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From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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Moralfags are *chan posters: newfags, who want to harness the power of Anonymous towards good works in place of lulz and the continuous accumulation of Japanese pornography. Moralfags and Fail are the true cancer killing /b/, after gaiafags and furries. Six independent studies have shown that the only way to treat that cancer is with fire and CP. Lots of CP. In fact, forget the fire.
Moralfags believe that the internet is serious business. They also believe that they are making shit difference in the world by prancing in front of Scientology with Guy Fawkes masks and Longcat signs without doing it for the lulz. Moralfags can sometimes be found in pedophile and serial killer imageboards telling everyone that they are sick fucks (which they are) not because salting the earth is fun, but because they legitimately care if children get raeped and if hookers die from something other than AIDS. A good example of a moralfag is Mark Bunker, who temporarily turned Anonymous into a nest of fail.
Independent observers argue that Anonymous is a fucking serious business Green-head (see foto right) and the Moralfag or Newfag is the only one who smiles and has fun. This is lolinternet, loooooool.
Moralfags come in more than one flavour, and they all want a piece of /b/.
Religion is a means of controlling and exploiting the gullible human population that needs some sort of support and hope to continue through their life.
The Bible was made up by some fags who wanted to control and exploit said population. Every time people donated to the church, it went to the pockets of those fags.
They made up stories and built huge buildings to keep people interested in their stupid beliefs and to keep giving them money.
They even made the early religion compatible with other religions by sharing their holy days and copying their stories/characters.
After 2,000 years of brainwashing, humans accepted this control and live under some moral standards placed hundreds of years ago by some fags.
Here's a modern analogy for you who are too ignorant to understand this:
early prosecution of Christianity: then: prosecution of Scientology: now.
If you don't understand what I'm saying, then fuck you and go on believing that when you die you'll be in a better place, I'll see you all in Hell.
Woah, that's so deep. So that's why every other religion centers around a guy who got really rich instead of, say, being dirt poor and outcast from their society. No one gives a shit if anonymous likes religion or not, that should be the moral of this page. If you think there you are getting lulz out of debating religion, or that you make a difference, you should consider killing yourself.
Half of moralfags protest against Scientology because they believe religion is the root of all evil. The other half is made up of people who believe their religion is the ONLY religion. Trolling either group is often seen as a waste of time, since they are quite happy to forget what they are protesting about and start screaming and clawing at each other.
"Hugraids", a prime example of moralfag bullshit striking terror into the hearts of Scientologists.
wtf is with you guys? why the hell are you raiding tory and wise beard??????? you truly are fail. anonymous needs to get back to it's roots and stop the cancer that is hurting it's good name. we are for justice not guys have no clue what anonymous is.
—Moralfag, obviously aware of the real nature of Anonymous.
wtf you you sick pedo fucks!!!! don't you feel sorry doing this? are you even fuking human? you should all be impaled with spikes while having your intestines eaten by dogs and then burn in hell FOREVER!!!!
—Moralfag, upon discovering 12chan, and, in turn, irony.
It doesn't take a lot of guts to talk civilly with someone who will probably lash out at you, it just takes heart. This is the Internet Love Machine.
—Moralfag, on reaching out and touching somebody OPILM.
Oh you think you're so cool posting dead cats just to act tough on the internet... you're just a lonely faggot living in your moms basement... if I ever met you, I'd rip off your head you pathetic turd
—Impotent rage, or armchair psychiatry, is a telltale sign of a butthurt moralfag.
Hatefag addresses moralfags.Hatefags want another /b/day moar than anyone...
so wut if she remade the song.. its a horrible thing to send out a rumor that she has HIV
—Moralfag, upon knowing that Anon gave Ashley Tisdale AIDS.
It's almost pointless to crack software today because there is alwaysa better free alternative and if their isn't a free alternative then enroll in a BS CS class in your local community college and get the software for FREE.
—Moralfag, bitching about software piracy.
If you look closely enough, you can literally see the faggotry.
At least there will always be one thing to unite Anonymous.
Neutralfags are the members who try to appear to be free-thinking individuals by criticizing both sides for taking themselves too seriously – older anons and hatefags regard them as little more than hypocritical moralfags who are happy to step on their own kind just to avoid looking like retards.
Lulzfags are what Anons are meant to be, to begin with. As a result, they see both Moralfags and Hatefags as doing it wrong, and inconceivably enough, as lulzcows in their own right, if they can be pitted against one another. Whether or not lulzfags participate in IRL protests or actually care about seeing to the final destruction of Scientology, they can find endless lulz in trolling hatefags as conscientious do-gooders (How dare you laugh about that burning cat!), or trolling moralfags as 1337 h4xx0rhaet masheeninternet tough guys.
If nothing else, this line will make hatefags foam at the mouth and implode into a raging fury of bawwwing about the epic fail & lulzkilling of moralfaggotry
—The above was written by someone trying to appear unique and failed. Miserably. who probably gets it better than you probably ever will anyway, ya prepubescent hatefag.
Meh. The idiots who want to attack us moralfags aren't in it for the lulz at all. They have become obsessed with being the Internet Hate Machine, and as the minor, retarded cousins of the moralfags, they fail to realize that in order to effectively spread your hate, you may have to appear nice to get what you want.
We want Co$ to fall. We have found reasons for the general public to help cause the C0$ to fall. Since the general public aren't affected by Anonymous in this raid, they join us. Anonymous will always win.
Another anon pointed out that due to moralfags, Anonymous now has a new Ebaums in the CoS. Too bad he didn't realize that it was actually an elaborate troll by the 7chan mods, and they actually did raid epileptics, lulz.
Naw, dudes, naw. Don't ruin a good thing.
7chan's newspost, quoted in the other thread. Epilepsy attacks were dugg[1][2][3], and all the comments were "Damn CoS, how low will they stoop?"
We've got ordinary people the world over perpetuating this "war" in Anonymous' name. For better or worse, as long as that continues, we have people NOT US, WORKING FOR FREE to set us up a new Ebaums.
Everyone knows who "Ebaums" really is now. Now, without any effort on our part, the rest of the world has chosen a new Ebaums. Anonymous forced its way into the general public's psyche as a wight night, crusading force - any wrongs, for the near future, anyway, will be attributed to the Scientologists.
Three sick fucks and a moralfag. Together, they fight the lulz.
Retarded copypasta from a neutralfag's view. However, moralfags tend to forget the fact that Scientology is *NOT* Anonymous' target since the rise of Mark Bunker.
To the moralfags: immediately cease at once what you are doing in the name of Anonymous. If you are in it for morals as opposed to lulz you are missing the ultimate irony in wearing a V mask. Was the man in V for Vendetta a 'peaceful protester'? No, he was not. Your efforts are appreciated. But if you're in this for moral reasons, you have no right to call yourself Anonymous, if you already do.
To the anti-moralfags: maybe if you stuck your heads out of your asses you'd realize that most moralfags don't even consider themselves Anonymous. It says in huge text on Enturbulation, "WE ARE NOT ANONYMOUS". Anonymous' target is the Church of Scientology, that's it. Anonymous' reason for attacking them is "the lulz", and with that sole reason in mind shall true Anonymous continue the war. Anonymous works as one. By attacking the one who is not your enemy (the moralfags), your enemy (Scientology) shall prevail. Look at the original video and abide by all those rules. Anonymous works is one.
The most important thing to remember is ANONYMOUS IS CHAOTIC NEUTRAL. Anonymous does not fight for good. Anonymous does not fight for evil. ANONYMOUS DOES IT FOR THE LULZ. Nevar forget that. When you do, you cease to be Anonymous. BECAUSE ANONYMOUS NEVER FORGETS.
Make the EST and Landmark Education articles look more like the scientology article. Write that EST was formed by John Paul Jew a used car salesman and use this as a reference. When it gets reverted argue what is the difference between "Hubbard, an American writer of pulp fiction, especially science fiction" and "John Rosenburg a seller of cars,especially used cars".