Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/June 2, 2024

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Mia Janin

Mia Janin who Offed Herself on March 12, 2021 was your typical, angsty, Jewish, Crybaby, 14-year-old girl that wanted every girl's dream of being popular with the Boys, and when she got what she Wanted - she refused to accept this new found attention or the old adage of Boys Will Be Boys

Her entire problem with the world, and her school life emerged when a few boys at her school thought it would be fun to start trading pictures of her on Snapchat because she was so cute. Unable to accept this new found popularity of Hers, and following in the spirit of her many complaining, angry ancestors consisting of Old, Whiny, Jewish Women pissed off that they didn't get their 5% discount on a 50 cent cup of coffee - the first thing she did was rat out her many admiring boys to her School's Head Rabbi because this new found popularity of hers was not going in ways she envisioned.

Hearing that Mia was enjoying her new found popularity, the Boy's of the Snapchat group decided it was time to up their Loving attention on her and took it up a notch.

Like so many celebrities finding out, after the fact, that fame isn't what they imagined, Mia Janin decided that is was better to swallow a bottle of pills and hang herself in her closet as a peaceful protest to what it means to be the popular girl.

(( She Just Needed To Hang On Until Things Changed For The Better ))

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