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Hey everyone its me Skelton with another VEE-LAWG chat for h'ya



Meade Skelton Haufe (also known as "Cynthia") is a fat jewish retard from Richmond, Virginia. Despite being over 40, he has never accomplished a single thing in his life, he is a manchild who has never moved out, never held a serious job, never had a girlfriend and has never had sex. Currently, he stays with his father and spends his days working a part-time job, going to a single class in college, and singing.

Meade's deformed body

Meade lives off disability because he is actually mentally retarded and autistic, so he basically has no responsibilities other than stuffing his face with McDonald's. Occasionally, Meade will work a part-time job for a few months before getting fired or quitting. When he got a job at Amazon, he quit on the first day because he saw a Black Lives Matter poster on the wall. He also quit a job at Walmart because standing on his feet for more than thirty minutes was "too hard". Like all retards, Meade is a proud Christian and feels the need to talk about it non-stop. Meade is also a creationist and likes to interrupt his Biology class to "correct" the professor whenever he mentions evolution or climate change. Imagine spending years getting a degree, then learning how to teach your field to others only to be interrupted and "corrected" by a disabled manchild who believes in a magic kike.

Meade and racism

Meade says it

Meade is a proud white supremacist who believes in nothing less than the complete annihilation of black people. Despite claiming that he is not racist, Meade defends slavery and refers to black people as "negros". People of color should consider Meade to be extremely dangerous, and should avoid him at all cost. Meade frequently threatens blacks, jews, and latinos on discord chat for gamers and he dreams of creating a white militia to attack Black Lives Matter protesters. In fact, he is so racist that he was once fired when his employer found out about his online antics.

Meade and religion

Meade is a staunch supporter of slavery

When Meade isn't hating jews, he is worshipping them. He believes that God talks and spends every second of his life sucking on his cock. Honestly, only someone as retarded and gullible as Weade would fall for the bullshit Southern Evangelicals spew on the side of the road. Meade believes that God is a magic genie who grants his every wish, and for this reason he just sits on his ass and repeats "God will provide" whenever he runs into a problem. In reality, God is providing him nothing, the government and his father is.

Meade and politics

Meade is a proud American patriot and a defender of the Confederate States of America, who betrayed The United States at least 100 years ago (please ignore the fact that this does not make any sense). Meade defends the south because he loves slavery and hates black people, and he has fantasies of whipping blacks on a plantation for not picking enough cotton. Meade also has a boner for Trump, despite the fact that Trump is a shabbos goy for Israel and wanted to spend 500 billion dollars on gibs for black people.

Meade and women

Meade confessing his love for an e-girl

Meade is a virgin who will never feel the loving embrace of a woman. Some people hypothesize that Meade may be a closeted homosexual as he appears to show a lack of interest in women. It was stated in one video that he wishes to get married to a traditional, Christian woman and they will sleep in two different rooms because he is scared of pussy. Most traditional women are not into fat jew retards who work a part time job and live with their father, so this will never happen.

The Statue Incident

Many problems plague the modern world we live in, and there are many people who are willing to sacrifice their time, money, and energy to help solve these issues. Some people give money to the homeless, others help provide food to starving African children, and some even volunteer at animal rescue organizations...Meade shits his pants over statues honoring a separatist nation from the 19th century that lasted less than five years.


One day in Richmond, a statue of Stonewall Jackson was going to be torn down. Our hero donned an ugly orange t-shirt and a stupid flag, and asked his sister to take him to the site, so he could protest the "destruction of history" or whatever. Meade jumps in front of the statue, and begins preaching to a crowed about history, heritage, cum, ass and cock. The crowd begins to close in on Meade, yelling and cursing at him. One particularly angry shirtless black man gets in Meade's face and says "FUK YO HISTORY BRO" repeatedly, this is enough for Meade to begin to have a mental breakdown, and he starts crying like a little pussy. He starts shaking and appears to beg the black man to spare his anal virginity. At this point some people realize that the fat jew in front of them with bitchtits has "issues", and they try to get the crowd to back off. The police show up, grab Meade and pull him away from the scene while he's still sobbing and shitting his pants from the encounter with the scary black man. This is probably one of the most pathetic moments in all of human history, and a statue of Meade having a mental breakdown should be erected to honor the event that took place that fateful day

Miscellaneous Meade Moments

  • He once worked as a pizza delivery driver, but was fired for eating the toppings off of pizzas.
  • He use to wear a corset.
  • Meade is a big fan of enemas, and use to do them frequently. This is not a fucking joke.
  • He claims that he was once raeped by a sexy demon lady, who then turned into an ugly old hag.
  • Despite not paying any bills, he has somehow managed to get into over 6,000 dollars in debt because he could not stop getting food from doordash. You can't make this shit up.


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