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Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/January 8, 2015

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What makes a human being an absolute nightmare to be around? Is it an irritating voice that sounds like an old air conditioner covered in runny horse shit? Is it the mental instability that comes with being a disgusting tranny? Is it an obsessive need to check Twitter every single hour of every single day for the validation of strangers because you feel "threatened" when you're called a crazy introvert? If you're the train-wreck that is that is Sarah Butts, it might just be a combination of all of the above!

Formally the owner of "Final Fantasy Shrine", an infamous one-stop-shop of piracy and pedophilia, Sarah Nyberg (aka Sarah Butts/ srhbutts/retrogradesnowcone/srh//Sarah Isabelle/Nick/Maezr/Ender/Disgust/AlexMack and formerly Nicholas E. Nyberg), finally shut down the site when he was unable to scam his users our of 60k (perhaps to pay is 40k worth of debt to the IRS) and became an SJW.

This cross-dressing molester from the land of incest, good ol' American education, and cows (aka Wisconsin) is no stranger to questionable logic, being that he is an unstable, insecure faggot that spends all day e'ry day stalking prominent GamerGate figures, looking to grasp at any terrible excuses for "evidence" and pretend it's established fact (while accusing GamerGate of the same thing). Because of this obsession, Butts has become the largest driving force behind GamerGhazi (See removed posts: 1, 2) (a collection of white knights believing in patriarchy conspiracy theories who literally worship Anita Sarkeesian) where he sat upon his ivory tower accusing people of being criminals and pedophiles until a swift doxing exposed him to be one himself (may have also had sex with his dog).

What have I missed?
Jonathan McIntosh
2 days ago
4 days ago
6 days ago