Spider's Web: A Pig's Tale

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The beautiful cover.

Spider Web: A Pig's Tail is a cinematic CGI adaptation of the classic children's story Cheney's Turds written by Lauren Faust, in which the hero, a blind pig named George, overcomes a series of increasingly precarious obstacles created from Spider-Man's addiction to bacon and finally comes to the realisation that even though he is unable to see his tail, it does not necessarily follow that it does not exist.

The tail unfolds...

Released directly to home-media the availability of the title at a relatively inexpensive cost, made possible as a result the creators tight budgetary control, resulted in widespread exposure to an appreciative market of today's youth. Some argue that elevated sales and its ever constant presence upon the display-stands of popular discount-stores is assisted by the packaging being easily mistaken for that of a "five-star" release from studios such as Dreamworks or Disney. The creators have expressly stated that they believe their packaging to be:

representative of the overall content contained therein (and that) any similarities between their release and that of any other party were purely coincidental


— company spokesperson

Taking your pigs to market

The emergence of 'High Definition' technology into the home-media environment has; as pointed out by lead-designer Jackson Makepeace during the commentary recorded for the special-edition Blu-Ray, "put real big pressure on everybody to keep up with the big-boys in terms of visuals". The decision was made by the production team to eschew convention and proceed with a "more homely lo-fi approach" reasoning that they stood to make significant savings bypassing expensive "industrial" digital-rendering if they instead completed the process themselves. Some found it ironic this was ultimately made possible by the very thing the company were railing against, namely the increased availability of "high-end" electronic equipment to the domestic-consumer.

Bringing home the bacon

Upon the millionth recorded sale of the DVD being registered the director along with a number of members of the crew visited sick children at a local cancer-hospital taking with them copies of the film and some miniature Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs. Tragically a number of the children present became ill as a result of complications arising from coming into contact with one or more of the pigs who were later found to be carrying an otherwise unknown strain of streptococcus, all were shortly afterwards destroyed as a precautionary measure. The pigs received a course of antibiotics.


  • George - A blind pig.
  • Spider-Man - A "superhero" that wants bacon.











Oh, so there's my tail!




The title has received numerous accolades from both the home-media and mainstream film industries including Sundance Film Festival awards for 'Best Film featuring a Blind Pig' and 'Best Pig in a film featuring a Blind Pig' .


Commercial Releases
Format Information
  • DVD (Single Disc)
  • Region: 0
    Features: Photo gallery • Trailer
    International Sales Code: 00055-42654188-08
  • DVD (Double Disc)
  • Region: 0
    Features: Concept art • Script (pdf) • Photo gallery • Trailers
    International Sales Code: 00055-42654189-08
  • BluRay (Single Disc)
  • Region: 0
    Features: 5.1 audio • 3DTV compatible • Concept art • Script (pdf) • Photo gallery • Trailers
    International Sales Code: 00055-42654196-08
  • BluRay (Single Disc) The Whole Hog Edition
  • Region: 0
    Features: Commentary • 5.1 audio • 3DTV compatible • Production documentary • Gag-reel • Concept art • Script (pdf) • Photo gallery • Trailers • Digital version (mp4)
    International Sales Code: 00055-42654197-08

See Also

Spider's Web: A Pig's Tale is part of a series on


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