Peter Daou

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Are you cuck enough for Hillary? I am.

Peter Daou is a Lebanese-Americunt douchebag who is a former advisor to failed Democratic presidential candidates John Kerry and Hillary Clinton and the creator of the virgin-infested hashtag #HillaryMen. Daou is also an alleged war criminal who may have been complicit in the deaths of at least 3,500 innocent Lebanese civilians in 1982 – but please don't let him know that we said that since he's previously threatened to sue people on the Twatter for mentioning that fact.

Peter's current job title is literally "Hillary Clinton Supporter" since he's too fucking lazy to get a real job.


A typical Hillary "Man".


1. Bernie did more damage to Hillary's reputation in a few months than Republicans did in 30 years. He is part of the reason Trump is PEOTUS


—Peter Daou, failing to understand that Hillary Cunton is awful

2. In 2016 Bernie & his surrogates pivoted from a positive issue message to a character assault on Hillary. “Must have been some speeches…


—Peter Daou, pretending that secret Wall Street speeches aren't a big deal

3. I chronicled every day of Bernie’s systematic takedown of Hillary’s character. I called it the Wall Street dog whistle. It was brutal.


—Peter Daou, explaining how to be pathetic

4. Bernie turned a generation of young progressives against the Democratic Party. Thankfully, millions came back home and voted Dem.


—Peter Daou, not understanding that millennials already hated Hillary Clinton

5. Bernie’s “movement” became a hate mission against one woman, with people throwing dollar bills at her on the street. HEINOUS and SEXIST.


—Yeah, a woman who rigged a presidential primary and eats babies

6. Bernie’s issue message became secondary to his central and unjust goal to make Hillary appear corrupt and in the pocket of Wall Street.


—Hillary is Wall Street's bottom bitch

7. Jeff Weaver and Tad Devine took up residence on cable news and bashed Hillary’s integrity day in and day out. Relentless and vicious.


—Says the douchenugget who helped spread the Bernie Bros. lie

8. Bernie called Hillary 'unqualified' and said she wasn’t a progressive. He enabled a culture of Hillary hate that EXCEEDED the far right.


—She only lied to the families of four dead Americans! It's not a big deal!

9. Bernie never released his full tax returns and his surrogates pretended the primaries were rigged. TRUMP JUST RAN WITH BERNIE’S MESSAGE.


—The primaries were rigged, you obnoxious cuntnugget

10. Now Bernie has the nerve to do the self-promotion circuit and lecture Dems? If we buy his act, we will make the same mistakes again.


—Peter Daou, supporting Trump 2020

Good to see Bernie being an outspoken leader about Russia interfering with our free elections ... oh wait... he's busy attacking Democrats.


—Peter Daou, being unable to identify fake news

Russian accounts repeatedly threatened to rape my wife and slash my throat. For participating in my own country's election. This was REAL.


—Peter wouldn't know a Russian if it shoved vodka up his arse

See Also

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