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+{{gaming}}, nice start, keep at it.
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*Costs you irl [[money]] and feeds power-hungry shitty companies like Zynga.
*Costs you irl [[money]] and feeds power-hungry shitty companies like Zynga.
*Makes you look like a giant faggot.
*Makes you look like a giant faggot.


Revision as of 17:33, 4 March 2012

Evony, whoring themselves out with titties.
Evony trying to tempt us to the Dark Side with titties.

Truly the cesspool of gaming, Browser MMO's are games that exist expressly to open the anus of the gaming community in a tasteful goatse-esque fashion, and pour in the liquid shit of faggotry that is the average Browser MMO player.

Browser MMO's require nothing of the user except an extraordinary lust for delicious boobage and more patience than a Buddhist Monk. The majority of said games either require you to do nothing but select "Build This?" then wait your entire pointless life for the construction to be completed so you can have 5 more non-existant people to do more non-existant work for an non-existant reward. You can literally find thousands of these kind of games, many of them on portable platforms so you can waste time on the go, during your busy schedule.

Examples of the construction/micromanagement variety of Browser MMO include:

Then we move on to the grind-a-thon MMO's. These are like World of Warcraft, but without the slightest chance of fun. These basically involve spending collosal amounts of time beating the shit out of minor enemies or collecting a metric fuckton of resources, then selling all the sweet loots for an e-peen enhancement, which, after suitable growth, can be used to ejaculate all over low-level players, making them ragequit and never play again, depriving you of moar sweet tender innocent flesh to raep, thus creating an endless circle as unlucky low level players are forced from the game, resulting in you doing nothing but having shitty "who's got the biggest weapon" fights with the other chosen few.

Examples of these games include:

  • Dark Orbit
  • Dark Orbit
  • Dark motherfucking Orbit.


Oh, did I mention the crippling extortion? I'm sure I mentioned the crippling extortion. You see, children, male enhancement isn't free, so companies like Aeria Games want lots of delicious jewgold from you so they can give you bullshit rewards and bonus items that have the following effects:

  • Unbalances gameplay, leading to higher level players circle-jerking over one players item, and all the lower level players getting raped in the ass.
  • Gives a feeling of achievement, hooking you deeper into the game.
  • Gives a feeling of possession, and the feeling that if you quit the game, you are losing a physical possession.
  • Costs you irl money and feeds power-hungry shitty companies like Zynga.
  • Makes you look like a giant faggot.

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