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The Divergent series is an awful bitch drama book similar to Twilight disregard that, nothing matches Twilight in terms of faggotry. It was written by Veronica Roth. It contains over 1000 (literally) pages worth of god awful shit. Reading this garbage will constantly have you contemplating suicide. It seems MANY fans like to pretend like the 3rd book "Allegiant didn't even exist. This is simply because they know the book is straight trash.

Because someone needs to clean this shit up.

Veronica Roth's series intensified in faggotry even stronger when it reached its 3rd book, which was so disgraceful, not even her fanbase of horny 14-year-old bitches could support it. Vaginaca Roth is aware her fanbase is kids, so she censors the living hell out of her book, because we all know the word fuck is more disturbing than Edward getting stabbed in the eye with a knife. She also purposly teased everyone with a possible sex scene in the 3rd book, but somehow virgins Tris and Tobias decided to not have sex, for no apparent reason. Maybe it's because Tobias is aware that the bitch has no tittes.


In Tris's shitty dystopian land of Chicago, society is divided into five factions and the fags actually think this system is effective. Dividing human beings has never and will never end up in segregation and straight racism. These fagtions include:

  • Erudite: Composed of pseudo-intellectual pieces of shit, and yes, there is somehow a faction for just being smart. We all know in Chicago, being smart makes you very special. Many of these script kiddies are just assholes who read 50 Shades of Grey and actually think Wikipedia is a legitimate source. To incite rage just tell them evolution isn't real
  • Amity: The hippies, they could literally watch 2 factions blow nuclear warheads and chemicals and say nothing. This is th most unimportant faction, seeing how all they are known for his being quiet and drawing.
  • Abnegation: Boring white people. Their claim to fame is being selfless, which is absolute bullshit, its just their excuse for being the most untalented faction. Many claim to be Christians, but kick homeless/factionless dudes and call them hobos.
  • Candor: The only reasonable members of this societyshithole, however, they think telling the truth is somehow a fucking talent.
  • Dauntless: Probably the biggest reason this society can't function, the Dauntless faction. You know that dumbass jock in high school that didn't do schoolwork but still ended up getting a good career, well that's everyone in this fucking faction. 100% of this faction consists of 13-year-old boys and 16 year old girls all of their leaders are just 18 year olds or even younger because the dumbass author failed to realize that the entire military to be controlled by teenagers is a fucking dumb idea. And they wonder how he skiddies at Erudite managed to enslave every one of them.

On an appointed day of every year, all 16-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives, because 16-year-olds obviously make good decisions. Tris chose Dauntless, despite being a skinny, untalented bitch.


  • Beatrice Prior: Also known as Tris, proving she is shitty at choosing her own name nope, she is just so autistic she can't spell "trice" right. She has already failed, and the paragraph just begun. This whiny bitch is the main character of this book series. She falls in love with Tobias on first sight without any build up, 99% of this book is this slut making out with him or her thinking "I dont why but i feel something when im with him" or just the guy being generaly creepy appearing out of nowhere and touching her. Obviously the author Veronica Roth doesn't know shit about how relationships start, she thinks relationships start when a creepy guy grabs a girl's vagina because the bitch thinks that that's cute. Also Beatrice has a hate for homeless people and construction works, she thinks they are evil and satanic. She is also the prime example of stupidity, yet somehow, by the grace of God she fits in "Erudite" (smartasses who kill shit), "Dauntless" (dumbasses who kill shit), and her home faction "Abnegation" (fake christians who kick homeless dudes). She often whines and moans like a bitch when someone dies, but she should be used to it when at least 7 people she loved died, and also her. She could have lived she wasn't being a simple dumbass. She knew this magical "death" serum (which gets no proper fucking explination on how it kills) will kill her, but instead of letting her asshole brother whom she punched in the face go, she goes, thinking that "I IZ DIVERGENT, I CAN FUKING FITE DEAF AND WINZ!!111!!1!". The death serum doesn't kill her, but some asshole named David provided lotsa rage for fans by simply 1 shotting her. Cause we all know in real life, people just die on the fucking spot from one bullet wound, and stand no chance of survival.
  • Lynn: Possibly the stupidest bitch alive, behind Tris of course. Stupid bitch who prefers to be man rather than a woman, she hates herself because she looks too feminine.
  • Jeanine Matthews: An Erudite queen of douchebaggery, and the main antagonist of the series. Spends all day murdering people who actually aren't stupid. She rather kill "Divergents" (People who decide are not just one faction, like 99% of human beings should) than actually run her fucking city. The only available reason to give a fuck about her is that she is pretty hot for her age, in the movies at least. Anybody who isn't an erudite virgin would fuck her on the spot.

Rest of the characters nobody gives a shit about. But just for the lulz, I'll name some of these abominations Roth has created:

  • Uriah Perdad: Another Divergent, but is more scared to admit he is "special" than a dude wearing lip gloss, using make-up, carry pink phone cases is too scared to admit he is gay. Honestly, he is only cool because he is a black dude. Too bad this sad fuck died cause Tris' garbage boyfriend Tobias fucking set off an explosion and pretty much giving this dude a straight coma.
  • Tori Wu: Another very fuckable woman, but the main reasonn this shit stormstom started. Instead of not telling Tris she is divergent, she tells her and Tris then starts asking questions, and to make a long story short, almost every character here comes to be. Tori could have easily just not told Tris and let Jeanine just fucking kill her and none of this shit would have happend. Life would be the same unsuccessful shit that was the world of Divergent, but she had to complicate shit. Thankfully, she got fucking destroyed, along with many people in this shitty series.
  • Edward: The only character in this book ACTUALLY worth pitying. Veronica Roth didn't even let him die properly, so she decided a even shitter thing should happen to him. Someone stabs this dude in the fucking eye during night, (makes you wonder what the fucking instructors were doing while this kid was dying) and becomes fucking homeless because he can no longer participate with the others and get a job in Dauntless. Not only that he gets shot in the second book, because him losing an eye simply wasn't enough.
  • Caleb: The book gave us this slimy cunt, Caleb. This piece of crap is mentioned multiple times and has no fucking purpose until the dick hole betrays his own sister, Tris (Yes, he was irrelevant until the 2nd or 3rd book) He chose the smartass faction, Erudite. He chooses to help Lynn, not for a reward but because the bitch "was just so convincing". If this isn't the defeniton of asshole, then I don't know what is. This nigga wasn't even getting a reward, he is just that stupid.
  • Andrew Prior: I would give you a proper description on Tris' dad, but no one gives a shit about him.
  • Natilie Prior: Tris' mom and more shit nobody cares about, the only reason Tris gives a fuck is cause she got pwned by dumbasses.
  • Albert: Perhaps the only character besides Tris who truly deserved to die. This faggot decided to attempt to murder Tris because she rejected him. Tris simply told him to fuck off after she survived the accident, and like the fucking loser he is, he decided jumping off a fucking bridge was the best solution. This is what 95% of the Divergent fanbase did when Tris died.
  • Christina: Tris' best friend, her last name is never revealed, (and she is in all 3 books), just to show you how terrible Vaginaca Roth is at writing.
  • Will: Christina's boyfriend, he only hooked up with her cause he loves black girls. And we all know the rules of the universe, nigger always have bigger genitals. Will was pwned by Tris, yet Christina still forgave that whore.
  • Marcus Eaton: Marcus is the perfect fucking example of what a shity father is. This furry beat his wife and kid repeatedly, but despite this, the retards leading Abnegation never knew, and he became the leader of all of them. His failure of a son hated him so much, he actually became the first Abnegation to switch to Dauntless, all so he wouldn't see this fuck's face again. Veronica Roth wished to provide great lulz, so she made Tobias pwn his own dad in one of the later books.
  • Evelyn Johnson: If you thought Tobias was fucked up, his personality alone is just the beginning. His parents are the breeders of his garbage personality. His mom is just a straight up peice of shit. She faked her own death, abandoned her only child, and left Tobias with his shitty dad. Evelyn was often beat by Marcus (Tobias's dad), and rightfully so, bitch just showed up in the second book like everything was jolly and happy. True WTF.
  • Eric: Simply serves no real purpose but to be a dick to everyone. The only person he hasn't tried to fuck over is Jeanine Matthews, who has turned this homosexual deviant into a sex slave.
  • Molly Atwood: Bitch. Only useful because she beat Tris up, but somehow got pwned by skinny Tris later in that same book.

As you can see Veronica Roth relies on a very shitty system for characters:

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