User:CrackRabbit/Dexter's Rude Removal

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Dexter's Rude Removal was a lost episode of the 90s cartoon Dexter's Lab that was released by Adult Swim in early 2013. It was released as a result of pressure by /co/, twitter campaigners, and Reddit's "lost_films" sub-reddit, in a rare case of both 4chan and Reddit working together. Having a plot mainly consisting of the main characters cursing and swearing, the episode was made as a joke by the animators, although [ [Some Argue|some argue]] that it was made for TV. All this happened though, only because one brave anon /co/mrade decide to make a thread on /co/.

The search begins

#RudeRemoval and #telljeff

Bump/ad for #telljeff campaign:

Adult swim releases the damn thing, then chickens out

After a month of no word back from Adult Swim, many had assumed that Adult Swim was just lying about having the episode in the first place, possibly to get followers.

Then, in late Janruary 2013, the unthinkable (at least by /co/ standards) happened: Adult Swim announced that they would be putting the episode online "on tuesday" That tuesday, they actually released the video on their site and on youtube.

A few days later though, they made the video of the episode, and the bump unlisted, and made it private.