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Talk:Brianna Wu/fake shit
Putting all the this from the talk page that turned out to not be true in here + discussion about them
This article needs major fixing, almost everything is wrong
- Her husband is Frank Wu, not Janson Wu
- They were already married in Oct 2008, as confirmed by http://frankwu.livejournal.com/2008/10/09/
- IF she had an MTF operation, it was conducted in Jun 2008, just before the wedding.
- It was "radical surgery to correct a long-standing birth defect to [her] urinary tract." http://spacekatgal.livejournal.com/
- All this doesn't match up with the Brianna Freeman info, which came out in 2010. At that time, a full trans wouldn't have an issue with toilets.
Checkmydubs 08:34, 26 October 2014 (EDT)
- What you are saying seems to make sense. Could you perhaps rewrite the article yourself then? Just try doing your best, I'll fix your wiki mistakes, if you do the legwork.
CobaltCat 09:10, 26 October 2014 (EDT)
- I'll consider it, but I'm still not completely convinced on the MTF angle, given certain comments about gender in her Jun 2008 livejournal http://spacekatgal.livejournal.com/
- Maiden name is Brianna Flynt, so we can now investigate her extremely detailed wikipedia article http://frankwu.livejournal.com/95340.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brianna_Wu
- Alt nick Dancecrisisgal https://myspace.com/dancecrisisgal
- Possible evidence for MTF: https://elevatorgate.wordpress.com/2014/10/17/is-brianna-wus-trolling-overcompensation-for-being-male/ http://nafoom.yuku.com/topic/31983/Keeping-campus-legends-theme-Does-remember-Bluejean-Ba?page=1#.VEaScIeGDbw
- The person John Flynt pops up, taking polit sci classes at University of Mississippi, which matches up with the info for Wiki, where she was studying journalism and polit sci at University of Mississippi
- Known for dressing in women's clothes and being crazy as fuck
- "For the record, he lives in Boston now and likes to brag about his vespa, and he's married to some dude. He used to brag about going hooking up with men without them knowing he wasn't a woman, which is fucking sick and obscenely immoral, no matter how open-minded you are." Matches up. http://nafoom.yuku.com/sreply/235985/Nice-snake-facebook-wasnt-looking-friend
- "He changed his name to Brianna because he had a crush on a fellow journalist student named "Bryan." Also, he moved to Colorado. Also, he had his peepee cut off. which matches with Brianna living in Denver before marrying Frank (see their LJs) http://nafoom.yuku.com/topic/31983/Keeping-campus-legends-theme-Does-remember-Bluejean-Ba?page=2#.VE0muMkYh9k
- Finally, this is from facebook but I can't get to the images
- http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs102.snc3/15029_699212216016_6510219_38022425_1334773_n.jpg
- http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs254.ash1/18150_682682002696_6510219_37550506_6714815_n.jpg
- http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs077.snc3/14435_663571480336_6510219_37000947_5817284_n.jpg
- http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs005.snc1/2811_629596835796_6510219_35809148_5302555_n.jpg
- 100% convinced this is our man http://nafoom.yuku.com/sreply/235863/When-I-saw-bluejean-bandit-I-thought-you-were#.VE0nh8kYh9k
- There might be a youtube documented sex change
Checkmydubs 12:56, 26 October 2014 (EDT)
- Will now proceed to delete all Bruce Freeman info since we have close to perfect proof that it's not him.Checkmydubs 14:00, 26 October 2014 (EDT)
- Woah woah woah there, first of all the pictures link to a "server not found," so how the hell are you getting them. Second, how exactly is a link to a fat gross tranny (as if nobody here has seen that before) proof of who Brianna is? The Myspace profile links to someone that claims to reside in Georgia, yet where do your sources mention Brianna's involvement with living in Georgia? The Denny's restroom incident dates that Brianna identified as a woman some time before 2009, it's entire possible that he called himself a "she" beforehand, there's no proof of the contrary.
- Maybe this could be excused if your account wasn't created specifically to edit the Brianna Wu article, but until you explain these concerns, why should anyone let you delete anything? Save the whales! Adoph-in Hitler needs an army! 17:47, 26 October 2014 (EDT)
- I'm inclined to side with Whales on this, you've dumped a whole bunch of unconnected evidence on us, save the connections you've made yourself, that borders on creepy with how deep you seem to have dug trying to find it. Hell, I'm still confused on if this Brianna person actually had a sex change. There's a very easy solution to sort this out, just ask Brianna point blank if she was A)Previously a man & B)What her previous name was if so. You'll have to forgive our skepticism, but we get people trying to whitewash their articles alot, and with a subject who's currently in the limelight, like Brianna, we're a little more cautious when it comes to new users who roll in looking to remove stuff.
Talk | Contribs 18:15, 26 October 2014 (EDT)
- I'm inclined to side with Whales on this, you've dumped a whole bunch of unconnected evidence on us, save the connections you've made yourself, that borders on creepy with how deep you seem to have dug trying to find it. Hell, I'm still confused on if this Brianna person actually had a sex change. There's a very easy solution to sort this out, just ask Brianna point blank if she was A)Previously a man & B)What her previous name was if so. You'll have to forgive our skepticism, but we get people trying to whitewash their articles alot, and with a subject who's currently in the limelight, like Brianna, we're a little more cautious when it comes to new users who roll in looking to remove stuff.
- I just want to point out that I didn't do the research for this article so blame someone else. I wash my hands of this one.
18:17, 26 October 2014 (EDT)
- If I'm being honest, I really don't think it matter much what their name was prior to getting their dick snipped off; what I've read in the links so far leads me to believe that we didn't need to have the section removed about the donation thing. Fuck it, I'm rolling it back to the last edit by Vermin, changing the instances of "Freeman" to "Flynt" and calling it fixed.
Talk | Contribs 18:38, 26 October 2014 (EDT)
- If I'm being honest, I really don't think it matter much what their name was prior to getting their dick snipped off; what I've read in the links so far leads me to believe that we didn't need to have the section removed about the donation thing. Fuck it, I'm rolling it back to the last edit by Vermin, changing the instances of "Freeman" to "Flynt" and calling it fixed.
- I just want to point out that I didn't do the research for this article so blame someone else. I wash my hands of this one.
- Hi whales, I'll attempt to take you through my line of thought
- We know for certain that Frank Wu, award-winning artist, is her husband, because it's all over his LJ and webpage. This makes the Janson Wu married her line of thought completely off.
- The toilet incident was in 2007, and Bruce Freeman had been a regular customer since 2002. That doesn't match up with wiki info about her studying at Ole Miss and growing up in Mississippi, since the Denny's is in Maine. http://www.glad.org/uploads/docs/cases/freeman-v-dennys/2011-freeman-memo-support-msj.pdf. This is plaintiff's memorandum so we can assume it's good. At time of suit (2009/10) Bruce was going to the Denny's around Auburn, Maine, which also doesn't match up with what we know from LJ. In fact, the whole story from the legal doc doesn't match the LJs and wiki, which do match up. Therefore, this line of reasoning doesn't convince me.
- I'm unsure about the Georgia myspace, but it should be around the time she claimed to be working around the DC area in politics.
Checkmydubs 00:35, 27 October 2014 (EDT)
- Now I'll go through the way I concluded that Brianna Freeman was John Flynt.
- Again starting off from knowing that Frank Wu was her husband, one simply confirms the date of marriage by searching Frank's LJ for the earliest mention of Brianna/spacekatgal. That's in 2008. One can then get the date of marriage, which was when Brianna moved away from Denver. This matches wikipedia.
- Spacekatgal's LJ is very short and ends in 2008, when she starts using Frank's. Looking at the 2008 page, we can immediately see her talking about major urinary tract surgery to correct a birth defect, which is a red flag for MTF.
- This type of search also reveals the maiden name Flynt from Frank's LJ, which matches this statement, ie Larry Flynt.https://elevatorgate.wordpress.com/2014/10/17/is-brianna-wus-trolling-overcompensation-for-being-male/ I got this from simply searching google for Brianna Flynt Mississippi
@simon_lindsell My maiden name is that of a very famous pornographer. — Brianna Wu (@Spacekatgal) April 24, 2014
- That page leads to an Ole Miss board, http://nafoom.yuku.com/sreply/235863/When-I-saw-bluejean-bandit-I-thought-you-were#.VE3Hu8meH0Y. Which is pretty much paydirt. They're talking about all the wierdos on campus
- John Flynt changes his name to Brianna Flynt, does journalism and politsci, was submitting comics for the Daily Mississippian ("DM") but had a restraining order, goes to DC, claims to works in politics, crossdresses, comes back to Ole Miss, was fucking crazy as shit, moved to Denver, got a sex change, lives in Boston, married, All this matches up with what we already know from where Frank lives and what we know about Brianna's previous involvement in journalism and art in general and from wiki and LJ. All the wiki edits are by pretty respected editors.
- The images are from a DM opinion editor in the thread. They just show up as [images] in the thread because of some error, so I just took a look at the html and pulled them out hoping one of you might know what to do with it.
- I think the Ole Miss thread is so convincing I'd bet big money on Brianna being John Flynt.
Checkmydubs 00:35, 27 October 2014 (EDT)
You make a good case now give us something more than some old posts on Yuku and non-existent Facebook photos. For example, find the court dox on that restraining order or at least a newspaper article.Freakangel 03:38, 28 October 2014 (EDT)
- Evidence that John Flynt was a student at Ole Miss studying Journalism http://www.worldcantwait.net/index.php/press-site-map-193/902-the-dmonline-ole-miss-students-hold-bush-impeachment-rally
- He was the president of the Ole Miss Gay-Straight Alliance, interested in transexualism
- University of Mississippi Gay-Straight Alliance
- GSA BRIEFS – April 12th, 2006, Volume 1, Issue 9, The official publication of the University of MIssissippi, Gay-Straight Alliance http://www.olemiss.edu/orgs/gsa/apr12.htm
- "Transsexualism and What You Should Know.We thank John Flynt for discussing the facts behind Transsexualism this week. Anyone who has question can email him at jwflynt@electioneveDOTcom" This ties into the interest in elections shown in the above article and in the LJs
- "These are the GSA members who have been nominated to be officers for the next Academic year (2006-2007). If you wish to add a nomination please notify the group. For those who were nominated and not present if you wish to remove your nomination please notify Tommy Vasser. Elections will be in two weeks on April 12th."
- "President - John Flynt, Jarrad Powell, Jamie Carter"
- Feb 8 http://www.olemiss.edu/orgs/gsa/feb8.htm
- "Communications Director Appointed. John W. Flynt is now officially appointed our Director of Communications. Congratulations."
- John W Flynt http://sociallyunconscious.blogspot.com/2004/07/read-post-that-started-it-all.html
- John Walker Flynt started a company, Socially Unconscious LLC, to do some production "Socially Unconscious" (SOCCON) deals with the misadventures of a huge cast..." https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_ms/667100 https://pipl.com/n/walker_flynt/#
- The World of Making Videogames: Girls need not apply. http://www.gamespot.com/profile/jwflynt/blog/ http://www.gamespot.com/profile/jwflynt/reviews/
- Talks about himself as a girl, about girls making video games, still the obsession with space video games.
Checkmydubs 00:04, 29 October 2014 (EDT)
- Words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words --Mantequilla (talk) 23:32, 28 October 2014 (EDT)
- John Walker Flynt = Brianna Walker Flynt https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_ms/667100
- "Interesting commentary over at Brianna Walker Flynt's lj about Christian-bashing." - Frank Wu's LJ http://frankwu.livejournal.com/93105.html Checkmydubs 00:09, 29 October 2014 (EDT)
8CHAN ANON DELIVERS: https://archive.org/stream/olemiss200611univ#page/214/mode/2up/search/Flynt second row fom the bottom, last pic on the right Freakangel 19:01, 29 October 2014 (EDT)
I just couldn't stand to see poor Brianna Freeman get slandered. Checkmydubs 00:32, 30 October 2014 (EDT)
- Someone just fix the name so we don't have to add anymore to this wall of text. --Mantequilla (talk) 01:33, 30 October 2014 (EDT)
- Vermin fixed it yesterday
Talk | Contribs 01:34, 30 October 2014 (EDT)
- Oh ok cool. --Mantequilla (talk) 01:36, 30 October 2014 (EDT)
- Vermin fixed it yesterday
- TheRalph wrote a new article about
herhim. Someone can use it to fix this article (but that someone will not be me because fuck you guys).oddguy
15:43, 30 October 2014 (EDT)
- TheRalph wrote a new article about
Don't donate money to starving children! Donate to my sex change operation instead!
Bathroom Lurking

The management of Dennys in Maine USA had to deal with Wu when their (real) female clients started complaining that a creepy dude was constantly going into the women's bathroom.
Flynt entered the bathroom despite not yet doing anything having to do with his sex change. At the time he was 100% male, unlike now when he is 100% man only wearing dress and with a mutilated penis.
Luckily for Flynt, he had the legal aid of Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders attorney Frank Wu who convinced the jury that Flynt was not using crossdressing tendencies to jerk his tiny man-meat to girls peeing, but rather this was part of his therapy in preperation for "becoming a woman".
Wu would later marry Flynt (who by then changed his name to "Brianna"), proving he wasn't actually a pro-gay activist, but rather just a tranny fetishist. And so "Brianna Wu" was born.
CobaltCat 16:47, 31 October 2014 (EDT)
"Gross fucking Aspie" section
- So people are now saying it wasn't really Wu who said that. Someone changed the section explaining that so I just deleted it. Them VX changed it back to the original. We have 3 choices:
- Leave that part in even though we know it's probably not true (that's what people are saying at least)
- Leave a section explaing how it was all a troll
- delete the entire section.
- I vote for #3 because I don't see a point in keeping a section people say they can prove is false and I don't see a point in having a section about the time he didn't call someone an aspie.
11:52, 23 October 2014 (EDT)
- Wow, I am out of the loop on this person apparently; I just thought they were ugly. But yeah, if it's come to light they never said that, then I say leave it out. What's the evidence being presented that they never said it, or is it just hearsay?
Talk | Contribs 14:27, 23 October 2014 (EDT)
- People are saying it was a troll or something. I don't fully understand honestly.
14:41, 23 October 2014 (EDT)
- I seem to remember a set of images from when they said it. Her/his (i'm not really sure anymore) claim was that her account had been compromised when the tweet was sent, but the activity on it said otherwise. Had to dig through the GG thread to find the set of images detailing it; here.
Talk | Contribs 15:06, 23 October 2014 (EDT)
- People are saying it was a troll or something. I don't fully understand honestly.
- Wow, I am out of the loop on this person apparently; I just thought they were ugly. But yeah, if it's come to light they never said that, then I say leave it out. What's the evidence being presented that they never said it, or is it just hearsay?
- My vote is for either 2 or 3. The information honestly wasn't very funny outside of an "aha, gotcha!" angle, so 1 kind of ruins the joke until the proof becomes irrelevant (AKA, after GamerGate finally ends). 2 allows us to trash the Aspie that fucked up for making the same mistake that Brianna made, and trash talk Brianna for (1.) not bothering to see if the account was legit before shouting LOLHACKED!!! (2.) Falling for an obvious troll and panicking over it (3.) Trusting unverified screenshots over the internet like a real newfag. 3 is the simplest to do and ends this discussion quickly. Save the whales! Adoph-in Hitler needs an army! 19:50, 23 October 2014 (EDT)
- IMHO I say leave it the way it was originally. The burden of proof is on it to disprove. --Mantequilla (talk) 19:55, 23 October 2014 (EDT)
- Okay, I put it back until I can figure out what the "proof" was that is was fake. None of the links I found about it made any sense. I'll look into it again later. For now let it stay the way it is.
03:44, 24 October 2014 (EDT)
- Simple explanation for the proof: Look at the tweet linked in my previous comment and click on the @SpaceCatGaI link. It leads to a suspended account. The time within the tweet matches up with when the screencaps depict. Meanwhile the real Brian can't shut the hell up on his real account, meaning that some aspie got butthurt from being trolled. Save the whales! Adoph-in Hitler needs an army! 17:04, 24 October 2014 (EDT)
- Makes sense. --Mantequilla (talk) 20:27, 24 October 2014 (EDT)
- Okay, I put it back until I can figure out what the "proof" was that is was fake. None of the links I found about it made any sense. I'll look into it again later. For now let it stay the way it is.
- Not to me. I still don't get it.
04:14, 25 October 2014 (EDT)
- I didn't revert it to the original. I replaced the allegations without replacing the outright admittance that it was a troll performing a smear job. With all due respect, oddguy, and you are a good writer, I don't see why you care whether something is true. ED isn't about truth. Sure, amusing truths are great, but entertaining lies are almost as good, and there's a delicious irony in the idea of a SJW insulting the handicapped. VX •
06:03, 25 October 2014 (EDT)
- I didn't revert it to the original. I replaced the allegations without replacing the outright admittance that it was a troll performing a smear job. With all due respect, oddguy, and you are a good writer, I don't see why you care whether something is true. ED isn't about truth. Sure, amusing truths are great, but entertaining lies are almost as good, and there's a delicious irony in the idea of a SJW insulting the handicapped. VX •
- Not to me. I still don't get it.
- I don't care if something is true. I only care if something can easily proven to be untrue so I don't have to retract things when people start throwing obvious mistakes in my face.
06:06, 25 October 2014 (EDT)
- Retractions and mistakes? I've never known of anyone who could mention both "ED" and "integrity" in the same breath, but I'm not going to press the issue. I just thought it seemed... odd. VX •
06:22, 25 October 2014 (EDT)
- I don't care if something is true. I only care if something can easily proven to be untrue so I don't have to retract things when people start throwing obvious mistakes in my face.
Wu Calls a Retard an Aspie and blames it on Hackers
Because this tranny isn't just ugly on the outside but also on the inside it couldn't contain itself when it thought of a new brilliant strategy; pretend to have its Twitter hacked so it could say mean things to people and blame it on someone else.
Still butthurt over GG, Wu had the plan to call the aspie Cameralady out on her aspiness, and then blame it on the haxing. But he made one critical mistake (that a 5 year old would know not to make) and posted that his account has been hacked before calling her an aspie. Meaning that, even if the account was actually compromised, he had already regained control of it at that point.

Briana caught faking her threats - entire section has been debunked
We debunked it thoroughly in the thread at the time, and Anon then showed up and confessed to having made both the original "operation false fag" image and the one Wu is accused of making (which is just an edit of the first one).
Anon just edited the first image with paint, which doesn't update the exif data or the photoshop metadata when saving. You can verify this yourself with paint and an exif viewer and the original image.
Here's the archive at the point at which the debunking starts: http://8archive.moe/gg/thread/159074/#162482
Here's the part where Anon claims responsibility: http://8archive.moe/gg/thread/159074/#164306
--Discouraged 18:46, 27 October 2014 (EDT)
- Ok we will look into it and update if it checks out. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. --Mantequilla (talk) 18:56, 27 October 2014 (EDT)
- Moving this section in here until I can look into it (seems fake)
Briana caught faking his threats

Use scrollbar to see the full image |
But Bri wasn't finished tripping over his own retardation just yet. He tweeted the image shown at the start of the infographic above and claimed this was posted by anonymous on 8chan and details their plans to harass him.
He wasn't lying about it being posted, however, he was soon exposed again as the person who posted it when someone tweeted that he looked up the exif data of that picture and found that it was made days before the interview mentioned in it. Meaning that the only person who could have made and posted that picture was Brianna himself.
Two minutes after, the exif data post of Brianna's tweet as well as the thread on 8chan mysteriously disappeared, but not before both were archived as proof.