BREAKING NEWS!! Rule34 Tournament is Back in business boyz!
The Rule 34 League is known to the Encyclopedia Dramatica Forums as a holy tradition where boys become men and men photoshopgigantic black dicks in one-on-one gladiatorial-style combat shooping. To the Dramacrats on EDF, the ritual of shooping large veiny bastards where they don't belong (some would argue that they do) is a sacred right handed down to them from the trolls of yore. Those willing to shoop the hardest and longest earn the right to call themselves Rule 34 Champion, a title long sought after by many a forum user.
This year's fine Judges each took a blood oath to be fair and balanced least they be thrown down the well with the Jewstruly horrifying
Entrance into the Rule 34 contest is easy, as all who aren't already b& from the forums are eligible to participate.
Failure to meet the deadline results in vicious raep and disqualification from the tournament.
Harsh Judgement
Since critique and review of high art can be an extremely subjective subject, only those who are in high-standing with the EDF community can apply. Judges for each tournament are selected from a pool consisting of staff, top shitposters, and renowned hardchatters. Acceptance into the judges' booth also depends on a stringent analysis and inspection of a user's cock size to ensure integrity. Faggots and/or small dicked nigras need not apply.
RULE 34 LEAGUE 2021 Winter Special Olympics (HELL EDITION)
2021 Winter R34 League
In November of 2021, the Rule 34 League was revived after being long dormant with the forums being down due to AIDS and Fail. Judges were selected from the greatest art experts on the forums to decide who can create the greatest sexual renditions of modern events of a random category in the current year.