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Globohomo without its fauvist pastel make-up on.

Globohomo, formerly known as The Gay Agenda, is the final form of the benevolent forces of Corporate Democracy joining hands with unenlightened parts of the world, and then stuffing them up each other's ass. Many nations do not take kindly to this anal round of applause, and such nations are promptly invaded by America in order to share our values of eating da poo poo, and child drag queens, and child trannies. This is done in order to satisfy the Jews, of course, who encourage such activity because it pleases Moloch.

Culture and beauty

Our current "culture" which values "beauty" is not conducive to Globohomo values. Globohomo values requires the end of "beauty", of which there is far too much in the world anyway. Beauty is stripped wherever possible by removing statues that don't look like a junkheap, and replacing them with lovely plop art "sculpture" which is "beautiful in its own way". The destruction of beauty is necessary so that the future children citizens of Globohomo do not aspire to create beautiful abominations that glorify God or anything other than DJ Khaled and/or the Jews.

"Beautiful art" is obsolete, and its replacement is called Corporate Art Style, an appropriate name for uninspired and simplistic art style that has suddenly become very popular among every big tech corporation. As with all modern art movements, it comes also with an underlying socio-political message and was created specifically to insert progressive ideations into your mind via subliminal messaging.

Gallery of flat art

"Beautiful" music such as "classical music" has been replaced with rap and various autotuned children. This ensures that talentless children also have a career in life, and that we get to enjoy the vibrant diversity of having blacks encourage us and their children to use drugs, monger some hoes, and keep a loaded illegal weapon on their person at all times. This ensures that the diverse vibrants that cross Our Border are able to protect themselves from racist whites who are not vibrant nor diverse and who reject rap music.

"Beautiful" architecture has been replaced by, or defiled with, inclusive architecture which displays our diversity to the world. A fine example is the purple penish shaped Gherkin Building in London, a major center of Globohomo. Another example is a beautiful glass pyramid on the grounds of The Louvre which is a fascist gallery which shall be dealt with in time.

Our Values

Our values can be summarized as gay sex and bloodletting. Gay sex pleases the Devil and is fast becoming a requirement to live in Globohomolands, and bloodletting is done to please the Jewish overlords who run Globohomo. The Jewish trinity of bloodletting includes abortion, circumcision, and transgender surgeries.

The most important method of spreading Globohomo values is called "human rights". Human rights are enumerated as:

  1. The right to have anal sex
  2. the right to spread AIDS
  3. the right to infinity illegal immigrants
  4. The right to molest children

These human rights are very important in Our Democracy, which ensures everyone the right to vote regardless of citizenship. Backward nations that do not allow human rights are promptly bombed by Globohomo Forces like the UN and NATO, and their children are routinely sodomized by the Blue Helmet Division of the UN. This ensures the spreading of Our Values and that the children will grow up to sodomize each other, and therefore ensure that Globohomo values endures until the end of time.

Our Democracy

Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a 'country run by Jews'.


—Ezra Pound, who doesn't get it

These elections demonstrate the ability of citizens to redress grievances with their rulers, but the rulers are retarded or senile and therefore unable to read so the Globohomo Party selects the winner because they know that people love sodomy. The 2020 US Presidential Election is the perfect demonstration of Globohomo democracy and nobody questions the results because they facilitate sodomy which of course is Our Most Important Value.

Those who question the validity of this process are righteously canceled, and not allowed to own internet or bank accounts, and are subject to being fired or evicted. In many such cases, they are suckered by bike locks or terrorized by Antifa hordes.

Who We Are

Perhaps the most philosophical expression of Our Values is the oft-repeated phrase "Who We Are". Well, who are we? We are a nation of sodomites with AIDS, infinity immigrants, and pedophiles. We are who we are because of who we were, which was evil homophobic Christian white people. Who will we be? Very soon, a utopian future awaits the nations of Globohomo, much like the Utopia experienced by China and North Korea. Except with lots of anal sex.

See Also

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