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If you however are super impatient, email Tabs directly at [email protected] with your preferred username and associated email address AND ONLY TO REGISTER.McJuggerNuggets
McJuggerNuggets or "Jesse Ridgeway" is a wannabe pewdiefag and spoiled shit living in New Jersey. He doesn't seem to comprehend the idea of a job, and relies solely on the little jewgold he gains from his YouTube, primarily videos made of him crying and freaking out to his dad destroying video games he bought him. The blondie doesn't accept reality of having to work in life, rather than being a nintendo virgin the rest of his life. His adame levine looking brother, Jeffrey, is a hypocritical wannabe of Jack Quire. The dad, although somewhat mentally insane, has some valid points to the destruction of his son's virgin castle of games. The 3 battle it out in a game of Magic: The Gathering. He constantly breaks stuff and takes his shirt off (idk.) He believes that youtube is a career and he can make millions.
Why are these videos in existence?
Well, simple. Jesse is a lazy asswipe that refuses to do anything that isn't game-related, like getting a job. Instead, he relies on the little pay of youtube just for rent. Instead of working for more money, he decides to only provide enough to still continue living in his parent's house, because he's a greedy jew who doesn't appreciate anything but his own fucking orgy of xbox games.
The mind of a spoiled bitch.
McJuggerNuggets has the tendency to not give a shit about his family's struggle to kick him out. He also is oblivious to the fact that maybe it isn't just about providing for the house, but rather, getting your own damn house. He also doesn't seem to understand the concept of property. If your dad buys you something, he is allowed to break it. Also, if you don't get a console you wanted, Don't complain about it and burn a christmas tree because you should be thankful for what you do have. Jesse is constantly being caught playing video games when he isn't supposed to. This is because he tries to convince his fans he has an "addiction" and it's something he can't help. During Christmas, he didn't get a Wii U, so he did what he does best. Destroys shit like a hypocritical ass of his father. Nobody should have any sympathy for Jesse. Jesse is not the only one in the family obsessed with gadgets. His cousin Tom is crazy over tf2. His brother, Jeffrey, is attached to his iPad.
Bio about every mentally unstable person in his videos
Jesse Ridgeway - Annoying immature 4 year old kid trapped in a 20-something year old's body. Takes video games too seriously. Makes little to no money on YouTube and argues that it's a career like there's a metal rod up his asshole. Responds to "rude" comments like a 12 year old COD fag, using phrases like "your mom" and "kill yourself." It is also to mention that he is 5 foot 5 and weights 138 pounds. (aka the wind could probably blow his pussy ass away.) Despite Jesse saying in every video that gaming makes him money, he fails to realize that 98% of the money he makes is from the Psycho Dad videos and from those videos giving his channel a name.
Jeffrey Ridgeway Jr. - Also psycho, but has more reason to his actions. Less annoying YouTube channel. Also a big fan of steroids.
Jeffrey Ridgway (Dad) - Hypocritical ass who destroys his son's shit because he won't get off his lazy bottom and make himself his own money so he can go get his own life instead of staying back with his parents until they're dead. The dad owns a lawn mowing and lawn care job which he makes Jesse do for no money, for valid reasons under a negotiation.
Mom - Only normal one. She has no issues. Mom + 10. However she is useless and only good for staying in the kitchen. let's her husband call the shots in the house.
Juliette Reilly - Giving blonde girls a bad name since 2013. Dumbass bitch who fails to see what a useless piece of scum her boyfriend, Jesse is, which is something that 10 year olds can figure out no problem. She is very likely to be the virgin breaker of Jesse.
Uncle Larry Southern Redneck that can't think straight without his fucking beer. His beer addiction is likely why he is divorced. Though not nearly as hypocritical or messed up and Jesse's dad. For some reason he let's Jesse stink up his house with drama and eventually in the RV back when he was in exile.
Tom Abraham Larry's son. pretty much a copy pasta of McJuggerNuggets only unlike Jesse he WILL die a virgin and dosen't know what colour the sun is. Also to mention he is a PC Gamer.
Kate People say that women only get periods on a monthly basis. NOT THE CASE WITH THIS GIRL AS SHE GETS PERIODS EVERYDAY. Despite only making one major apperence in Jesse's shitty channel, she cusses like it's second nature. Jeffrey Jr's ex girlfriend.
Zachary who gives a fuck Not much to say about him other then the fact that he makes Jesse his bitch. it is incredibly likely that he is gay due to the fact that he lets Jesse play his gay boy advance right near his crouch.
Chapter 1: The beginning
It all started when his dad began to realize that Jesse has been living in video game paradise for too long. Since Jesse wouldn't do anything productive, his dad destroyed his xbox with a chainsaw. Jesse flipped a shit and got mad at his dad for breaking something the parents bought him.
Being a butthurt loser, he turned on the camera and proceeded to make a video about how much his life sucks.
"Dear lord... Bless the food that's in front of us. Thank you dear lord for all the family that's around the table. And dear lord, I have to emphasize please, find Jesse a job, come monday morning." Jesse then made a cringeworthy action and talked about how he's thankful for an xbox and video games, rather than him family or relatives that were also there. Tension increases and Jesse finally flips a shit. He litterly flips the table over and turkey shit goes everywhere. This fucker ruined thanksgiving for everyone because his dad told him to get a life. What a pussy. He then goes into a full caps rage (not actually) with his dad a couple days later about how he made him look bad (well..) Again, like always, his dad yells GET A FUCKING JOB and he cries like a pussy. December 2014 It's Christmas, and he's up to his old shenanigans again. His whole family is happy with their gifts, except for McJuggerNuggets, After not getting a Wii U Chapter 2: The YouTube Play Button IssueWhen Jesse received a metal play button by YouTube for having 500k subscribers, or "juggies", he got very excited because it's the only form of respect or type of reward he's ever gotten in his life. After being a selfish jew, he keeps it for himself, even though it's pretty much both his brothers and his because they both worked to make the psycho shit happen. His dad interrupts and takes it from the two gremlins. His dad proceeds to destroy it, because like he said, the reward doesn't fucking matter. It's a piece of goddamn plastic. Both Jesse and Jeffrey get poles stuck up their ass and flip batshit crazy over it. (Jeffrey deserved the reward more than Jesse, just saying.)
Chapter 3: BigBrudda Militia v.s. Juggie Nazi Force.After Jeffrey began getting popularity on his channel BigBrudda, Jesse became a jealous fuck and stroked back against him, calling his channel shitty in Psycho Dad Reacts to 1 Million Juggies. Jeffrey then calls out Jesse and calls him a "hacker" (due to BigBrudda's channel being hacked around May 2015.) The two channels battle it out 24/7 (kinda pathetic.) McJuggerNuggets:
Annoying AF channel that consists of Psycho Dad videos and mail unboxings. Also includes vlog videos with his girlfriend that he verbally abuses a lot (more info on that later). Annoying fans of Jesse called "Juggies" listen to his every command. Most fans of McJuggerNuggets are about BigBrudda: Consists of skits and "Brupdate" (update) videos by Jeffrey Ridgeway Jr. More sane and less annoying juggies in the chat. Fans are called "little bruddas". Fanbase majority is mostly logical-thinking teenagers to young adults.
Now, let's see who has more psychological issues. Jesse or Jeffrey. Well, we know that Jesse is a spoiled fegt who can't get things his damn self. 0:1, Jeffrey winning Jeffrey broke his dad's trophies as a "prank." (kinda douchey.) 1:1, tie. Jesse has burned down a Christmas tree. 1:2, Jeffrey. Jeffrey has stolen his uncle's RV and driven it back down to his father's house.. with Jesse inside it. 2:2, tie. Jesse has lived in a tent and an RV because he refuses to get one legit job with YouTube at the side. 2:3, Jeffrey in the lead. Jeffrey has locked Jesse outside in the cold. 3:3, tie once again. Jesse has ruined thanksgiving for his family, burnt down a Christmas tree, smashed a TV, caused havoc at his dad's workplace, and treats his girlfriend like a sexist redneck. 3:8... Jeffrey wins. A lot of juggies tend to visit BigBrudda's channel often just to hate on him, and call him an asshole every video he uploads (kinda sad, really.) However, when responding to these creatures, there are steps you must take in order to talk to them. You must speak as rationale and organized in speech as you can, because these virginmonsters will be hard to deal with. Trust me. Chapter 4: Uncle LarryIn April of 2015, McJuggerNuggets became homeless by deciding to act all badass like he usually does and breaks his dad's well earned childhood trophies in revenge for destroying his faggy play button. of course destroying his play button that technically belongs to his older brother and not him is equal to all of Jeffrey Sr. trophies in his mind. that costs him his wii u which Jesse is stupid enough to try to save despite being on fire almost burning himself in the process. Jesse's dad being a parent forces him out of the house in which he starts living in a tent outside his uncle Larry's house. This sad 4 eyed creature, being a lazy fuck, decided to still not get a job and rather live in a shitty tent in the cold. This sad excuse of a person is still trying to get his fanbase to believe that he is physically abused and that fans should kiss his butthurt ass. Eventually Jeffrey Sr finds out that he's hogging the electricity and warns him not to steal his shit again. of course Jesse being the manchild dosen't listen and gets his tv,tent and xbox360 ran the fuck over. Jesse then starts relying on his faggy friends to cater after his ass. starting with a loser named Zach that he met online. he moved out due to the fact that Zach wasn't around often enough to suck him off. then goes to Juliette's dorm, staying there for a week secretly pissing her friend's off to no end which he even agrees on. Afterwards his uncle for some fucked up reason let's Jesse move in with him. He ends up learning the hard way that he made a huge mistake having to deal with this lazy slob 24/7, being caught in Jeffrey and Jesse's 5 year old pranks. This poor man has to deal with his RV being vandalized, and a manchild in his backyard fapping off to Hentai.
His cousin Tom tells Jesse's dad that Jesse is secretly staying in a tent, for some reason. Jesse confronts the kid and the nerd explains that he Chapter 5: The downfall of GTA's fans.Late May 2015: McJuggerNuggets is working for his dad at some random shithole when he decides he's going to be a pussy-ass bitch and decides to protest against his dad again. He tells him that he "doesn't want to carry 50 pound bags of fertilizer to a truck." His dad, angered, tells him to go finish the job. Jesse begins to throw a preteen temper tantrum. When a police officer (later confirmed to be a part of a scared straight idea) arrives, Jesse mentions that "he plays Grand Theft Auto and knows how it works." Soon enough, Jesse is in handcuffs freaking out. He is sent back to the poor soul who had to deal with this shitbomb from a month earlier. How Juliette deals with JesseSometime in September 2013, McJuggerCocks and Juliette met on Tinder (aka the app for ugly ass virgins/lazy asses too lazy to work/both) Juliette being the blonde hoe bag she is decided to date this fucker. only god knows what she's been smoking since then. the relationship seems to be going less then ok but gets seemingly worse on Psycho Relationship Problems. In this video, Jesse is an absolute ass to her. After the kid finds out that he needs to be home in a couple hours, or his dad will throw his faggot ass out of the house again, Jesse becomes a judgemental asswipe that criticizes her girlfriend trying to cover a song together. (Even though since Jesse is only good at playing video games and screaming like a 2 year old he'd probably fuck up the minute he plays if he were to try.) Since Jesse can't do anything besides video games, he uses a little worm to dance on her shoulders. Juliette plays the guitar. Everything is going a-okay until she messes up. Jesse fumes into a raging narutard and tells her that she needs to do better. After a few tries (and Jesse wacking off the worm), he gives up like a self-centered douchebag. Juliette tries to get him to calm down, and he won't because he thinks he's all that. Then he cries like a bitch and using his bipolar disorder as an excuse. he pretty much thinks he's all "this and that" like pretty much every video on his shitty channel. However despite the fact they've been together for almost 2 years it's quite captain obvious that they don't share a strong relationship and may aswell be fuck buddies. given with this evidence. 1) They have nothing in common. most of the time when Jesse is talking about video games she gets embarrassed and pretends she isn't even hearing him. 2) When Jesse moves into her dorm SHE LITERALLY MAKES HIM SLEEP ON A DIFFERENT MATTRESS. obviously not wanting his faggot ass sleeping in the same bed as her. 3) Juliette actually wants to do something with her life after college. unlike Jesse who literally flushed 80 grand down the drain,plays video games all day and relies on his crappy Psycho Dad videos in order to make a quick buck. 4) They live in different states. granted McFaggotNuggets lives in NJ and Juliette lives in Pennsylvania and likely live close to the borders of those states but it would still be classified as a long distance relationship. External Links