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Jeremy Corbyn is a Communist that somehow became leader of the Labour Party and promptly ruined it.
Comrade Corbyn used to be some backbench liberal in the 80's that often campaigned for things that smart politicians would stay away from i.e. trying to the convictions of some terrorists who bombed the Israeli embassy, who had been found possessing bombs and guns but had tried to say that they weren't going to use them in Britain.
Jeremy Corbyn's particular style of leadership is to do nothing at all, especially during life-changing referendums, and hope that the socialists of Britain will vote for him.
Corbyn has often been compared to Bernie Sanders, which is an apt comparison given that Corbyn's chances of becoming Prime Minister one day is the same as Sanders' chances of becoming President. Since obtaining leadership of the Labour Party, Corbyn has been thoroughly committed to leading his party into the dustbin of history.
Like the retards they are, the Labour Party decided to add Jeremy Corbyn into the leadership contest, as they believed that someone who actually understood how politics works would win and just wanted to add him in for no particular reason. Corbyn was elected to leadership by SJW's who think they're wiser and more enlightened than all those who have come before them (minus Corbyn, of course), the unions, and other Leftist buffoons who don't yet realize that the winds of change are blowing in the other direction.
When Corbyn miraculously became leader of the Labour Party, many people in Britain believed that he might be the one to save politics as he wasn't some yuppie from Cambridge. Instead what they got was the mumbling old socialist who shuffled around in ill-fitting suits and defending Sinn Fein.
However during his time in leadership, the only thing he did that was of anyone's interest was give David Cameron a load of questions to answer on his first day, and then got forgotten about and going on late night talkshows nobody watches.
While many politicians wisely chose a side, Commissar Corbyn did fuck all, and then expected to still in leadership later on. While he supports Leave, he didn't actually do anything at all to promote this, and just let Nigel Farage take all the glory.
Even afterwards when Britain left the EU, he still refused to do anything at all, and hoped that this would just blow over and that he wouldn't need to grow a spine and pick a side he should've supported.
Fall from leadership
Somehow, he still believes that he can become Prime Minister despite the fact he has done little to nothing during the 6 months he's been leader. Almost all of the Labour Party want him to go, and even David Cameron said he might as well leave. His biggest mistake besides doing shit during Brexit was firing the most important man from his Shadow Cabinet, which made everyone else in the cabinet leave in retaliation, which sent his leadership confidence into chaos.
Fall into obscurity
Probably not long after Brexit, Corbyn will likely be kicked out of leadership and will again fall into obscurity.