User talk:Halcy/1: Difference between revisions

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ok heres yr archive
ok heres yr archive
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 19:22, 29 April 2012



hi bb ilu <3 Chris 23:35, 17 April 2011 (UTC)

:> Chris 23:37, 17 April 2011 (UTC)


I'm that guy with the MVC3 page and you put it in my workspace. I'm pretty much done. How do I put it back as a real page? I don't know how. Copy and paste? -AwesomeMan1675

  • Re: done: I know but I'm doing this from my iPod. I'm trying the best I can.

RE: Proposal

Alright. I'll see what I can do. --JuniusThaddeus 12:56, 18 April 2011 (UTC)

I started the rewrite. Since it's an article on a word, there isn't much more I could add besides adding more examples of its usage. I prefer brief, concise articles when dealing with articles on concepts and terminology. I'm not going to jam bullshit into the article just to increase the word count. There also a "Flaggot" section on the DeviantArt article already. I don't see any urgent need to purge the page history; there isn't anything harmful there, and page histories and changelogs can be useful. --JuniusThaddeus 20:28, 18 April 2011 (UTC)


While viewing pages in the Monobook skin, there's a wide white border around image thumbnails and anything else with the "thumb" class. For example:

<div class="thumb">hello world</div>

produces the following:

hello world

The issue can be found on Monobook's CSS:

div.thumb {
	margin-bottom: .5em;
	border-style: solid;
	border-color: white;
	width: auto;

Replacing border-color: white; with border-color: #F3F3F3; may fix the problem. For example,

<div class="thumb" style="border-color: #F3F3F3;">hello world</div>


hello world

--JuniusThaddeus 05:40, 19 April 2011 (UTC)

You're welcome. --JuniusThaddeus 06:57, 20 April 2011 (UTC)

Unordered lists

Can you please take a look at Template_talk:Did_you_know and Template_talk:In_the_news when you have the chance? Thanks. --JuniusThaddeus 08:57, 21 April 2011 (UTC)

Never mind. Typhoon already took care of it. --JuniusThaddeus 09:36, 21 April 2011 (UTC)

You sound familiar

Aren't/Weren't you Halcyon the Valkyrie? Hitmonchan 19:46, 25 April 2011 (UTC)

Hmm, I thought you were banished to Disney World. Hitmonchan 20:00, 25 April 2011 (UTC)
I fucking love you, you flip. :D. Thanks to the help you gave me back there. Anyway, what did you do exactly that got DeHippo furious? Hitmonchan 20:15, 25 April 2011 (UTC)
Nice one! Hitmonchan 20:24, 25 April 2011 (UTC)

I was hoping you were Thayo. I had some doubts since you didn't ban TGcomix / SimonKirby and delete his articles on sight. I'm unable to convince the others that banning you and Zaiger was a mistake. How's this wiki? --JuniusThaddeus 14:07, 27 April 2011 (UTC)


five --DocEvil 20:26, 26 April 2011 (UTC)

I've been working on the Trolls portal

Let me know what you think alot of the Editors liked it. Hopefuly if I get bumped up to Editor I'll be able to officially manage the portal. --DocEvil 02:52, 27 April 2011 (UTC)

Portal help

I need help reconstructing the music portal I think. I don't know what to do with the breakdowns etc =( --Zæg 15:06, 27 April 2011 (UTC)

  • Good morning ^^
    Take your time <3 --Zæg 05:18, 28 April 2011 (UTC)
Hey Halcy, dont suppose you could help me with creating an anime portal could ya ? The template page, a VERY WIP page, is here, other links are on my userpage. There sould still be (assuming ti wasnt lost in the move) a list of animes (most of which have articles) that could be used to make an anime list section, etc etc, from tehre the portal could be made more funny. I'll do most of the work, but I jsut suck at formating stuff nice and pretty. Since ED IRC seems to still be down, you can reach me on --Kashiwaba Tomoe 09:15, 28 April 2011 (UTC)
  • Hey, how close is the Anime portal to being done ? Just wana make sure its not done and you're wondering why I havent copied it from your userpage yet :p . --Kashiwaba Tomoe 09:48, 4 May 2011 (UTC)


Everything is going good so far, but is it possible for me to access the edit page from the gaming portals main page so i can change some of the titles and design a bit. *auto hop would be cool too.* thanks alot. K★D W♂TH F♥CE 13:51, 30 April 2011 (UTC)


Hi there

I noticed you left a comment on my talk saying 'shut up' but because you didn't indent it I'm not sure which of the 2 people you were responding to. What're they on about, and how can I make all the world be friends? Ty 00:05, 2 May 2011 (UTC)

  • Thayo says you're too young for me! But how does you run a site if this is so!? Ty 23:59, 20 May 2011 (UTC)

Table styling

According to Monobook's CSS, the default background color for tables is white:

table {
	font-size: 100%;
	color: black;
	/* we don't want the bottom borders of <h2>s to be visible through
	   floated tables */
	background-color: white;

The /* comment */ is just there to tell us that using a transparent background isn't a good idea, but replacing background-color: white; with border-color: #F3F3F3; shouldn't cause any problems. Using #F3F3F3 should make the default background color the same as that of the content background.

A similar issue exists in diff.css:
table.diff, td.diff-otitle, td.diff-ntitle {
	background-color: white;
Since diff.css affects all skins, perhaps background-color: white; should be changed to background-color: transparent;. The diff page will probably be better looking in Monobook that way.

--JuniusThaddeus 00:17, 2 May 2011 (UTC)

Striking out the last part since the color of "td.diff-context" (#eee) is too close to the background color (#F3F3F3). --JuniusThaddeus 19:22, 2 May 2011 (UTC)


GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN. - Vinland 13:20, 10 May 2011 (UTC)



Nice sig

faggot DocEvil 03:32, 29 May 2011 (UTC)



I added you on skype come talk with me and Meepsheep :D DocEvil 02:24, 1 June 2011 (UTC)


nigga iunno wat u smokin nugga bit tje bandg armicle intotucion is p GAY LOL H64 22:19, 10 June 2011 (UTC)

Damn it

Was hopin' ya wouldn't take me seriously XD Equivamp 01:00, 12 June 2011 (UTC)


That is all. --WheatThins 03:30, 14 June 2011 (UTC)




Is it down ? it's not connecting for me. --Kashiwaba Tomoe 00:02, 17 June 2011 (UTC)

  • Same for me --WheatThins 07:55, 17 June 2011 (UTC)

Ah, Ive been busy working, suddenly got busy, just noticed.

Is there a temp IRC channel yet ? If not I could throw up a channel on NekoArc's IRC network. --Kashiwaba Tomoe 20:47, 17 June 2011 (UTC)

  • If so, more proof they're faggots. --Kashiwaba Tomoe 21:20, 18 June 2011 (UTC)

Just wondering if you've heard of an alt irc yet ? Also feel free to stop by #bokuchan sometime --Kashiwaba Tomoe 23:15, 20 June 2011 (UTC)

  • That sounds like an interesting server! *connects*. Ty 21:12, 24 June 2011 (UTC)

O hi

o, hi Bottombear 22:22, 20 June 2011 (UTC)

Name Change

Alright, gotcha. Thanks in advance! --Scouto2 02:26, 22 June 2011 (UTC)

Hello U queer

Herro U queer PerpetuallyAroused 10:37, 25 June 2011 (UTC)


How do you delete ED account

Hi, I'm wondering how you delete you ED account, I don't use mine very often, and I don't need it anymore. Any assistance would be great, thanks! --Moodswinger 18:00, 30 June 2011 (UTC)

Rewrites Needs to be worked on here.
Don't make us ban you please.
Don't make us ban you please.

From the looks of Recent Changes, it looks like you are attempting to write a new article on Rewrites. Please be advised that you should create this article in your userspace here and work on it before you contact an editor or a sysop to move it to mainspace. If you don't know what to do, here are some tips:

-- 00:20, 2 July 2011 (UTC)

Anime Portal

Hey what do you think about featuring /a/? It was mainly me that wrote it and I don't want to feature my own article without checking in with you first--Shika 03:08, 4 July 2011 (UTC)

Attention, Fagbucket.

"Don't be a lazy faggot. Edit THIS page, find your special day, and replace File:Hello POTN.jpg with your filename, and the DuMB MESSAGEs where it says
This space OPEN (which uses a tarded alternative for Template:center, BTW)"

 — Preceding comment added by E (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

Thats one of the reasons why i wanted to be a mod

so how do i sucked cock?Hitmonchan 11:44, 13 July 2011 (UTC)

You wanted to talk?

Im told you wanted to talk.


--Marsha 07:09, 15 July 2011 (UTC)

Re: Hay

Ahhhh nice. Any knowledge if a page is in the works for her? -Unsigned


I saw what you did with Sankaku Complex
I just wanted to say keep up the really good work

That newfag piece of shit needs to be taken down eventually. - Vinland 17:31, 22 July 2011 (CEST)


Dancingsandwich 19:08, 24 July 2011 (CEST)

So 'bout dem sunglasses

You can still totally use that pic if you want. I have some people I can upset if it's the PotN or whatever else. Lucky 06:36, 26 July 2011 (CEST)


Hey thanks for lining those videos/pics up today, I really appreciate it. --zaiger (talk) 03:17, 30 July 2011 (CEST)



Not without writing a will so I can give all my vast monetary wealth to someone. You'd have to do, I guess.
Anyways, nope, not yet possibly tomorrow though.
But yeah I have a big ass text file of shit to fix which I should have been on if I had the time. Which lately has been NOPE.
It's ok though I'll get back to editoring since I'm an Editor who should be doing just that. etc.
Seriously though, there's still a relative shitload of stuff to fix around the wiki still. But everyone know that. Ror 04:25, 14 August 2011 (UTC)

move page please

I have prepared an article on my user page for Charles Whitman, whose name currently links to something else. Can you move my article to its own page and link it to his name? Thanks. Ceveretus 15:20, 14 August 2011

Way to change my username...?

I was thinking of moving to another account, but I heard that it's also possible to change my username. Or...Do I have to delete my account? WorldHero21 19:07, 14 August 2011 (UTC)


Ours is truly the love that dare not speak its name. PEEEETORR Snaisybelle 05:49, 15 August 2011 (UTC)


Panda is a hot new MEME - no joke. The Safe Word is Panda. Dancingsandwich 13:40, 15 August 2011 (UTC)


wtf is there still a user template for users who need to categorize? also <23 -hipcrime


sry bb -hipcrime 07:59, 20 August 2011 (UTC)


Your sig icon made me very happy. Do you like Misery? Have you managed to save Curly? TyTalk 06:26, 26 August 2011 (UTC)

I just wanted you to know

That you make me all 8=====D~~ inside :D Dys 08:27, 29 August 2011 (CEST)


Hey, the YouTube portal hasn't been updated in a while. Would you mind if I found someone who could be a co-caretaker? 03:43, 30 August 2011 (CEST)


HBalthamos article

My dear Halcy,

As my article didn't reach the standards of ED, can it be stored elsewhere until someone who more experience at teh lulz can improve it?


Ah, I got confused as someone labelled it as needing major revision before being deleted, and now that notice has disappeared. My thanks for your recommended article guides.

ForMyGoose 14:26, 10 September 2011 (CEST)ForMyGoose

HAPPY ✈ ▌▌ / ¦҉▌▌ / ▄ ▌ / ▄✈▌ / ▄ ¦҉▌ / ▄ ▄ 9/11 <video type="youtube" id="De1wNLEGQ30" height="150" width="150" frame="false" />

Alelolimo Article

Hello, Lord Raptor and I made an article about an atheist pedophile tartlet, Alenonimo. Is it complete enough to be mainpaged, or do we need more work on it? The tartlet in question has vandalized that page one time yesterday. Please take a look kthx Ge5undhe17 09:14, 18 September 2011 (CEST)

  • Thank you so much for the mainspace. <3 Ge5undhe17 17:39, 18 September 2011 (CEST)

omg this page lol

An alert from your friendly neighborhood ED sysops: NOTHALCYON has been exposed to dangerous levels of Encyclopedia Dramatica, the ED Forums and, worst of all, ED IRC and has come down with a severe case of VD. Both the owners and sysops appreciate all of her hard work and time dedicated to making the ED network of sites a better place to document all the horrible things that happen on the internet.

As always, we appreciate the time and hard work all of our users put into the Encyclopedia. If you want to nominate another users for this prestigious award, please e-mail a sysop off site or get in touch with us on IRC. --zaiger (talk) 08:23, 24 September 2011 (CEST)


Need a little bit of help

Someone keeps trying to troll my userpage and link it to something else. Is there a way I can just delete my account here and start on a new one? WorldHero21 01:17, 15 October 2011 (CEST)

Yes, hello

Preceded by
{{{3}}} Succeeded by

03:18, 16 October 2011 (CEST)

i love you

:--)--Marsha 06:17, 17 October 2011 (CEST)


'S'ok man. I learned the new aED is different from the other. Sorry I bashed French people, whom live in America too. Ghey Aemerican 01:36, 30 October 2011 (CEST)


Hey bro

Can you change the Taekesi article into this version (17:52, 11 November 2011 Forthelulz (Talk | contribs) (34,309 bytes) and keep it locked down for good? v--ImperialistOverlord 03:12, 12 November 2011 (CET)

<<<<<3333 :D Dys 00:31, 21 November 2011 (CET)



I was wondering, do you desire an assistant caretaker for P:W? Ty-cmeal 09:10, 8 December 2011 (CET)


hi halcy: a user has expressed concern that the dyk on the main page hasnt changed in a while. he has made a version, and asked for my input. since the main page is your province, i asked that he post a suggestion to your page. at that moment, the cloudflare screen appeared (for him). would you please have a look, and see what you think kthx. -hipcrime 17:47, 14 December 2011 (CET)

Yeah. 18:14, 14 December 2011 (CET)


Can you restore this please? º_º 02:28, 19 December 2011 (CET)


Is File:Nailingmidget.jpg really from a fansub? I must see it! I have only read the Tucker Max story. I don't suppose you know source? Can we scour 4chan? Ty-cmeal 02:47, 21 December 2011 (CET)

hey u

Srsly, im a freakin retard, it took me literally around 30 minutes to figure how the fuck i can reply to ur message. u told me my edits needed format, i honestly have no idea what that means, im stupid, remember ? and "create a draft version of the article on your userspace." im still not sure what that means too :( If u got time to explain im all ears, if not then its okay. I was hoping u leave the "Khloe Cinderella autobiography" thing though...Nokia6630videos 23:17, 21 December 2011 (CET)

omg hi

testes :3  — Preceding comment added by Patroclus Rex (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!


thank you bb. <3 -hipcrime 02:32, 23 December 2011 (CET)


Seems I can't upload images to ED due to a MIME type error. Might you know a fix or a program for this? You seem to posses much wiki knowledge so..
FacePalmVeteran 05:19, 28 December 2011 (CET)

Check to make sure the file has the correct extension. --zaiger (talk) 15:56, 28 December 2011 (CET)

Since it's a MIME type issue, something in my computer is corrupt. Or rather, all three of my computers :I Not entirely sure changing the skin would help. I'm using the default skin. In other words, it's something to do with my computers and will cost thirty bucks to fix, but thanks anyhow. I might just have to find other users who can toss some images in the article for me.
FacePalmVeteran 21:31, 28 December 2011 (CET)


I am a NOOB

I really need help with creating an article. Not mark up or anything - but content. I am certain that Suzi Olsen is a perfect person to satirise and laugh at, but I am struggling to avoid making an article that would be an attack article rather than a satire. My article is in my sandbox at the moment. Take a look and also take a look at the links. I am certain this is lulz worthy. Yogi Bear 01:57, 1 January 2012 (CET)

uuh what?

Wait what? So what has the template; {{kittens}} and, {{Dickseverywhere}} have been on ed for? I would want to know why you did this really. (Tasmænia) (Leave a message) (My contributions) 02:34, 10 January 2012 (CET)

  • Kittens is a mainstay. It is THE userpage template. Dickseverywhere is a newfag and might as well be flushed too. Halcy was absolutely right in what she said. GET OFF YOUR ASS AND MAKE CONSTRUCTIVE EDITS. TylerRosenow º Ӕ talk º 02:36, 10 January 2012 (CET)
Alright your message was fair enough. I will get around the time to make article templates sooner. Thank you. (Tasmænia) (Leave a message) (My contributions) 02:38, 10 January 2012 (CET)

Actually, a version of dickseverywhere was on old ED and I did make it. I didn't have the old cock pick I used for it, so I found a new one and applied it to the same coding. It does the same thing as the old one did. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 02:53, 10 January 2012 (CET)

Adopt a child

Since I see you're in charge of the deviantArt portal, I thought you should give this a try. Does it work? If not, if you make a few edits there I think it might. Ty-cmeal 06:21, 15 January 2012 (CET)



—Curly Brace

Am I doing it right? Tymec 07:44, 23 January 2012 (CET)


lol who are you? piilu 17:39, 25 January 2012 (CET)

Youtube portal

Hello halcy. JuggaletteJenny has been the featured article for the youtube portal for a long time now, and I've found a really good article that can help replace it. Check out the Brett Keane page and tell me your response. ~Tasmænia Email me!!! 04:53, 29 January 2012 (CET)

Yeah so, what are your thoughts on it? Cheers! ~Tasmænia Email me!!! 05:11, 29 January 2012 (CET)

Good I just hope there is no personal problems between us. ~Tasmænia Email me!!! 05:14, 29 January 2012 (CET)

Hey, the youtube portal says juggalettejenny is still the featured article still. Change it into Fatman. ~Tasmænia Email me!!! 02:06, 30 January 2012 (CET)

Is it ok if I change the youtube portal featured article to Brett Keane now? ~Tasmænia Email me!!! 02:33, 30 January 2012 (CET)

My picture.

Why did you upload my picture twice? Lord Tony 03:04, 5 February 2012 (EST)

It was Ponysemen.jpg. Lord Tony 20:08, 6 February 2012 (EST) Lord Tony 07:12, 7 February 2012 (EST)

pic linking

Lo there, a question - is it possible to pipe to a server-internal image, and if yes, what's the policy on that? --Pseudo-Xenophon 00:54, 13 March 2012 (EDT)

Hello ED Sysop

Thanks you for your service to the great Encyclopedia Dramatica. If you would like to continue being an ED administrator please check your ED email and reply to the mailing list thread within 24 hours. Let me know if you have trouble accessing your ED email account. --zaiger (talk) 03:40, 23 March 2012 (EDT)