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Moar info: Tinal.

Tinal the not Fag

Tinal having a problem with gay marriage and g-lining fucking everybody. Even Kirt and Sparto

[01:16] <@Tinal> WHO HERE IS VOTING NO TO PROP 8!?
[01:16] <+netjester> acctually, no to prop 8!?
[01:16] * +Rom hugs
[01:16] <+dicks> i tried to get the good ol' testosterone rage goin', but nothin' doin' :(
[01:17] <+Shortcat> me
[01:17] <+ryot|opiates> no I dont wanan get beat up ;-;
[01:17] * +ryot|opiates crys
[01:17] <+polymorph> ryot|opiates: that's kinda what this was about. Let them get to know us, so they aren't homophobic later on :D
[01:17] <+Rom> nah nah
[01:17] <+AExodus> tinal: i am.
[01:17] <@Tinal> ?trace gline nick Shortcat duration 17y reason get out, fag lover
[01:17] * +Shortcat ( Quit (G-lined by Tinal)
[01:17] <+Rom> no no im not beating you up
[01:17] <@Tinal> ?trace gline nick AExodus duration 17y reason get out, fag lover
[01:17] * +AExodus ( Quit (G-lined by Tinal)
[01:17] <+dicks> oh shi-
[01:17] <+Rom> LOL
[01:17] <@Tinal> GAY MARRIAGE
[01:17] <@Tinal> IS FOR QUEERS
[01:17] <+netjester> is for queers 
[01:17] <+dicks> ...
[01:17] <+dicks> AIR
[01:17] <+Rom> LOL NETJESTER
[01:17] <+polymorph> rofl
[01:17] <+netjester> htlm lol hai my engine is like that pedophile in family guy 
[01:17] <+ryot|opiates> AIR JORDONS ARE FOR QUEERS
[01:17] <+dicks> IS FOR BREATHERS
[01:17] <+Rom> i remember air jordans
[01:17] <+Rom> remember mike
[01:18] <+Rom> he was awesome
[01:18] <@Tinal> Yes to Civil Unions
[01:18] <@Tinal> NO TO MARRIAGE
[01:18] <+terror> Tinal: i am
[01:18] <+Rom> number 23, and then 45
[01:18] <+dicks> ...elaborate tinal
[01:18] <+Rom> mike was a beat
[01:18] <+RAPEAPE> anaerobic
[01:18] <+dicks> i srsly want to know your thoughts behind this
[01:18] <+RAPEAPE> it's spelled anaerobic
[01:18] <@Tinal> ?trace gline nick terror duration 17y reason fag lover
[01:18] * @Kirtaner (Kirtaner@MANCUBUS.TITS) Quit (G-lined by Tinal)
[01:18] * +netjester ( Quit (G-lined by Tinal)
[01:18] * +terror ( Quit (G-lined by Tinal)
[01:18] * @Spardot (OBJECTION@shut.your.whore.mouth) Quit (G-lined by Tinal)

More of Tinal's homophobic ranting.

[01:19] <@Tinal> VOTE YES TO PROP 8
[01:19] <+JJ> rom send me buttons from obama
[01:19] <+Rom> michael jornan
[01:19] <@Tinal> PROTECT MARRIAGE
[01:19] <+dicks> then who was lamp
[01:19] <+ryot|opiates> Felix, all of them need to be slapped by raltionality
[01:19] <+Rom> yeah space jam
[01:19] <+dorkfish|isnotamused> dicks: That was Shaq, not Michael Jordan.
[01:20] <+polymorph> also, trump this ad in terms of lol'ziness ->
[01:20] <@Tinal> PROTECT MARRIAGE
[01:20] <+Flugnuts> SAME THING
[01:20] <@Tinal> VOTE YES TO PROP 8
[01:20] <@Tinal> PROTECT MARRIAGE
[01:20] <@Tinal> VOTE YES TO PROP 8
[01:20] <+dicks> tinal: why do you care about marriage?
[01:20] <+Felix> all of them need to be destroyed
[01:20] <+ryot|opiates> VOTE MAYBE ON PROP 8!
[01:20] * +Rom grabs polymorph's butt
[01:20] <+JJ> wait are you serious tinal?
[01:20] <+Felix> and thier churches
[01:20] <@Tinal> IT'S ADAM AND EVE
[01:20] <+polymorph> :O
[01:20] <@Tinal> NOT ADAM AND STEVE
[01:20] * +ryot|opiates beats up rom!
[01:20] <+Felix> their christian children
[01:20] <+Felix> and the bible
[01:20] <+ryot|opiates> GET AWAY FROM MY WOMAN!
[01:20] * +Rom cries
[01:20] <+Rom> ;_;
[01:20] <+ryot|opiates> WERE GOING TO HAVE LESBIAN BABIES!
[01:20] <+polymorph> o.o
[01:20] <+FutureDays> but eve was made by adam's rib
[01:20] <+FutureDays> therefore
[01:20] <+ryot|opiates> AND RAISE THEM TO KILL CHRISTAINS
[01:20] <+FutureDays> eve is another adam
[01:20] <+ryot|opiates> AND SPREAD AIDS
[01:20] * +Rom curls into a ball
[01:20] <+polymorph> ryot, i'm polyamorous. no one owns me, i fuck everyone :S
[01:20] <+ryot|opiates> NO I OWN YOU!
[01:20] * +polymorph hugs Rom 
[01:20] <@Tinal> JJ: GET OUT, FAG LOVER
[01:20] <+JJ> tinalare you being serious or just really ignorant
[01:20] <+ryot|opiates> SHELIA!
[01:20] <+Rom> :3
[01:20] <@Tinal> CIVIL UNIONS ARE OK
[01:20] <@Tinal> MARRIAGE IS NOT
[01:20] * +polymorph kisses rom on the cheek :3
[01:20] <+dicks> GODDAMNIT TINAL WHY
[01:21] <+JJ> im not a fag lover, im just normal
[01:21] <+ryot|opiates> I OWN YOU AND 20 OTHER WIVES
[01:21] <@Tinal> THAT I DON'T GOT
[01:21] <+Felix> I am a militant atheist becaus I want christianity neutralized
[01:21] <@Tinal> STOP GIVING THEM MORE
[01:21] <+JJ> i could care less what gays do, it doesnt concern me
[01:21] <+ryot|opiates> I ALSO OWN ROM
[01:21] <+ryot|opiates> HES ANOTHER ONE OF MY WIVES
[01:21] <+dicks> heil darwin
[01:21] <+ryot|opiates> you know every one here is my wife
[01:21] <+Rom> this is true
[01:21] <+polymorph> i'm not a fag lover, but my boyfriend's boyfriend is :D
[01:21] <+JJ> lol they are...
[01:21] <@Tinal> THEN
[01:21] <+Rom> i'm not a girl though im a man
[01:21] <@Tinal> FUCK GAY MARRIAGE
[01:21] <+ryot|opiates> well then i ll have to sissify you
[01:21] <+Felix> Vote agains't prop 8 even if it's none of your buisness because if you give the Christians what they want they're only going to want more and this will encourage them to persist it.
[01:21] <+Rom> tinal, would you kill a man
[01:21] <+dicks>, you're saying if you don't get marriage nobody does?
[01:22] <+dicks> dear god
[01:22] <+dicks> why is this making sense to me
[01:22] <+polymorph> yay, forced sissification :D
[01:22] * +Rom sissifies polymorph
[01:22] <+JJ> lol then who do you vote for tinal? ones a woman the others a negro
[01:22] <@Tinal> dicks: no where in the US constitution
[01:22] <+polymorph> too late rom =\
[01:22] <@Tinal> or in the california constitution
[01:22] <+dicks> hmmmm.....
[01:22] <+Rom> wtf is sissification
[01:22] <+dicks> you know,
[01:22] <@Tinal> does it guarantee straight marriage as being legal
[01:22] <+JJ> lol
[01:22] * AExodus ( has joined #420chan
[01:22] * FBI sets mode: +v AExodus
[01:22] <+dicks> i didn't see it that way before...
[01:22] <@Tinal> because it's inherently assumed
[01:22] <+JJ> so no marriage at all?
[01:22] <@Tinal> gays don't need special treatment
[01:22] <+dicks> that's a good point
[01:22] <+polymorph> ROFL! i found the best ad ever
[01:22] <@Tinal> and other races/women
[01:22] <+polymorph>
[01:22] <@Tinal> don't need special treatment
[01:22] <+Felix> Christianity needs to be silenced even if what those crazy cunts do isn't any of your buisness because if you keep letting them have their way it eventually will be.
[01:22] <@Tinal> WHAT DO I WANT?
[01:22] <@Tinal> WHITE RIGHT
[01:22] <@Tinal> S
[01:22] <@terror>
[01:22] <+FutureDays> Rom: gb2/del/
[01:23] <+dicks> what we really need is an amendment stating that any union between consenting adults is A-OK
[01:23] * +polymorph holds Rom 
[01:23] <@Tinal> WHEN DO I WANT THEM
[01:23] <@Tinal> NOW
[01:23] <+dicks> go you
[01:23] <+Flugnuts> Tinal, how does it feel to know that all gays will suffer eternally after they die?
[01:23] <+dicks> another good point
[01:23] <+dicks> black power is totally cool,
[01:23] <@Tinal> WITHOUT BEING A BIGOT
[01:23] <+dicks> but saying white power will get you jumped
[01:23] <+dicks> LOLDOUBLESTANDARD
[01:23] <+FutureDays> Tinal: Because that's not your country
[01:23] <+JJ> dicks thats a good idea
[01:23] <+ryot|opiates> Tinal, I acctually agree with you there.
[01:23] <+ryot|opiates> Its racist
[01:24] * +Rom squeezes polymorph so tight and farts
[01:24] <+dicks> wat
[01:24] <@Tinal> REVERSE RACISM
[01:24] <+polymorph> o.o
[01:24] <@Tinal> REVERSE BIGOTRY

Tinal is accused of trolling and he responds.

[01:24] <+Felix> lol u guyz
[01:24] * Shortcat ( has joined #420chan
[01:24] * FBI sets mode: +v Shortcat
[01:24] <+Felix> he's trollin
[01:24] <+Shortcat> niggerfaggot
[01:24] <@Tinal> SAYING THAT I DO
[01:25] <+JJ> k im out guys, 
[01:25] <@Tinal> LIKE NIGGERS, AND GAYS
[01:25] <+ryot|opiates> THEN WE'LL GET YOU ONE
[01:25] <@Tinal> AND WOMEN
[01:25] <+Shortcat> RAPE
[01:25] <+JJ> felix thats what i thought frm the begining
[01:25] <@Tinal> ryot|opiates: that is bigotry and racism though
[01:25] <+ryot|opiates> RAPE GAY NIGGER OMWN
[01:25] <@Tinal> according to the same groups
[01:25] <+Felix> He is trolling
[01:25] <+JJ> cause no one could be that ignoarant to facts haha
[01:25] <+Felix> trust me
[01:25] <@Tinal> who demand their own special sections
[01:25] <+Rom> ryot i wwant to massage you and your ass
[01:25] <+dicks> Tinal: yes, your points are valid, and i see the point of what you're doing, but you have to admit that in practicality the fuckwits would find a way to say that it means america is now a White Christian country
[01:25] <+polymorph> i know this is bad, but these prop 8 commercials are making me lol
[01:25] <+JJ> buhbye felix, rom, and my other homies
[01:25] <+ryot|opiates> or
[01:25] <+dicks> you don't know what these fuckers are like
[01:25] <+ryot|opiates> CANADAMERICA
[01:25] <+dicks> they're insane
[01:25] <+JJ> rom your still sendin me butans
[01:25] <+Felix> even if his arguements sound good, he's still trolling
[01:25] <+Rom> jj yea
[01:25] <+ryot|opiates> AMERICANADA CANADAMERICA!
[01:26] <+ryot|opiates> AMERICANADA CANADAMERICA!
[01:26] <+ryot|opiates> AMERICANADA CANADAMERICA!
[01:26] <+ryot|opiates> AMERICANADA CANADAMERICA!
[01:26] <+Rom> lemme get some cocks tonight
[01:26] <+Felix> that's how pathetic conservatives me
[01:26] <@Tinal> Felix: I am not trolling
[01:26] <+Felix> people troll as them
[01:26] <+JJ> that way i could wear a butan to skool and on my backpack
[01:26] <@Tinal> I am actually very against gay marriage
[01:26] <@Tinal> I support civil unions

Tinal is jealous of gay parades. Feel free to join them Tinal.

[01:35] <@Tinal> nobody should be allowed to dance naked in the streets
[01:35] <+dicks> civil unions strengthened or marriage for all,
[01:35] <@Tinal> and have their own parade
[01:35] * +Spunky ( has left #420chan
[01:36] <+Felix> no one is allowed to do that
[01:36] <@Tinal> because of sexual prefs
[01:36] <+dicks> but marriage for all is in the spotlight, and is the 'hottopic issue',
[01:36] <+Felix> well be naked
[01:36] <@Tinal> yet gays get it
[01:36] <@Tinal> and us straights do not
[01:36] <+dicks> so it will be the one 'fixed'
[01:36] <@Tinal> in a sense
[01:36] <+LoLDongs> gays dont diserve to live
[01:36] <@Tinal> the gays have rights we straights don't have
[01:36] <+dicks> i hate and fear the homosexual
[01:36] <@Tinal> so us straights should have rights
[01:36] <@Tinal> the gays don't have
[01:36] <+Felix> Straight parades aren't illegal tinal
[01:36] <+Felix> you can organize one of you want to
[01:36] <@Tinal> Felix: yet if they occured
[01:36] <+dicks> seriously, start one
[01:36] <@Tinal> they would be protested as bigotry
[01:36] <@Tinal> dicks: if i were to, i would be labelled a bigot

Tinal explains how he knows that in all cases, being gay is a choice by admitting that he had a boyfriend but he isn't gay anymore. lolwut

[01:43] <@Tinal> you aren't born gay
[01:43] <@Tinal> trust me, buddy
[01:43] <+Shitler> are you implying that when you fuck a woman
[01:43] <+Felix> yes you are
[01:43] <+Shortcat> gayz
[01:43] <+Insomniac> being white straight and male is supposed to be easy
[01:43] <@Tinal> no
[01:43] <+Insomniac> but we get such crap
[01:43] <+Shitler> you get the sensation that youre fucking your mom
[01:43] <@Tinal> it's a result of life experience
[01:44] <+Felix> no it's not
[01:44] <@Tinal> Felix: i am straight
[01:44] <@Tinal> but i dated a guy
[01:44] <+AExodus> dude, everyone's always disagreed on the issue of born with it or not, it's irrelevant.
[01:44] '''<@Tinal> for 5 years'''
[01:44] * +Shortcat cough
[01:44] <+Felix> that doesn't mean anything
[01:44] <+dorkfish|isnotamused> kirt?
[01:44] <+Shitler> no one's born straight either
[01:44] <@Tinal> what
[01:44] <@Tinal> no
[01:44] <+Felix> I was gay raised in a TOTALLY HOMOPHOBIC ENVIROMENT
[01:44] <+Shitler> i dont think when babies get shat out
[01:44] <+Felix> I finally realized I was gay when I was 16
[01:44] <+Shitler> they look at the hot nurse
[01:44] <+Shitler> and think
[01:44] <+dicks> gender is part biology and part enviroment
[01:44] <@Tinal> Felix: that is you acting out
[01:44] <+RAPEAPE> did you put your weiner in his mouth
[01:44] <+Shitler> "i'd hit that"
[01:44] <+dicks> saying otherwise is stupid
[01:44] <@Tinal> against the homophobia you were raised in
[01:44] * BringBackIan ( has joined #420chan
[01:44] * FBI sets mode: +v BringBackIan
[01:45] <+Felix> lol no it's not
[01:45] <+RAPEAPE> answer the question
[01:45] <@Tinal> i am willing to bet
[01:45] <+RAPEAPE> did you put your weiner in his mouth
[01:45] <+Shortcat> A co-worker of mine has two moms and he's a straight as hell metalhead D:
[01:45] <+LoLDongs> shitler everyone wants to fuck their mom
[01:45] <+Felix> I have no physical attraction to girl whatsoever
[01:45] * +Insomniac ( has left #420chan
[01:45] <+Felix> but men
[01:45] <+BringBackIan> so what are you queers thoughts on fable 2
[01:45] <+Felix> Oh bby
[01:45] <@Tinal> that if you were raised in a heterophobic environment
[01:45] <+Shitler> i dont want to fuck my mom...
[01:45] <+Shitler> freud was very wrong
[01:45] <@Tinal> that you would be straight
[01:45] <+LoLDongs> no he wasnt
[01:45] <+RAPEAPE> I want to fuck your mom
[01:45] <+LoLDongs> stop lying
[01:45] <+dorkfish|isnotamused> shortcat: are they hot?
[01:45] <+Shitler> my mom's 54
[01:45] <+BringBackIan> looks like the game as fable 1 imo
[01:45] <+Shitler> and not pretty
[01:45] <+dorkfish|isnotamused> or were they?
[01:45] <+RAPEAPE> i'm gonna slam your mom sideways
[01:45] <+Shortcat> dorkfish, yeah, for their age
[01:45] <+Felix> and I DID try HARD to be straight
[01:45] <+LoLDongs> shitler it doesnt matter
[01:45] <+dorkfish|isnotamused> fff
[01:45] <+Felix> but I was born gay so I couldn't be straight
[01:45] <+dorkfish|isnotamused> that would be awesome
[01:45] <+Shitler> i have no interest in sticking my dick in my mother
[01:46] <+LoLDongs> felix dont worry because your failure will not hurt humanity in anyway
[01:46] <+Shitler> no one here knows me, and im pretty open about everything else. why deny it?
[01:46] <+LoLDongs> because your too busy fucking dudes in the ass
[01:46] <+LoLDongs> instead of helping your race
[01:46] <+LoLDongs> you fucking queer
[01:46] <+Felix> you need to face the fact that you don't know shit about gay people unless you are surrounded them all the time or you are one of them
[01:46] <+AExodus> felix: put yourself in the position of adam for a second, ignore the religious context.
[01:46] <@Tinal> it's ok though
[01:46] <+Felix> just like black people
[01:46] <@Tinal> if you are born gay
[01:46] <@Tinal> that means
[01:46] <@Tinal> that one day
[01:46] <+Felix> troll harder tinal
[01:46] <+Shitler> LoLDongs is just a giant troll, right?
[01:46] <@Tinal> there will be no gays
[01:46] <+Felix> I mena loldongs
[01:46] <+Felix> you too though
[01:46] <+AExodus> do you think if the only person on earth was a beautiful woman, you wouldn't fall in love with her?
[01:46] <@Tinal> because out of sexual prefs
[01:46] * +JJ ( has left #420chan
[01:46] <@Tinal> they will cull themselves from the gene pool
[01:46] <+AExodus> and vice versa, if it was two men/two women?
[01:46] <@Tinal> and only straight genes will be left
[01:46] <+Felix> actually no
[01:47] <+dicks> tinal went from decent points to troll city
[01:47] <@Tinal> this alone
[01:47] <+dicks> and now he is mayor
[01:47] <+Shortcat> wow, you complain about loldongs trolling but everyone else is bullshitting just as much
[01:47] <+LoLDongs> lol
[01:47] <@Tinal> proves you can't be born gay
[01:47] <+LoLDongs> actually shortcat
[01:47] <+LoLDongs> everything i have said
[01:47] <+LoLDongs> is me
[01:47] <+Felix> lol homosexuality isn't passed down through genes
[01:47] <+Felix> wow

Tinal being not gay.

[02:16] <@Tinal> Felix: i don't like the cock
[02:16] <@Tinal> or men
[02:17] <+RockMeAmadeus> that is closed mindedness
[02:17] <@Tinal> I particularily enjoy the company of women
[02:17] <+Felix> uhuh
[02:17] <@Tinal> and prefer it
[02:17] <+deadatom> im high
[02:17] <@Tinal> I would never have sex with a guy
[02:17] <+Felix> I doubt you ever had a boyfriend
[02:17] <+LoLDongs> felix we are all trolling when we say anything
[02:17] <+LoLDongs> i dont like fish
[02:17] <+RockMeAmadeus> deadatom: join the debate
[02:17] <+LoLDongs> oh man im trolling
[02:17] <+Felix> you're making him up for the sake of trolling
[02:17] <+RockMeAmadeus> is tinal a troll or not?
[02:17] <+Felix> he's a troll
[02:17] <@Tinal> one sec
[02:17] <@Tinal> while i link to my LJ
[02:17] <+LoLDongs> apparently fags are also born paranoid as fuck
[02:17] <+Felix> he was talking to sparto about it this afternoon
[02:17] <+dorkfish|isnotamused> lol livejournal
[02:18] <+RockMeAmadeus> considering that sparto always calls him a fag
[02:18] <+LoLDongs> lol he has an LJ hes definately ex gay
[02:18] <+RockMeAmadeus> I'm going to assume that he was...
[02:18] <@Tinal>
[02:18] <+RockMeAmadeus> because she says it SO often
[02:18] <@Tinal> i haven't updated it
[02:18] * Retrieving #420chan modes...
[02:18] <@Tinal> in about 4 years
[02:18] <+LoLDongs> rock your making that up to troll felix
[02:18] <@Tinal> since i broke up with my exboyfriend

Tinal admits to being a furfag.

[02:18] <+Felix> catgirl?
[02:18] <+LoLDongs> republicans christians muslims and everyone who doenst like gays
[02:18] <+LoLDongs> are trolling
[02:18] <+Felix> whos lj is that?
[02:18] <@Tinal> MINE
[02:19] <+Felix> catgirl
[02:19] <@Percolator_Fish> i'm an atheist against same sex attraction
[02:19] <+Shitler> then you're an idiot
[02:19] <+Felix> so your PUBLIC livejournal is called catgirl?
[02:19] <+LoLDongs> tinal apparently had a 9th degree rainbow fagbelt
[02:19] <+Felix> +ninja?
[02:19] <@Tinal> YES
[02:19] <+LoLDongs> me too fish
[02:19] <@Tinal> my even older handle
[02:19] <@Tinal> was Rubber_Ninja
[02:19] <@Tinal> and then i was really into anime catgirls for awhile
[02:19] * Opionomous_ ( has joined #420chan
[02:19] * FBI sets mode: +v Opionomous_
[02:19] <+LoLDongs> nvm he had a 10th degree
[02:20] <+RockMeAmadeus> ...
[02:20] <@Tinal> i have chatlogs on cd somewhere
[02:20] <@Tinal> you realize that when i say
[02:20] <+RockMeAmadeus> you know...
[02:20] <@Tinal> that i used to be gay, i actually
[02:20] <@Tinal> used to be gay
[02:20] <+RockMeAmadeus> saying that kirt made you not a fag...
[02:20] <+RockMeAmadeus> makes me have even more respect for the man now
[02:20] <+LoLDongs> no tinal youve been trolling for so long with it
[02:20] <+LoLDongs> youve made it all up
[02:20] <@Tinal> RockMeAmadeus: if not for kirt
[02:20] <+LoLDongs> and are deluded
[02:20] <+Felix> You are either bi or a suppressed homosexual or you thought you were gay
[02:20] <@Tinal> i would've probably committed suicide
[02:21] <@Tinal> Felix: i don't think you can really do what i used to
[02:21] <+LoLDongs> felix believe it or not people change
[02:21] <@Tinal> and just think you are gay
[02:21] <+Shitler> indeed, i used to have no interest in cock or drugs
[02:21] <@Tinal> LoLDongs: people don't change, experience shapes who they are
[02:21] <+Felix> I don;t believe your LJ (CATGIRL-NINJA) is yours
[02:21] <+RockMeAmadeus> just because you switched teams
[02:21] <+Felix> or that you ever had a boyfriend

Tinal mentions that he has some old chatlogs and is apparently going batshit insane

[02:21] <@Tinal> you probably don't believe that i used to be a furry either
[02:21] <@Tinal> and that i have chatlogs of myself as catgirl ninja
[02:22] <+LoLDongs> i used too be a furry weeaboo
[02:22] <+Felix> send them
[02:22] <@Tinal> having cybersex with my ex boyfriend
[02:22] <+Felix> as proof
[02:22] * +Opionomous|sleep ( Quit (Ping timeout�)
[02:22] <+LoLDongs> chatlogs are never proof
[02:22] <+Felix> I want to see them then I'll belive you
[02:22] <@Tinal> even if i posted them
[02:22] <@Tinal> you would not believe me
[02:22] <+Felix> No, I would
[02:22] <@Tinal> daddy
[02:22] * FBI sets mode: +l 91
[02:22] <@Tinal> tell this fool how messed up i used to be
[02:22] <+Felix> trust me, I would
[02:22] <@Tinal> you remember the old me
[02:22] <+CHAIRMAN_RAPEAPE> He was terribly messed up until he found christ
[02:22] <+RockMeAmadeus> I believe your "experience" to be true
[02:22] <+CHAIRMAN_RAPEAPE> and then I fixed him sort of
[02:23] <+Felix> I'm not a liar I would believe you are being sincere if you sent me these chatlogs
[02:23] <+RockMeAmadeus> but I believe your take on it to not be
[02:23] <+Shitler> Why can't we have Russian Roulette between world leaders instead of war?
[02:23] <@Tinal> daddy, remember that phonecall?
[02:23] <+CHAIRMAN_RAPEAPE> I ran defag and checkdics
[02:23] <@Tinal> 4 years ago
[02:23] <+CHAIRMAN_RAPEAPE> Sure don't
[02:23] <+Felix> are you typing them here?
[02:23] <+LoLDongs> why do you call him daddy
[02:23] <+Felix> upload them

Jew Rage

Nobody likes Tinal :<

18:01 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> yes he is
18:01 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> No one likes tinal
18:02 <+FutureDays> Nyahgis_: They're basically poor because of the server's bills
18:02 <+Gentletoker> brb getting dox
18:02 <@Kirtaner> 01:48:43 <Tinal> How nice, if I'd done what she did to /weed/
18:02 <@Kirtaner> 01:48:52 <Tinal> I could've expected a total bitchout
18:02 <@Kirtaner> 01:48:54 <Tinal> from the both of you
18:02 <@Kirtaner> 01:50:04 <Tinal> And to think, I spent the last dollars I didn't have, to have you guys come down here, and you have the audacity to say I didn't give you enough money
18:02 <@Kirtaner> 01:50:42 <Tinal> I can only say sorry for having to goto work so many times, yet I get bitched out for that
18:02 <@Kirtaner> 01:51:44 <Tinal> and you still totally ignore my existance whenever I want to talk to you
18:02 <@Kirtaner> 01:52:28 <Tinal> I don't see the point in my trying to defend myself if doing so ends in her completely ignoring me like you do, or being flooded out
18:02 <@Kirtaner> 01:53:25 <Tinal> You tie my hands and then hit me with sticks
18:02 <@Kirtaner> 01:53:38 <Tinal> While I give you everything I can spare
18:02 <@Kirtaner> 01:54:09 <Tinal> she /kills me all the time, yet it's me who loses their oline when they do the same
18:02 <@Kirtaner> 01:54:54 <Tinal> yanno what, fuckit, you're only gonna get a laugh out of this, and i'm gonna read sparto lolling about it in #420chan later
18:02 <@Kirtaner> 01:55:03 <Tinal> thanks for showing me even half the kindness and respect i've tried to show you
18:02 <@Kirtaner> 02:02:16 <Tinal> you can have access to my paypal again once you've decided to grow up, treat me decently, and show me even half the trust i've shown you and let me be admin in more than name
18:02 <@Kirtaner> 02:02:49 <Tinal> depending on how you react to this, i might actually leave the money in it, alone
18:02 <@Kirtaner> 02:03:54 <Tinal> i am now going to bed, non-reply will be seen as a "fuck you" and i will react negatively from there
18:02 <+mehx> Kirtaner: take the site off line, get rid of tinal, get shit prioritized
18:02 <+Felix> wow
18:02 <+Felix> talk about depenency issues
18:03 <+Felix> *dependency
18:03 <+DerHawk> If you need help I'd be willing to help
18:03 <+Gentletoker> OH WOW
18:03 <+Gentletoker> THAT'S GOLDEN
18:03 <+Felix> someone save that 
18:03 <+Gentletoker> Sav'd
18:03 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> what a lying shit head
18:03 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> yeah
18:03 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> do save it
18:03 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> that's pure comedy gold
18:03 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> he's just butthurt that everyone hate him
18:03 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> and no one sticks up for him
18:03 <+Gentletoker> PROTIP: If you have dox, please be in the sharing mood
18:03 <@Kirtaner> want his cell number
18:03 <+Gentletoker> if you want
18:04 <+mehx> Prosecutor`Spardot: maybe nightwing can put that in his next manuscript
18:04 <+mehx> fucking tool
18:04 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> I don't think giving out tinal's cell is a good idea.
18:04 <+Gentletoker> Why's that
18:04 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> Just because
18:04 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> It is Tinal
18:04 <+Felix> give out his work number to be meaner
18:04 <+Gentletoker> beacauuuuuuse
18:04 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> As much of a faggot as he is
18:04 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> I'd rather him not get raided.
18:04 <+Felix> yeah
18:04 <@Kirtaner> well he works at party packagers in kitchener, ontario
18:05 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> ^
18:05 <+Gentletoker> unless they have the listing of they personel that does shit for me
18:05 <+KlaY> why would you tell people that?
18:05 <+Gentletoker> because I'm a masshole
18:05 <+Felix> I feel like such a pussy talking shit about him now. But whatever. 
18:05 <+KlaY> not you, Kirtaner
18:05 <@Kirtaner> why not
18:05 <+Gentletoker> not a canafuck
18:05 <+KlaY> whatever
18:05 <+Felix> it's hard to bottle it up :B
18:06 <+Wubby> Kirt, take Sparto, shut down 420chan, and become the next Bonnie and Clyde on a drug induced crime spree across Canada and America. Because fuck it.
18:06 <+m0rph> goddamn i go to smoke a bowl and i miss some shit
18:06 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> I'd rather do something..productive
18:06 <+FutureDays> work at TNA
18:06 <+Gentletoker> Well from what I know about Tinal is that he bitches like a fucking faggot
18:06 <+FutureDays> get drugs
18:06 <+FutureDays> ????
18:06 <+Gentletoker> and he's a furfag
18:06 <+FutureDays> WRESTLE
18:06 <+Felix> you two are cool folks though
18:06 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> thanks. :I
18:06 <+mehx> go back to school?
18:06 <+Gentletoker> The fact that he's a furfag is reason enough for me to fuck with him
18:06 <+mehx> get jobs?
18:06 <+Goggle> i'd probably bitch as much as Tinal does if i'd sunk as much money as he has   into this place
18:06 <+Felix> I don't need 420 chan to survive, if you need to shut it down then do it
18:07 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> uh
18:07 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> goggle
18:07 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> he hasn't punked any money into 420chan
18:07 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> in a long time
18:07 <+Goggle> oh
18:07 <+m0rph> I'll miss 420chan a lot if it's gone though
18:07 <+Felix> meh
18:07  * feem punks Prosecutor`Spardot 
18:07  * Prosecutor`Spardot sigh
18:07 <+Felix> make yo own chan KAY?
18:07 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> :/
18:07 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> Feem I'm going to off myself
18:07 <+mehx> oh god please no
18:07 <+Felix> x<
18:07 <+mehx> who will i talk to
18:07 <+Goggle> can i help?
18:07 <+Gentletoker> I'm friends with the owner of fapchan
18:07 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> :(
18:07 <+Gentletoker> funny guy
18:07 <+KlaY> I dunno I just think if you consider him a friend, you should put up with his butthurtness, we all get a little irrational at times
18:08 <+DerHawk> can I watch?
18:08 <+Gentletoker> Sparto smoke moar
18:08 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> klay we do
18:08 <+Gentletoker> see
18:08 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> which is why I said not to give out his dox
18:08 -!- hayyo [opera@] has left #420chan []
18:08 <@Kirtaner> KlaY: he's my best friend if that puts into perspective ho0w much of a baby i think he is atm
18:08 <+Felix> I understand how difficult it is to handle your friend's bullshit. I've had to do that before too.
18:08 -!- Defendant`Redial [afdhgahd@] has quit [Ping timeout]
18:08 <+Felix> It's hard but...there's like a limit you know.
18:09 <+KlaY> well sometimes you just gotta work with your friends when they are acting like that, just showing hostility won't help, at least in my experience
18:09 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> it's fine guys, we're prolly breaking up and I'm going back home.
18:09 -!- Sobe_Static [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
18:09 <+KlaY> then again, you know the guy better than anyone
18:09 <+KlaY> so you probably know what to do
18:09 <+Goggle> this place is just so fucking CHEERY
18:09 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> only been like a year..almost a year and a half.
18:09 <+Goggle> god i need some booze
18:09 -!- mode/#420chan [+l 115] by FBI
18:09 <+Wubby> How much have the ad's helped when it comes paying 420chan?
18:09 <+mehx> Prosecutor`Spardot: he's a nice guy, why would you break up with him?
18:10 <+FutureDays> Wubby: Not much, since almost nobody clicks them
18:10 <+Felix> she knows him more than you do
18:10 <+Gentletoker> I have an idea
18:10 <+Gentletoker> PLAN X: Give 420chan control over to PN for a while
18:10 <+deus> free /weed/ internet should be FREE!!
18:10 <+FutureDays> Gentletoker: Not in the modd.
18:10 <+FutureDays> mood.
18:10 <+DerHawk> Darnit, my thumb nail broke
18:10 <+KlaY> I'd click them if they didn't fuck up my browser
18:10 <+FsM> I dont hate sparto because she is a female in a position of power, I hate her because she spreads dirty lies
18:10 <+KlaY> and keep appearing every god damn 3 clicks
18:10 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> because I don't really think or feel like Kirt is the person for me
18:10 <+KlaY> its still happening
18:10 <+Popcorn> At the same time, lets also inact plan 99 from outerspace and has a gay orgy.
18:11 <+Felix> I wonder how many people that got permabanned on 420chan would be willing to pay like $20 to get unbanned
18:11 <+mehx> :|
18:11 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> I don't like being in relationships in the first place.
18:11 <+KlaY> have you arranged somewhere to live back in america?
18:11 <+KlaY> and a job
18:11 <+mehx> produce asexually
18:11 <+deus> Felix: thats premium
18:11 <+Goggle> got a way to get back yet?
18:12 <+KlaY> get smuggled back in a boot for maximum savings
18:12 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> I did
18:12 <+Felix> there's a lot of people who give enough of a shit about themselves to want to pay money to be able to Tripfag
18:12 -!- NSA [] has quit [fuck you all, goodbye]
18:12 -!- FBI [] has quit [fuck you all, goodbye]
18:12 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> and I can
18:12 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> uh oh
18:12 <+Goggle> woo
18:12 <+Wubby> A mouth and thumb has helped plenty of females get to locations in the past.
18:12 <+Goggle> here comes more fun
18:12 <@Prosecutor`Spardot> in b4 irc gets shut down
18:12 <+FutureDays> ANARCHY
18:12 <+feem> wait what
18:12 <+FutureDays> SODOMISM
      --- Log closed Wed Nov 05 18:12:43 2008 (IRC Server is disconnected, presumably by Tinal)