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*{{ytchannel|UCwI7spFTLRdkGhbWdtLmhqg|KMFStudiosNetwork / WHSTChannel14Rises}} - A [[tranny]], damaged chick and logofag who claimed [[Bullshit|SLN's account has multiple people running it and Lamont himself didn't do pedophilic acts]].
*{{ytchannel|UCwI7spFTLRdkGhbWdtLmhqg|KMFStudiosNetwork / WHSTChannel14Rises}} - A [[tranny]], damaged chick and logofag who claimed [[Bullshit|SLN's account has multiple people running it and Lamont himself didn't do pedophilic acts]].
* [[Keegan Salisbury]] - Extremely perverted [[Logo Kids|logotard]] and [[YTPMV|YTPMVfag]] who's as creepy if not close to as him. He recently got back to him [[Dumb|after briefly disassociating him by knowing his true nature damn well.]]

* {{ytuser|Kyoobur9000}} - A [[manchild]] who typically uploads shitty logo edits on [[JewTube]], mainly with [[Sony Vegas]]. Little children would often be aroused by him and his logo edits, making him the king of [[Logo Kids|logo editing]].
* {{ytuser|Kyoobur9000}} - A [[manchild]] who typically uploads shitty logo edits on [[JewTube]], mainly with [[Sony Vegas]]. Little children would often be aroused by him and his logo edits, making him the king of [[Logo Kids|logo editing]].

Revision as of 00:15, 19 April 2022

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SLN! Media Group

WeDoALittleTrolling/Sandbox looks like shit but it is NOT a {{crapstub}}. It is a work in progress!
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Around blacks, never relax!
This faggot waits for the child to make the first move in a sexual situation.
You can help by contacting Federal Authorities and alerting Chris Hansen.
Lamont Meeks
Born February 12, 1999
Nationality Americunt  
Residence Chicago, Illinois
Ethnicity Nigger Monkey
Gender Male
Sexuality Pedophilius zoophilius
Aliases lamonttroop, SLN! Media Group, Super Lamont Network, SLN212, SLN212Meeks, lamonttroop212, superlamont212, TheSuperlamont212, superlamont, Super Lamont, SLN212Network
Occupation Making shitty logos with Sony Vegas and sexually roleplaying with his fans

SLN! Media Group (Powerword: Lamont Meeks) is a 25-year old pedophile nigger and logosperg with a fart fetish. Lamont is known for uploading fake logos daily on YouTube. While dismissed as a typical logo sperg who got lucky on the algorithm at first, closer inspection reveals a long history of lulz, drama and controversy involving fart fetishes, grooming minors, association with even more sick fucks, and general logofag spergery.

SLN's Origins

Leaked photo of Lamont's family.

During a cold February morning in the shitty state of Illinois, Tiffany Meeks shat Lamont out of her anus (it is a proven fact that niggers don't have a vagina, and instead take a 9-month-long shit to give birth or pass a massive turd through the anus), creating a huge mess of shit and having several of the hospital staff turn unconscious due to the noxious fumes. From a young age, SLN was always a retarded little niglet who would constantly pester and tease the pigs and their piglets, steal bikes, drink all the Grape Kool-Aid and would constantly throw shitfits about not getting enough of his precious KFC and watermelon. Tiffany and Lamont's daddy, Gerry Malone later got pissed off at their son and after giving him a well-deserved ass-whopping, sent him to the hospital. The doctor later gave the parents a diagnosis showing that he had a severe case of Ass Burgers, thus explaining all of the retarded shit he would do.

From a young age, Lamont has exposed to lots of retarded TV shows and would gain an unhealthy obsession with the idiot box. While he loved fart scenes and furfaggotry cartoons, what knocked his socks off would be the closing logos that fascinated his damaged mind. This was later made worse by his parents later let Lamont run free and use the Internet. He later started going by superlamont212 and began creating JewTube channels to showcase his bizarre love for logos, cartoons, and any fictional character you can ever think about. As Lamont grew older, his channels suddenly gained popularity with each shitty logo video uploaded and he soon began creating many new logos, most of which were shoddily-made ripoffs using pirated software. While Lamont probably had a fairly uneventful childhood, the spergery started to balloon when he became a legal adult and this marked the start of his disgusting pedophilic and zoophilic shenanigans.


Accurate depiction of Lamont making his own logos. Gotta make his skin brown and there you go.
SLN's profile with his logo on it. He's been using it since 2016.

As stated before in his origin story, Lamont has a weird obsession with logos, most likely stemming from his autism and "speshul interests".

Powerhouse of Entertainment

The Beginnings

On December 26th, 2014, SLN teamed up with Dan P. Lyons and The Harrison Channel to form what would become the Powerhouse of Entertainment (POE), which is basically the VGCP but for spergs trying so hard to become filmmakers and logo fags instead of GoAnimate shenanigans. A few years later, following a series of changes, it became mostly for logo fags solely. After it was formed, many spergs (most notably GoFags, home media tards and logo kids) began joining the group as it started to get popular with many videos. People would come up with fake companies, shows, and movies that make Chris-chan's properties look good.

ADL Faggotory

In mid-2015, after the POE became a bigger spergery of a group, another group known as the Anti-Duncan League (ADL) was formed, and its purpose was nothing but being a stereotypical troll group. The ADL would later actually be revealed to be the POE members in disguise, something typical logofags tends to do.

The ADL's "videos"


ADL-ED! and Other Retarded Promos



From August 21st, 2016 up until sometime in late April 2017, the group went through multiple hackings. (TBC)

Downfall and Later Aliases

After the group was hacked for the first time, the group began going through a downward spiral as drama kept happening in it.

The Group Today

To this day, (TBC)

Retarded Associates

Lamont's fanbase. Many are also as white as a cracker.

Here is a list of people who are allies with SLN and its content. A lot of them are manchildren or highly butthurt spergs so don't be surprised.

  • Template:Ytchannel - A 21-year old Italian pedophile aroused by logo bloopers and a SLN supporter. That's also irony as both are pedophiles and sexually roleplayed with minors. Antonio is also friends with another pedophile who's 20 years old known as Ra1nb0wK1tty who almost drove people to suicide and is friends with yet even more pedophiles.
  • BlueCatRiolu - Has his own page. Lamont's #1 partner in crime. In 2016-2017, Lamont became close friends with that retarded pedo furry that he would join his fuckbuddies (who would become allies with SLN too) into helping them out on stuff, including logos, fetish stuff, and defending Riolu's army to no end. Lamont got more into Sagwa and fetishes because of this.
This OC clearly rips-off SamSam.
  • Geoshea - Has his own page here. He and SLN tried justifying each other's sick pedophilia.


Secretly family?

These people either used to be former allies with him until finding out about the pedophilic and spergy stuff he did or just always straight up hated him in general.

  • Template:Ytchannel - Some random weeb who made a rant video on Lamont. Also was one of the people who went against Geoshea.
  •  cockpittt (aka ct) - A pretty cool nigger who helped create the domino effects that caused the downfalls of shittons of pedophiles in the Vyondfag and Logofag communities. He's exposed SLN twice on JewTube back in December 2018.
  •  DancingNinja07 - Nancer is some retarded Bri'ish autistic 14-year-old boy who constantly gets into drama and screws up his missions in exposing people he hates while almost everyone who knows him as called him an arse and asshole. He also had some spergy slapfights with both Keegan and one of his autistic exes while also playing a part in LMN's downfall. He's disowned SLN a few times by saying he's a pedophile and helped TR3X expose SLN the first time he was caught ERPing with Kayke.
  • Template:Ytchannel - A 14-year old logofag who was once a close ally with Lamont, but eventually turned against him as well. He found out about Lamont becoming a pedo too.
  • Glitchedblood (Formerly known as Glitchmaster) - A retired YouTuber and current EDitor who used to trust Lamont, but now turned against him, most likely after finding out what he did.
  • Jay Productions - A 15-year old brony zoophile and former YouTuber who happens to be a logofag. He believes that Izu and Kayke were victims of Lamont's sexual roleplay antics as well (more info about them below).
  • LARDLOGO - Turned against Lamont in a (now outdated) video of his and no longer using the logo he made for him, after finding out about one of his sexual roleplays. He even deleted the videos with Lamont's logo for him due to this.
  • Lotsoflogos Productions/ThisIsLotso - A 21-year old manchild and (possibly) retired logo uploader who disowned Lamont the POE since August 2016 because of their shitty problematic spergery. He's despised them since.
  • Template:Ytchannel - A Bri'ish logo uploader. Like Lotso, he disowned the POE in August 2016 and got tired of SLN's bullshit too.
  •  pantsmode - A 21-year old Finnish sperg into graphic design who used to work for SLN, but soon ditched him after realizing he became a pedophile. He's also formerly worked for Geoshea prior to him to becoming a pedophile.
  •  SamAWebster - Sam is some random 20-year-old furfag who turned against SLN after realizing his pedophilic shenanigans, and then later betrayed Darren, Dan, and Alex when it was revealed they were pedophiles. He moved on with his life from that pedonigger to do animations.
  •  SkyXDNetwork - A whiny retarded manchild, weeaboo, and Disneyfag who, like Lotso and Lavon, turned against Lamont and the POE after being fed up with their bullshit. He also once said "Sailor Moon owns your ass".
  •  tharealwildcat - Another young autist but this time an SJW and damaged chick who is part of Lyric West's friend group. He also has a massive hateboner for Keegan and Garrett's group along with also helping expose LMN while being great pals with Nancer, his best friend. He also fakes LGBT sexualities too, just like Keegan.

Stuff He Gets Aroused By

Hate Boners

One of SLN's characters flipping his shit over Riolu on ED and Kiwi Farms.
Lamont throwing a shit fit over a niche Brazillian mockbuster company, like your typical GoFag autist.
Aside from Video Brinquedo, he also likes taking his tard rage out on the "saturday morning killers". Fight the machine!

How to make SLN die alone


POE Hackers Incident

After finding out that the original POE Google+ group was hacked for the first time, Lamont noticed what happened and began throwing a tard rage over it. (TBC)

Dickriding People Online

Not only would Lamont tard rage over being harassed on the internet and petty ADL bullshit, but when it happens to his allies as well.

Throughout various parts of late 2016-2017, he would (TBC)

Sagwa's Booty Drama

In August 2017, Lamont decided to do a spergy logo styled like Hooters called "Sagwa's Booty" (Sagwa is 6 mind you). Later on September 10 of that same year, TR3X PR0DÚCTÍ0NS, a Bri'ish logo sperg and JewTuber, uploaded a video exposing some of SLN's bad actions, which include a photo of the Sagwa's Booty logo and a Shantae-related fetish screenshot. After that, SLN received backlash from many people and later blacked out his icon. His dad was also aware of what happened, told him he's not a pedo and to block the people he was affiliated with. Lamont himself also got ashamed of the Sagwa's Booty stuff he made to the point he deleted the Google+ posts and community thanks to this and said he was sorry for it.

However, just a day later, he was forgiven by his fans online like it all didn't happen. But that doesn't mean he's learned from his mistakes.

Months later, he would continue the Sagwa's Booty stuff as seen on 2 Tumblr alt accounts he owned. It's also been revealed he did another version called Gassy Sagwa, but this time with farting. However, many people who turned against him weren't aware of it until 2020.

There's an entire gallery about the Sagwa's Booty stuff he did as seen below.

Lamont's Sagwa Pedophilia About missing Pics
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There were more Sagwa's Booty-related photos by Lamont, but evidence has been deleted as SLN deleted his Sagwa's Booty stuff the first time he got called out for it and Google+ shut down. Plus, one of the photos on the Sagwa's Booty Tumblr got restricted for public viewing because it contains adult content, so if anyone has which one it was saved, that would be appreciated.

Sexual Roleplays

Throughout 2018-2020, Lamont has been caught multiple times partaking sexual roleplays with underaged users on Discord, and even got away with them scot-free by his fans back then, proving him even more to be a bigger pedophile. The three people below were also born in 2004, which makes them minors.


TheHalfWays (THW), also known as Kayke Silva Eduardo, is a 17-year old logo sperg from Brazil who makes graphic designs that once had an obsession on Shantae. Sometime around September 2018 after joining the logo community on Discord, Kayke became interested in being a part of Shantae Entertainment, one of Lamont's spergy companies. About a month later, Kayke himself began using Shantae as his waifu, and Lamont, who was roleplaying Shantae, seemed to be fine with it. After that, shit would get deeper.

In a now-deleted Discord server, Lamont would pull out his big black cock as he and Kayke start fapping while doing explicit sexual roleplays with SLN roleplaying as Shantae. This would lead to Kayke seeing Shantae as a sex symbol and eventually fucking her to the point she became "pregnant".

Kayke and Shantae would later have a child named IBTGenie, who, like a majority of Lamont's logo mascots, is a rip-off to these object show characters. Plus, Kayke was 14 at the time while Shantae is 16 years old. Kayke and Lamont would continue doing the Kayke x Shantae stuff after this.

Then, on December 4, 2018, Lamont and Kayke were caught by many spergs in the logo community over the nasty shit they were doing. This would lead to people cutting ties with the two while they were spergin' and tard raging on what they did. A few hours later, the logo community would forgive SLN despite the bullshit he did while Kayke got permabanned outright because of some rumor saying Kayke started it all.

One month later in January 2019, Kayke would write a half-assed Google Doc apology on what he did with Lamont, wanting to return to the logo community. He would put the blame on his older brother because he said he convinced him to do sexy roleplays with Shantae. However, as of 2021 some people in said community forgave Kayke after this and let him back in.

Proof of Lamont grooming someone. Take note that the victim was 14.
The definition of an abortion.


FocusedCorner (also known as ItsLogoMaker, Izu, Martinez Television Enterprises, and Rey Martinez) is a 17-year old spic logofag and zoophile known for making commentaries on JewTube, and who happens to be close friends with Jay Productions, one of Lamont's enemies.

Right after the Kayke/Shantae ERP stuff backfired, what's a pedosperg like Lamont to do?

Once upon a time, there was a retarded spic from Florida named ItsLogoMaker, or ILM for short. At the age of 13, he would often make shitty jokes based on a scene from the 2008 adaptation of Horton Hears A Who by Blue Sky Studios in late 2018. The scene was about Horton shaking his ass, and Rey would share it everywhere on the internet, including Discord. Lamont himself then noticed what he was doing and decided to join in, and boy it got ugly.

Lamont would roleplay as Horton to impress Rey, as they fapped their weiners off. (TBC)

A half-assed apology by him over the situation.
Seriously, how is this shit hot? I bet Dr. Seuss is rolling in his grave.


FOXTherron7 (TBA)

SLN Gets Exposed

A couple of months after SLN was exposed for ERPing for the third time, more people began realizing Lamont's true nature. (TBC)

The Hack

On December 25, 2021, SLN was gullible enough to let a Korean hacker into his account, which came out of nowhere. His channel got terminated after this.

SLN himself was later aware of this, and contacted JewTube on Twitter about restoring his account. Two days later, he himself got his JewTube channel back and began uploading his daily logo spergery endlessly once again.

Proof of his channel briefly getting terminated thanks to the hacker.
Lamont the pedo nigger then realizes his channel got terminated, so he notified JewTube on Twitter about this.
Holy shit, JewTube actually had the balls to respond to that asipie!

SLN Today

To this day, Lamont is still around on the internet, but every day he sits on his computer with his lard ass while uploading his shitty autistic logo videos on JewTube and occasionally posts his own spergy logos on his Blogspot. A majority of his fans nowadays happen to be logo kids or manchildren.




Sheer, Unfiltered Autism About missing Pics
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Here are videos showing Lamont being the lulzy creep he is. Enjoy faggots!

A video of SLN getting exposed for his dirty acts.

Someone's rant out of Lamont.

Yet another rant on SLN.

Lamont's biggest tard rage.

Yet another half-assed apology.

Accurate depiction of SLN nowadays.

Someone's rant livestream out of SLN back in 2017.

Another mini-commentary on what Lamont has done, based on TR3X's video. Made by someone unfunny but later disowned it.

LARDLOGO taking down affiliation with that chocolate fat fuck.


  • SLN's had his Discord account baleeted three times. One of them was when he got his account disabled by Discord, one of them was when he deleted his account over some retarded controversy, and one (possibly) was over moving accounts.
  • Like most logo kids at the time, Lamont's also used Google+ before the site got baleeted.
  • According to a now-deleted Google+ post, Lamont's favorite Madagascar character was Gloria the Hippo.
  • Every time he would get praised and respected online by logo fans, he would be doing sexual roleplays with other people online. Notice a pattern? That proves he could be the next Harvey Weinstein.
  • After graduating high school in 2017, SLN got accepted to Triton College in Chicago, where he attended until 2020. Wouldn't be surprised if he was actually unaccepted instead for the nasty shit he did online.
  • According to a Discord VC he was in, he had a photo of Frisk from Undertale farting saved onto his computer.
  • Also as seen in Discord and Google Hangouts VCs, he's made several cutouts out of logos, both real and his fictional companies.
  • Lamont's mother Tiffany Meeks is deceased as seen here.
  • There are rumors that SLN offered a 13-year old (most likely Izu) a picture of his dick. However, it's unknown that it's true, as Lamont saw the message and thought it was an imposter who did it but said he's sorry for it either way.
Nobody wants to see your burnt hot dog, Lamont.

See Also

Lamont in his future a decade later.

External Links

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