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User talk:Turbogook

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Butt Naked

Was the "Family Man" really that unfunny? Could we put something in there that makes fun of that part of GBNs Life? --AlexdG 20:13, 16 February 2015 (EST)

For my brothers in arms.

I'm glad that this site has sprung up in lieu of DeGrippo the Hutt's treachery. However, I am sad to say that I have very limited skills in the ways of the Wiki. Just know that I support you, and will add lulz, not unfunny to this site.

Long live ED, long live Sean Casarov.

So, with that out of the way, i'd like to start an OI:Watch project. Basically, the battle plan is to watch every little god damn quote, hypocrisy or shady double talk that spills forth from that hole of unfunny. Please, help me in this regard. Feel free to use my talk page as a storage unit for selected quotes that display the terminal foot-in-mouth these OI faggots seem to have contracted. I'll start us off with a quote from what appears to be one of the lesser remora fish that attach themselves to Sherrod's neck for a free ride. and please, if my additions aren't in quote format, correct me,

"Why does everyone think we're trying to be funny? We may try to be funny occasionally, but this site is far more information based at the moment." Truthillusion 16:09, 19 April 2011 (EDT)

Fight the good fight, Turbogook 13:21, 19 April 2011 (UTC)

Quote Bank

Hi Peter. Thanks for the good insights! I would also like a larger content box! That's on the todo list but it involves designers which can sometimes mean it takes time to get finished. Only new users with few edits are forced to use the form. Everyone -should- use the form to keep things consistent, but approved writers can edit the wiki article source directly. SFW is important because so many of us literally edit from work. We aren't really interested in having our bosses see goatse on our screens when its supposed to be spreadsheets. Additionally, we'd like to keep OHi accessible and not blocked on filters at schools, offices and public wifi. That can be very frustrating for users. POV is fine, being an "insider's guide" is something we're good at! We'd like to keep it generally factual though, with editorial tidbits. Articles full of random lies for no reason don't make sense. Juicy gossip and drama is fine, but we are going to avoid attacking individual no-name internet users. There are plenty of other ways to write up mean attack articles about randoms. If the person isn't a significant presence on the internet, then it doesn't belong here. We're definitely in the process of finding our voice and want you to participate in that, but the sysops and myself won't allow content that sacrifices our personal safety or ability to freely and easily edit.

Sherrod 07:55, 20 April 2011 (EDT)

What is this about lawsuits now? Perceived legal drama aside, I think the people trying to create ED clones will soon find out just how much of a headache it is to manage such a site, from admin to vandalism prevention to dealing with attacks from various angles and they'll quickly fade away like so many of the doomed 4chan spinoffs. Adding the ED Snapshots is what we're doing to provide people with the old content. We'll just be trimming some of the fat beforehand. Do you really want 70 gigs of DeviantArt slapfights? (Because snapesnogger isn't funny. Right right. Dipshit. -turbogook)

Killhamster 14:42, 18 April 2011 (EDT)

The forms are there to separate the wheat from the chaff. ED was becoming a ludicrous exhibition of puerile gibberish - which is why the change was necessary. If you want to be able to edit without the constraint of the forms, you need to prove that you can be witty and succinct within the parameters provided - or you could just piss off to the myriad of ED clones that are springing up ad nauseam and whine about nigras and jews there. (Puerile, right. Because making fun of fucktards who act puerile isn't funny. Gotcha. -turbogook)

Stack 18:38, 19 April 2011 (EDT)

I stopped reading when he accused the admins of trying to live off this work. That was such an asinine claim and shows just how ignorant most people are about ED and Ohi. (Because you are, faggot. -turbogook)

Truthillusion 18:43, 19 April 2011 (EDT)

This isn't a meme repository and a lot of people don't seem to get that. It will cover everything ED did, minus non-internet stuff. Just go away, you're not helping. (No it won't. It'll cover whatever feels safe and profitable, you stupid cunt. -turbogook)

--JohnnyMak 00:59, 15 April 2011 (CDT)

Won't appeal to the EDiot crowd? Good. We don't need unneeded attack articles nor slur spam. Seriously, how much ED have you read over the years? Mid-2010 and forward was pathetic and showed that we had 13 year old kids trying to be edgy and cool, not people trying to do the satire. We've eliminated the satire because it was abused. You don't like it? Cry harder. We don't care. We like what we've built and so do others. Just remember, it's ED's userbase who's at fault for it's disappearance. You people didn't help it in it's time of need and let it deteriorate. (Yes, it's our fault that you fucked up. Okay. Thanks faggot, hope you die in a fire you self-aggrandizing jew. -turbogook)

Truthillusion 01:41, 15 April 2011 (CDT)

The Ohi community is the ED community that got tired of dealing with the pointless crap of immature children. NSFW events can easily be written into a SFW format if given proper thought. Some may be challenging, but it's certainly never going to be impossible. As for the "culture" that wouldn't want to record it's stuff due to NSFW, they didn't want to record it when we allowed NSFW as it was then. And, please sign your posts, Jimbob. Lack of signatures is an OCD for me.

Truthillusion 02:14, 15 April 2011 (CDT)

So this is basically where the butthurt ED rejects go to gather? Or is this just the new Anti-Encyclopedia Dramatica?

- LEAVE ED ALONE 05:14, 15 April 2011 (CDT)

No, this is where the people who actually know how to write a decent article without slurs and insults every other word hang out. Enjoy third grade. (Ad hominem attacks do nothing for you. -turbogook)

Truthillusion 06:57, 15 April 2011 (CDT)

as a wiki, it is only as close to KYM as you (and i) make it. if you don't like what is here, improve it and stop bitching. i, and others have worked hard on this... please accept my facetious thanks for dissing our work, and my earnest invitation to make it better. (Hard work? AH HA...AHHH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!...oh wait, you were serious? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! -turbogook)

-hipcrime 10:54, 15 April 2011 (CDT)

If you think this is a copy of KYM, then you haven't been to KYM. (Apparently, neither have you dipshit. -turbogook)

Truthillusion 05:13, 15 April 2011 (CDT)

    Snapshot availability will be about 7-10 days. Sorry for the delay. It's mainly due to dealing with things like people being huge babies. (Too bad you're just hueg, huh? -turbogook) They will be edited to be generally SFW, images will be available that are SFW or edited to be SFW. 

Sherrod 23:32, 23 April 2011 (EDT)

I wonder if there is any room for negotiation between OhInternet and the fake ED tribute site? (I'd post a link to a similar post at the Hall of Lawfags at fake ED but the spam filter has blocked it.) Tom Complex 11:12, 29 April 2011 (EDT)

With the way they've behaved towards us and the things they've posted thus far, there is likely no chance for any "negotiations" or anything similar. They've proven themselves to be abhorrent and toxic, and it's best to just sever all ties. I'd advise you not to get involved there as well.

Killhamster 11:19, 29 April 2011 (EDT)

What is there to peace about? Send me a fax! --Protofax 11:55, 29 April 2011 (EDT)

Yeah, I don't see the point of "negotiations". What are they going to do to us, post spam that'll take a whole two seconds to revert? Oh no!!! Any "war" between OHi and the fake ED is an illusion brought about by 13-year-olds that want to be a part of something. Just leave the fake ED alone, and it'll fade away in time. --Teakettler 13:41, 29 April 2011 (EDT)

(Lol, sever all ties. Scientology at work. -turbogook)

There is an enormous amount of trivia on the Naruto article, the entire "Naruto Anime and Manga" section should just be deleted as it just summarizes the entire story and gives nothing to it's relation to the internet. Such a summary belongs on the Naruto wiki, not OHi. These are the reasons i feel OHi is in danger of becoming worse than ED. I request that an admin blank this section as it won't let me.--Nex Carnifex 01:53, 29 May 2011 (EDT)

I got rid of it. While I don't think that most of the articles are in danger of becoming trivia/fandom wank dumps, I do agree that the anime and manga articles need to be monitored closely because of this. I don't think that anybody reading OhI really wants to hear about how Baka and Kawaii's relationship progressed through season three of ROBOT TENTACLE MONSTERS. --Teakettler 10:23, 29 May 2011 (EDT)

(Yes, because there aren't ways to display how fucking faggotrocious Narutards and the show is on the internet. DYNAMIC ENTRY. Turbogook 06:44, 31 May 2011 (UTC))

RE: Oh you.

i did. :D

Hipcrime 01:58, 22 April 2011 (UTC)

RE: Good to see you Junius.

Thanks. It's nice to be here and to work with former colleagues again. --JuniusThaddeus 23:02, 8 May 2011 (UTC)


sry for posting your dong. anyways make a .PoNG of just the dong and fist with transparency and it can live in the corner forevar. for now it didnt make the cut... but not to worry i still fap to this every fucking day. -hipcrime

you never say hi anymore. D: -hipcrime 11:20, 25 August 2011 (UTC)
  • pix plz -hipcrime 03:13, 27 August 2011 (CEST)

we all do

hi. we all miss him. :( -hipcrime 19:53, 19 January 2012 (CET)


fapfapfap -hipcrime 23:43, 12 February 2012 (EST)

a more sober look reveals that your dong appears on my talk page, and its 2011 archive. i propose making this a tradition. plz make sure to post one in 2013 also. :) -hipcrime 08:20, 13 February 2012 (EST)

valentine's day dongs

i approve of this idea. valentines day is tomorrow so plz post again next year. B======D -hipcrime 20:30, 13 February 2012 (EST)

youre always free to post extra pix in addition to the valentines day pix. ;D -hipcrime 20:52, 1 February 2013 (EST)
plz don't forget this year. :( -hipcrime 01:17, 4 January 2014 (EST)
  • no bby, you're right on time. besides, it does only say "February". <3 -hipcrime 16:08, 18 February 2015 (EST)
  • as i recall, the Hipcrime Festival of Dong lasts all February. there's still time. :D but seriously don't even worry about it. i will treasure it. <3 -hipcrime 23:06, 18 February 2015 (EST)

It's been up and down

you have a way with words. :) -hipcrime 22:48, 24 January 2014 (EST)


pix pls. :) -hipcrime 15:33, 18 August 2014 (EDT)

re: for you bby

omg yes thanks :D -hipcrime 17:15, 1 November 2014 (EDT)

collapsing objects

there are about three helpless pages on this. i have tried to make heads or tails of them all and gave up in 2009:

i would just find an article with collapsing sections and gank the code. xo -hipcrime 13:10, 5 March 2015 (EST)


thanks for catching that for me. <3 -hipcrime 20:19, 9 March 2015 (EDT)

You know it, bb. Also your caption needed work.Turbogook 20:20, 9 March 2015 (EDT)


Are these pix you uploaded,but didn't put in the article or are they in the thread on EDF? Yeah Ill put em in in a sec--Boudica 23:18, 10 March 2015 (EDT)

i see Boudica got to it before i could. tks bb. :) -hipcrime 00:33, 11 March 2015 (EDT)

Anybody know what happened to this guy.

He seems to have disappeared after the lawsuit, and he isn't on the forums. J3wzus (Talk) -18:23, 26 may 2021 (EDT)