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WOMAN SUPER PUNCH OUT was a thread of several discussions that occured pertaining to battering females. The original wikichan archive is being restored here.


guys if a girl punched you

guys if a girl punched and it was meant as a malevolent act, and she continued to punch you, would you fight back?

So, last night I ended up getting a bloody nose because some bitch at Kroger thought I was trying to steal her fucking wallet (she dropped it, and I went to pick it up and give it to her). She called me a thief, and started to punch me, yelling "he's trying to steal my money!".

Everyone in the parking lot just fucking stood there and watched, and I just tried to back off with my arms up, telling her I was just trying to help. She kept on grabbing me, and pulling me closer, and punching me so I couldn't walk away as fast as I wanted too, and just kept my arms up. When I let my guard down for a second, she punched me in the nose, giving me a bleed; for a moment, everything just kind of slowed, down, and almost stopped. When I touched my nose, and looked at my hand, only to see blood, I kinda snapped. I didn't hulk out or anything, but something just clicked, and when I saw her go to punch me again, I grabbed her arm, locked it, and punched her in the stomach , and threw her to the ground. She cried and started verbally assaulting me, calling me a "Pussy boy" for hitting a girl.

Then guess what happens? Yeah, you fucking guessed it, everyone in the fucking parking lot starts screaming at me and a few of the men came over acting all tough and shit.

At this point, the manager from Kroger came out, and said that the police where on their way. When I said "fuck that, I'm going home", he and the other fucking tough guys got in the way of my truck. Now, I carry a pistol with me everywhere and at that point I was so pissed I was seriously contemplating taking it out and moving them out of the way with it. BUT, knowing that the police were on their way and the havoc it would cause, I didn't. But I wanted too. I so badly wanted to just fucking wave my pistol in these fake ass tough guys faces who stood by while I just let this cimt hit me only to get a bloody nose, so I could get in my truck, and go home.

So, the end of it was that the police showed up, everyone put in their two cents painting me as the bad guy, and when I said "Look at the stores fucking cameras", the police said "we can't do that". Now, I have to meet some fucking detective and get this horseshit straightened out.

Fuck Kroger. Fuck women who think they can hit guys and get away with it. Fuck tough guys who fucking stick their nose where it doesn't belong.

  • -fuck that bitch, anyone who saw what happened should be on your side.

You would think, but that's not the way it was. The manager didn't see the whole thing (just me punching her), and insisted that I started it. The people in the parking lot just said that she was screaming at me -just fucking screaming at me- and I punched her.

Screaming at me doesn't make my nose bleed or give my scratch marks on my arms.

  • -if it goes to court you will win. i am sure they could use the camera footage and clearly see that she was attacking you first while you were trying to help her.

I know I'll win should it go to court (I hope it doesn't), and I know I'll most likely be able to get my hands on the footage, but the fact that bothers me the most is how people acted when I fought back and how I was the bad guy for defending myself.

  • -I would probably just try to pin her down, but hitting her IS justified if she's hitting you with no intent of stopping

I took Judo for several years, and this wouldn't have been a problem, but at the time, it was the farthest thing from my mind.

There is no reason they can't check the camera logs.

I don't know how they do things around here (I'm originally from New York, and just moved down here), and I was too pissed to even bother asking why not.

  • -How old was the girl? What was her build?

About my age (20), maybe a little older. Tallish, maybe 5'9, 140 pounds hazard (she was wearing a heavy jacket, so I couldn't see her actual build).

  • -I wouldn't take any of that shit, but then again I wouldn't have grabbed the wallet either.

I was walking by with my groceries, and I saw her drop it. I wasn't sure if she knew she dropped it, and she looked busy, so I just stopped and picked it up, and went to give it to her, and that's when it all started.

  • -dude those cops are fucking liars about not being able to see the camera footage. I work at a Kroger, and the cops are always in out GM's office (where the security center is) watching security footage whenever there is a dispute in the store or in the parking lot.

Like I said, I was at a point of contempt for everyone around me that I just wanted to get the fuck out of there and go home to clean myself up, so I didn't bother pressing the subject. If they could look at the videos, I'll nail them if we go to court, and deal with it then.

  • -God, shit like this pisses me off so much. This is why I don't even bother to help people. Fuck people and fuck society. I bet that's the last time you'll ever pick up someone's wallet trying to help them out.

Funniest thing about this is that I usually DO just mind my own fucking business and keep my own garden. I fucking break that personal preference once, and I ended up with a bloody nose. Never again, never fucking again.

Ok, update time:

Ok, update time: So I went to the hospital last night and my nose is fractured (but not that badly).

I had gone to earlier to the Hospital first, and when they said the wait would be anywhere between 45 to an hour, I said "I'll be back", went out, and went to Kroger.

The GM said that he did not have permission to turn over the tapes to me specifically unless corporate gave him the OK. I had him write this out and sign this (which was like pulling teeth from a fucking horse; he didn't want to do it). When I finished there, I called my uncle who lives locally, to see if he knew any lawyers to set me up with for today. He didn't, but he gave a few calls around, and now I have some lawyer driving in from Ohio to sit in with me (it's costing me nothing for him to sit there with me, thank god).

So, I went back to the hospital, sat there for a few hours, got x-rayed, was bandaged up, and given some painkillers. For some reason or another they didn't give me the doctors report right there, but they are faxing it to my uncles later (he'll also be coming with me to the detective interview).

So now, everything seems to be falling in place, and I'm debating whether or not I want to press assault charges on the dumb bitch who attacked me.

Lawyer and Detective update time:

So I went down the local precinct for my appointment, and the lawyer met me there. We waited around for a while, and while waiting, I saw the two cops that showed up at the Kroger. When I pointed them out to my lawyer, he went over and had a brief conversation. I don't know what he said, but whatever it said clearly upset them (they got really anxious and fidgety). I didn't bother asking him what he said, but I have a feeling it had to do with how they handled the Kroger situation.

Well, Detective comes around, introduces himself to me, skips the lawyer, and just says "come to my office, please". I followed, and when he turned around to see my lawyer following, he asked him "who are you", and my lawyer rolled his eyes, and said "I'm his lawyer".

Now, when the detective heard this, he went from a relaxed to tense. I could feel him seething with anger; all I could think was "it's your own goddamn officers fault in the first fucking place that we're here". I couldn't believe he would get so hostile over something like that. He went on to say "he doesn't need a lawyer for this", and my lawyer guy said "like hell he doesn't, detective".

Oh man, when I heard those words come out of his mouth, I almost shit a brick. The detective didn't respond, but he was so obviously pissed, and kept on walking.

We sat down in the office, he ran over some stuff (where I lived, where I'm originally from, my occupation, age, etc.) and confirmed it all, and asked me what happened, from my side. As soon as he said this, the lawyer beat me to the response and said "There is video evidence enough to show what happened, and you have his written report." The detective said that they didn't have the videos and that the other written statements said I started what happened. My lawyer shrugged, leaned over, and whispered in my ear "just tell him that you defended yourself, that you have a broken nose, and scratch marks on your arms as a result of her attack".

So I told the officer this, and he said that the woman and everyone else claimed she was protecting herself, and that the woman said I hadn't just punched her and thrown as was written in my report, but that I kicked her while she was down as well. I stuttered for a moment because of the sheer shock of it, and before I could get a word in, the lawyer said "until you watch the tapes, this goes no further".

With that, we got up, and left (he stayed for a few moments to speak with the detective while I waited in the lobby). Lawyer said they'll give me a call within the next few days once they had gotten the tape and when they do, to call him. I got his card, and he said that he'd reduce the fee and help me with a payment plan. He said that we should wait before pressing any charges till the video was in police hands.

So, yeah, that's it so far.

Alright, major update time.

So the police took goddamn forever to get their hands on the tape, and when they got it, they didn't bother contacting me or my lawyer. When I called my lawyer to let him know about this, he did some of his shit (which is to say, I don't know what he did, but I imagine it had something to do with calling the station-precinct), got back to me, and said that everything was being taken care of. The police had gotten the video, watched it, and determined that I had not instigated the fight, that I had not assaulted her, that I had not kicked her, and that I had acted in self-defense.... but they never bothered telling me or my lawyer. Now, the police had decided to drop any further investigation into me, and that pretty much ended my involvement with them.

Now, apparently though, my self-defense may have been TOO much, and that is the case the bitch and her lawyer are pushing now, which is unfucking believable. But I'm not worried, cause I got Phoenix Fucking Wright on my side (I actually explained the whole thing to him and showed him the game on my phone, but he just blew me off :( ).

And before I end this, I'd like to tell you about an awesome turn of events, the bitch that attacked me not only has a record for assault (lol) but she was booked on possession of controlled substances yesterday.

Justice will be fucking served.

minor update

Sorry I haven't been around (busy with work), and not much interesting is happening.

So far it's just been paper work and waiting (typical for government), but this girl is already looking at a few months in prison for her possession charges, so her lawyer is trying to cut a deal with us (100K settlement). Myself, my lawyer, and my uncle think that is ridiculous, and are pushing for a 400K settlement to make up for the medical bill, David's bill, and all this trouble I've been through.

We should have a settlement reached by mid January, but that's a bit far off, so up until then, I'm going to see if I can't get my hands on the video and post it.

Final Update

Big (and probably last) update.

We finally reached a settlement today over the assault and defamation, with 140K paid over 10 years (that's like, 1,200 dollars a month). So the day is over, the battle was won, and I have my rent money secured for the next 10 years.

I really don't know what else to add here, because it has been pretty anti-climatic. I just got my money, and that was it.

Side note: The court has claimed that there is no need to release my video to me, given the nature of such video's in the media today, claiming that it would only serve to humiliate the people involved.

Second side note: She's still waiting for her drug issue to come to trial. That'll be fun to keep an eye out for.

External link

Wikichan/WOMAN SUPER PUNCH OUT is part of a series on Wikichan
A Collection Of Incest ConfessionsBlindmute LoliCandlejackCheeriosFukia SikingITT, we discuss the crazies we have met in our lifetime.Insult my WiiJenNavy boatsNurse-kunPizza Delivery GuyRoommate from HellSadakoShiiShowing /b/ to my sisterSkittlesThe Weirding WayThe Well-Cultured AnonymousTitoWOMAN SUPER PUNCH OUTWeirdest Bitch Ever