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Well obviously.

Animazella also goes by (aside from "Millicent MacManus") Milly Mac. As well as being a whore, she is also a bi-polar incestuous pedophile racist with a lust for anything with a penis, animals included. It seems she has been a nympho from an early age, having lost her virginity to her brother at age 12. Since then, she seems to have had sex with everything else she could get her hands on that moved, including (but not limited to) her poor German Shepard.

Or so we thought...

Allow us to Introduce...

File:Zella thin.jpg
Here's what she looks like.

Animazella. She just recently joined devianTART, becoming a member of the "community" on the 23rd of February. She stated in her first journal that she joined devianTART because of FurrMetalAlchemist and the lulz said furry created. This alone should have alerted ED's squad of TARTlets.

As of recently, Animazilla's been BAAAWWW-ing about losing her job because she kept taking "sex-breaks" at work. How DARE they fire her for having sex instead of working?! That's outrageous! Now she has to find a new job that lets her have sex in the back room!

Her exploits on devianTART include terribly drawn pictures and many comments that expose her pedophile desires for little boy's cock. She has already produced journals that tell of her sex-capades and desire for barely pubescent boys. Undercover work in the field has revealed her desires for her pet pooch and her happiness at the concept of incest. As a white supremacist, she doesn't take flack from any non-whites, as any criticism from them rolls right off. Then again, she doesn't really take criticism from anyone.

Trolls Trolling Trolls

Anonymous TARTlets all like to troll in the same way - some crazy 16 year old girl gets an article on ED, her page is spammed for three days straight (or until she eventually flees from dA) and the EDiots post screenshots of their success. Animazella's tactic seems to be collecting the very worst of the journal entries and behaviors of other deviantART lolcows and putting them together to create the Golden Calf of dA.

Batshit insane TARTlets are common on deviantART. Teenage tramps who enjoy bestiality or adults who like drawing bunnies raping loli are common. We however suspect Animazella is nothing moar than a fail troll hoping to get a vanity page on ED.

Sadly, it looks like she will end up getting it.


Check it!

Mommy Attacks?

An excellent worker in the field has managed to get this tramp's mum involved. After carelessly leaving an IM conversation open, her mom walked by and saw the horrors that she was saying to other people. After getting bitched out by mommy, she proceeded to keep us informed and dutifully posted a journal about it. She was promptly grounded.

However this journal exactly matched one made by FurrMetalAlchemist a few weeks earlier - yet very few TARTlets seemed to notice.

She Lieks to Feed, U Gaiz!

Is Animazella a possible vampire-wannabe? It sure sounds like from her avatar, which reads "I Liek To Feed" while promoting one her works of art. Then again, she could just be a whore. Our bets go on that one. In addition to being on devianTART to "view pretty, pretty Mudkips", she's also there for the "lulz" and to create and provide "dArama" ... Considering she was already suspended after only less than a week of being on devianTART, it seems she's already fairly successful in that manner.

Just like the "Mommy Attacks" journal stunt, this also exactly matches another recent victim of ED on deviantART - Her Dark Prince. Yet again nobody seemed to notice.

What's So Bad About Rape?

One of Animazella's few journal entries stated quite bluntly that rape is A-OK, which all trolls have known for many years. For some reason her watchers had a problem with this. Once again this tactic was used by a dA troll a few years back, causing the TARTlet population to collectively piss themselves and overuse angry emoticons. Animazella just took it a step forward by pissing off EDiots using the same method.

Previous Edits of this Article

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The GRIDS that is killing ED in progress.

Story Time

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<a name="Galleries" id="Galleries"></a>


<a name="Comments_Made_of_Win" id="Comments_Made_of_Win"></a>

Comments Made of <a href="" title="Fail">Win</a>

Before reading these comments, keep in mind the <a href="" title="EDiots" class="mw-redirect">EDiots</a> replying to her genuinely thought they were totally <a href="" title="Pwn" class="mw-redirect">pwning</a> her with their razor-sharp wit.


<a name="C.27mon_Guize_-_Does_THIS_Look_Liek_a_Troll.3F" id="C.27mon_Guize_-_Does_THIS_Look_Liek_a_Troll.3F"></a>

C'mon Guize - Does THIS Look Liek a Troll?

Of Course Not . . .

<a name="Obvious_Troll_is_-_Successful.3F" id="Obvious_Troll_is_-_Successful.3F"></a>

Obvious Troll is - Successful?

Troll attacks on <a href="" title="DeviantART">deviantART</a> all follow the same pattern - a tartlet is found, an article about her is written, her page is spammed for three days straight, she eventually freaks out and flees the site. The trolls <a href="" title="Circle jerk">circle jerk</a>. Many TARTlets are apparently worthy of mention simply because they are <a href="" title="Shitty art" class="mw-redirect">shitty artists</a> or <a href="" title="Sonic" class="mw-redirect">Sonic</a> fans. The two usually go together.

But not this time. For once instead of a TARTlet being trolled until she tried to commit <a href="" title="Pseudocide">pseudocide</a>, Animazella is testimony to the fact that TARTlets who contribute to <a href="" title="Encyclopedia Dramatica">Encyclopedia Dramatica</a> are incredibly easy to fool and hopefully will <a href="" title="NYPA" class="mw-redirect">think twice about writing attack articles</a> on every <a href="" title="16 year old girl" class="mw-redirect">16 year old girl</a> on <a href="" title="DeviantART">deviantART</a>.

Sadly however it did not last.

<a name="Rule_17" id="Rule_17"></a>

<a href="" title="Internet rules" class="mw-redirect">Rule 17</a>

Rule 17: All <a href="" title="Win" class="mw-redirect">win</a> eventually turns into <a href="" title="Fail">fail</a>. The same goes for Animazella's trolling.

Return to Deviantart
Under a new IP, she has returned to <a href="" title="DevianTART" class="mw-redirect">devianTART</a> as Zellabarker. We can only guess what this means for her dog. She was however instantly <a href="" title="Banned">banned</a> again and produced no <a href="" title="Lulz">lulz</a>.

Joining Encyclopedia Dramatica:
Sadly trolling on <a href="" title="ED">ED</a> is nowhere near as easy as trolling on <a href="" title="Deviantart" class="mw-redirect">Deviantart</a> and <a href="" title="User:Zella">Zella</a> was quickly set upon by rabid <a href="" title="EDiots" class="mw-redirect">EDiots</a> and <a href="" title="Banned">banned</a>. She now spends her days whoring herself out for <a href="" title="Noods" class="mw-redirect">noods</a> and vandalising her article.

<a name="See_Also" id="See_Also"></a>

See Also

<a href="" class="image" title="We still encourage others to ask for tits. Even if they get a nasty surprise."><img alt="" src="" width="280" height="231" border="0" class="thumbimage" /></a>

<a name="External_Links" id="External_Links"></a>

External Links

<a name="Contact" id="Contact"></a>



Oblique/Animazella is part of a series on


Visit the Trolls Portal for complete coverage.


Oblique/Animazella is part of a series on


Visit the DeviantART Portal for complete coverage.