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MetallicTuneFilms, a.k.a. JasonD, is a former YouTube Pooper and webcomic writer who started out pretending to be Chadwardenn and trolling other YouTubers using his identity. Nowadays, he talks trash about the YTP community he used to surround himself with in an attempt to show that he wants nothing to do with them anymore. On top of that, he sucks up to soulbrothanumbuh3 and more often than not can be found hanging around on his channel where he spits back up all the jokes and insults that Macks comes up with to drop on unsuspecting YouTube-goers like an anvil in a Road Runner cartoon. This makes sense, since many internet tough guys and hipsters enjoy Macks' channel. The webcomic he puts out, "Garage Band," is about talking animals who smoke joints and make mean-spirited jokes with 90's and 2000's pop culture references in them, and are as self-absorbed and vapid as Kim Kardashian. That webcomic of his is also an easy excuse he uses to purport himself as "creatively driven" so he can throw shade at all the big movie reviewers on YouTube for being too cynical or talentless or whatever the fuck the order of the day is, like his biggest inspiration.

His powerword is Jason Vilchez, as seen on SoulBrotha's Taste Closed VHS GoFundMe.

Garage Band

Jason's webcomic that he wrote so he could have something in life to relate to. It takes place in a town full of furries who do drugs, skateboard, and rip on each other every other sentence. It appeals mainly to 13-year-old-boys and men who wear wife beater T's and sit down to eat at Burger King. Garage Band is nostalgia-driven too, similar to certain soulbrothanumbuh3 videos. If there's one thing Macks and Jason try to keep out of sight despite displaying it prominently, it's how nostalgic they each are, despite doing things like making fun of Benthelooney for being a "nostalgiatard." Jason is a big fan of filthy shit like making references to Rugrats porn to put people down, and Garage Band is a pretty big testament to that.


In early 2017, when the drama between Benthelooney and soulbrothanumbuh3 was in full swing, he just had to get his two cents in. He tweeted to Ben that he offended him with his racist comments, him being Latino. Though the video didn't really apply to him, since it was about minstrel shows, which have to do with black people. He also went down to the comment sections of Ben's videos to taunt the autistic faggot. Jason is known to love insulting people, so this was a good time for him to shit-talk Ben's fans and defenders, and he did so by calling them baby fuckers and saying that they go to the Rugrats wiki and change Tommy's age from 1 to 18 so they can jerk off to him.


In addition, Jason displays signs of hipster autism. Like SoulBrotha, he seems to have a strange hatred of anyone who reviews movies on YouTube and has a subscriber base higher than 100,000. (This ties into Benthelooney reviewing children's cartoons.)

His activity with Ben relates to his hatred of "that fat-nosed bitch" TheMysteriousMrEnter. He got into watching Clay Claymore because of how often he called out the two (and how he did it). After the ED page on Clay was written (by the commentary community), Jason took to the talk page to whine about the way it was written. An ED admin finally chimed in that the page didn't need to be taken down for being "too preachy."

See also

External links

MetallicTuneFilms is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal

MetallicTuneFilms is part of a series on


Visit the Trolls Portal for complete coverage.

MetallicTuneFilms is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.