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This is rather obviously a fairly mean-spirited attack article made by Sailormoonred1's self-appointed arch-nemesis, TheCuteChong. It's not very well-written or even very funny, mainly relying on 'LOL DUANE IS CHRIS-CHAN' jokes every other sentence. While I'd say that Duane does deserve an ED article, if only for documenting how odd he is, he is also fairly inoffensive and harmless. He's not Chris-chan. He's just a retard who likes to play with dolls on YouTube. There is nothing malicious about him and picking on him, while easy, is not dignified. - Cleveland Bay II - Return Of Cleveland Bay 21:05, 30 September 2011 (CEST)

That it's mean spirited isn't necessarily a problem, that it's an unfunny "Lol look how we trolled this retard XD" without anything funny going on is. --MeetTheMedic 17:18, 26 November 2011 (CET)
Holy fuck, what the hell does this page even say. Either way, I'm all for deleting this. --Enig of Norway - Talk Haus 17:48, 20 February 2012 (EST)
  • What is this crap? oddguy 23:51, 15 February 2013 (EST)