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W. T. Snacks/Firing Logs

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<W. T. Snacks

The following logs are confirmed to be genuine in, see this Hacker News thread.


M00T was upset about something called the 4chan map not being completed by one of his staff like he wanted. He then proceeded to pussyfoot around the idea of kicking said staff member out. Confusion ensued and they all ended up with the same problem and nothing be fixed.

  • For the record SQ = W. T. Snacks

The Log

   moot (10:26:04 PM): are you anywhere with the map yet?
   SQ (10:26:13 PM): No.
   moot (10:26:39 PM): cool
   SQ (10:28:10 PM): I don't see why you                want          something done now that we can't even run publicly yet.
   moot (10:28:39 PM): so it actually gets done?
   SQ (10:28:48 PM): So how about that colocation!
   moot (10:28:58 PM): uh three weeks?
   SQ (10:29:17 PM): Why are you saying "uh" like this is a known statement?
   moot (10:29:25 PM): because ive told people?
   SQ (10:30:00 PM): Not me?
   moot (10:30:16 PM): i believe i mentioned it at that meeting, maybe not
   SQ (10:30:28 PM): You mean the meeting I wasn't told about either?
   SQ (10:30:33 PM): I told you to make one, but you said nothing
   SQ (10:30:41 PM): Set the topic and it happened while I was busy with other stuff!
   SQ (10:30:57 PM): I didn't even know it was happening until it was almost over.
   moot (10:31:00 PM): i said i would do it, changed the channel topic, and you popped in
   moot (10:31:20 PM): im sorry you missed out on it!
   SQ (10:31:20 PM): I was not using IRC almost at all that day, I did not see such a topic change!
   SQ (10:31:30 PM): I'm sorry you said nothing to me, the one who suggested it!
   moot (10:31:31 PM): im sorry i cant read minds!
   SQ (10:31:35 PM): Not even so much as an "Okay."
   moot (10:31:43 PM): im sorry our conversations are unproductive and so are you
   moot (10:31:46 PM): OH NO I WENT THERE
   moot (10:31:53 PM): this is going nowhere, have fun with your games
   SQ (10:31:58 PM): What games?
   SQ (10:32:11 PM): You're the one who isn't providing needed information.
   SQ (10:32:17 PM): If you want someone to know something, you tell them.
   SQ (10:32:24 PM): You don't expect them to just "find out"
   moot (10:32:55 PM): SQ (9:05:25 PM): I have no drive to do anything when it does nothing for me. I just got a dvd burner, I am entertaining myself by playing new pirated games that have come out in the past year.
   SQ (10:33:06 PM): And?
   moot (10:33:15 PM): SQ (10:32:07 PM): What games?
   SQ (10:33:27 PM): Did I say that today
   SQ (10:33:28 PM): ?
   SQ (10:33:31 PM): I thought you didn't log anything, eh?
   moot (10:33:50 PM): ive loggd our past three conversations because its hard to get you to remember things you or i have said!
   SQ (10:34:02 PM): No it isn't.
   moot (10:34:05 PM): you know what, please quit
   moot (10:34:07 PM): really
   moot (10:34:18 PM): and i dont mean be a baby and kill the site out of spite or something
   SQ (10:34:18 PM): Why?
   moot (10:34:26 PM): but youre completely unwilling to work with me
   moot (10:34:30 PM): oh youre going to dispute that!
   SQ (10:34:38 PM): No I'm not.
   moot (10:34:50 PM): thank Bob Ross
   SQ (10:34:57 PM): I'm completely unwilling to do things this instant that can not be used currently and are stupid side projects.
   moot (10:35:26 PM): reporting/ban management/user panel were what then
   moot (10:35:32 PM): if they dont fall into those categories
   SQ (10:35:38 PM): You asked about the map, not those.
   SQ (10:35:47 PM): Apparently that's your top interest!
   SQ (10:35:48 PM): FUN FUN
   moot (10:35:55 PM): again
   moot (10:35:57 PM): quit
   SQ (10:36:04 PM): Again.
   SQ (10:36:05 PM): Why?
   moot (10:36:06 PM): have fun with whatever you do, but you havent done a damn thing that ive asked of you for weeks
   moot (10:36:08 PM): if not months
   SQ (10:36:15 PM): Yes, not a thing.
   moot (10:36:16 PM): because youre worthless, a baby, impossible to deal with, and abrasive
   SQ (10:36:25 PM): You think you're easy to deal with?
   SQ (10:36:29 PM): moot is crazy lol
   moot (10:36:30 PM): i dont even understand anymore
   moot (10:36:38 PM): i didnt say that!
   SQ (10:36:49 PM): moot is a hypocrite lol
   moot (10:36:58 PM): awesome
   SQ (10:37:01 PM): Again, sell the site you hate so much.
   moot (10:37:25 PM): thats something im not willing to do, it will die before it gets sold
   moot (10:37:29 PM): i dont want the money, ive said it repeatedly
   SQ (10:37:31 PM): Then kill it!
   SQ (10:37:41 PM): I'm sure a lot of people will think you'll be better off without it.
   SQ (10:37:44 PM): I know Alison thinks that.
   moot (10:37:58 PM): again, this conversation is going nowhere, just like most of ours
   moot (10:38:02 PM): thanks for being of great service to the site
   SQ (10:38:11 PM): Why, because I'm speaking my mind?
   moot (10:38:13 PM): you were instrumental in bringing it back
   moot (10:38:16 PM): and i really like you! (EFRIENDS)
   moot (10:38:32 PM): no, because you havent done anything ive requested of you in a timely manner, despite my pleadings
   SQ (10:38:38 PM): Yes, not a thing.
   SQ (10:38:39 PM): Nothing.
   moot (10:38:56 PM): i know im exagerrating
   moot (10:39:37 PM): i honestly hope youre not deluded enough to think youre completely in the right here
   moot (10:39:45 PM): i doubt you are
   SQ (10:39:50 PM): I never said I was.
   SQ (10:40:19 PM): However, I have made no promises about anything! I'm a lazy son of a bitch.
   moot (10:40:38 PM): which is why you shouldnt be in the position youre currently in.
   moot (10:40:53 PM): and you wont remain there because of it.
   SQ (10:40:54 PM): I'll do stuff when I get around to it, I don't usually just jump through hoops and you know it. I don't mind doing things that matter (banners, donation, shit that MATTERS)
   moot (10:41:14 PM): the ban management/admin panel/reporting are all "shit that matters"
   SQ (10:41:14 PM): but doing the map three weeks (hey, just found this out!) before it could even possibly be used isn't quite my cup of tea.
   SQ (10:41:24 PM): admin panel?
   SQ (10:41:29 PM): What about the admin panel?
   moot (10:41:31 PM): and what "matters" isnt for you to decide, but i agree that a few of my requests havent been important
   moot (10:41:44 PM): the mod management thing i requested ages ago, that is what i meant
   SQ (10:41:54 PM): Oh right, the 4chan map is a dire essential.
   moot (10:42:03 PM): huh?
   moot (10:42:08 PM): why are you even talking about the map
   SQ (10:42:14 PM): Because that is what you IM'd me about.
   moot (10:42:21 PM): why arent we discussing the ban modifactions ive requested for eight weeks or more
   moot (10:42:31 PM): and something that according to the last meeting and discsusions prior, believe would be extremely beneficial
   SQ (10:44:11 PM): I can't even do any work on 4chan currently because the site is fucked 8)
   moot (10:44:42 PM): why are you avoiding my points?
   moot (10:44:47 PM): this isnt up for discussion
   SQ (10:44:51 PM): I'm not, I've already discussed them.
   moot (10:45:10 PM): oh ok
   moot (10:45:18 PM): anyway, thanks for all the work, i hope you dont do anything stupid out of anger
   SQ (10:45:25 PM): Anger of what?
   moot (10:45:38 PM): me being a jerk or whatever you could call this
   SQ (10:45:49 PM): It would take much more than this to get me angry.
   SQ (10:45:55 PM): This is normal moot!
   moot (10:46:03 PM): awesome
   SQ (10:46:13 PM): You should go write in your blog.
   SQ (10:46:33 PM): or maybe it's .net
   SQ (10:46:38 PM): or .org fuck I don't remember
   SQ (10:46:42 PM): but it's jdigital's friend!
   moot (10:49:24 PM): oh boy
   SQ (10:50:27 PM): SQ (10:49:48 PM): he's jdigital's friend!
   Ko (10:50:03 PM): oh boy!
   moot (10:51:56 PM): do you want to remain on the staff or not?
   SQ (10:52:08 PM): Yeah, sure!
   SQ (10:52:22 PM): I have never seriously expressed quitting.
   moot (10:52:45 PM): i guess quoting you on it wouldnt change that statement
   moot (10:52:51 PM): youre not going to have access anymore
   SQ (10:52:53 PM): "seriously"
   SQ (10:52:56 PM): Why not?
   moot (10:52:56 PM): unless you built in some sort of backdoor i wont find
   moot (10:53:02 PM): because you dont need it.
   SQ (10:53:06 PM): I don't?
   moot (10:53:26 PM): not as far as im concerned
   moot (10:53:31 PM): feel free to disagree
   SQ (10:53:43 PM): Wow, cool.
   SQ (10:54:13 PM): I guess I'll just close this admin.php edit then!
   moot (10:55:53 PM): anything you want to say?
   SQ (10:56:02 PM): What should I say?
   SQ (10:56:06 PM): You appear to have made up your mind!
   SQ (10:56:16 PM): Why, I don't know, but sure man, whatever you say.
   moot (10:56:51 PM): why would you need server access
   moot (10:56:56 PM): you arent developing anymore
   SQ (10:57:04 PM): SQ (10:54:13 PM): I guess I'll just close this admin.php edit then!
   moot (10:57:06 PM): thats a question
   moot (10:57:15 PM): i dont understand your response!
   SQ (10:57:24 PM): Uh, the fact that I was just doing work?
   SQ (10:57:30 PM): But you say I don't need access anymore
   SQ (10:57:40 PM): so I guess I'll stop again, since I won't be able to use it!
   moot (10:57:44 PM): i think its about eight weeks too late for that!
   SQ (10:57:59 PM): Uh-huh, right.
   moot (10:58:09 PM): im glad you agree
   SQ (10:58:24 PM): Sarcasm is 100% agreement, imho.
   moot (10:58:31 PM): i agree!
   SQ (10:59:56 PM): "Why aren't you doing any work?"
   "Because I'm lazy. *starts doing work*"
   "Oh well, you're not allowed to do work anymore!"
   moot (11:00:07 PM): weve had this conversation multiple times
   SQ (11:00:17 PM): o rly
   moot (11:00:32 PM): yes
   SQ (11:00:52 PM): I was totally unaware of this.
   moot (11:01:07 PM): im sorry then
   SQ (11:01:13 PM): Me too!
   SQ (11:03:45 PM): So, where are you going with this?
   moot (11:03:51 PM): do you have anything you want off of the server?
   moot (11:03:53 PM): what do you mean
   SQ (11:04:02 PM): This whole thing.
   SQ (11:04:08 PM): What are you doing and why?
   moot (11:04:08 PM): "whole thing"
   moot (11:04:10 PM): elaborate
   SQ (11:04:16 PM): What has happened in this instant message.
   moot (11:04:56 PM): can i call you since ive always found it easier to articulate myself on the phone
   SQ (11:05:17 PM): I guess, but what do you plan to say!
   moot (11:05:24 PM): who knows!
   Session concluded at 11:09:31 PM
   SQ (3:45:15 PM): shut: you can remain on team4chan if you like
   SQ: I don't think Moot wants that!
   shut: moot (3:37:31 PM): i told him he could remain on the team if he liked.
   SQ: and I said I never wanted to quit.
   shut: ok then
   SQ: But he took it upon himself to remove me anyway!
   SQ: Even though the last thing I told him is that I'd have the public bans reasons done today
   moot is away at 3:47:56 PM.
   SQ (3:51:14 PM): oh okay
   Auto response from moot (3:51:16 PM): brb poopin :(Session concluded at 3:51:20 PM
   moot (4:02:39 PM): that was mighty good!
   SQ (4:02:46 PM): what, poopin'?
   moot (4:02:56 PM): yeah i was backed up or something
   SQ (4:04:36 PM): Awesome.
   moot (4:04:55 PM): i know, right?
   SQ (4:07:05 PM): kewl
   moot (4:07:06 PM): i told you last night that you were free to remain on the team
   moot (4:07:10 PM): that hasnt changed
   SQ (4:07:27 PM): Your actions defy your words, good sir!
   moot (4:07:45 PM): those are my favorite kind of actions!
   SQ (4:07:53 PM): They would be!
   moot (4:07:55 PM): i didnt say in the same capacity.
   SQ (4:08:03 PM): Uh-huh.
   SQ (4:08:12 PM): Right.
   moot (4:08:24 PM): i also said that last night.
   moot (4:08:26 PM): are you interested, or not?
   SQ (4:08:51 PM): What "capacity" would that be?
   moot (4:09:49 PM): a moderator, coder if youd like, you would not retain server access. coda only has his on a temporary basis as well.
   SQ (4:09:57 PM): And why?
   SQ (4:10:06 PM): You've still yet to give any valid reason for any of this.
   SQ (4:10:13 PM): Everyone thinks this is incredibly dumb.
   moot (4:10:13 PM): youve yet to accept any of my reasons.
   moot (4:10:19 PM): "everyone"
   SQ (4:10:23 PM): Everyone I've told!
   moot (4:11:07 PM): alright, feel free to tell them to voice that opinion to me so it can be taken under consideration
   SQ (4:12:00 PM): So really, what is your valid reason for any of this?
   SQ (4:12:13 PM): I see that you took the site down for three hours last night, and then had another hour of trouble!
   moot (4:12:42 PM): i cannot have somebody in such a position of power who is irresponsible and confrontational
   moot (4:12:53 PM): there was a problem with mysql that bill had to fix
   moot (4:13:08 PM): it appears to be running fine now, minus the blotter not working on two boxes
   SQ (4:13:11 PM): Sorry "Robert," but I did not start this "confrontation."
   SQ (4:13:19 PM): Cool, I could get it to work easy as pie!
   SQ (4:13:24 PM): But wait, I can't.
   moot (4:13:27 PM): im sure you could!
   moot (4:13:34 PM): i know youre extremely smart and talented! im not denying this
   SQ (4:13:41 PM): Oh no, your pride :(
   moot (4:13:47 PM): oh boy pride
   moot (4:13:54 PM): again, this is going nowhere, just as all of our conversations do
   moot (4:14:00 PM): would you like to remain a moderator or not?
   SQ (4:14:04 PM): Why, because you still have no reason to do this?
   SQ (4:14:12 PM): And flat out admitted that this is not helping anything?
   moot (4:14:29 PM): im not sure where youve garnered the position to argue my decision
   moot (4:14:38 PM): this is second grade all over again
   SQ (4:14:45 PM): Oh really, what a fucking copout.
   SQ (4:15:06 PM): You don't have a real reason, so I now have no place to argue about it!
   moot (4:15:29 PM): you need to get somebody to act as a proxy for you
   moot (4:15:44 PM): go voice everything to martin and then maybe he can debate things with me in a productive manner
   SQ (4:15:45 PM): I mean, despite still doing work for the site, just because I take a long time to do certain things is obviously a valid point for you not let me to anything at all!
   moot (4:15:56 PM): i didnt say you couldnt do anything
   SQ (4:16:01 PM): oh yes
   moot (4:16:01 PM): i just said you wouldnt have access to the servers
   SQ (4:16:04 PM): And why?
   moot (4:16:09 PM): which isnt all that unreasonable
   SQ (4:16:10 PM): To make things more difficult?
   moot (4:16:15 PM): you know it!
   SQ (4:16:22 PM): Sure it is, there's no reason to revoke such a right.
   moot (4:16:43 PM): then present to me precise reasons that back that statement up
   SQ (4:16:45 PM): I mean, despite still doing work for the site, just because I take a long time to do certain things is obviously a valid point for you make me doing any work much harder than before
   SQ (4:16:55 PM): fixed!
   moot (4:17:10 PM): well im quite the slave driver you know, its how i get my kicks!
   moot (4:17:19 PM): what, asking patiently for weeks and all?
   SQ (4:17:48 PM): Once again, please explain how that is a reason to do this.
   moot (4:18:11 PM): i dont even understand your question, and why didnt you answer mine?
   SQ (4:18:38 PM): Which question, and what is so hard about explaining your reasoning?
   moot (4:18:50 PM): reasoning to do what
   moot (4:18:54 PM): revoke your access to the servers/
   moot (4:18:55 PM): ?
   SQ (4:19:01 PM): Yes, and remove my accounts on everything!
   moot (4:19:39 PM): nobody knows what you have scattered about the servers, it was easier to remove you in full and add you later rather than just remove you from critical things
   SQ (4:19:51 PM): Why bother?
   SQ (4:20:03 PM): Once again, explain how this is benefitial to anything.
   SQ (4:20:08 PM): You still won't.
   moot (4:20:23 PM): explain to me how keeping you on the team as dead weight does much of anything
   moot (4:20:32 PM): this is a prime example of why i dont want you to be an admin
   SQ (4:20:35 PM): Well first I'd have to be dead weight!
   SQ (4:20:42 PM): You know, not do anything at all.
   SQ (4:20:51 PM): So far, all I have not done is complete things on the to-do list
   moot (4:20:56 PM): you cant even voice your frustrations in a coherent enough manner without sounding like a raging 16 year old, who is hinging all of his arguments on the basis of "YOU SHOULDNT AND THEREFORE YOU CANT"
   SQ (4:21:03 PM): That doesn't mean I don't fix bugs, do smaller things, moderator, fix problems.
   SQ (4:21:12 PM): Raging 16 year old?
   moot (4:21:16 PM): i understand you do those things
   SQ (4:21:20 PM): I'm not the one who was YELLING about this on the phone last night.
   moot (4:21:22 PM): i acknowledged that last night
   moot (4:21:30 PM): no you were the one rather upset!
   SQ (4:21:40 PM): Yeah, and I was yelling about it, right?
   moot (4:21:42 PM): i dont yell much, that was the first time in months if not years
   moot (4:21:57 PM): i have a pretty tame "yell"
   SQ (4:22:20 PM): I'm just baffled that you are doing this with such little reason behind it, and the fact that you are taking this so seriously as to get so worked up that you end up yelling your concerns over the telephone.
   SQ (4:22:34 PM): It's pretty much out of nowhere as well!
   moot (4:23:06 PM): youve be naive to think that
   moot (4:23:13 PM): im surprised you could say that with a straight face
   moot (4:23:16 PM): not that i can see your face!
   SQ (4:23:46 PM): Right right, other than the other week, when have you expressed the want to get rid of me entirely?
   moot (4:24:14 PM): remind me where ive said i wanted to get rid of you entirely
   moot (4:24:21 PM): im encouraging you to remain on the team, just not in your former "capacity"
   SQ (4:24:34 PM): Your actions last night said so, entirely removing me
   SQ (4:24:44 PM): The excuse of "I don't know what you have laying around" is totally bogus.
   moot (4:24:58 PM): from an administrative standpoint, it was the right move
   SQ (4:24:58 PM): I totally installed a backdoor on 4chan to root the box via Word Press.
   moot (4:25:04 PM): feel free to dispute that
   moot (4:25:16 PM): people tend to do dumb things when they are upset and angry
   SQ (4:25:16 PM): No, it really isn't, because it didn't need to be done at all.
   moot (4:25:18 PM): i assume you are upset
   SQ (4:25:41 PM): No, not really, more confused at such rash and strange actions!
   moot (4:25:57 PM): rash, somewhat, strange, not really
   moot (4:26:12 PM): if you can convince bill that im completely wrong in what ive done, id be surprised and completely rethink what ive done/the future, etc
   SQ (4:26:39 PM): I'll ask again then, explain how removing me will cause any good to happen?
   SQ (4:26:58 PM): How removing my access will help?
   SQ (4:27:17 PM): Why this needs to even happen at all?
   SQ (4:28:03 PM): I don't, and I'm pretty sure anyone else would think that because I do not make changes to some things is merit to not allow me to do such changes.
   moot (4:28:27 PM): it wont directly, but you are no longer an admin, thus you dont require it--that is justification enough
   SQ (4:28:31 PM): And even if being able to do them, with less power, will make anything easier?
   moot (4:28:42 PM): im sure youd like a challenge
   SQ (4:28:49 PM): hahaha
   SQ (4:28:50 PM): what
   moot (4:29:10 PM): please dont draw "everyone" else into the equation as well, while i value the input of (most) others, this isnt their decision
   moot (4:29:13 PM): this isnt being voted on
   SQ (4:29:23 PM): When you are trying to get someone to do something, you don't make them not want to do.
   SQ (4:29:24 PM): it
   moot (4:29:25 PM): ive asked a few select people of their opinions on the matter and theyve more or less agreed
   SQ (4:29:35 PM): Sounds pretty one sided to me.
   moot (4:29:45 PM): im sorry to hear that
   SQ (4:29:49 PM): Why?
   moot (4:30:01 PM): because you are/(or were?) my efriend and i like you :(
   SQ (4:30:08 PM): You sure act like it.
   moot (4:30:28 PM): because you are my friend doesnt justify you continuing to be an administrator on the website
   moot (4:30:35 PM): there is nothing personal mixed into this
   moot (4:30:45 PM): if there was, i wouldnt have done this, im trying to keep this strictly related to the website
   moot (4:30:52 PM): i feel youre trying to draw other personal matters out though.
   SQ (4:30:55 PM): Because I don't get things done in time doesn't jusitify making it harder to do.
   SQ (4:31:03 PM): What personal matters?
   moot (4:31:44 PM): you shouldnt be complaining to others which leads to them "picking sides", again, it is none of their business and they have little to no say in it
   moot (4:31:49 PM): "yo beef is with me"
   moot (4:31:51 PM): EBONICS
   SQ (4:32:02 PM): When did I complain?
   moot (4:32:21 PM): from what i was told in t4c? i didnt see it though so you have me there
   moot (4:32:25 PM): voicing your frustrations rather!
   moot (4:32:33 PM): feel free to make this as public as you want, but it wont help anything
   moot (4:32:57 PM): you need to convince me that what im doing is wrong, not them.
   SQ (4:32:59 PM): Just like doing all of this won't help anything?
   moot (4:33:16 PM): would you charactarize yourself as a responsible individual
   moot (4:33:18 PM): answer this seriously please
   SQ (4:33:25 PM): If I have the need to be, yes.
   SQ (4:33:32 PM): You seem to forget what 4chan is.
   moot (4:33:37 PM): excuse me
   moot (4:33:38 PM): that is a no
   SQ (4:33:40 PM): A volunteer run free anime porn website.
   moot (4:33:51 PM): would you say you have the ability to agree to and meet deadlines on time?
   SQ (4:33:55 PM): And you expect people to act like "responsible paid employees"
   SQ (4:34:06 PM): You don't technically give deadlines!
   moot (4:34:21 PM): youve set them for yourself in the past by commiting to dates
   moot (4:34:26 PM): again, i didnt log things that far back
   moot (4:34:34 PM): but if youre going to be honest, please admit to that.
   SQ (4:35:28 PM): Sure, I've said I'll have things done by a time.
   moot (4:36:36 PM): in the past few months, if ont normally, do you meet those imposed "deadlines"?
   moot (4:36:40 PM): again, truthfully!
   SQ (4:36:48 PM): Sometimes!
   moot (4:38:08 PM): would you say that you have at times allowed grievances, misgivings, personal-issues to interfere with the way you deal with others (in terms of conversation and attitude), more specifically, myself?
   SQ (4:38:24 PM): In example?
   SQ (4:38:31 PM): I was unaware I had any personal issues with you.
   moot (4:39:02 PM): my approaching you for information, or updates, etc, and receiving sarcastic responses, smilies, and generally worthless banter
   SQ (4:39:42 PM): What does that have to do with personal issues :confused:
   moot (4:40:09 PM): reread the question
   SQ (4:40:20 PM): I DON'T GET IT
   moot (4:41:02 PM): do you let outside factors affect the way you deal with myself and others at certain times, in effect making it hard to converse/"deal" with you
   SQ (4:42:55 PM): Huh?
   moot (4:43:01 PM): im sorry you dont understand this
   SQ (4:43:05 PM): No?
   SQ (4:43:06 PM): I don't.
   SQ (4:43:13 PM): I don't see why you think I do.
   moot (4:43:32 PM): do you understand that because you have elected to assume a position of "power", with that comes certain responsibilities
   moot (4:43:39 PM): your position is a priviledge, not a right
   moot (4:44:12 PM): there is a tradeoff, you perform your duties, in a timely fashion, and in turn you are able to exert whatever control you are entitled to in that position
   SQ (4:44:17 PM): haha okay
   SQ (4:44:22 PM): you are such a great salesman
   moot (4:44:27 PM): you really dont grasp this
   SQ (4:44:45 PM): I don't really grasp how you think this is a good plan of action
   moot (4:44:49 PM): the reason you dont understand my actions is because you dont understand what ive just said
   SQ (4:44:50 PM): which you still have yet to answer
   moot (4:45:18 PM): that you have not fulfilled your responsibilities over the past months or so, and because of that, there is no longer a need to keep you in that position
   moot (4:45:26 PM): you put yourself in that place, not me
   SQ (4:45:29 PM): You still act like I do nothing.
   moot (4:45:40 PM): im sorry it comes off that way, again, i acknowledge you do things
   SQ (4:45:49 PM): No, you really don't.
   SQ (4:46:03 PM): Because they are not always things you specifically request, they don't matter to you.
   SQ (4:49:58 PM): Do you not have any response to this?
   moot (4:51:28 PM): actually im cleaning and cant talk
   moot (4:51:31 PM): give me ten minutesSession concluded at 5:06:16 PMmoot (5:14:53 PM): youre right, i probably put less leverage behind things i dont request
   moot (5:15:02 PM): have you implemented any major changes/features though
   moot (5:15:09 PM): aside from random bug fixes and restarting things to unbreak them
   SQ (5:15:21 PM): Not currently, except the stuff I started this weekend!
   SQ (5:15:29 PM): I'd consider the whole donations thing to be pretty big.
   SQ (5:16:45 PM): You do realize that more programmers is better, right?
   SQ (5:16:54 PM): that having*
   moot (5:17:55 PM): it was a mistake to put all of the burden on you in the first place, ive realized that
   moot (5:18:04 PM): and yes the donations thing was definitely big
   SQ (5:18:18 PM): So how is making things harder for me to do anything going to help?
   SQ (5:18:41 PM): I have expressed that working with Coda actually made me want to botherdoing things on the to-do list!
   moot (5:19:33 PM): from what youre telling me, its not
   SQ (5:19:42 PM): From what I'm telling you?
   moot (5:19:58 PM): had you demonstrated the ability to actually "get things done", being things ive requested for quite some time, this would not have happened.
   SQ (5:20:08 PM): This didn't need to happen.
   moot (5:20:13 PM): as it stands, you dont even acknowledge having a responsibility in the first place
   SQ (5:20:18 PM): I don't?
   moot (5:20:23 PM): i take that back
   moot (5:20:26 PM): you treat it differently as i do
   SQ (5:20:49 PM): I think caring about something working properly and making sure it runs is pretty responsible.
   SQ (5:21:01 PM): I have not bothered sleeping before to make sure 4chan is working.
   moot (5:21:25 PM): believe it or not, so have i!
   moot (5:21:41 PM): the entire first year was me staying up until the wee hours of the morning every night
   moot (5:21:46 PM): and getting up an hour later to go to class
   moot (5:21:47 PM): it sucked.
   SQ (5:21:57 PM): I still don't believe that not adding new features from the to-do is cause to remove me/make things harder for me to even bother doing anything.
   SQ (5:22:40 PM): Your previous logic about having a responsibility, and not living up to it, being cause doesn't work with the fact that I still do things for the site.
   SQ (5:22:48 PM): comma comma
   SQ (5:22:59 PM): All off this is needless drama.
   moot (5:23:40 PM): the "features" i had been adament at requesting may as well be termed "vital improvements'
   moot (5:23:48 PM): unlike my past ideas, they werent for shits and giggles.
   SQ (5:23:59 PM): Either way, you still act as if I do nothing.
   SQ (5:24:08 PM): Even though you claim to acknowledge that I do.
   SQ (5:24:48 PM): You treat this all as business. If I did absolutely nothing, I wouldn't have any place to say this is uncalled for.
   SQ (5:25:04 PM): If you treated it properly as a business, you would work out a schedule with your new-found multiple programmers.
   SQ (5:25:17 PM): You would talk with them together, work out a plan of action for things to come.
   moot (5:25:22 PM): im sorry, but its next to impossible to "work out" anything with you
   moot (5:25:23 PM): most of the time
   moot (5:25:25 PM): feel free to disagree
   moot (5:25:29 PM): but you can be worse to deal with than saber
   moot (5:25:34 PM): and saber makes me want to shoot him over the internet
   moot (5:25:41 PM): on the phone hes fucking lollipops and rainbows though, its amazing
   SQ (5:26:02 PM): Can you not admit you are just as difficult to work with?
   moot (5:26:23 PM): what do you mean not admit
   moot (5:26:30 PM): i have been extremely difficult to work with
   moot (5:26:34 PM): in my opinion, thats moreso in the past
   SQ (5:26:36 PM): Then why be so hypocritical about the situation?
   moot (5:26:42 PM): recently, i believe ive been pretty lax and understanding
   moot (5:26:48 PM): i dont hound you like i used to.
   moot (5:27:01 PM): to be a hypocrite id have to have said otherwise in the first place
   moot (5:27:09 PM): i freely admit to what youve just said
   SQ (5:27:10 PM): Your actions against me being hard to work with are.
   moot (5:27:29 PM): i always have
   SQ (5:27:36 PM): If I acted as you did, I should have quit months ago because you are hard to work with!
   moot (5:27:55 PM): i think until you realize that the position youve put yourself in requires a great deal of responsibility, we are going to get nowhere overall
   moot (5:28:00 PM): 4chan is a stupid anime site
   moot (5:28:07 PM): but it is a serious project, to me at least.
   SQ (5:28:21 PM): and I still exert some of it!
   moot (5:28:23 PM): i have a responsibility to the users to keep the site up, and so far ive been abel to deliver on that
   moot (5:28:28 PM): able rather
   SQ (5:28:46 PM): as I said before, if you treated this seriously, you wouldn't have done something like this, and would have even bothered to TRY to work things out as a team.
   moot (5:29:09 PM): your statement is inaccurate
   SQ (5:29:15 PM): Sometimes "Team 4chan" is very little of a team. I know it's your site, but as we all know, democracy works.
   moot (5:29:15 PM): it assumes i believe what ive done to be in complete correctness
   moot (5:29:20 PM): which isnt the case
   SQ (5:29:24 PM): Then why are you doing it?
   moot (5:29:33 PM): i never said the decision ive made has been the right one overall.
   moot (5:29:42 PM): thus you cant say that by doing this, im not treating things seriously
   SQ (5:29:43 PM): You still have yet to answer how this is a good decision.
   moot (5:29:48 PM): on the contrary, treating thigns seriously is what led to this
   SQ (5:30:09 PM): If you have the mind to make things worse, yes.
   moot (5:30:26 PM): in the long run , it probably isnt, feel free to quote me on this, because it will sour our relationship (INTERNET), and slow progress on the site theoretically
   moot (5:30:33 PM): is that answer sufficient?
   SQ (5:31:38 PM): in the long run, it makes unnecessary work and drama for everyone and some people, and "sours your relationship" with your "efriend"
   SQ (5:31:49 PM): So why is it a good choice?
   SQ (5:32:06 PM): Or did you really just feel the need to "shake things up"?
   moot (5:32:28 PM): oh boy shaking things up, that wasnt my intention
   moot (5:32:32 PM): i dont think ive even shaken anything up
   SQ (5:33:09 PM): That's what you wanted to do last time you wanted to remove mods!
   SQ (5:33:17 PM): which is what you did last night!
   SQ (5:33:42 PM): Don't ignore my first question though.
   SQ (5:33:47 PM): It's been repeating this entire time.
   moot (5:34:20 PM): if we were both adults, doing this wouldnt affect our personal relationship whatsoever
   moot (5:34:21 PM): BUT ALAS
   SQ (5:34:27 PM): What personal relationship?
   moot (5:34:31 PM): OH NO
   moot (5:34:51 PM): well if we arent efriends then im not exactly compelled to be loyal to you in the first place
   moot (5:34:59 PM): which makes this much easier, thanks
   SQ (5:35:09 PM): hahaha
   SQ (5:35:12 PM): okay man
   SQ (5:35:13 PM): if you say so
   moot (5:35:16 PM): shaking things up was mistaken wording which you will never let go of!
   moot (5:35:22 PM): removing dead weight works in its stead
   SQ (5:35:29 PM): You still won't answer my question!
   moot (5:35:32 PM): what question?
   SQ (5:35:33 PM): Why do you avoid it so?
   SQ (5:35:42 PM): SQ (5:31:49 PM): So why is it a good choice?
   SQ (5:35:57 PM): I'd go find every other instance of the same/similar question, but that is too much work.
   moot (5:35:59 PM): moot (5:30:38 PM): in the long run , it probably isnt,
   moot (5:36:31 PM): ive already stated my reasons behind it, go reread them! im acknowledging that my decision may be incorrect though
   SQ (5:36:53 PM): So you admit it's a bad idea, but you also say you're trying to be serious about the site?
   moot (5:36:58 PM): i didnt say it was a bad idea
   moot (5:37:05 PM): i said it could be construed as one that is incorrect.
   moot (5:37:19 PM): how can you associate my decision and being "serious" about the site?
   moot (5:37:25 PM): at least answer my questions
   SQ (5:37:29 PM): Because the decision is stupid.
   moot (5:37:32 PM): wow
   moot (5:37:36 PM): thats an argument alright
   moot (5:37:39 PM): concise, i like it
   SQ (5:37:46 PM): I've already stated the reasons it doesn't make sense.
   SQ (5:37:52 PM): Your logic is very flawed.
   moot (5:37:54 PM): and ive stated the reasons why it does
   moot (5:38:03 PM): you have the right to disagree!
   SQ (5:38:08 PM): with flawed logic :rolleyes:
   moot (5:38:27 PM): alright
   moot (5:38:31 PM): do we have anything left to discuss?
   SQ (5:39:04 PM): Since you won't take anything I say into the least bit of consideration, whatever!
   moot (5:40:00 PM): youre assuming the only way i can take what youve said into consideration is to agree with you
   moot (5:40:02 PM): which makes no sense
   SQ (5:40:06 PM): No, I don't.
   SQ (5:40:19 PM): But you still stand by the "You don't do anything, so you don't need access."
   SQ (5:40:22 PM): Even though that is untrue.
   moot (5:41:51 PM): you appear to believe your viewpoint is a fact of the matter
   moot (5:41:53 PM): it isnt :(
   SQ (5:42:05 PM): What viewpoint, that I actually do things?
   moot (5:42:36 PM): that what youve done, or rather not done, warrants you have access to the server and be installed in an "administration"-type position
   SQ (5:42:56 PM): so it warrents making things more difficult?
   SQ (5:43:10 PM): things were rather fine as they were, in the grand scheme of things.
   SQ (5:43:28 PM): coda even said so!
   moot (5:43:46 PM): you enjoyed all the benefits of being wtsnacks, admin of 4chan, without really putting the work into earning it
   moot (5:43:48 PM): i use earning loosely
   SQ (5:43:59 PM): What benefits?
   moot (5:44:10 PM): internet superstar, wtsnacks, of internet fame, ON THE INTERNET
   moot (5:44:15 PM): more specifically, having access to the server.
   SQ (5:44:17 PM): That's new to me.
   moot (5:44:19 PM): nobody else has access for a reason!
   SQ (5:44:25 PM): Nobody else does anything.
   SQ (5:44:29 PM): I do.
   moot (5:44:29 PM): theyre not admins, they arent expected to do the things you were expected to
   moot (5:44:39 PM): anything isnt the bar.
   SQ (5:44:55 PM): It's funny that this is the first you've expressed "responsibility" and "having access" to 4chan.
   moot (5:45:15 PM): as usual, your statement bears no relevance to this conversation
   moot (5:45:20 PM): care to say something else?
   SQ (5:45:35 PM): How does it bear no relevance?
   SQ (5:45:47 PM): It has to do with you springing such things upon myself.
   SQ (5:46:38 PM): Until now, you had expressed no existance of such a "bar"
   SQ (5:46:57 PM): I'd considering making sure the site runs smoothly rather admin-like.
   moot (5:47:11 PM): simon has expressed interest in restructuring the way things work
   moot (5:47:17 PM): i told him im completely open and willing on the idea
   moot (5:47:24 PM): he said he had a proposal to send me within the week
   moot (5:47:32 PM): if you had concerns with the way things are being run, as he has, you should have piped up.
   moot (5:47:38 PM): after the fact doesnt do much good.
   SQ (5:47:47 PM): piped up when?
   SQ (5:48:00 PM): I personally have no problems with the way things are being run.
   SQ (5:48:15 PM): Not taking into account my laziness.
   SQ (5:48:44 PM): But if you have problems with the way something is run, you try to work things out and make them better, not cut things off.
   moot (5:49:32 PM): i have a question
   moot (5:49:36 PM): what exactly do you want out of this
   SQ (5:49:41 PM): As I said before, I would have had no problem with you trying to work a partnership and plan of action with coda.
   SQ (5:49:44 PM): Out of what?
   moot (5:50:17 PM): this conversation, and your potential future working on the site again (continued really)
   moot (5:50:24 PM): the last was horridly phrased
   SQ (5:50:33 PM): Yeah, I don't get the second part.
   moot (5:50:57 PM): why do you want to continue helping
   SQ (5:50:59 PM): Out of this conversation, I'd like it to stop being a pissing contest about opinions, and a way to return things to normal and work out the moving ahead of 4chan.
   moot (5:51:08 PM): if you arent very interested in the site itself, or working with me, etc
   SQ (5:51:18 PM): Because I have put over a year of work into this site, and I do not want to stop?
   SQ (5:51:30 PM): I never said I wasn't interested in the site or working with you.
   SQ (5:52:00 PM): Yes, the users are horrible and the benefits are very little, but it is a (sometimes) exciting project that I am proud to be a part of.
   moot (5:52:01 PM): you dont seem to care for me very much :( when it is the opposite with my feelings towards you :'(
   SQ (5:52:18 PM): I don't care for your "craziness", aka flipping out like you've done.
   SQ (5:52:32 PM): That is because I do not agree with your actions at all.
   SQ (5:52:46 PM): You claim to be serious about this, and being serious about it, took these actions.
   SQ (5:52:57 PM): I don't see that as the right way to go about this, and is just mucking everything up.
   moot (5:53:12 PM): do you at least realize recently ive been attempting to move forward
   SQ (5:53:27 PM): Yes, I am well aware of that.
   moot (5:53:28 PM): 4chan for the most part has been extremely stagnant, which isnt a good thing, because there have been numerous things to improve on
   moot (5:53:36 PM): if it were perfect, the whole stagnant thing would be great
   moot (5:53:38 PM): but its far from it.
   SQ (5:53:52 PM): I don't agree with your methods of doing so though, those methods being in reference to today/last night.
   moot (5:54:31 PM): i hope that youre intelligent enough (and i know youre very smart) to at least respect my decisions, because like it or not, i have made valid points, even though they do not coincide with your own
   moot (5:54:51 PM): and no dont think im stroking my dick here
   SQ (5:54:56 PM): Your points may be valid, but the way of dealing with them is not.
   moot (5:54:57 PM): but agreeing with never implies respect
   moot (5:55:13 PM): and vice versa
   moot (5:55:14 PM): hold on
   SQ (5:55:47 PM): You may think that things could improve in the long run without me, and that may be true.
   SQ (5:56:08 PM): But it doesn't have to be in the long run, and I don't have to stop my actions as I do them now.
   moot (5:56:14 PM): what spurred your interest in developing for the site again
   moot (5:56:23 PM): the fact that it had to come down to me basically removing you is a very, very, bad sign.
   SQ (5:56:27 PM): Uh, as I said before, having someone else to pick up the slack?
   moot (5:56:32 PM): do you realize "im lazy" doesnt cut it all the time
   SQ (5:56:33 PM): A bad sign of what?
   moot (5:56:40 PM): of your train of thought
   moot (5:56:54 PM): "oh shit im about to lose something so i might as well work towards not doing it"
   SQ (5:56:57 PM): So I'm not allowed to feel attached to a project that I have put very much work in?
   moot (5:56:59 PM): er, doing it rather
   moot (5:57:03 PM): i didnt say that
   SQ (5:57:05 PM): You still act like I do nothing.
   moot (5:57:07 PM): why the fuck do you think i didnt sell the site?
   SQ (5:57:15 PM): Why the fuck do you think I haven't quit on my own?
   moot (5:57:18 PM): do you realize 99% of people out there would have sold it in a heartbeat
   SQ (5:57:42 PM): I'm sure they would!
   moot (5:57:43 PM): fuck all of my advisors were like YOURE STUPID MOOTYKINS!
   moot (5:58:00 PM): i think it would be a horrendous thing to do, and while im not moralistic, i dont agree with people who do things like that
   moot (5:58:07 PM): i understand that whole attachment thing, believe me
   moot (5:58:27 PM): i pasted my news updates into word recently and saw i have written over 47 pages of words about this timesink in the past two years
   moot (5:58:46 PM): which to me was not only surprising but impressive
   moot (5:59:03 PM): ive said time and time again that you are one of the only reasons the site is still up
   SQ (5:59:23 PM): Perfect time to get rid of me.
   moot (5:59:25 PM): i may bitch about you being more or less a baby when dealing with me, but i always acknowledge the work youve done for the site
   moot (5:59:30 PM): just as i do bill
   SQ (5:59:31 PM): No you don't.
   moot (5:59:35 PM): like when he was a fucking ghost
   moot (5:59:40 PM): Prime im loyal as fuck to the guy, hes amazing
   SQ (5:59:46 PM): Just like I said before, if it's not something you specifically request, it doesn't matter.
   moot (5:59:48 PM): but it doesnt dismiss the fact that he is/can be a COMPLETE FLAKE
   SQ (5:59:58 PM): Good thing you act the same way with me
   SQ (5:59:59 PM): oh wait
   SQ (6:00:16 PM): Even though I'm always around, doing at least SOMETHING
   moot (6:00:17 PM): oh wait, youd be crazy to think you hear everything i relate to others about you!
   SQ (6:00:25 PM): Huh?
   moot (6:00:29 PM): SQ (6:00:11 PM): Good thing you act the same way with me
   SQ (6:00:12 PM): oh wait
   SQ (6:00:39 PM): Your actions currently are not showing any "loyalty"
   SQ (6:00:47 PM): They are showing dismissiveness.
   moot (6:01:09 PM): while i may be loyal to you personally, only a fool would take that into strong account while making a decision such as this
   moot (6:01:13 PM): 4chan isnt a business
   SQ (6:01:17 PM): They are saying "You did great work in the past, and even though you still do some work, despite less of it, you don't really need to be here anymore"
   SQ (6:01:30 PM): Even though that little work still matters
   SQ (6:01:38 PM): and you act like I've flat out refused to do anything new.
   moot (6:01:51 PM): you have through your actions, or rather, inaction!
   moot (6:01:54 PM): in words, no
   moot (6:01:58 PM): again, in what youve produced, yes
   moot (6:02:01 PM): youre going to fight that
   SQ (6:02:04 PM): There you go acting like I do nothing again!
   moot (6:02:06 PM): but in my opinion, it is a truth
   moot (6:02:14 PM): SQ (6:01:50 PM): and you act like I've flat out refused to do anything new.
   moot (6:02:20 PM): meaning, my feature requests
   SQ (6:02:32 PM): Even though I said I would, and had even started work on some?
   SQ (6:02:50 PM): Some inaction.
   moot (6:03:01 PM): have you forgotten it took you more or less eight weeks to arrive at that point
   moot (6:03:03 PM): seriously, come on now.
   SQ (6:03:28 PM): I guess that is ample reason to not allow it to be done at all.
   moot (6:03:35 PM): i never said it was
   SQ (6:03:38 PM): You act like it is.
   moot (6:03:40 PM): you just evaded my point
   moot (6:03:48 PM): actions dont always imply beliefs!
   SQ (6:03:51 PM): No, I didn't, because I have previously stated it.
   SQ (6:04:00 PM): SQ (6:01:38 PM): and you act like I've flat out refused to do anything new.
   moot (6:01:51 PM): you have through your actions, or rather, inaction!
   moot (6:01:54 PM): in words, no
   SQ (6:04:06 PM): Oh no!
   moot (6:04:19 PM): huh?
   moot (6:04:30 PM): that wasnt "in other words"
   moot (6:04:34 PM): it was literally, in words
   SQ (6:04:45 PM): So my actions imply fact, but yours don't?
   moot (6:05:04 PM): your actions imply your unwillingness to accept a responsibility that you assigned to yourself
   moot (6:05:07 PM): do you disagree?
   SQ (6:05:23 PM): Yeah, because I've expressed in word the opposite.
   moot (6:05:39 PM): what does your word mean to me at this point?
   moot (6:05:46 PM): i can only tolerate "ill do it x" so many times!
   moot (6:05:55 PM): this applies to most people
   moot (6:06:02 PM): its crying wolf, people get fed up, frustrated, annoyed, etc
   SQ (6:06:23 PM): Perfect time to not even bother finding out.
   SQ (6:06:30 PM): Someone says they'll have something done tomorrow
   SQ (6:06:38 PM): Why bother seeing if they will?
   moot (6:06:41 PM): you presented that after the fact
   SQ (6:06:42 PM): I mean, it's only a day.
   SQ (6:06:44 PM): No I didn't.
   moot (6:06:45 PM): after the decision had been made.
   moot (6:06:47 PM): yes, you did.
   SQ (6:07:01 PM): How would you know what work I have done?
   SQ (6:07:07 PM): As you said, you can't afford to keep tabs on me so often!
   moot (6:07:12 PM): please justify your actions of not implementing the important things which ive requested for months
   moot (6:07:20 PM): because you flat out told me you had not started the ban panel not one week ago
   moot (6:07:24 PM): please dont make me dig up logs
   SQ (6:07:27 PM): And that was a week ago.
   SQ (6:07:31 PM): That is not now.
   moot (6:07:33 PM): and that was seven weeks too late.
   moot (6:07:42 PM): reread that sentence a few times
   moot (6:07:52 PM): "too little, too late"
   moot (6:07:53 PM): bingo!
   moot (6:08:07 PM): what a perfect statement!
   SQ (6:08:14 PM): You sure laid it out in stone that if I didn't have things done at a certain time, I'd no longer be doing them!
   SQ (6:08:19 PM): Or at all.
   SQ (6:08:30 PM): This is very out of the blue.
   moot (6:08:41 PM): as i said last night, you are not a baby nor am i a babysitter
   moot (6:08:49 PM): i cannot believe you tried to convince me i was at fault for you not completing thigns
   moot (6:08:53 PM): because i didnt remind you EVER DAY
   moot (6:08:57 PM): and tell the team to remind you EVERY DAY
   SQ (6:08:59 PM): What does that have to do with anything?
   SQ (6:09:02 PM): That wasn't even what was said.
   moot (6:09:10 PM): it has to do with what you believe to be the case
   SQ (6:09:20 PM): That was about me no longer working for the site if I don't do things in a timely manner!
   moot (6:09:42 PM): i didnt spell it out for you, no, but then again, i shouldnt have needed to
   SQ (6:09:52 PM): Yes, you should have, because this is not a business.
   SQ (6:09:58 PM): This is a volunteer site.
   moot (6:10:05 PM): does that mean i cant hold standards?
   moot (6:10:07 PM): sorry, but fuck that.
   SQ (6:10:14 PM): If you don't make such standards clear, what's the point?
   moot (6:10:28 PM): i treat this "volunteer site" as a commitment
   moot (6:10:33 PM): do you?
   SQ (6:10:41 PM): Yes/
   SQ (6:10:42 PM): .
   SQ (6:10:42 PM): ,
   SQ (6:11:00 PM): Why do you think I commit to keeping it running?
   moot (6:11:41 PM): youve said before that one of your motivations is being extremely bored or having nothing better to do
   moot (6:11:49 PM): why should i assume that isnt the case
   SQ (6:11:52 PM): I also said having someone else to help me code is!
   moot (6:12:04 PM): too bad you only informed me of this today!
   SQ (6:12:08 PM): No I didn't.
   moot (6:12:12 PM): go quote it then
   moot (6:12:15 PM): i may be wrong
   moot (6:12:16 PM): but i dont recall.
   SQ (6:12:20 PM): I expressed it when you first told me Coda would be coding.
   SQ (6:12:51 PM): and even back when you stated interest in getting new programmers
   SQ (6:12:54 PM): months ago
   SQ (6:13:03 PM): I said that more is better.
   SQ (6:13:18 PM): It's much easier for 5 programmers to do 1/5th of the work than one doing everything.
   moot (6:13:18 PM): too bad nobody else wants to help
   SQ (6:13:30 PM): What is Coda's purpose then?
   SQ (6:13:35 PM): Other than my replacement of course!
   moot (6:13:48 PM): i brought him in to actually "get shit done"
   moot (6:13:52 PM): he told me he could do things
   moot (6:13:54 PM): he has done them
   SQ (6:14:03 PM): You are a great business man, getting your team together
   moot (6:14:06 PM): he has also expressed interest for the past y ear apparently
   SQ (6:14:07 PM): Er, I mean seperating them.
   moot (6:14:14 PM): those statements are extremely beneficial to this conversation
   moot (6:14:19 PM): and mature none the less.
   SQ (6:14:54 PM): Yeah man, because you not bothering to take initiative in getting your team to work together, and instead cutting one out for horrible reasons is awesome.
   SQ (6:15:12 PM): You aren't a "babysitter", but you are a "boss"
   moot (6:15:20 PM): yeah, i am.
   moot (6:15:29 PM): its me prerogative.
   moot (6:15:31 PM): my rather.
   SQ (6:15:46 PM): So why do you take this course of action, instead of bothering to help the site?
   SQ (6:16:03 PM): You take away one of it's most valuable resources.
   moot (6:16:23 PM): if you havent noticed, ive come up with a bunch of ideas to help further the site recently! not all management wise, but externally
   moot (6:16:34 PM): and my three main important ones have been disclosed for ages
   moot (6:16:42 PM): ban redo, mod panel, report posts
   SQ (6:16:46 PM): What does that have to do with getting your programmers to work together?
   moot (6:16:57 PM): where is that coming from?
   moot (6:17:02 PM): i dont even understand your point/question
   SQ (6:17:07 PM): Uh, what I've been taking about the past dozen lines?
   SQ (6:17:30 PM): Instead of getting your programmers to work together as a team, and jet forward progress with the power of two
   SQ (6:17:44 PM): you remove one entirely, or make their coming work harder
   moot (6:17:47 PM): jet forward progress, hahahaha
   moot (6:17:50 PM): oh boy i wish
   moot (6:17:53 PM): in dream land maybe
   SQ (6:18:25 PM): so having multiple features completed with two people working on something, from no features being completed isn't "jetting forward progress"?
   moot (6:19:30 PM): i dont think progressive would be a good adjective to describe your tenure as our CODER NUMERO UNO as of late
   SQ (6:19:42 PM): Who cares about titles?
   moot (6:19:55 PM): you?
   SQ (6:19:55 PM): You are effectively revoking any possibility of progress, with no gain in sight.
   SQ (6:19:59 PM): No, I don't.
   moot (6:20:02 PM): ive been telling you that you can remain on the team and code
   moot (6:20:07 PM): but you wont be an admin or CODER UNO
   moot (6:20:12 PM): and you arent satisfied with this
   moot (6:20:14 PM): so how can you say that?
   SQ (6:20:24 PM): I am unsatisfied with not being able to work as I am used to
   moot (6:20:26 PM): im not trying to castrate you, as much as youd like to believe
   SQ (6:20:27 PM): with no reason for it.
   moot (6:20:34 PM): dont say no reason
   SQ (6:20:35 PM): Yes, you are.
   moot (6:20:37 PM): say reason which i do not agree with.
   moot (6:20:39 PM): because that is the case
   moot (6:20:43 PM): you cant ignore the reasons ive presented
   moot (6:20:47 PM): but you can choose to disagree with them.
   SQ (6:20:48 PM): No, you actually have no reason to remove my shell access.
   SQ (6:20:56 PM): Most of the things I do use it!
   moot (6:21:13 PM): here ill throw one out there, it presents a liability from the most basic of security standpoints
   moot (6:21:19 PM): oh youre not going to like that one
   moot (6:21:30 PM): but go ask any admin out there, is limiting access to critical components a BAD thing
   SQ (6:21:30 PM): Maybe because it makes no sense
   moot (6:21:32 PM): no, its not.
   SQ (6:21:36 PM): How am I a security risk?
   moot (6:22:09 PM): you have complete control over three servers that run a massive website? your personality and "relationship" or lack thereof with me further complicate that
   moot (6:22:20 PM): part of me thinks youd never harm us
   moot (6:22:27 PM): another thinks, oh shit, its wtsnacks, watch the fuck out
   SQ (6:22:31 PM): what the fuck?
   moot (6:23:24 PM): was that insulting? i hope not!
   SQ (6:23:32 PM): WATCH THE FUCK OUT
   SQ (6:23:45 PM): LOL MOOT GOT PWN3D
   moot (6:23:50 PM): el oh el.
   SQ (6:23:51 PM): Seriously, what the fuck
   SQ (6:23:54 PM): Why would you ever think that?
   moot (6:24:08 PM): because i think youre just as fucking rash ad i am, and not only that, you conduct yourself as a baby at times
   moot (6:24:17 PM): again talking to you is like fucking a brick wall at times, painful and unrewarding
   moot (6:24:29 PM): just like saber, who again, is rainbows on the phone, very easy to relate with
   moot (6:25:09 PM): if i didnt trust you, youd never have had access in the first place, its not that(youll disagree, and i would too), but i have the right to be worried about what you could possibly do, put under the right circumstances
   SQ (6:25:11 PM): And why would that make you suddenly think my shell access is a bad thing?
   moot (6:25:14 PM): i know this is probably incredibly offensive
   SQ (6:25:31 PM): Why does Coda have access then?
   moot (6:25:33 PM): because as of right now, you more or less have the absolute most power over the site out of everybody
   SQ (6:25:33 PM): Or Lucid?
   moot (6:26:06 PM): dont even bring bill into it
   moot (6:26:10 PM): i cant even find a reason why he wouldnt have it
   moot (6:26:14 PM): he IS the only reason the site is up
   SQ (6:26:33 PM): I also preform many of the tasks that a sysadmin would, because ours are never around.
   moot (6:26:38 PM): hes the ADMINISTRATOR of the SYSTEM
   moot (6:26:40 PM): youre, NOT!
   SQ (6:26:41 PM): Despite doing only things benefitial to the site with my ssh access
   moot (6:26:43 PM): youre a php coder!
   SQ (6:26:48 PM): you think I'm going to do something bad with it
   SQ (6:26:57 PM): even though you have absolutely no reason to think that
   SQ (6:27:02 PM): especially after over a year of it
   moot (6:27:06 PM): your personality lends itself to me thinking that
   moot (6:27:12 PM): i hope you can realize that somehow
   SQ (6:27:30 PM): My personality of being annoyed by demands?
   SQ (6:27:37 PM): Oh man, moot bugged me to do this stuff
   SQ (6:27:42 PM): I am going to rm -rf / now
   moot (6:28:11 PM): i shouldnt have brought this up, now things will go downhill even faster
   moot (6:28:16 PM): what else do you have left to get off of your chest
   moot (6:28:23 PM): you still havent answered the fundamental question
   moot (6:28:28 PM): do you wish to remain a part of this team, or not
   moot (6:28:31 PM): it is a simple question
   moot (6:28:39 PM): im not discussing the terms in which youd stay, etc
   moot (6:28:41 PM): but at its core
   SQ (6:28:43 PM): If you'll stop this stupid fucking charade, yes.
   moot (6:28:44 PM): do you want to be on the team, yes or no
   SQ (6:28:54 PM): and in a single word, yes.
   SQ (6:28:58 PM): as I've said many times before
   moot (6:29:01 PM): charade, woo, thanks for proving to me youve learned and accepted nothing of what ive said
   SQ (6:29:05 PM): I never said I wanted ot leave the site.
   moot (6:29:17 PM): ill lay it out for you in one offensive sentence
   SQ (6:29:23 PM): oh boy
   SQ (6:29:24 PM): can't wait
   moot (6:35:50 PM): you are irresponsible and immature, you maintain nor do you appear to udnerstand what a commitment is, you do not do enough major work to warrant having such an insane amount of power over how the servers are done, and how the "business" of the site is conducted. youve installed yourself into your own place of power, and have only remained there because youve in the past been such an essential part of the site, that i could not have done anything about it. it was a mistake for me to allow you to assume responsibilities which i should have known you could not fulfill. as it stands, you should have remained the php coder, and not become an integral part of the website. why not become integral? because again, you lack both the responsibility, maturiy, and understanding of how things should work, being that you are not entitled to anything, but rather are given the priviledge in exchange for being a productive member of the team. i think that is almost ridiculous that you are naive enough to be so firmly planted behind your beliefs, while i have conceded to the fact that my decision is not without its flaws. until you understand what dues come along with being an administrator of a non expendable website, i think that you have no place on the team. until you realize that you owe something to the site which you have voluntarily agreed to work on, just as i do to the users, we will get nowhere. youre intelligent, and a very talented php coder, that is not being disputed. as of the past few months, if not over the course of the past year, you have not made good on numerous commitments and the assumed if not stated responsibilities that came along with your position. this is due course for your relief of current position, if not termination outright.
   feel free to quote me on this everywhere, i know youre going to laugh about how "serious" that is, but its what i believe the underlying issues to be, and explains how and why i arrived at my decision.
   moot (6:35:55 PM): there you go
   moot (6:36:12 PM): have fun, i hope you learn something out of what ive said, at least one of us should benefit from this ordeal.
   moot (6:36:21 PM): also i didnt reread it, some things may not mean sense, just fill in the blanks
   moot (6:36:28 PM): i also tend to be redundant !
   SQ (6:36:39 PM): When did I have anything to do with the "'business' of the site"?
   moot (6:36:59 PM): you have implied powers that rank amoung simon and i
   moot (6:37:11 PM): dont doubt that you arent important in the dealings of the site.
   SQ (6:37:20 PM): "business"
   moot (6:37:28 PM): decisions.
   SQ (6:37:30 PM): I am so important
   SQ (6:37:33 PM): you must get rid of me
   moot (6:37:38 PM): sadly, yes.
   SQ (6:37:46 PM): hah
   SQ (6:38:54 PM): and yet, you still act as if I do nothing for the site.
   SQ (6:38:56 PM): I don't get it
   SQ (6:38:57 PM): !
   moot (6:39:05 PM): again, im sorry you believe that.
   SQ (6:39:15 PM): Why wouldn't I?
   moot (6:39:20 PM): i dont think there is anything left to discuss, as ive said before, youre free to remain on the site, and continue to code if youd like
   SQ (6:39:20 PM): That's exactly how you are acting right now.
   moot (6:39:29 PM): youre running this conversation into the ground as per usual
   moot (6:39:36 PM): come back to me later if you have anything new to say
   SQ (6:39:42 PM): Yeah man, you're not doing that at all.
   SQ (6:39:44 PM): It's just me!
   moot (6:39:45 PM): or with anybody who completely disagrees with what ive done so that i can debate it with them
   moot (6:39:52 PM): sorry but i never said that
   moot (6:40:03 PM): i love you, im sorry things had to work out this way "efriend"
   moot (6:40:08 PM): toodles,
   -love mootykins
   SQ (6:40:09 PM): Everyone I've talked to about this disagrees with you.
   moot (6:40:22 PM): awesome, get them to form well opinionated emails and send them to me
   SQ (6:40:43 PM): Why would that matter?
   SQ (6:40:51 PM): You'll just disagree with their opinions.
   SQ (6:40:55 PM): And it will be just like this.
   SQ (6:41:24 PM): I guess "well opinionated" means "something you can agree with"
   moot (6:42:13 PM): i dont mind if you get them to voice their opinions or not
   moot (6:42:15 PM): its your decision
   SQ (6:42:44 PM): But it won't make any difference.
   moot (6:42:50 PM): keep on thinking that
   SQ (6:42:57 PM): Why, you specifically said it yourself.
   moot (6:43:05 PM): im sure i did
   moot (6:43:15 PM): ive also said that this is going nowhere fast, as per usual
   SQ (6:43:21 PM): This went anywhere?
   moot (6:43:40 PM): in my opinion, yes
   SQ (6:43:44 PM): Where did it go!
   moot (6:43:48 PM): while the outcome wasnt in your favor, it went somewhere
   moot (6:44:03 PM): it gave me reasons to doubt my decision while further reinforcing it at the same time
   moot (6:44:11 PM): crazy i know!
   SQ (6:44:45 PM): No actually, removing my access to the site doesn't change anything for the better.
   SQ (6:45:02 PM): What is the point, besides your delusions of my vendetta against 4chan?
   SQ (6:45:14 PM): Not producing results on to-do list items has nothing to do with it.
   SQ (6:45:56 PM): Wait, I've already said all of this, and you've still got nothing.
   moot (6:47:25 PM): please grow up, really
   SQ (6:47:33 PM): hahahah
   moot (6:47:41 PM): why are we still speaking?
   moot (6:47:45 PM): ive told you what you must do if youre interested in doing it
   moot (6:47:58 PM): ive provided you with an out which satisfies your want to stay on as a team member
   SQ (6:48:03 PM): No you haven't.
   moot (6:48:05 PM): there is nothing else im willing to do as of right now
   moot (6:48:10 PM): alright, im sorry to hear that
   SQ (6:48:15 PM): Sorry to hear what?
   SQ (6:48:20 PM): That you haven't told me what I must do?
   moot (6:48:40 PM): tell people who sympathize with your side of events to contact me.
   SQ (6:50:51 PM): Funny, this wasn't a requirement before!
   Session concluded at 7:19:27 PM