2013 is 100 years ago? You're fucking retarded. Also a page redirect isn't an article, it's a redirect. I made the page you plebelord.
3. You think I wont post the full log? Lol. - Tigercommander getting wreckt on IRC.txt

Hahaha "sleeping". This is the second time you have run away from the Internet in the past 24 hours. Have fun hiding! - Phobos 16:52, 28 December 2014 (EST)

Let me end this "debate" once and for all... I am whoever makes you the most (meme)hurt. If whoever you're (referencing) is that person, then I'll (become upset). Even if I'm not them, I'll still be them, simply for the sake of (sounding like Uncyclopedia) since you write about it with (concise paragraphs). :D --Onideus 22:05, 28 December 2014 (EST)

Lol that's nice enjoy your ban, maybe next time you should consider working on the wiki more and your autism less. - Phobos 22:16, 28 December 2014 (EST)
lol really really childish as I thought, because I have to go to sleep you say "I'm the winner" and other 5 year old shit, maybe instead of stalking people you should go work on something instead,

I really am done talking to you, because i don't talk to 5 year olds, good luck making vermin butthurt, cuz I don't think it'll work. Tigercommander 00:34, 29 December 2014 (EST)

Shut up faggot - Phobos 00:36, 29 December 2014 (EST)
I know I was quick to name drop Onideus before, but I have second thoughts. Oni was never that aggressive. Not overtly so, at least. Onideus's speech mimics that of another occassionally aggressive user, one who is both prominent and a rather shameless attention whore. I won't humor him with another careless name drop. —  VX  00:56, 29 December 2014 (EST)

North Korea

Can someone add something about "The Interview" drama to the North Korea article before it is featured on the 31th. there is literally nothing and it is pretty big e-drama. --Mantequilla (talk) 23:52, 27 December 2014 (EST)

Also it looks like it has not been updated in a couple/few years, it still reads like Jim Jong Il is Dear Leader. --Mantequilla (talk) 23:56, 27 December 2014 (EST)
I was thinking of making a Lizard Squad one, its related to the edrama I guess since its possible that LS DDoSed NK last week. If I have time any of these days I´ll make it :) --LmaoZedong 28th December 2014
I worked on it for a bit but it's going to need some additional attention. It was all over the fucking place. - Phobos 15:48, 28 December 2014 (EST)
Thanks guise --Mantequilla (talk) 16:34, 28 December 2014 (EST)
  • Someone much less lazy than I am please change the name of Evildoer Korea to Best Korea and clean up all the redirects. --Mantequilla (talk) 20:16, 28 December 2014 (EST)

Adding some fun about "The Interview"'s drama in the North Korean Hackers section. After all, those clowns don't do much else notible. --3tails 23:59, 28 December 2014 (EST)

Crossing A (blue) Line (or twelve)

Uh... I was thinking about making an article about the whole recent craziness with the police, mostly covering particular points like this...


But um... some of the material I've come across so far, as a direct result of such actions, has in turn led to stuff like this...

Which I don't know, can we get in trouble for putting up stuff like that? Context wise it'll be about other people, but given how crazy some of the cops are acting in response I figured it might be better to ask before I start uploading a ton of stuff. --Onideus 02:16, 30 December 2014 (EST)

What are you afraid of? start working I say Tigercommander 02:19, 30 December 2014 (EST)

What's the biggest, most dangerous gang in America? The cops! seriously, look into "the silent brotherhood". it's disturbingly mafia-like. --One With The Lulz 12:20, 30 December 2014 (EST)

ED is a wiki dedicated to things related to the Internet or in some way important to the Internet. This is not one of those things. Aside from that obvious fact, neither of you have the 9th grade reading comprehension required to write such an article without every other sentence being a reference to one or multiple may mays. If you would like to write an article on the rash of people being arrested for posting threats to cops online, go right ahead, otherwise you and your edgy pre-teen humor can fuck right off. - Phobos 13:50, 30 December 2014 (EST)

Unless this is absolutely lulz-worthy, I don't want this SJW shit on ED.Pointless.--Boudica 12:29, 30 December 2014 (EST)

Ignorami threatening cops online is always relevant. Conversely, there is always a legion of fanboys standing ready to do their part and be indignant when cops are mildly insulted in any way. Plenty of dramatic potential here. —  VX  16:26, 30 December 2014 (EST)

Okay, this can be done a few different ways I suppose... either it could be added to the Ismaaiyl Brinsley article as like an "aftermath" section OR it could be done up as an article of its own, maybe as "Wings On Pigs", focusing primarily on just the aftermath, or focusing on the whole "cop wars" in general. OR it could be done up as TWO articles. The problem is normally you want to pick the side that will be inflicted with the most butthurt, but with this mess both sides are pretty well equally ass enraged so it's like, which side to take? Or I suppose that both sides could be present in a single article, attacking every side indiscriminately all at once. Thoughts? --Onideus 10:57, 31 December 2014 (EST)

  • The Internet is exploding with shit about unruly pigs. I think this is a great idea. Boudica you don't get to say "I don't want this SJW shit on ED.". You are a fucking janitor not a content administrator. --Mantequilla (talk) 16:44, 4 January 2015 (EST)
um isn't there an article already? maybe we could update it Tigercommander 00:14, 6 January 2015 (EST)

Leelah Alcorn

  • Some faggot posted a suicide note on tumblr and jumped in front of a truck because he wanted to be a tranny. sjw retards are going apeshit. anyone care? oddguy 09:59, 31 December 2014 (EST)
Did you know... that before the Internet ever even existed... that people killed themselves!? :D
People aren't actually killing themselves any more than they used to kill themselves, the only difference is that now the world is more connected so when you kill yourself you have the option of attempting to incite some measure of dramas on the Internet in the process, where as in ye olden days your options were generally limited to sending letters to newspapers before you relieved the world of your worthless existence.
In short... no, no one really cares... about the suicide! :D
The dramas created from the suicide though, that might be worth an article!
--Onideus 10:49, 31 December 2014 (EST)
I predict that his death will bring forth a wave of slacktivist campaigns lead by Tumblrites. Nothing particularly lulzy has happened yet, but something good just might pop up. Krookodilian 23:01, 4 January 2015 (EST)

Hey Zaiger, What's Up With The Image Flushes?

How come your newbie admin keeps trying to remove this?

--Onideus 15:05, 31 December 2014 (EST)

phobos has been an ED user since .com ; they are hardly a newbie.--Talk to me|Contribs 15:26, 31 December 2014 (EST)
Not Phobos (Angry Pants), I meant Boudica or whatever her name is. Phobos resorted to "delete fucking everything" cause they got all ass flustered, there's no mystery behind that. I meant why Boudica keeps trying to remove the hilarious screen cap of said butt mad reaction. Is Phobos like autistic or something? Is that why we're not allowed to poke fun at them? Or is Boudica like his "side hoe" or something? Doing it for "personal favors" if you catch my meaning. --Onideus 01:50, 1 January 2015 (EST)

Babytroll.--Boudica 01:53, 1 January 2015 (EST)

Not the admin, but I can imagine there would be several reasons to flush that image. For a start, we already have a ton of similar images, it may not have been linked to any pages, or maybe it was linked to by sites that aren't ED. --3tails 20:27, 1 January 2015 (EST)

You're new here... I can tell! :D
--Onideus 23:34, 1 January 2015 (EST)

Hey everybody guess what: Encyclopedia Dramatica user "Onideus" is a big dork lol 22:38, 1 January 2015 (EST)

I am rather adorkable aren't I?
--Onideus 23:34, 1 January 2015 (EST)
I'll say!   
10:48, 2 January 2015 (EST)

  • If you guys can't take it, don't dish it out. Boudica you already have one foot out the fucking door so I suggest focusing on content. --Mantequilla (talk) 16:13, 4 January 2015 (EST)