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Talk:That Guy With The Glasses

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This is pure gold for anyone who wishes to point out how fucked up the relationship between Tv Tropes and TGWTG is. Heiness 09:27, 27 April 2011 (UTC)

I think that the TGWTG rejects should be gotten rid of or at least shortened to clean it up as they not really worth talking about--Conie 19:20, 5 May 2011 (UTC)

Yeah and the Angry Joe section is way too long as well. Heiness

Third Year Anniversary Update

Found here Will this exciting teaser surpass Kickassia or will it not be made at all, since it would "take a while to do"? Heiness

Deleting Rejects

Getting rid of this whole section as they aren't really worth noting and are just a waste of space. If anyone has any objections to it just undo the edit.--Conie 15:22, 13 June 2011 (UTC)

Probably a good idea. Need to focus on how pathetic the ones that are actual members are, since many of 'em are getting worse fast. -Nano 12:47, 18 June 2011 (UTC)
Sadly I've spoken to one of those rejects before, that is Don East. He would probably be more lulzworthy if he was more known, but nonetheless I agree with removing the section.--Shitfacedcockmasta 23:55, 19 June 2011 (UTC)

Suburban Knights?

Good lord...these fucktards are making ANOTHER "Movie"? -Nano 19:14, 29 June 2011 (UTC)

  • And it's more boring than Kickassia, believe it or not. Heiness 07:31, 1 July 2011 (UTC)

Diamanda Hagan

The new contributor to tgwtg. It looks like she reviews exploitation/pornography while wearing Juggalette paint and screaming. Run-of-the-mill fail, really, but still not as unfunny as certain other reviewers. Would it be worth it to give her a section? Oytes 11:22, 12 July 2011 (UTC)Oytes

If you think you can get any good jokes out of that, then go with my blessing --Gseed 04:06, 13 July 2011 (UTC)

Cleanup Effort

Would it not be a little easier to add subpages to this article for everybody associated? It would clean up of the page easier. The only problem is they'd be shitty stubs but they would probably be expanded over time. --Mercylesstrollin 20:45, 21 August 2011 (UTC)

  • The natural split would be separate articles for Blistered Thumbs and Inked Reality. Beyond that, we just need better moderation. Keep in mind that they're such marketing sluts that many of them do, in fact, add stuff to this page (no such thing as bad publicity, right?). Feel free to delete boring stubs that don't detail any real drama.

Also, Angry Joe did have his own article, but it got lost during the transition. Splitting it back to its own page should be fine. SuicideTwins 20:04, 31 August 2011 (CEST)

Busy Street pussied out, deleted fucking everything

It's kind of sad that it took over three months for this news to make its way here, but The Busy Street is no more. The owner purged the entire site and started over. If you see any links, change it to an internet archive if possible. Thanks. SuicideTwins 00:54, 20 February 2012 (EST)

Cleanup Effort (again)

This page has way the fuck too many people that are more or less irrelevant to the subject matter, and the page is so big people can't edit it. Most of this stuff as said above is added in for publicity. I think every user who's not directly involved with drama be removed. If anybody has any objections or preferences please say something now because as it stands removal is the only thing that can help this page. Personally I would say

  • Film Brain
  • MikeJ
  • Obscurus Lupus Lupa
  • Phelous
  • PushingUpRoses
  • Rap Critic
  • Todd In The Shadows (TITS)
  • Welshy
  • Merging The Chick with the Goggles ex section with her section in the whore-off thing
  • Kickassia fanboy section
  • Trolling Kicakssia fanboy section
  • The butt buddy section (Most of this is just attempts at trying to add irrelevant other articles people wrote in without any actual correlation)

Could all stand to be removed. Not saying they all should be. Most of them are sub-sections. Mike the Great (talk) 23:14, 10 May 2012 (EDT)


Should Nash be mentioned? Unlike everyone else, he seems to be made of win.  — Preceding comment added by Eunacis (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

Nothing is made of win. We hate everything equally here. Also most of those queerbos got removed since it read like a wikipedia article, and was only up there for advertisement and put by TGWTG staff, or at their request. If there were any actual drama (like with Spoony), that would be worth adding. Mike the Great (talk) 18:17, 10 July 2012 (EDT)

To Boldly Flee

These fucktards wasted more money on another movie. And I think it's been released for a while now. Someone should torture themselves into watching this worthless movie and putting "details" of it on the page. The Chizz (14:03 Aug 9 2012)


[[1]] He's quitting Demo Reel because not even his aspie drone fans like that shit fest and since he'll never get a real job again after that childish "I quiet" fuck you to his boss he's going back to the critic. Also he apparently spent $200,000 on production for Demo Reel, I have no link for that, I just heard it from a few places. Izme 07:56, 23 January 2013 (EST)

>I quiet
What the fuck am I reading. --Gseed 13:52, 23 January 2013 (EST)

Quieting=Me is dyslexic

For fucks sake, is anything from TGWTG not a fucking waste of money? All that money could've gone to better things. IcyNickers 21:18, 25 January 2013 (EST)

Angry Joe

Although he's one of the tards from TGWTG that no one should give a fuck about, I still think that he deserves to have his own page and/or place on the Video Game Reviewers article. IcyNickers 11:38, 31 January 2013 (EST)

doug in porn?

lmao, just listen to his voice. Dubib 04:37, 18 February 2013 (EST)


Why has the cleaning up notice bar, in this article removed? — Preceding comment added by El Hombre Que Mierda Mismo. (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

Because this article has been through a lot and right now looks as good as it gets. --Gseed 01:44, 17 July 2013 (EDT)

Doug's stupidity

One of their cast members for the new NC has left and was replace but Doug was fucking stupid and deleted his own episode. — Preceding unsigned comment added by jarron (talkcontribs)

Jew Wario

He was found dead in his bathroom on Jan 25. He killed himself with a pistol. --WeeabooHunter 15:27, 26 January 2014 (EST)

About cleaning up this page

Like it or not, the Doug bregrade are very promident online and unfortunately, it doesn't look like his shitty website is going away any time soon. For a site that is very's active and generates a lot of content, drama and rumours do you think the page should just be about the site's history, the yearly movies and more of a hub for the rest of the site's content like maybe get rid of the previous site reviewer's section and make it it's own section since it has enough content for it's own page and make a a page for the current site reviewers. TGWTG related content is very spotted and non existent on ED Izme 18:55, 25 June 2014 (EDT)

Removed crap

<center>'''Spoiler: the [[duh|MG is the Power Glove]].'''</center>
[[File:Morbidlyobese.PNG|thumb|right|Asalieri (Eric Gaede),<br>Deepthroat.]]

CobaltCat 05:19, 23 July 2014 (EDT)


Since TGWTG is a giant SJW hugbox, a lot of it's members are currently on a campaign against GamerGate, with the biggest ones being Todd In The Shadows, Nostalgia Chick (Who is friends with Anita Sarkeesian and is working on a project with her), and Rap Critic. Yes, fucking Rap Critic of all people. --LoverOfBats 02:36, 31 October 2014 (EDT)

  • On an added note, Todd In The Shadows actually attacked a guy who had a Wario Hat avatar thinking it was a JewWario symbol, and said that JewWario would never support GamerGate. It shortly lead to a lot of fighting between Todd, GG supporters, and TGWTG white knights. --LoverOfBats 02:40, 31 October 2014 (EDT)