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Ladies and fuckheads of all stripes, meet yet another bastard deserving of inclusion on a list of massive faggots.

<-- This is the man himself, Kan Santiago. Yes, kids, he uses his real name on the Internets.

Born sometime in 1979, Kan is an overweight, racist, homophobic man-child with the victim complex to match. He makes a distinct effort to join communities - usually furry or brony ones - and then do everything he can to make the people there hate his guts. When he is rightfully kicked out, he makes a big deal out of whining like a child on his LiveJournal about how everyone is so mean to him and it's not fair that he's no longer welcome.

This usually results in him trying vainly to troll the places he's been excommunicated from but it generally just means his sockpuppets get banned and he gets even more butthurt.

Reports have come in that he attempted to get some jailbait nudes - pics of the conversations will be posted once the source is able to scan the printouts from Twitter.

He denies that he is a furry or brony loudly and often - then draws shit like this.

What he hates, direct from his LiveJournal profile: *Japan, Children, Teenagers, stupidity, ignorance, 4Chan, "bronies", furfags, drugs, potheads, niggers, homos, technology, The 11th Doctor, Halo, furaffinity, sonic fandom, sonic, shadow, archie comics, country music, rap, Texas, Goku, weeaboos, most anime, your mom.* If one were to scroll down to see what things he watches, 90% of these things make at least one appearance. Not only that, he states that he 'believes cyber bullies should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.' Hypocritical much?

He spends a great deal of time tweeting on his multiple, frequently suspended accounts about just how much he hates other people because he has far too much free time to waste while he waits for his welfare check. Along with repeatedly harassing people for absolutely no reason, he frequently threatens rape.

To fuel his victim complex, he will attempt to apologize to you in what he sees as a letter worthy of your time - funny how his idea of an apology consists mostly of veiled threats and angry meanderings.

Not only is the massive faggot a hypocritical fucktard who thinks he is above the law, simply blocking him fuels his self-induced hate. He'll just hop on another of his many, almost cancerous accounts and continue to 'dickslap you around,' as he puts it. He puts himself on the highest pedestal imaginable, lashing out at people for simply minding their own business. If you think simply ignoring him will make him stop, he'll just continue to direct mention you, along with indirectly tweeting about you and taking your personal images and photoshopping over them like a tween girl in a jealous rage because her best friend is going with the school quarterback to the homecoming dance. Lest you forget, ladies and gents, this man-child is in his late thirties. This pastebin] has links to all of his known Internet haunts - with luck, he'll become the next Chris-chan.