Milo Yiannopoulos

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This page is written from the point of view of an SJW for comedic purposes. Calm down, ED is not trying to smash the patriarchy. Poe's Law and such.

Despite not being ginger, he still has no soul.

Hailing from the United Kingdom, Milo Yiannopoulos is a writer for the conservative tabloid "Breitbart". Yiannopoulos is tranny hating faggot with a receding hairline who, considering his Greek last name and his right-wing leanings, is probably a closet supporter of Golden Dawn.

Milo Yiannopoulos had recently risen to prominence thanks to his boundless preening, self-aggrandizement and shameless self promotion via latching-on to GamerGate in a sad but obvious attempt to gain money, readers and try to convert the videogame-loving, left-wing pussies of the internet to his conservatard cult.


Milo learning about some real journalism

A.k.a Nero a.k.a Milo Wagner is a greasy, olive-picking, tranny hating, corrupt, right-wing cocksucker who recently turned 30 but who's hairline seems to be pushing 55. Before trying to profit off GamerGate he was busy preventing fair competition when his company Wrong Agency Ltd. prevented another company at winning a shitty award.

He also created something called The Kernel, which ironically doesn't contain one kernel of truth. Now the Kernel is going bye-byes because it can't pay its employees or its bills. He has also written shite for Telegraph and Breitbart.

He is not a gamer and used to call out gamers for the nerds that they are. Sadly, now that he's part of GamerGate, he has retracted those statements and moved into his basement to play DnD and get fat fatter. The only thing he ever did right in his career was linking to ED. Maybe he can read a few more of our articles and learn what real journalism is.

For fun tweet him and ask if he wants any "updog".

Outside of very narrow topics Milo is pretty fucking stupid.


Someone telling it like it is



Yiannopoulos is best known for his long-winded prose only hardened hatemongers can actually stomach. His columns on Breitbart have ranged in subject matter from why women have no place in comic books to unsourced claims about GamerGate opponents, most of which border on the legally actionable. Of course, to the basement-dwelling trolls of GamerGate, his writing is top kek and full of lulz despite its very real and negative impact on oppressed groups. When he claimed transgenderism is a psychiatric disorder, it's obvious he didn't think of how this could further marginalize a group in need of protection.

Milo hates trannies

Being transsexual is a bit like being gluten intolerant: for every real one, there are fifteen or twenty just trying it on for attention.


Bigot alert.

Milo has a deep-seeded and ongoing hate for trannies, believing them to be a sickness that would be better served with an extended stay in the shock-treatment room of the loony bin, rather than surgery. In his most telling article (which he posted on his personal blog because not even a turd like Britebart would publish something this stupid) he says such things as:

[Transgenderism] is the only mental illness classified as such by the medical establishment that we indulge with surgery instead of treating with therapy


Post-op transsexuals are no longer man, nor yet female; able neither to ejaculate nor be inseminated.


The answer should be obvious: we’re abusing people who need our help, by indulging their psychoses in place of administering treatment.


Clearly ignorant to the suffering and persecution of *trans people suffer every day, which he helps to felicitate.

It is these beliefs that have lead him to write multiple articles mocking trannies, as well as otherkin and transniggers, and wage an ongoing war with Brianna Wu during which he outed her and said:

We are using “she” and “her” as a polite courtesy in this report.


Milo seems to think that being a homosexual deviant somehow makes him better than the dick-girl and less at odds with god and nature. Obviously, he is wrong.

"Female Thor is what Happens when Progressive Hang-Wringing and Misandry Ruin a Cherished Art Form"

Chimpout is an extremely racist term. Yiannopoulos needs to check his privilege and use neutral language.

For one, Google Chrome put a red line under the word "misandry" because it's not a real thing. Sexism is institutional power and privilege being used to oppress a non-dominant group. Of course, a man like Yiannopoulos is oblivious to this and tries to mansplain the advent of female Thor. In the problematic column, he writes (TW: misogyny), "It’s hard to believe the most macho, overtly masculine character in the comic canon could possibly be reimagined as a broad. But that’s almost certainly precisely the reason Thor was chosen: as a fuck-you to so-called nerdbros from the achingly progressive staff of today’s comic book establishment." Broad?! What is this to him, a game to see how much blatant misogyny he can get away with on the internet? (Thanks to sites like 4chan and ED, it's unfortunately quite a bit.) And traditional "macho" masculinity is so outdated, like who would ever identify with that? Thank Jezebel for female Thor, a welcome breath of diversity that bucks the trend of shoehorning.

"I Dropped Out of Manchester and Cambridge but it's Honestly Fine"

Self-proclaimed shitlord.

In true white male fashion, Yiannopoulos boasts about how his privilege helped him get where he is today. He dropped out of two universities, yet the world still opened up for him. Instead of acknowledging how his success was likely due to his status as a white male and how a PoC in the same position would be ridiculed and stereotyped, Yiannopoulos felt the need to brag. "If you’re as talented, intelligent and handsome as I am, you don’t need a degree to succeed," he begins, setting the tone of this orgy of the self. "The dirty secret of professional and personal success is it has a lot more to do with your God-given assets than it does how hard you studied at uni or where you went." By that he means he benefited from institutional racism and patriarchy.

Like most men, Yiannopoulos can't keep his rape instrument in his pants. Not that anyone wants to see, because boys are gross. "When I do manage to drag myself out of bed after hung over fumbles with the housekeeper’s husband it’s to a well-paid column for a mischievous American news website and regular appearances on Newsnight and Sky News." Congratulations, you've gotten a bunch of stuff handed to you for being born a certain way.

He also brags about his self-proclaimed attractiveness, something only insecure people do. Who cares about society's standards of beauty anyway? All people are beautiful. Except Milo.

Just in #GamerGate to write and sell a book

As previously stated Nero has had no interest in the gaming culture until he realized he could make a quick buck by appealing to the lowest denominator, the manchildren gamers. And as GamerGate started to fade out, the gaylord had to think of new methods to make money, so he can afford Regaine and better toupées. The book will just contain whatever Milo wrote on and now you can have the privilege of paying for the exact same content. Remember it is all about ethics in book selling.
And n


A purge of misogynists and racists? Finally!

Yiannopoulos' blog has numerous entries attacking prominent Muslim leaders, painting them as anti-Western. The racism there is reminiscent of what you'd find on Pamela Geller's Atlas Shrugs or Your Daily Muslim. His Twitter, named after a Roman emperor the likes of which he will never compare to, is full of problematic content that even 100 trigger warnings couldn't entirely summarize. I'll share some of these here, but be warned, many of these sentiments come from the foulest depths of GamerGate and other MRA landfills.

Failed Business


Yiannopoulos founded and later sold a site called The Kernel, better known as The KKKernel. The site's first run was the opposite of glorious. "Suspending publication at The Kernel in March this year was a painful and humiliating process. I’d been too arrogant about my ability to run a business and allowed a combination of starry optimism and financial incompetence to bring the company to its knees," he wrote. A white man? Arrogant? No way...

Of course, he somehow had the capital to revive the failed venture and sold it for a hefty sum.

Yiannopoulos' Predicted Reaction to This Article

It's expected Yiannopoulos will react to this article with a look of disdain because it's (intentionally) painfully unfunny. He'll probably also self-dox and upload his own n00dz to this site before claiming he's a victim of online harassment, despite the inherent hypocrisy in him doing so. With a need for attention as extreme as his, who knows how low he will sink?


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See Also


Milo Yiannopoulos is part of a series on

Homosexual Deviants

Visit the Faggotry Portal for complete coverage.

#GamerGate Series

[RagequitPress Start]


Zoe Quinn



Mighty No. 9

Gone Home

Ian Miles Cheong

Phil Fish

m00t sells out






Jimbo Wales


Ben Kuchera

Jonathan McIntosh

Randi Harper

Shanley Kane

Leigh Alexander


Sarah Butts


Brianna Wu

Chloe Sagal

Arthur Chu

Milo Yiannopoulos

Peter Coffin

Tim Schafer


Sarkeesian Effect

Vivian James


GG Faggots

*Nods Respectfully*


Tom Preston

DQ Sim

Cathedral of Misogyny

Law & Order

Kung Fu Guy

Other People and Sites That Got Involved:

Anti-GG Faggots: Videogame "Journalists"Videogame ReviewersCameron BakerJoss WhedonEgoraptorChris ChanAhuviya Harel/ADF-Fuensalidam00tA Man in BlackNick DentonEllen PaoDarksydePhilAdam SesslerJed WhitakerAlison RappNolongersilencedTony SidawayAlex WuoriAndrew HussieTransFrequencyWil WheatonAsalieriJerry PeetAngry JoeMaxofs2dChris KluweTauriq MoosaTodd in the ShadowsMaddoxFaggot Who Started OWSSceptre‎NorthBySouthBaranofIronholdsGeorge R.R MartinStephen ColbertJim SterlingValisHDNerdcubedJoshua IdehenVordrakRian JohnsonJulia Alexander

Pro-GG Faggots: Adam BaldwinAnne RiceWilliam ShatnerHideki KamiyaBoogie2988JonTronDerek SmartMrRepzionSuey Park‎Richard DawkinsRichard StallmanFilthy FrankShoe0nHeadTotalBiscuitTheamazingatheistThunderf00tJulian AssangeWeevIcze4rRoosh VGabe and TychoTheRalphRetortParkourDude91The Wannabe DickridersJewWarioLordKatCowkittyCraig BrittainSir WulfingtonSargon of AkkadLane Davis (Seattle4Truth)Carly FiorinaAlisonPrimeZoe AskalonDJBPlaythroughsMister MetokurArmored SkepticMundaneMatt.

Sites: RedditVoatRationalWikiSJWiki76chanTwitterWikipediaTGWTGBoingBoingVICEGOGTheMarySueStormfrontScrewAttackThe EscapistBuzzfeedSalonPatreonJezebelSomething AwfulTV Tropes4chanEDF 2: Electric BoogalooEncyclopedia DramaticaWe Hunted The MammothMicVox MediaResetERA.

Others: 2064: Read Only MemoriesFacadeFire EmblemFleetCOMMDead or AliveCards Against HumanityGNAABill Waggoner CrewMSNBC/CNN/BBC etcThe GuardianElectronic ArtsIntelAdobeGoogleShirtgateMillion Dollar ExtremeHatredPostal 2BaphometAnonymousGamersEverybody else on the internet and their dog.

Minor Related Pages: Censored article about Brianna WuSarah Butts FFshrine chatlogsList of people defending Butts' pedophiliaThe DMCA Butts sent usMilo Yiannopoulos ✡ The feminist versionShanley Kane's butthurt rantThe Great Gawker Implosion of 2015Skype Con LeakRalph's retarded group to monitor people trolling him.