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A young man lecturing a dame on the dangers of disease.

Syphillis is hell of a disease

Disease is, per the intarweb dicshunary: A pathological condition of a body part, an organ, or a system resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms. But really, what is disease? Why, it's one of the few sources of attention and pity in the quantities needed by attention whores to live. As a result of this, both IRL and internet attention whores are prone to feigning illness. Especially pretending to have illnesses and diseases that people around them have.

Thought Process

They see that their diseased friends get a lot of attention and pity, and when most of their self-loathing entries and threats of suicide start to get a response of tl;dr, they are prone to coming up with some disease, again commonly one someone on their friends list has (the really insane ones will all of a sudden claim to have multiple, conflicting diseases at the same time), and claiming that they have it. This will go on for several days.

The Lie Grows

Eventually they may claim to have seen a doctor who "informed" them that they had exactly what they'd been saying they had. They will act shocked and surprised. If this fails, they may escalate to self injury and more realistic threats of suicide. Sometimes, if you're really lucky, they actually mean it. If you're even luckier, there won't be any dipshits with internet crushes on them who feel the urge to reply to every one of their entries.

Around this period, expect friends of the disease whore in question to have conversations that consist of statements such as:

  • Her delusions are beginning to become the stuff of comedy gold.
  • This is the worst performance of MPD I've seen since Sybil.

And Fades Away

Especially in the case of made-up diseases, attention whores tend to forget the lies they were telling for attention. A disease requires lots of Google to keep up with answering questions people may have, that's a lot of work. Invariably, though, there are enablers. Be prepared for fun and excitement!

Common Diseases to Pretend to Have

Missing Penis Syndrome

Otherwise known as being a woman.

Common Diseases to Actually Have

See Also


Disease is part of a series on


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Disease is part of a series on Psychology
Mental illness & Disorders

AcrotomophiliaAddictionAgoraphobiaAlcoholismAlexis Pilkington SyndromeAlzheimer'sAnorexiaAntisocial personality disorderAnthropophobiaAnxietyADDADHDAsperger's SyndromeAutismBimboficationBipolarBorderline personality disorderBug ChasingBulimiaCognitive dissonanceDeep thinkerDepressionDick ImpalementDown's SyndromeDyslexiaEating disorderFactitious disorderFake SchizophreniaFauxlimiaFeminismGender dysphoriaGirl on the Internet SyndromeHeterophobiaHero ComplexHFAHistrionic Personality DisorderHutchence's SyndromeHyperbolimiaInadequacyInconsistent personality disorderInsanityLiberal Butthurt SyndromeLiberalismLow Self-esteem'Missing White Woman' SyndromeMultiple personality disorderNapoleon ComplexNarcissistic personality disorderNeurotypicalObsessive Compulsive DisorderParanoiaParanoid personality disorderPeter Pan SyndromePost-Traumatic Stress DisorderPsychopathyPyromaniaRetardationSchizophreniaSeasonal Affective DisorderSelf-diagnosisSelf InjurySexsomniaSickfuckerySociopathySocial anxiety disorderSpecial Snowflake SyndromeTerminological percipience disorderTrolling Induced Transsexuality SyndromeTulpaUnrealistic expectationsVictim complex


AcrotomophiliaAquaphiliaArborphiliaAudiophiliaAutogynephiliaBalloon FetishBestialityCarmen Electra complexCross DressingDollfiliaEmetophiliaEmosexualityEproctophiliaFatty Fetish (Female Fat Admirer) • FetishismFoot FetishFurniture PornFurrismGoo girlGuroHeterophiliaHomophiliaInflation FetishJapanophiliaJungle FeverLesbian pedophiliaLotion PlayMacrophiliaMaiesiophiliaMechanophiliaMpregNecrophiliaObjectophiliaOedipial ComplexParaphiliaPedophiliaPlushophiliaPregnant LoliPregnophiliaQuicksand FetishRangerphiliaSpectrophiliaStatuephiliaTrichophiliaVoraphiliaWet and Messy FetishismWetlookXenophiliaYellow feverZoophilia


Chronic Troll SyndromeDeletionismE-goE-PsychiatristE-PsychiatryETDHivemindI-DosingI have a 140 IQIRC DiseaseImaginary girlfriendInternet Disease & Internet Disease ChartInternet poverty delusionsInternet RehabInternet troll personality disorderMega ultra super geniusNerdy Fandom Gateway TheorySex by associationLulz-BlindnessWikipedia's Greatest Hits Diseases


ask.fmBrainwashingHypnosisMilgram ExperimentScientologyStanford Prison ExperimentThe Hivemind Corollary


Above Top SecretB/Bodies Under SiegeCYOCChatrouletteDefense Industries

See also:

American Psychiatric AssociationAngerASMRChild abuseConscienceDreamsDSMElan SchoolEnlightenmentIntelligenceLobotomyMary BellPsychiatristySerial KillersTake the meat bridgeThe Law of ConformityTrigger Warning