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"As a person with Asperger syndrome, I learned more about theory of mind, friendships and social interactions from this season than I had in the previous 31 years of life."
Typical Brony.
How ponyfags spend their free time.
Ponyfags are just furfags in denial.

Typically adult male fans of the television show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, bronies are what happens when you combine the scourge of the internet that is the furfag with the neurotic, neck bearded man-child that is your average member of society. Spawned one night by a sick and twisted Anon in the darkest depths of /co/, they have spread across the internet like AIDS through an African village using their genetic blend of troll resilience and furry faggotry. One by one, websites have fallen under their sway until even the last bastion of brony resistance, 4chan, fell to their faggotry. They are a meme gone horribly wrong, a collection of users who were too faggy even for the furfags. By the lulz were they created, and the lulz shall they destroy. May Raptor Jesus have mercy on our souls.

Analysis of Bronies

Fact: Not one of these people have a job.

There are many problems with this embarrassment to God. As a matter of fact, we should just list them right now, no questions asked:

  • They feel the need to defend the show, saying it's a perfect example of everything a good animated series needs, like forgettable music scores, piss poor flash animation, and a script riddled with goofy moments BECAUSE IT'S MEANT FOR CHILDREN and references that supposedly make it complex but really just add filler to the (nonexistent) scripts.
  • Bronies are deluded people in the first place, and that reflects on their opinions of the show. Like the three main popular shows on Cartoon Network (Adventure Time, Gumball, and Regular Show) those shows got attention only because of their sexual appeal and general stupidity. My Little Pony is basically the popularity of Adventure Time and Gumball combined; it's popular because it's the easy-to-sexualize animals and the assumption that everyone is a neon lesbian put into one. It's a shit storm of bad animation, unfunny memes, and Encyclopædia Dramatica articles writing themselves. But for this reason just listed alone, it corrupts the (already pathetic) brain of a Ponyfag into believing that the show is well animated, well written, creative, has superb music and sound, and a gold mine of well deserved popularity. In reality, it is merely a show made by a crazy cunt who did some good shows in the past but fucked up the target audience for this and grabbed... God knows what.

Furfags or hipsters?

Fucking hipsters

It's hard to say what exactly the brony menace is. Are they a bunch of furfags or hipster fags? Both. My Little Pony is a show about neon girly animals, this gives the furfag community a boner. Now as for why hipsters love this show it's clearly obvious. Hipsters hate what adults like, however, adults do not fully understand this brony thing and they don't understand why grown males would watch a show for little girls. Thus making My Little Pony perfect hipster bait for every possible hipster reason.

Despite obviously being a bunch of closet furfags, bronies claim they are not furries and will go to great lengths to prove their point. Ironically, even though bronies claim to love and tolerate all the faces of the Internet, they constantly denounce and cast-out furries from any of their boards/discussions.


“Shame” is an interesting word. I think the cuteness and childishness appeals to our original innocence, and innocence knows no shame.

Ponies are not the beginning either; /b/tards have a history of embracing cute and innocent things. That was Boxxy’s appeal. Then there’s cats. Rozen Maiden. Robot Unicorn Attack. The list goes on. What’s interesting is this runs parallel with the /b/tard reputation for being the most vile, wretched goblins on the entire interbutts. I think they’re connected. I think in order to get a disgusting perverted adult, you have to start with a kid just oozing innocence, and beat the fuck out of them. Feed them lies, then laugh at them for believing you. Watch the disillusion sink in as their innocence is torn from them in childhood, seared out of them in school, and then are cast out into the world to be bachelor frogs. So they fap and they struggle with major depression and they rage and they do all the things damaged people do. But somewhere deep down they remember what they were. Maybe part of them is still that way. They see ponies, and damn society’s gender roles, they like them. Then they fap to them, but then they continue to watch the show because it reminds them of something good and pure they had before the hardness of the world robbed them of it.


—anonymous /co/

Hasbro completely missed their target audience and hit the internet virgin 18-25 year old male instead.



4chan stampede

Big Mcln spouts some info

The cancer

Mods = Gods
The post that caused the shitstorm.

The many flabby nerdsacks at co quickly latched on to the show seeing it as a colorful distraction for their otherwise pitiful lives and a decent cover for their closet pedophilic tendencies that reveal themselves through the guise of watching a television show for little girls. These flabby maniacs created thread after thread of fanart and fanfiction vomiting rainbow colored anti-lulz into 4chan to the vast and unending dismay of everyone else. A few weeks later, this cancer has found its way to b, and so another unfunny lump of cancerous fandom and asshatery was shat into the sea of diarrhea that is /b/.

The entire decision for a /b/ onslaught was decided by five fabulous tripfags known as Flutter!shy (age 16) Appple!jack (age 22) Pinkie!pie (age 20) Rainbow!dash (age 23) and BigMcIn!!toshdAyGxE (age 14) as shown in the possibly shooped screenshot to the right. And so the gigantic pony monster grew, stuffing it's friendship dick into all the threads and ejaculating despicable pony generals that scraped at the eyes of any front page lurkers. The dribbling masses of Bronies seemed unfazed by the gore and cp that /b/tards desperatley threw at them to qwell the faggotry, and so it was the mods turn to stifle this pinkie pie shaped tumor growing within /b/.

The chemo

m00t and his cronies decided they'd had enough of the bronies horse fucking faggotry and threw about gigantic banhammers left and right, squashing all the ponies into twitching masses of purple and pink guts. The bronies effectively shat their pants with rage and attempted to fight back against what they considered was infringing on their rights by spamming endless unfunny pony image macros and acting like considerably ass-pained little children. On October 22, 2011, a sticky on /b/ was posted by moot, declaring trips to be taken away and as a side-note that all bronies and pony related posts should take their leave. Off course all of the butthurt bronies slithered into the sticky so as to complain some more, only to be led like lambs to the slaughter as m00t b& their unadulterated faggotry out of existence.

The relapse

Moot suddleny realised that he is actually a complete faggot, chuckling at how he'd forgotten such a thing. Therefore deciding to open the flood gates and let the cancerous rainbow magic faggotry stream in by creating a board for all the filthy overweight cretins that worship this god awful show. Proving once and for all that 4chan is the worst place on the internet.

This is precisely why we don't negotiate with terrorists. Now that you have your own homeland you can strike at us freely.




dash can shit in my face anytime


Raging that a children's book is too simple for him

Chris-Chan gets in on the fun

More animated dosage of the truth

Faux News has a laugh at their expense.


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External Links

Brony is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.

Brony is part of a series on My Little Pony

is part of a series on
the cancer that is killing /b/
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