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Hello! I made this account on june 2nd, 2024, but then on june 8, 2024, this place got blasted to hell and I was one of th' many casualties, one of th' many valiant editors who lost their accounts. I made this account again on june 11th, 2024 and this user page was made th' day after that. I will now archive everything I do on here on interweb archives so I do not loose anything of value.

I am interested in fallen nations who fought against bad odds in order to stay free from th' banks, and I am interested in dissident countries who are doing th' same thing currently. There are so few who are willing to stand up for what is right and those few who do often suffer dire consequences.

I am also interested in things that leave behind a footprint, a forgotten remnant of sorts, an echo that responds throughout th' ages. Fossils and cave paintings certainly qualify for that!

I am not interested in interweb arguments in cyberspace because I do not wish to waste time in pointless bickering that would end with me getting milked by trolls.

I am not quite comfy enough to link other accounts here, maybe one day.

If you are reading this, thank you, and you have a great day!