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This page is an archive from 2009, KLULZ sadly does not exist anymore

Here at project KLULZ we are dedicated to contributing to the individual's self-development and social well-being, while providing entertainment and recreation for adults and other Internet users here and abroad.

  • We pursue new knowledge with the goal of contributing to the common good.
  • We seek opportunities as individuals and as an institution to be of service to our local community.
  • We act as responsible stewards of creation with a special care for our environment.

If you want to know more about us and our mission, you can listen in live to the KLULZ Live Internet Stream. KLULZ and its subsidiaries take no responsibility for the content or character of this Live Internet Stream. However, KLULZ reserves the right to take credit for how much it is so much more awesome than you are and your stupid-ass channer friends.

winamp or itunes


HEY LOSERS. YOU SUCK TOO HARD TO BE PART OF THE RADIO ED? Slated for its first show on the 18th EVER? I DON'T KNOW, YO. Ya'LL IS BITCHESSSSS..i am going to have to do this shit myself., RADIO ED is going to plug you in to hours of the best I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE But we need YOUR help to make RADIO ED a reality! If you would like to do a 15~45 minute slot in our weekly Saturday show, please contact NAY @ #klulz or @[email protected] gmail ASAP! RADIO ED is a 100% freeform entertainment platform for ED users to express their most concealed depravities and most misanthropic impulses. Even if you cannot contribute to ED RADIO regularly, see us about being featured! Don't be shy; the worst thing that can happen is an immediate gline from IRC! We are already working with some of the most brilliant names in broadcasting here at KLULZ, so we are assured we can make YOUR dreams come true, even if those dreams are you getting 100% drunk and talking about pokemon platinum. which looks like it's gonna be pretty cool btw.

Wanted: White Boys W/ Funky Music

#klulz, or email g0sp, OR hit the talk page if you know you can do a slot.


Time in CST Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
7am 卐卐卐卐卐
1pm DJMano's Hump Day Humps
2pm DJMano's Hump Day Humps
3pm DJMano's Hump Day Humps
6pm Rick Astley's gonna FUCK YOU IN YOUR FAT GAY ASS
7pm Zaiger's Swastika Bootparty!
8pm Zaiger's Swastika Bootparty! THE EZ-DICK LUBE HOUR!!! FEATURING THREE DONG The NO DADDY BAD TOUCH! SHOW (with Sharber!)
..furniture music..
l0de radio hour(?)
..furniture music..
The Enrichment Center RAEDIO ED
11pm Nay The Enrichment Center
12am L Ron Dubbard's Churchee of $ciencology


External Links

KLULZ is part of a series on


Visit the Music Portal for complete coverage.

KLULZ is part of a series on the Gay Nigger Association of America.


BLACK_MANDiKKyfl0ssGrogHipcrimejesuitxJmaxl0deLiteralKaMeepsheepOliver HartRucasslothTimecopweev