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AskFmb (aka Tyra) is a Hetalia Weeaboo, Furry and attention whore, who through use of baaawing, has enough e-fans to make her ego the size of Texas. She cries on DeviantArt with her furry-tastic "artwork", and human versions of Flying Mint Bunny from,Hetalia ;like any butthurt bitch out there if you try to talk to her, she will go apeshit on you and try to rip your eyes out.. she is well known for being a troll on deviantart, especially the askhetalia community, and causing a lot of butthurt. No wait...she still does

I accidentally this page

Kami Wars

She had a brief fight with fellow attention-whore KamptonLeader (who at the time was AskChina) over hacked accounts, or something along those lines. However, both failed to realize that nobody outside the Autistic spectrum cared about their e-feuds.

I apologize for the morbid title, but I wish to seek comfort in posting a journal entry to relieve some pain. That's how pitiful I am. I'll regret ever writing this and submitting it, but it seems better to make my life worse than it is because I know it's only deserving. It's only full of sad drabble that no one cares about, but read anyway, I guess

Anyway, I always thought of myself as one wouldn't actually prefer to be among the crowd. Until a couple years later, it seemed unfavorable to do as such. To continue to dish out myself to teasings and cruel taunts as I accelerated through elementary. I'm a weird child, I admit, and I cannot deny any of it. Being an only child, it's hard to keep yourself occupied without feeling some emptiness. To share secrets with. Memories. Fun games as I watch my friends all the time. I've always thought, what would it be to ever have a close family member in your life who saw you every single day? Told you they love you despite your problems. Refused to scold you harshly for the smallest mistake. I've always wanted to know the experience. If only my mother hadn't had me at a young age and decided to ditch me because she found herself as unable to care for me as any other mother would.

I'm really not sure why I'm typing this to the public, but I felt it brill to just share it with the world. What hurt can it do with a little information of my life? Perhaps I'm only making it worse for myself than it already is. I only want good out of everything, so why is there always someone at the top of the ladder to take it away? I reach the end of the tunnel glad to be out of the sewage, then as soon as I enter out, there's more sewage. More obstacles. More troubling moments of the day that I could care less about.

What's the point of it all? I bother with the little things and it only begins to spark into a full-out explosion. What have I done wrong? I've done everything I could do. Been truthful, loving, caring, sharing experiences, even given out rare embraces. Am I a bad person? Is that why no one can seem to listen to my words? They say that telling the truth will only work out better for you in the long-run. It does not. It only gives you ridiculous bragging rights that no one gives a shit about. I tell the truth. I do my work independently. I try to make as many correct actions as I can. Why does it not work? The world doesn't want those good people who will really put forth effort into being that good Samaritan. I don't want to look like those people who think that lying will slide them through all their issues. Most of them do anyway.

Is it worth attempting to be a great person when it'll only be worse than lying and not letting anyone else find out about it? Is it really all that well? I've never found out the answer to that concept. Fake. Faux. All a hoax. Telling the truth does not get me out of things better than other people who cheat and lie. I let people know how I feel about them. Continuing to have them think that I have no problem with their little tinks isn't what a real friend is. Where is the truth? People have claimed that I'm sort of a goodie-two-shoes, a troll, a person with absolutely no-life that no one actually cares about. Do I listen? Yes, I foolishly listen to those and I take them into consideration even though I know it isn't true. I'm not a liar. I do not try to be a liar, and I don't understand why people continue to think that. I'm the bluntest person you'll ever meet besides Simon Cowell!

Hate is an evil thing, and I have admittingly said that more times than I wish. I don't want to hate. I just want to be atleast acquaintances with everyone, but only a miracle will let that happen. I find myself loathing Kami everyday she does something offending, but a thought in me always stops it. Is it pity? Sympathy? Hints of comparisons I find in myself? No, it's none of that. It's that really, none of it is ultimately her fault. Sure, she doesn't listen to advice and chooses to be two-faced. Sure, she's untruthful when it comes to most things, but is it really ALL of her thoughts? There's always something that triggers those bad deeds. Tempting. Lying is the easiest thing to do in the world, but do I do it? No.

I guess that some people are unable to turn back to doing the rights things, seeking comfort in doing the things they are used to instead of listening. Practically deaf. Hard-headed. Mindscarred. Everything negative you can think of. Eh, I don't know where I'm going with this anymore.

I wanted to be Kami's friend. I wanted to be more than just that person I see at school everyday. I mean, there wasn't much to ask for from her. The only thing I wanted was the truth. Even now, I beg for that. I beg for a reply to my request, and she continues to shove me away. Deny the lying. Deny that she ever hurt me in anyway. I can't help it. I can't help trying to atleast teach people not to do wrong, but that's just me barging into other's lives. I cannot deny that I have done wrong. I've done many wrong things, but I made up for it. I made up for it by continuing to move straight through life doing the right things. There's not much to do when the person you are conflicted with the most does not even care about you. Hates you in every way, and would just want you out of their life forever. What am I supposed to do when someone states that?

I do not hate, I've said it before, but I change my mind. It's not hate that circulates for Kami, it's really just irritation. Irritation that I cannot tell her to do what I want. A cruel thing to say, but I only want the best of her. She's lost the AskHetalia groups and she has no one to blame but herself. I'm being purely blunt right now. I've warned her many times. Stop this. Stop that. Do this and it will help, and yet she claims that I did the same thing to her. But look at where I am now. I've made new friends. Made friends out of enemies. Strengthened ties of old ones, and I'm welcomed with open arms to everyone. Kami continually wonders why lying isn't helping her.

Really, I'm just being rude and ranting about being nothing. I am a dumbass afterall. Who cares about me? Who really cares? I'm selfish and greedy, and Kami would agree with just about all of that. Maybe even add more. I'm rude. Evil. A grudging bitch. Maybe instead of pointing out her flaws, I should fix mine. The thing is, I'm too retarded to even find a flaw because I'm so fucking self-centered. I can't do anything because nothing matters about me. Nothing. I eat too much. I'm messy. I take people's stuff. Do I even deserve what I have? Forget it. I'm surprised I'm not a fatass like everyone else in America.

Well, reply to this journal of truth all you want. Nothing seems to be moving my opinions now. You know it's all true. I should be crying right now, but I'm too sad to even do that. Isn't that pitiful?

Other wars she has raged

  1. Fighting over a character: In the early beginning of AskHetalia, Fmb got into a bitch fight with other potential furfags, all wanting to be the same character to fap over. She got into a fight with such people as, AskFlyingMintBunny, but due to the others being lolzcows, and her army of asspatters, the other ask accounts were soon made to feel like idiots.
  2. Deactivations and bans galore: On September of 2011, AskFMB was accused of causing the deactivation of AskAlfred, and the banning of AskFrancis, and was heavily trolled because of it, even reported by AskDenmark. Again, her asspat brigade went to her defense, even leaving angry messages for those who wished to flame her on the page. As of now, a majority of people were told AskFrancis was reported by AskSeychelles, and AskAlfred deactivated because of the drama AskFMB caused.
  3. Hurt over article: On december 20th, she found out about having an ED article, Like any smart sensible young woman wrote two journals about it, causing the equivalent of an explosion on Deviantart, which was [mainly people threatening to kill the author.|lolwhut] In her new journals she criticizes the author, saying how inaccurate it is.

What is loosely called "her work"

Like any Hetafag out there, she draws Desu hetalia characters with animal parts, and is often complaining about how her work sucks, and that she shouldn't bother anymore. Another possible reason for her several deactivations of her account.
Her "gallary", note all of the furfaggotry that appears in this.

she's also an art thief

warning: you will throw up ...

Quotes from her asspat brigade

(And my mother)




My mother threw me under a but when I was three. I had severe brain trama and I began to find myself hallucinating.

Eventually I married one of my hallucinations and we had three hallucination children and opened a hallucination shop


I understand and I have had people tell me that you talk about me in a rude way, but thats fine. I'm used to it honestly. Teasing, hatred, and guilt, Tyra you are just human and thats all there is to say. You have a heart. Listen, I know I'm the last person you ever want to talk to but if you ever stop drawing I will just die. You stopping your art is like your favorite artist dying right before your eyes. God knows how long I even have right now but every time I do something horrid I would hurt myself because crying is like a sin to me. Crying will get you nowhere all it does is make your mom take more drugs then hurt you and lock you in a--- never mind. You're not selfesh because if you are than I am as well. I regret getting mad and pretty much trolling you and I see how immature and stupid that was. Haters gonna hate! JUST LEAVE IT TO THE CABINET! HES GOTZ DIS


—Her frenemy Kami (see kami wars)

If you ask someone how they solved a problem, chances are they won't say, "I bitched about it until it fixed itself."

Think about that. I love you, please get better soon. I want to see you happy again. I care about you too much to give up on that. <3


You're a wonderful, talented, amazing friend and artist. Seeing you upset makes me feel like I've failed as a friend. Don't let yourself be determined by your tiny flaws. Focus on your strong points and don't forget you do have friends who will be with you.


And to the guys doing the translating, please also release an SAA or whaterver it's called subtitles file that I can load into VLC player.


We're having some good luck with getting nearly free translations, see the "about me" text on the left.

Episode 1, 21 and 27 have subtitles!! Hit the CC button if they don't show up. Episode 27 is the famous one from that other channel with the American wolves. p.s. There's 2 of us with access to logging into this channel now.


If you ever mess with this girl again, I will flip the fuck out. I don't like it when people mess with my friends.


Inugget no

no just come to my bosom


One day I ate a potatoe

It was good


(( Remember that there are people who love you, and I hope that your depression will get better Q A Q I LOVE YOU BRO, STAY STRONG. *huggle* ))


((*hugs* I know it's hard, but you have to try to keep your chin up. It's so hypocritical for me to say that, though... since I've got clinical depression and all, but there are people who love you. We want you to be happy. Just... just remember that okay? We don't want you getting really depressed and doing things you'll regret... I should know.))


(( FMB, the only flaw you hold over your head is bringing yourself down. You are not a bitch, you were trying to help her. There's a difference.

You are still young, and you need to stay strong. You know a lot but yet you know so little, it's the same with all of us. You know pain, but you want to blame yourself for it. It's not your fault Kami is a lier. Not your fault everyone now sees who she is and what she has done. It was a matter of time.

You saved so many from being hurt and targeted for all the wrong reasons. You remember her language journal? I have a feeling if you had not come along, and started to reveal her true nature, no one would have dared to say other wise. You inspired us, and so many.

It stll shocks me that you want to be her friend, but at the same time, it doesn't. You're a loving person. And people don't see that sometimes. You don't see that sometimes. But I see it. And I love you for who you are. For what you have done for so many yet they don't even know.

And I'm not just talking about the Kami incident when I say that. Your words of wisdom can help many. And oh so many.

I would say more, but I got to go to school... OTL. I LOVE YOU. And don't you dare ever self doubt yourself again. It's your only flaw. ))



Slenderman came and ate my puppy!

Please help!


Well, RIP Kim Jong-il. Inventor of the hamburger, world's best golfer... so sad to see so much talent go.


Just saying that if you started a kickstarter account to put this online and subtitled in high quality, I would donate.

Just saying.


(( I am so sorry. I want to give you so many hugs right now. I kind of wish that were enough, and at the same time, I wish I weren't pitying you, because I know that's not what you want. Nobody wants to be pitied. I wish I could make it better. ))




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