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Nobody has heard of this person, but whoever they are, vandalizing this article only makes us want to learn more...

This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.
Don't be fooled by the photo.

PrincessElizabeth013 (Powerword: Erin Anthony) is your typical kawaiidesuspeshul 14 year old who lives in Crothersville, Indiana who just happens to be the biggest new Sonicfag to hate since Akai_Dalia. She was born November 14th, 2000 to a wonderful family who's secretly in the closet. Be sure to visit our charming princess- that is, of course, if you enjoy batshit bigotry from her and her 'dearest family.'

Contradictions and Lies

Something tells me she's deep in dat pronz closet.
Because only she can judge!!!
In this video she is portrayed by the anime desu character
called Mikan. The bitch actually made another person
really b'aaaw.
Y u no understand Erin is just a nice girl?

How very contradicting About missing Pics
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U better follow these rules or else BITCH
And who can forget, her Mary-Sue.

Now normally you wouldn't think a person anywhere would have set of rules created for anyone doing gift art for this ungrateful turd but you'd be wrong. She really does consider gift art to be art theft. Among many other things that can send her into a spiral of e-rage a simple critique about her Mary-Sue provides some nice lulz. See below video.

Someone critiqued her Mary-Sue and this is what ensued.

A sample of her kawaiidesusugoi amazing art gallery About missing Pics
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Considering how sensitive Princess gets about her OC being drawn or criticized, you'd think that she's a well-written character with flaws and quirks. But going off the bio below, she's just another recolored, overpowered slut.

Name: Elizabeth

Gender: Female

Species: Hedgehog

Age: 17

Weight: Secret

Occupation: Princess

Ability type: Speed

Likes: Shadow(friend, although he is protecting her), Team Dark(her team), Rouge(her friend and partner), Omega, Amy, The D.L.A, Freedom Fighters, bubble baths, Sadik(her boyfriend), Rosie the Rabbit, Silver, Blaze, Cream, Jason the Echidna(friend), Quick the Hedgehog.

Dislikes: Eggman (some), Eclipse, Mephiles, Rouge flirting with Shadow, traitors to the crown, Scourge, Fiona Fox, Agent Topaz, SWATbots, Starfall(to a degree), Cythan(to a degree), Lyric the Snake, Black Doom, being lied to, seeing her friends wounded and/or killed.

Powers/Abilities: Light Flash- Aims a bright gold-colored light flash that stuns an kills a nearby enemy. Aerial Dash- Wipes out Buzzbombers by ramming silver-colored light in the air. Beauty Blast- Makes an ally have true beauty, killing the enemy with pink-colored blasts and pink-colored light. Beauty Control- Drains a female enemy's beauty (inner or outer) and is given to Elizabeth's allies. Wipe Out- Destroys any enemy character with a flash of lavender-colored light.

Weaknesses/Flaws: Any shiny objects handsome boys(in her age group) her short temper her impatience. She wears out after a certain amount of time.

Author's note: She is not a Mary-Sue, a gender-bend, a recolor, a slut, or all 4!

Oh the drama of it all

No Pedophile here u gais.

You know you're really a cuntrag when a person goes to great lengths to write up one of those god awful self made internet petitions about you.

Looks like another Angelic-Catalyst.
So the truth comes out that our dear Princess didn't write this journal. She was told to copy and paste it by another user.
Claiming that she never hacked SashaG's Scratch account when Sasha and her friends did an IP track, it lead back to Crothersville Indiana. Interesting how things work out.

Trolling the 'Princess'

  1. Rub the truth in her face for great justice!
  2. Critique her precious Mary-Sue. (that's ANY form of it, good or bad. In fact, you can't say anything to her at all!)
  3. Make gift art of her precious Mary-Sue.
  4. Make gift art of her precious Mary-Sue as a lesbian.
  5. Make gift art of her precious Mary-Sue as gay.
  6. Make gift art of her precious Mary-Sue as both of the above.
  7. Critique her shitty attitude.
  8. Tell her why people hate her so much.
  9. Call her out on her hypocrisy.
  10. Call her out on her homophobia.

White Knights

Question now is will Mommy actually go through with it.
Wow, so her apology is full of shit but this isn't the first time.

Fan Art

Special legitimate fan art for your dear Princess About missing Pics
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Fan Videos

This is everyone's new favorite ship. Thank you PE013 fans!



An adorable pairing fanfiction with Elizabeth and Rouge! <3


Princess Discovers ED


See Also

PrincessElizabeth013 is part of a series on


Visit the DeviantART Portal for complete coverage.

PrincessElizabeth013 is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.


PrincessElizabeth013 is part of a series on
Sonic the Hedgehog