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Add pixplzkthnx to Datura
Plz to be adding some pix now kthnx. Consult the image selection process for help, or just google up some pix.
Plz remove this notice once there are plenty of pix.
A Datura plant.
An artist's rendition of a Datura trip. Yours probably won't be this cool, however.

Datura (also known as Jimson Weed, Devil's Apple, Thorn Apple, Stinkweed, Devil's Weed, Malpitte, and Moonflower) is a deleriant drug, similar to Benadryl, except that it grows everywhere and gives you a bad trip 99% of the time. It is usually used by retarded back-country ranchers and dirt-poor white trash who can't afford better hallucinogens, as well as faggot hippy "naturalists". 9 times out of 10 you will end up eating way too many seeds, and run naked from the cops screaming about how YOU TOTALLY SAW GOD AND IT LIKE BLEW YOUR MIND MAN! Or at least that's what people told you you did when you come to 3 days later in a Mexican prison. Also, for three or so days after eating the seeds, you will be rewarded with painfully dry mouth and extremely fucked-up vision. It's also extremely easy to overdose on, and plenty of people have died from it, but they're obviously pussies. Be sure to eat at least 100 seeds as fast as possible or else nothing will happen and you'll feel like a dumbass.

Belladonna (Deadly nightshade)

Belladonna is another anticholinergic drug related to Datura. Glory unto White Jesus! Turns out, any plant which will kill you in large doses gets you high in slightly-less-large doses. Who'd a thunk it? Belladonna, also known as deadly nightshade, contains a potent anticholinergic deliriant which is imbued with the same wonderful magicks as Datura. If you can manage to get the right dosage, rather than dying a horrible death, you will be rewarded with a horrible trip full of spiders and deadly anal penetration from your favorite childhood toys.


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