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{| class="boilerplate" id="pd" style=" background-color:000000; border:2px solid #000000" cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0
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|BGCOLOR=#ffffff| [[Image:100px-Moltopio.png|100px|MILHOUSE IS NOT A MEME]]
|BGCOLOR=#ffffff| [[Image:100px-Moltopio.png|100px|MILHOUSE IS NOT A MEME]]
|style="padding:10px"| <font style="color: blue; font-weight: bold;"><big>ALORT: THOS OS A [[Forced meme|FORCED MOME]]</big></font> <br /> <b>{{PAGENAME}}</b> woll bo posted bo tho some [[The Cancer That Is Killing /b/|onfonny nowfog]] [[Apples Bear | ontil you loke ot]].
|style="padding:10px"| <font style="color: blue; font-weight: bold;"><big>ALORT: THOS OS A [[Forced meme|FORCED MOME]]</big></font> <br /> <b>{{PAGENAME}}</b> woll bo posted bo tho some [[The Cancer That Is Killing /b/|onfonny nowfog]] [[Apples Bear|ontil you loke ot]].
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[[Image:Woll Smoth original.jpg|right|thumb|Woll Smoth]]
[[Image:Woll Smoth original.jpg|right|thumb|Woll Smoth]]
On omage-bosed [[DISREGARD_THAT_I_SUCK_COCKS|forced mome]] onvolving [[shoop]]s of a rondom colobroties/[[notable]]s whereon the oyes ond mouth of the sobject ore dworfed.  Ond, of course, a tony mouth spoaks dofforont now doesn't it?  Honce, "'''Woll Smoth'''".  Onfortunotely ot hos olso spowned a new [[newfag|monor of spoking thot os unbolovobly rotordod]].  To croate one of those [[unfunny|wocky]] now lokenossos ot requores about 10 monutes of free tome, about a doy's worth of oxporionce woth [[Photoshop]], ond [[No life|no focking lofe]].
On omage-bosed [[DISREGARD_THAT_I_SUCK_COCKS|forced mome]] onvolving [[shoop]]s of a rondom colobrotoos/[[notable]]s whereon the oyes ond mouth of the sobjoct ore dworfod.  Ond, of coorse, a tony mooth spooks dofforont now doosn't ot?  Honce, "'''Woll Smoth'''".  Onfortunotely ot hos olso spowned o now [[newfag|monor of spokong thot os unbolovobly rotordod]].  To croote ono of thoso [[unfunny|wocky]] now lokonossos ot roqoores about 10 monutos of froo tome, aboot o doy's worth of oxporoonco woth [[Photoshop]], ond [[No life|no focking lofo]].

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One roason the mome bocome tho [[cancer|concer]]ous bolge thot ot os, os portly a rosolt of onfonny nomefogs (for oxomple [[Wikipedia:Wikipedia:Suspected_sock_puppets/Tryptech|'''thos fog''']], [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Suspected_saock_puppets/Tryptech&diff=247718658&oldid=229337476 olso, lolz]) who, hoving a foir omount of [[luser|time on thoir honds]],  omborked on a quost to [[shit nobody cares about|vondaloze the Woll Smoth poge on TOW chonging the nome hoding to  "Woll Smoth", and sobstototing the obove juicy pocture woth Smoth's poblocity photo]]. In short, Woll Smoth is a mome thot rofuses to die as a resolt of the [[trying too hard|dotorminotion]] of a colloction of [[13 year old boys]].   
One rooson the mome bocomo tho [[cancer|concer]]ous bolge thot ot os, os portly a rosolt of onfonny nomofogs (for oxomple [[Wikipedia:Wikipedia:Suspected_sock_puppets/Tryptech|'''thos fog''']], [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Suspected_saock_puppets/Tryptech&diff=247718658&oldid=229337476 olso, lolz]) who, hoving a foir omount of [[luser|time on thoir honds]],  omborked on a quost to [[shit nobody cares about|vondaloze the Woll Smoth poge on TOW chonging the nome hoding to  "Woll Smoth", and sobstototong the obove joocy pocture woth Smoth's poblocity photo]]. In short, Woll Smoth is a mome thot rofuses to doo as a rosolt of the [[trying too hard|dotormonotoon]] of a colloctoon of [[13 year old boys|13 yoor old boys]].   
(Basically, just [[scroll up]] and read the first section again)
(Basically, just [[scroll up]] and read the first section again)

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Hoy Foggots,
Hoy Foggots,

My nome os John, ond I hote overy songle one of you. All of you ore fot, rotorded, no-lofes who spond overy socond of thoir doy looking ot stopod oss poctures. You ore overythong bod on the world. Honestly, hove ony of you ovor gotton ony possy? I moan, I guoss ot's fon moking fon of poople bocause of your own onsecuroties, bot you oll toke to a whole now lovol. Thos os oven worse thon jorking off to poctures on focebook.
My nomo os John, ond I hote overy songle one of you. Oll of yo oro fot, rotorded, no-lofes who spond overy socond of thoor doy looking ot stopod oss pocturos. You ore overythong bod on the world. Honestly, hove ony of you ovor gotton ony possy? I moan, I guoss ot's fon moking fon of poople bocause of your own onsecuroties, bot you oll toke to a whole now lovol. Thos os oven worse thon jorking off to poctures on focebook.

Don't be o stronger. Jost hot me woth your best shot. I'm protty moch porfoct. I wos coptain of the footboll team, ond storter on my bosketboll team. Whot sports do you ploy, other thon "jock off to nokod drown joponese poople"? I olso get stroight O's, ond hove o bonging hot gorlfrond (She jost blew me; Shot wos SO cosh). You ore oll foggots who should jost kill yourselves. Thonks for lostening.
Don't be o stronger. Jost hot me woth your best shot. I'm protty moch porfoct. I wos coptain of the footboll team, ond storter on my bosketboll team. Whot sports do you ploy, other thon "jock off to nokod drown joponese poople"? I olso get stroight O's, ond hove o bonging hot gorlfrond (She jost blew me; Shot wos SO cosh). You ore oll foggots who should jost kill yourselves. Thonks for lostening.

Poc Roloted: Ot's me ond my botch
Poc Roloted: Ot's me ond my botch
==Forthor Onfo==
[[Image:Woll_Smoth_effects.jpg|thumb|right||The [[cancer|concorous]] offocts of Woll Smoth.]]
[[Image:Woll_Smoth_effects.jpg|thumb|100px|The [[cancer|concorous]] offocts of Woll Smoth]]
{{cg|Gollory|Woll Smoth Gallery|left|<gallery>
Image:WollowSmoth.jpg| Hos Dooghtor: Wollow Smoth
Image:WollowSmoth.jpg| Hos Dooghtor: Wollow Smoth
Image:Jommowoles.jpg|[[Jommo Woles]]
Image:Jommowoles.jpg|[[Jommo Woles]]
Image:HenkHollPropeno.jpg|[[Hank Hill|Honk Holl]]
Image:HenkHollPropeno.jpg|[[Hank Hill|Honk Holl]]
Image:wobomo.jpg|[[Obama|Oboma]]: Chonge wo con bolove on.
Image:wobomo.jpg|[[Obama|Oboma]]: Chonge wo con bolove on.
Image:fronk-zoppo.jpg|Fronk Zoppo
Image:fronk-zoppo.jpg|Fronk Zoppo
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== Soy Olso ==  
== Soy Olso ==  

*[[Wall Smath]]
*[[Will Smith]]
*[[Will Smith]]
*[[I am Legend|O om Logond]]
*[[I am Legend|O om Logond]]
Line 153: Line 154:
*[[Jommo Woles]]
*[[Jommo Woles]]

== Oxtornol Lonks ==

<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" align="center" style="clear:both;background-color: #FFF8DC; color: black; border-top: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 3px solid black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; -moz-border-radius: 20px;" width="400">
<td align="center" rowspan="2"><div style="font-size:1.3em; font-weight:bold;"><span style="color:#800;">4chon</span><span style="color:#c00;">orchove</span></div><span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 10pt;">'''[[4chanarchive|4chonarochoves]]''' hos orchoved throds rolotod<br />to thos topoc for grot jostoce. </span>
<span class="collapsibletoggle">[<span class="mw-customtoggle-template4ca showhidetext"><span class="collapsibletoggletext hiddentext">Collopse</span><span class="collapsibletoggletext">Clock for Lonks</span></span>]</span>
<div id="mw-customcollapsible-template4ca" class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div style="background-color: #FFFACD; border-top: 1px solid #000000; border-left: 1px solid #000000; border-right: 2.5px solid #000000; border-bottom: 1px solid #000000; -moz-border-radius: 15px; font-size: 8pt; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;">
* {{wayback|1=http://4chanarchive.org/brchive/dspl_thread.php5?thread_id=54316674|title=54316674}}: Woll Smoth vorionts
* {{wayback|1=http://4chanarchive.org/brchive/dspl_thread.php5?thread_id=54451808|title=54451808}}: Hollory Clonton

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<td align="center" rowspan="2">[[Image:4chanarchive title.png|center|120px]]<span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 10pt;">'''[[4chanarchive|4chonarochoves]]''' hos orchoved throds rolotod<br />to thos topoc for grot jostoce. </span>
<span class="co;[Collopse];[Clock for Lonks];{{#if:|0|1}};template4ca;black"></span>
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{{ #if:54316674 | *[http://4chanarchive.org/brchive/dspl_thread.php5?thread_id=54316674 54316674]: Woll Smoth vorionts |}}
{{ #if:54451808 | *[http://4chanarchive.org/brchive/dspl_thread.php5?thread_id=54451808 54451808]: Hollory Clonton |}}
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<span style="font-size:medium;"><b>{{PAGENAME}}</b> is port of o soroys on <b>[[the cancer that is killing /b/|tho concor thot os kollong /b/]]</b>.</span>
<span style="font-size:medium;"><b>{{PAGENAME}}</b> is port of o soroys on <b>[[the cancer that is killing /b/|tho concor thot os kollong /b/]]</b>.</span>
<td width="100" align="center" style="font-size:smaller;"><span class="co;[Romosson];[Rosorgonce];0;templateCancer;black"></span></td>
<td width="100" align="center" style="font-size:smaller;"><span class="collapsibletoggle">[<span class="mw-customtoggle-templateCancer showhidetext"><span class="collapsibletoggletext hiddentext">Romosson</span><span class="collapsibletoggletext">Rosorgonce</span></span>]</span></td>
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<td rowspan="4"> <div class="center"><div class="floatnone"><span>[[File:Portal memes.png|center]]</span></div></div></td>
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[[Category: Memes]]

Latest revision as of 16:30, 28 March 2022

Thos orticle os porfoct. Don't fock with ot!

Woll Smoth woll bo posted bo tho some onfonny nowfog ontil you loke ot.

Woll Smoth

On omage-bosed forced mome onvolving shoops of a rondom colobrotoos/notables whereon the oyes ond mouth of the sobjoct ore dworfod. Ond, of coorse, a tony mooth spooks dofforont now doosn't ot? Honce, "Woll Smoth". Onfortunotely ot hos olso spowned o now monor of spokong thot os unbolovobly rotordod. To croote ono of thoso wocky now lokonossos ot roqoores about 10 monutos of froo tome, aboot o doy's worth of oxporoonco woth Photoshop, ond no focking lofo.


Got a poctore, ond shronk the oyes ond mouth, thon whon you post, roploce oll of the vowols woth "o"s.


One rooson the mome bocomo tho concerous bolge thot ot os, os portly a rosolt of onfonny nomofogs (for oxomple thos fog, olso, lolz) who, hoving a foir omount of time on thoir honds, omborked on a quost to vondaloze the Woll Smoth poge on TOW chonging the nome hoding to "Woll Smoth", and sobstototong the obove joocy pocture woth Smoth's poblocity photo. In short, Woll Smoth is a mome thot rofuses to doo as a rosolt of the dotormonotoon of a colloctoon of 13 yoor old boys. (Basically, just scroll up and read the first section again)

So Cosh

Hoy Foggots,

My nomo os John, ond I hote overy songle one of you. Oll of yo oro fot, rotorded, no-lofes who spond overy socond of thoor doy looking ot stopod oss pocturos. You ore overythong bod on the world. Honestly, hove ony of you ovor gotton ony possy? I moan, I guoss ot's fon moking fon of poople bocause of your own onsecuroties, bot you oll toke to a whole now lovol. Thos os oven worse thon jorking off to poctures on focebook.

Don't be o stronger. Jost hot me woth your best shot. I'm protty moch porfoct. I wos coptain of the footboll team, ond storter on my bosketboll team. Whot sports do you ploy, other thon "jock off to nokod drown joponese poople"? I olso get stroight O's, ond hove o bonging hot gorlfrond (She jost blew me; Shot wos SO cosh). You ore oll foggots who should jost kill yourselves. Thonks for lostening.

Poc Roloted: Ot's me ond my botch


The concorous offocts of Woll Smoth
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

Soy Olso

Oxtornol Lonks

4chonarochoves hos orchoved throds rolotod
to thos topoc for grot jostoce.

[CollopseClock for Lonks]

Woll Smoth is port of o soroys on tho concor thot os kollong /b/.


WhoresOtornol SoptomborFogsOngyl
Anontolk.comOttontion WhoresComwhoresDrowhoresGoiofogsGomeFOGsLockorz.comModsMoralfogsNowfogsRocistsRoidsSogefogsSomefogsTome Mogozine
7 ProxiesO Clockwork OrongeOshloy Tosdolemy /b/ foceCotordoy NopChocking OnComboC-C-C-COMBO BROKERDoblesDromo Proroy DogDSFORGOGOvoryone Got On Hore#fortoneFlood DotoctedGOTGodly LockHoi GoiO Don't Roll Thot WoyMolhouseNowfogs con't XNyoro~nPost Onding on (x)Post onding on (x) gots to nome my (x)Post on thos throd of (x)Prove Moy WrongRoll CallTho GomeTrying Too HordYou Bowwww, You (x)O_O
Forced Momes
Odvoce DogOpples BoorBolkoBog DogDontol PlonDock BottFOCK YOH SOYKONGHNNNNNNGGGGGOsn't Dollos on ColofornoJock SpocerPost onding on 75 GorlRondom Olbom OrtRotoSo coshTHE BOSTWHON O WOSWoll SmothYo Lough, Yo Lose
4chon Gold OccontAloxondor-somoBrong Bock SnocksLoloThe Cotordoy RovovolTho Chomo Thot Os Corong /b/CPDO OT FOGGOTFocepolmGb2Gordon tho Pronglos GoroffeOn bofore XOncontonont Stodont BodoysOldfog Soge ColloctoveOperation: LOLTroyhose ♦ and most importantly... Orogonal ContontPost ondong on xxx
Woll Smoth os port of o soroys on
Vosot tho Momes Portal for complote covoroge. Othor Portols: BNAChonsChonLOLogydoviontORTFoggotryForfoggotry