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"As a person with Asperger syndrome, I learned more about theory of mind, friendships and social interactions from this season than I had in the previous 31 years of life."

male fans of the television show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, bronies are what happens when you combine the incredibly changing power known as curiosity with a meme loving person that is your average member of society. Spawned one night by an Anon in the /co/ section, they have spread across the internet like AIDS through an African village using their genetic blend of troll resilience and misconception. One by one, websites have fallen under their sway until even the last bastion of brony resistance, 4chan, joined in their addiction. They are a meme that's unlike any other.

Analysis of Bronies

A large group of bronies together

There are many problems with people assuming how bronys act/look. As a matter of fact, this page was once a load of information about bronys, and here are notes that got changed:

  • Bronies spread their non-understandable memes faster than AIDS spreads at a Native African orgy, even taking other, dead memes and morphing them like a 2 year old with play doh. The evidence for this is clear. For example, the meme "Needs to be 20% cooler" is funnier to type than it is to actually hear In the episode itself.
  • They feel the need to defend the show, saying it's a perfect example of everything a good animated series needs, like music that has fitting lyrics and songs, animation that fits the "cartoon" style, and a script riddled with funny moments.
  • Most bronies were cartoon liking people in the first place, and that reflects on their opinions of the show. Like the three main popular shows on Cartoon Network (Adventure Time, Gumball, and Regular Show) those shows got attention only because of cartoon networks already huge fan base. My Little Pony is basically the popularity of Adventure Time and Gumball combined; it's popular because it has the characters-are-animals feature and the everyone-is-different in a way feature. It's a combination of fitting animation, easy to notice memes, and Encyclopædia Dramatica articles writing themselves. But for some non-bronys, haters intoxicate and change the brain of a non-brony into believing that the bronys are fully gay, and a shit load of no life 30 year old virgins. In reality, it is merely a show made by a women named Lauren Faust who did some good shows in the past such as the Power Puff Girls and Fausters home for Imaginary Friends. Lauren just didn't expect bronys to come up, and now supports bronys and even made most of the season 2 episodes for all kids. She even went so far as to make a youtube video that was so gruesome that she wanted to remain anonymus [1]

Normal,Closet or Overkill?

That's one hardcore brony

It's very easy to tell whose closet, whose hard core, and whose normal.

  • Closet: The term "closet brony" in brony language means that you don't want people to know your a brony, mainly because of misconception. Here is a list on how you can tell whose a closet brony
    • doesn't post anything pony related unless he can go anonymous
    • doesn't have any easily noticeable pony related content in computer
  • Overkill (AKA hardcore): A overkill brony is someone that has a lot of courage to show there love for the show.Here is a list on how you can tell whose a hardcore brony
    • owns a large amount of toys from the franchise
    • willing to dress up as/put on costumes of the characters from the show
  • Normal: An average person that watches the show and doesnt care if people find out hes a brony. If none of the list above work then hes a normal brony.


“Shame” is an interesting word. I think the cuteness and childishness appeals to our original innocence, and innocence knows no shame.

Ponies are not the beginning either; /b/tards have a history of embracing cute and innocent things. That was Boxxy’s appeal. Then there’s cats. Rozen Maiden. Robot Unicorn Attack. The list goes on. What’s interesting is this runs parallel with the /b/tard reputation for being the most vile, wretched goblins on the entire interbutts. I think they’re connected. I think in order to get a disgusting perverted adult, you have to start with a kid just oozing innocence, and beat the fuck out of them. Feed them lies, then laugh at them for believing you. Watch the disillusion sink in as their innocence is torn from them in childhood, seared out of them in school, and then are cast out into the world to be bachelor frogs. So they fap and they struggle with major depression and they rage and they do all the things damaged people do. But somewhere deep down they remember what they were. Maybe part of them is still that way. They see ponies, and damn society’s gender roles, they like them. Then they fap to them, but then they continue to watch the show because it reminds them of something good and pure they had before the hardness of the world robbed them of it.


—anonymous /co/

Hasbro completely missed their target audience and hit the internet virgin 18-25 year old male instead.


—Average hater that knows what a brony is like[2]

Famous bronies

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Brony is part of a series on My Little Pony