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Jizzalot CockThrobbington Also known as Jizzus, Heinrich Leroux VanRansburg, Professor CockThrobbington, Dr Jizzington, Wǔ Dǒng Chén Féng Wāng and many more personas that were developed by jerking off and snorting hobby glue in a poorly ventilated room. He is a advocate for such contraceptives as swallowing and pushing people down flights of stairs.

USA based Jizzalot CockThrobbingtons: Kevin Glemich Kevin MotherFn Franklin AUS based Jizzalot CockThrobbingtons: Jay Fox

Currently holds the world record to jerking off over everything on 4chan.

AL JIZZEERA NEWS - According to Edward Snowden, Saddam Aka Jizzard of OZ had a Stargate. Pairs of Stargate's function by generating an artificial stable wormhole between them, allowing one-way travel into Lindsay Lohan's shit locker