This is a page could easily be classified as a hate crime against a culture. Also, what was done to the user page of Owndapwn by staff, just made this a cyber terrorism attack website and can be shut down by the any one of the many counter cyber terrorism agencies. Is this real? Yes. Is it a stupid law? Yes, kinda. Will I manipulate this? Yes. And I will, unless you allow a pro-furry section to this page. Within reason (so long as the anti-furry section is not vandalized with pro-furry and vise versa.). Take your pick of pro/anti appears first. I started looking into this about a week ago. And I have pre-drafted an email to the US counter terrorism response team. If this is not accepted, I will send this email, and all of ED will be seized by the US government.
known as toastmonster on IRC
since i have nothing to contribute to society, i spend my days in #ed.
btw i has mods there
been trying to get better at wiki work
hit me up on facebook yo Scott Cahoon
apparently i hurt Stumbles's feelings somehow, please go tell him to stop being a faggot and to calm the fuck down nigger
[-+]Dropping Dox
when you connected to this network i employed a masked dcc send exploit that opened up port 7000 for any files sent from a host within 4-5 seconds without a user accept prompt
i immediately infected you with a custom trojan horse backdoor virus
i am now viewing your internet explorer history
i notice that your two most visited websites are 1) 4chan and 2)youjizz.com
i am also currently reading your gmail inbox
i can tell from your silence that you are now worried
you should be, since i now have remote access to your pc
i plan on using your host, in combination with an army of countless other pc's that i have established remote access
with this army of infected hosts, i will be sending packets to various internet relay chat servers as well as various personal hosts
i plan on lagging them to the point of an inability to maintain services
this is called a distributed denial of services attack from a botnet
once i am finished using your host to send packets out, i will create a large .txt file containing all your personal information that i have gathered from reading your gmail inbox, installing a keylogger to gather your personal online banking username and password and transitively your bank account number, routing number and PIN
i will save this .txt file to a sub-folder that i keep in my "documents" folder.
this sub-folder is used entirely to store the personal information of internet relay chat users that i have obtained the personal information of.
then, i will go on various popular internet relay chatrooms on popular internet relay chat networks and post your real name, phone number, home address, bank account number, routing number, PIN number and credit card number
once you see that i have distributed your personal information to the entirety of the internet relay chat sub-communities on various populated networks such as rizon, efnet and freenode you will start to panic and beg me for mercy
i will laugh heartily to myself, filled with the knowledge that the custom made trojan horse backdoor virus that allows me remote access to your computer provides me the ability to control your very technological existance
i will respond to you with a clever one-liner, in a public chatroom so that there is an audience to witness your oncoming destruction, and then i will proceed to format your hard-drive
you will quit IRC with one final message "connection reset my peer"
i will be applauded for destroying you so utterly and in such a dramatic and grandiose way
you will not recover, it will take you roughly 48 hours to re-install your entire operating system
you will realize that you lost the CD key to your operating system
and so it will take much longer than you expected
you will struggle to change all your bank account information before the internet community uses all the money in your checking account to purchase brazzers.com memberships
when you return to irc, you will be a bitter, broken and shattered individual
your personal information will be commonplace knowledge on the internet relay chatrooms you frequent
your loved ones will be constantly harassed by aggressive prank phone-calls
you will be have no money left in your checking account, all your money spent on brazzers.com memberships
realizing that your existance has been demolished to an extent that you never could have anticipated in your wildest nightmares
you go the bathroom mirror and stare back at the reflection
you do not recognize the man in the mirror
he is unshaven, emaciated, tired and broken
you take a straight-razor from the bathroom cabinet and slice your wrists to put an end to all the pain
as the red blood pours out of your wrists, for the first time in days you feel again
as you lie on the white tiled bathroom floor, crimson blood pooling by your body, you breathe out one final time
as your heart stops beating, one sole tear falls across your cheek
you are dead
your family is in ruins
this is called 'dropping dox'
so far the only signifigant work i have done is on the BLACK_MAN article
did some work on the Rucas. I've also done some clean up on the 40k article, with help from User:Irapotato
[-+]IRC Shenanigans
[20:19] <Kashiwaba_Tomoe> anyone else LOVE the sunday newspapers for the clothing ads ? Clipping out hte pics of the cute lolis in them
�9[~11:52:42~] �3***�9 Maniac �3(matty10101@7A4E4510.414D9CA5.C2870440.IP)�9 has Joined�3 �9<<46 Users>>�
[~11:53:01~] <Maniac> Do my eyes deceive me?
[~11:53:07~] <xaholic> wut
[~11:53:12~] <Maniac> Have i sucessfully logged onto the ED IRC?
[~11:53:17~] <xaholic> no
[~11:53:20~] <Maniac> oh damn.
[~11:53:28~] <xaholic> they moved to rizon
[~11:53:40~] <xaholic> also, sup Pierced?
[~11:53:48~] <Maniac> well i might just stay awhile for shits & giggles.
[~11:54:53~] <@Pierced> sup
[~11:55:08~] * Maniac was kicked by Pierced (Pierced�)
[~11:55:10~] <@Pierced> lol
[~11:55:12~] <toastmonster> lol
[~11:55:12~] <xaholic> lol�
<+robb> my father passed away suddenly on thursday, and insted of spending time with him durring his final days i was too busy flooding your gay ass channel cuz you faggots decided to ban me.
This entire article: BLACK_MAN
<+nstyr> I heard you're like hackers or something
<@paz> more like
<@paz> packers
<@paz> of fudge
[~22:52:42~] <xaholic> girl you must be a hydroponic grow system because i cant wait to introduce my seeds
[~21:52:16~] <@weev> ��I AM THE LAW.
[~22:04:23~] <Arguile> dlb is playing good cop to weev's homicidal cop
21:54 dan [07:04] <%KittyLoaf> i had a dream
21:54 dan [...]
21:54 dan [07:09] <%KittyLoaf> but yeah i got manhandled by a tentacle monster
21:54 dan [07:09] <%KittyLoaf> on the out side i was like nooooo
21:54 dan [07:09] <%KittyLoaf> on the inside i was like yesssss
00:04 kale wait
00:04 kale why am i paying to ban people?
00:04 kale i can ban whoever the fuck i want
00:04 PhoneEatingBear how much is it to ban kale?
00:04 PhoneEatingBear wait
00:04 PhoneEatingBear shit
�15[~21:12:51~] <g0sp> honestly like the coolest
�15[~21:13:06~] <g0sp> lawyer I ever knew was like the biggest dick and I think he was completely insane
�15[~21:13:23~] <g0sp> but the dude charged fuck you money per hour
�15[~21:13:30~] <g0sp> and worked on huge divorces
�15[~21:13:45~] <g0sp> basically his niche was trophy wives who were getting replaced by their rich husbands
�15[~21:13:51~] <g0sp> and getting all of their fucking money
�15[~21:14:09~] <g0sp> and i know if he saw this letter he would write fuck you on it in crayon
�15[~21:14:29~] <g0sp> and probably do something where they had to pay return international postage also
�15[~21:14:46~] <g0sp> these dudes also had guns and whiskey
�15[~21:14:49~] <g0sp> just out
�15[~21:15:11~] <g0sp> i guess the point is don't go to law school�
[~23:09:46~] <%Cunt_Destroyer> i am a gay queer and also a faggot
[~23:38:22~] <%elixir> scott cahoon is owner of the internets
22:42 EDS1 I told my mom I was having sex when I was 16 :x
22:43 EDS1 she was like
22:44 EDS1 I was like
22:44 EDS1 ..... My boyfriend plays WoW
[~16:06:28~] <scatteredsong> if apple made a dildo, well i'd probably buy it
[~16:06:34~] <+toastmonster> apple is for fags
[~16:06:38~] <+toastmonster> and they do make a dildo
[~16:06:41~] <+toastmonster> it's called an iphone
[~16:06:42~] <scatteredsong> really?
[~16:06:49~] <scatteredsong> doesn't fit well
[~16:06:57~] <Bonzi_Buddy> scattered
[~16:06:59~] <Bonzi_Buddy> that's only because
[~16:07:03~] <Bonzi_Buddy> when you buy an iDildo
[~16:07:10~] <Bonzi_Buddy> it's presumed that you have enough anal experience already
[~16:07:15~] <Bonzi_Buddy> that you can manage its dimensions
[~16:07:21~] <Bonzi_Buddy> if it "doesn't fit well"
[~16:07:26~] <Bonzi_Buddy> you haven't fagged out hard enough yet
[~16:07:29~] <Bonzi_Buddy> to graduate to apple products
[~18:14:50~] <renzo> who is on skype
[~18:14:51~] <renzo> right now
[~18:14:52~] <renzo> i
[~18:14:52~] <renzo> am
[~18:14:53~] <renzo> hella
[~18:14:57~] <renzo> drink
[~18:14:58~] <renzo> atm
[~18:15:02~] <+toastmonster> hella drink
[~18:15:09~] <renzo> toastmonster: i am so drinmkl
[~13:47:36~] <wit> [19:42] <toastmonster> sorry kale_ but eppigy is already taken the spot of "sex incarnate"
[~13:47:50~] <wit> can i have "sex inaccurate"?
[~13:48:06~] <@Snaisybelle> lol wit
[~13:48:30~] <@Snaisybelle> kale is "sex inadvisable"
[~13:48:56~] <wit> swear to god, i fire off in all directions
[~13:49:53~] <@Snaisybelle> :O
[~13:49:58~] <kale_> wait wut?
[~13:50:20~] <kale_> snaisy you know you want to know what it is like to ride on the kale_ train
[~22:39:58~] <gnol> i remember 13
[~22:39:59~] <gnol> cause of
[~22:40:01~] <gnol> 9/11
[~22:40:04~] <gnol> and they told us to remember
[~22:40:06~] <gnol> where we were
[~22:40:06~] <ptime> that was when
[~22:40:08~] <gnol> so i remember
[~22:40:10~] <ptime> I was in 4th grade?
[~22:40:41~] <ptime> my dad called the skool and told them not to say anything
[~22:40:50~] <ptime> I didn't find out until I got home
[~22:40:58~] <ptime> my dad and grandma were watching it on TV
[~22:41:20~] <ptime> so I went in the office and played MS Combat Flight Center all night