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Figging in action

The classic definition of figging is the sexual act of inserting ginger into the anus. This has been expanded in modern times to also include insertion into the vagina or urethra.

Figging prevents the figged from clenching their butt cheeks as this produces an extreme burning sensation. Due to this effect it is customary to cane the victim during the figging so you may see their ass cheeks bounce like a six-fo' filled with hotties. It is said that that figging was an accepted means of disciplining children in the Victorian era. This has been a major motivator behind NAMBLA's investment in time travel research, second only to the ancient Greek practice of fucking little boys like it was going out of style.

You learn something new every day, don't you?

Fun Facts

  • The santorum covered ginger that is the end product of figging is the secret ingredient in Fig Newtons.
  • It is said that figging was originally used on horses to encourage them to hold their tails high while being shown. Before they used ginger, they used live eels. Just think of eel girl but with horses instead of a completely willing Japanese girl.
  • Figging is Fun, it's a Fact!

External Links

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Food and Drink

[BleurghOm Nom Nom]