Death penalty

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Fuck yeah! Strap dem sum bitches in dare! Texas fuck yeah!

The death penalty is a permanent IRL banhammer issued by the government. It is loved by conservatives and hated by liberals. When you have done something so heinous, so unbelievably despicable, you may qualify for the death penalty, depending on the state your in, as some are pussies and don't execute faggots. If you live in China, expect a death sentence at pretty much any time. Those chinks know how to get things done.


Some states like Texas and Florida love to execute you, while others like Alaska and Hawaii are dumb cunts that don't know how law and order work. Executions performed in America are done by lethal injection because the libtards were crybabies about firing squads and the electric chair. When someone is sentenced to death, it takes at least 100 fucking years to execute them because America's courts suck ass.


It is estimated over 2,000 gooks are executed by China every year, but they all probably deserved it anyway. Executions are usually carried out by the use of firearms, but they will also use lethal injection like the good ol' US of A.

Evildoer Korea

Because Evildoer Korea keeps everything a secret, it is unknown how many people they execute, but probably a lot. ay like to shoot people in public for all to see, shedding blood onto the hands of Kim Jong Un, who proceeds to suck it because he is a fat fuck.

Islamic Nations

It is a well known fact that all muslims love them some capital punishment. People are usually executed in public for everyone to enjoy. Executions are either carried out by oldschool hanging from the crane of a truck, or stoning, where the whole town gets in on the fun and throws rocks at someone until they die. ALLAHU AKBAR!


Since Europe is composed of nothing but eurofags, the death penalty is outlawed everywhere - except Belarus. They occasionally execute people by means of firing squad, to which the European Union gives them a slap on the wrist for.

See also