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Lemon Demon, also known as Trapezoid, Deporitaz and Neil Cicierega is a minor Internet celebrity, flash artist, musician and SA goon. He may also be Anon, given the fact that one of his songs is entitled "cp" yet is merely a cover version of the theme song from Captain Planet and the Planeteers. Neil is best known for the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, and the fact that he recorded 4 albums without receiving much attention and then getting famous on the Internets (even the gay ones) because of the Ultimate Showdown.

Neil Stephen Cicierega

Part of the US Army, maybe you've heard of it?
Neil with his big fat bassist from Lemon Demon
Neil's musical talent knows no bounds

Best known for his valuable contributions to society, The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny and Potter Puppet Pals, Neil is in fact a huge fag. Known on the SomethingAwful Forums as Trapezoid, he was recently called out in Helldump for being a part of the terribly shitty band Lemon Demon (also known as Trapezoid in the past) when he decided to start posting incredibly unfunny shit. Neil lived at home with his parents until he was 23, but has since moved into an apartment with his girlfriend. He somehow considers himself some kind of rich and famous celebrity, in complete seriousness.

Neil: the very embodiment of internet loser

Breakdown of character flaws:

  • Neil was homeschooled (more specifically "unschooled")
  • Refuses to leave home, even when his hot, minor actress/model, ex-girlfriend asked him to move in with her
  • Has a creepy, over-the-top, aspie love for his family
  • Believes he is an incredible internet celebrity and a huge success
  • Cross dresser
  • Looks like an AIDS sufferer
  • Believes that the number of friends on Facebook is an accurate reflection of popularity
  • Is totally serious

Neil has an inflated sense of self importance as illustrated by this reaction to his callout thread in Helldump:

I have dealt with my wikipedia article's nomination for deletion (I'll be a monkey's uncle if I let them take my legacy down for nothing!) I think I can handle this Helldump thing. Every time you bring up a thing I've done, I am going to COUNTER it by casually mentioning something else I've done, or an article written about me, a picture of my grilfriend, or the number of friends I have on facebook. I might even write a song insulting some of you and play it on GBSfm AND the Dr. Demento show. You'll all be sorry.

First of all, I think some of you might be quite embarrassed to know that you've gotten certain aspects of my life factually incorrect. For example, my band (Lemon Demon) now has a drummer and a second guitarist. Secondly, that particular venue is not an old lady's backyard but the backyard of the family of my bassist, my best friend who is also homeschooled. We preform there on a yearly basis with an event called "Lemonic Demonade" followed by the year number, and this year over one hundred people showed up, some from far away states such as Vermont.

Secondly, I did not write my own wikipedia article, and you can clearly see this by checking the history and seeing all the many names of many different men and women who've taken an interest in setting the facts straight on my life.

Moving on, I think some of you might be quite interested to know that I'm not just a celebrity on YouTube and other such comunities, but here on your Something Awful as well. I suppose you all remember Ebaums World Dot Com, a song I wrote in the spirit of Low Tax's vendetta against Eric Bauman, whom if I recall correctly stole some images from Something Awful without permission (much like you are all stealing images from me without premission. (I will be making a note of all of your usernames, by the way.))

It was the flash animation created by forum user Altf4 (now known as Reporter Consumer) for that song that began our friendship and lead to our next creation: The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, a flash animation and song combo that definitely sent some shockwaves thruogh the Something Awful community-- if I recall correctly, LowTax even made an exception to his recently passed ban on ChuckNorris jokes (this was 2005, which I notice some of you weren't even around for) and the thread went Gold.

I've also had several Photoshops featured in front page articles, and even one or two threads I started featured or gold mined! So as, you can see I'm not just another dime in a dozen goon, I'm a force with whom to be reckoned. If you make any feable attempts at Helldumping me, my bassist, my sister, or my girlfriend, I will just roll with the punches, and then I just might punch back-- hard.


—Neil Cicierega being a big cry baby

For the record, Neil stuck by his promise, bragging about selling TEN CDs and once having around 100 people at one of his "concerts". It appears Neil enjoys revelling in mediocrity. He never did "punch back hard" however, leading everyone to believe that he's exactly as pathetic as he looks.

Despite the above, Neil did in fact "punch back-- hard." In early 2008 (Valentines Day), Neil Cicierega found out that a frequent troll on his forums was taking his name and identity, rubbing it in people's faces, in attempt to try and make Neil look like a complete dumbass, and also provide lulz. Once Neil found out, he went nuclear, and punched back by hiring hackers hacking the troll's email, simply by googling his name. He then held the personal email of a troll for ransom, in return for the troll to stop trolling his board. The troll bitterly agreed, he was returned his email. This act comes to show what a big crybaby Neil really is, and on top of that, how much of a bad temper he has.

There's a possibility that his posts in the Helldump thread weren't serious, given his history of reading and participating in other callout threads and clusterfucks, and the fact that his spelling in his responses seemed deliberately stunted. Most of the information he provided, however, checked out as true with various talented internet detectives.

On 4 October 2010, Neil was PERMABANNED[[1]] from the SomethingAwful forums for running out of lulz and simply being a whiny douchefag.

wrench me baby<3
Neil dressing up in his sister's clothes


When several photos were found of Neil cross-dressing it was assumed that the clothes belonged to his sister, which was flatly denied by both Neil and his sister who both asserted that the clothes belonged to his ex-girlfriend Chloe Dykstra. Hilarity ensued however when Chloe (forums member "pilot") came into the thread to explain that they weren't her clothes at all. This leads everyone to believe that Neil is a big faggot who dresses in his sister's clothes.

Here's the whole set of his tranny pics:

Love life

Chloe Dykstra, Neil's first love, who ironically looks a lot like Neil crossdressing.

Neil has had only two girlfriends in his entire existence. He is currently with a chink called Ming Doyle, and his ex is minor actress/model Chloe Dykstra. During Neil's callout thread, it was discovered that Chloe was also a SA Goon and was extremely hot.

Despite being clearly a good catch for someone like Neil, when Chloe asked Neil to move out of home with her he buckled under the pressure and refused to leave the comfort of the family home, stating that he didn't want to live too far away from his family (40 minutes drive was too far away). Neil's dependance on his family and reluctance to change is a typical symptom of AIDS.

There used to be a gallery here, but apparently Neil is a faggot and claimed the girl was underage, even though her tits were so hugely out of proportion for her skinny body that she obviously got implants. Where did the pics come from? Well after breaking up with Neil, she decided to be a porn star:

okay so this is pretty bad. ugh. i figured i might as well tell you guys because eventually you'll all find out anyway.

I'm really low on money, and I wouldn't have been able to pay my rent this month. And I refuse to ask help from my parents. So I've been working on a movie. It's not as bad as you think it is, but it's still pretty bad. Pretty typical... stuff. Here is my reasoning:

  • Sex is not that special to me; I don't treat it as anything more than it is- an animalistic act.
  • It's all safe nowadays, I won't be catching anything.
  • Everyone's seen my boobs anyways.

It pays enough to keep me going for a little while until I can get another commercial or whatever. Everyone has to make a living somehow. I love you all, and I trust you'll be supportive.


—Chloe in her blog, broke after spending all her money on implants


Neil continues to live in a constant state of denial, thinking that he has "made it big" despite only working a $20/hour job for a few hours a week and getting a few extra dollars from t-shirts, CDs, and investments here and there. He constantly complains about having no time for his "work" despite having released nothing of note since The Mysterious Ticking Noise aside from constant updates to his own Wikipedia article.

Creation of Encyclopedia Dramatica Article

  • On November 2nd 2008, Encyclopedia Dramatica editor "Helldump" created an article on Neil. The user has to date not edited any articles unrelated to Cicierega.
  • On November 6th 2008, Encyclopedia Dramatica editor "Nopenopenope" amended the article with a bunch of defensive bullshit, and has to date not edited any articles unrelated to defending pale, AIDS-ridden aspies.

Stuff done by Mr. Cicierega

  • Animutation - moar or less his brainchild, depends on who you ask.
  • Trapezoid/Deporitaz - Now defunct. Neil had to change the name because some fags had called their band Trapezoid before he did, but because he already had given up Trapezoid when they told him, he just used an anagram of the former name. If Lemon Demon is geeky music, then Deporitaz is so geeky you shit isosceles triangles after listening to him.
  • Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny - Like the battle scene from South Park episode "Canada on Strike" but with Chuck Norris too.

Music videos



Notable fans

External Links

email:[email protected]

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Lemon Demon
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who have slept with Rubberduc
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