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Japan lovers are known for having no sense of humor. funny thing is, when i went into this japanese chatroom, and nobody was speaking Japanese, which I can kind of understand
You are now talking on #Japan <mark1988> no la.. actually my mom is kinda sick.. so.. just fried rice la today <mark1988> i cant cook anything other than that hot_chatboycam has joined channel #japan <Seraphi> I hope she gets well soon, Mark <Seraphi> Inshallah seth has quit (Quit: Reason filtered) <Magus> ohh is she having a fever? PLgirl has joined channel #japan <Guest_26> hello all.good to meet you and join a korean website <mark1988> yeah.. got it from me i guess
- CloudDudette spins Westlife - Smile
<Guest_26> or is it japan? <Magus> hope she recovers soon <Magus> u take care of your mom elok2 ok? be a good nurse heroman has left channel #japan : "heroman" ichizu has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) <Magus> Guest_26? hm? <Guest_26> Dokdo is korean no? i am attracted to naruto <mark1988> there is a guy with thick c)ock as a nick in asia room and so annoying <Guest_26> am i in the right place? <Magus> this is #japan. <mark1988> i cant even take care of myself la.. T.T <mark1988> must kahwin cepat <Seraphi> lol <Guest_26> japan? i thought China invaded? jasmin_358 has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) <Magus> lol mark1988.! even if u wanna kahwin, u need to take care of your wife n kids ;p abbb has joined channel #japan <mark1988> which twisted planet are you living on guest 26? Guest_460 has joined channel #japan <Guest_26> xenu <mark1988> ehh.. not the wife take care me ah?? <Magus> mark1988, have fun with that thick dude lol <Guest_26> i love hiroshima and nagasaki.great job <Magus> hahah both take care of each other laaa <Guest_26> pity some were left hot_chatboycam has left channel #japan : "hot_chatboycam" Guest_460 has quit (XMLSocket Connection closed)