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This is all I've written so far about this retard, but I'll be expanding on this later, adding new images and links as I dig them up, but a lot of stuff seems to have been deleted over the times. --CastleBravo 08:55, 21 August 2011 (UTC)

Everyone, I think that Anon979 or whatever his name is Nico, as well.--Bwinbwin 10:18, 21 August 2011 (UTC)

Are these relevant to your interests?

--Moltard24 13:49, 21 August 2011 (UTC)

Excellent grabs there, the first one I'll try to fit in later, the rest got added. --CastleBravo 15:08, 21 August 2011 (UTC)
He has also posted Zelda lolicon, but I'm hesitant to post a link to it. --Moltard24 16:21, 21 August 2011 (UTC)
You can link to whatever you want. Equivamptalk(Troll me here) 16:28, 21 August 2011 (UTC)
Here goes. NSFW --Moltard24 16:32, 21 August 2011 (UTC)
Added to the article. Most likely right now he can't see this, something probably to do with ED, but that gives us plenty of time to pile up crap on him. I'd especially target his pedophile streak for more lulz. --CastleBravo 17:01, 21 August 2011 (UTC)
More of his Zelda porn--one loli image not yet featured in the article, the rest exploit adult characters. Suppose they won't help in the "pedophile" section, but perhaps something else could be done with them.--Tealwalnut 18:23, 24 August 2011 (UTC)

Nicochi isn't a pedophile, he's a hebephile. Pedophilia is a preference in newborns - ten-year-olds, which can't be Nicochi because the so-called "art" he made includes young girls with breasts, if small, so he's a hebephile, which is an interest in eleven-year-olds - fourteen-year-olds. Just thought I'd mention. --Telltalesigns

How's anyone who's just reading the article supposed to know what a hebephile is? Last I checked, many pedophiles are also turned on by pre-teens as well as lolis and/or shotas. You're using strange words that no one knows, that might as well mean the same thing. So, I move that we change hebephile back to pedophile.--HyperPeanut 13:18, 29 August 2011 (CEST)
Well, we could just edit in what a hebephile is, or leave a link. But why keep a factual inaccuracy? --TelltaleSigns 13:39, 29 August 2011 (CEST)
EDIT: This link, perhaps? --TelltaleSigns 13:47, 29 August 2011 (CEST)
You realize that ED is not about facts, it's about drama and lulz. If you want facts than go to TOW. And putting the definition to hebephile in the article would only be cluttering it with crap that doesn't need to be there. As I've said before, hebephile and pedophile are practically the same thing, only everybody knows what a pedophile is. Hebephile on the other hand, I had never heard of before you put it in the article. I had to google it, to find the definition. Even if you did include the definition(or even a link to the definition) in the article, people would read the definition only to find that it might as well just be a synonym for pedophile. So, for the sake of convenience, I say just change it back to pedophile.--HyperPeanut 14:50, 29 August 2011 (CEST)
Agreed, trying to be too pc. At any rate, pedophilia doesn't stop at 10 year olds. The definition is generally age 13 or younger, making the term hebephile a subcategory that pedophile already covers. So firstly using pedophile isn't incorrect, and secondly it's a more widely understood and lulzy term. --Tealwalnut 16:27, 29 August 2011 (CEST)
Oh, and not to sound like a total neckbeard, but in Legend of Zelda: OoT, the Kokiri(which are what was depicted in that comic) don't age past childhood. Even though he drew them looking older, it's still practically admitting that he was attracted to them as children. If he didn't find them sexually attractive beforehand, than he wouldn't have drawn them like that in the first place.--HyperPeanut 13:31, 29 August 2011 (CEST)
Never really seen that term used before, but I guess since it's a sensitive issue it's best to stay as correct as possible. Anyway as I tried not to look on those pictures I mostly saw what seemed to be breasts mounted onto girls who otherwise look like they barely passed ten, same for Link. But whatever, still pretty sick shit. --CastleBravo 20:28, 27 August 2011 (CEST)
I have, but it's only in academic/scientific settings. People look down at hebephiles too, and colloquially they are called "pedophiles" just like true pedophiles are also called "pedophiles." It's better to have the ED page call him a pedophile. OlaVanko 20:18, 18 September 2011 (CEST)

Some other things

I remembered a section on AKR's page (old ED) about Nicochi harassing someone on a different forum, but that was deleted since it wasn't focused on AKR. I took only a few shots from Nicochi's posts, but there's absolute proof that the sockpuppet was him. [1]

Luckily, that topic still exists. Drama starts at the bottom.

There's also a case where even one of his supporters got blocked by him. The reason? Because he dared to disagree with him. He is still a supporter.

And just for curiosity, a comment before he deactivated his accounts. The comments weren't hidden before...

Then there's this comment string --Moltard24 22:00, 22 August 2011 (UTC)

It was that exchange that led to him going back to his page, blocking everyone that was involved so they couldn't reply, and then posting miles and miles of lies.--Grakk 01:18, 28 August 2011 (CEST)

The two comments from the bottom are currently hidden. Gee, I wonder why. --Moltard24 13:10, 25 August 2011 (UTC)

Hey I'm new here, but I've had some pictures of some of the stuff this creepy ass has said not too long ago. So would someone be so kind as to add these to his ED page? If those are annoying here are direct links. Uno Dos Tres Quatro Cinco Seis Siete. If I replied to this wrong, I'm sorry but I haven't gotten use to this format yet. And before I forget, I also downloaded Somanic's last journal as a webpage hopefully you should still be able to view most of the stuff on there. Here's another for anyone who missed the string of comments from kuta's journal about Nicochi.NovaArc90 22:38, 24 August 2011

nicochi deactivated his accounts himself, not a hacker, as evidenced by one of his friends --Tealwalnut 05:27, 28 August 2011 (CEST)

He admits it here. For someone who likes to dish it out, he sure can't take it. --Grakk 00:45, 29 August 2011 (CEST)


I hope you all remember that he's still using the Anon and AerobianAngel accounts (the fake copy of Aerobian-Angel).--Bwinbwin 08:52, 23 August 2011 (UTC)

Has it been noted yet that the fake AerobianAngel account on deviant was deactivated shortly after nicochi's account deactivations?--Tealwalnut 17:07, 24 August 2011 (UTC)

Okay, I'll take it here, then, if you really want me to.

Let's pick up where we left off, shall we?:

Yes, you posted a similar screenshot on Anon947's profile. Also, you forgot to post the original link in your message. You do realise who this is, right? --Bwinbwin 09:03, 23 August 2011 (UTC) Happy now?

Mh, like I said, I saw this on dA. You do realise why people have a problem with Nicochi, right? We didn't hack him... not to my awareness, and I know quite a few people here. He deactivated them himself as far as we're concerned - if he was, I'm pretty sure it wasn't us. If he didn't say half the things he said, we wouldn't have bothered with any of this. I don't see why you're all so upset about this page, to be honest. He deserves it for being an eccentric and for not being as nice as he could have been. He's a great artist, we all know that, but he's also a pedofile and an asshole. As for your 'Nico doesn't care' argument... if he doesn't care, why should you? Furthermore, why does this page matter to you? Or is it because it pushed him off the face of the Internet? You know, apart from his sockpuppets?--Bwinbwin 09:13, 23 August 2011 (UTC)

But you people, or rather, far too many of your "associates" felt the need to attack and troll Nicochi on his page, his art, his journals, even. Because he dared to express an opinion. When he defended himself, people couldn't handle the fact that they were in the wrong here, and eventually, it led to butthurt people running to the people here and asking them to write an article on the dreaded Nicochi, he who dares express the opinions he has the right to hold.He hasn't even been proven to be a pedophile by you, all you have a couple screenshots where he flat-out denies being one, and clarifies his thoughts, and another where he makes an argument that makes complete sense and you didn't even post the counter-argument to, if there was one. To be frank, I'm only posting here because I'm bored and I'm feeling far too tired and lazy to do anything productive. But I care, because I'm not Nicochi, and although he might not realise it, but the more people read articles like this that are full of bullshit propaganda against him and his followers, the more people do not take his arguments as valid, the more trouble it creates on the whole, etc, etc. It's bad business all-around. --This was added by AerobianAngel, who is too much of a fucking retard to sign his own posts. It's four tildes, not rocket science.

"But you people, or rather, far too many of your "associates" felt the need to attack and troll Nicochi on his page, his art, his journals, even. Because he dared to express an opinion. When he defended himself, people couldn't handle the fact that they were in the wrong here"
Do you even know what an opinion is? It's someones personal views, and they can't be right or wrong. This is the major reason why everyone hates you, you absolutely REFUSE to respect anyone else's opinion if they disagree with your own, and will flame, block, and hide comments of anyone who dares disagree with you. So, you're saying your allowed to jam your opinions down our throats, but yet we aren't allowed to so much as state ours in your presence?--HyperPeanut 19:48, 23 August 2011 (UTC)
EDIT: AerobianAngel is Nicochi, so I have changed my post to reflect that.--HyperPeanut 06:35, 24 August 2011 (UTC)
On the contrary, an opinion can be valid or invalid. A valid opinion is one backed by certain, specific things. D'you think you can figure out what they are? An invalid opinion is a ten year old saying that raveakidd's shit is the best thing to ever grace the face of the Earth in regards to Sonic. And Nicochi only went and attacked other people's opinions outside of his own or his friend's pages on deviantart once, to my knowledge. And stop assuming that I'm Nicochi, because I'm not. Unless Nicochi lives in Europe now. --AerobianAngel
I've seen that claim quite often actually, that Nicochi hardly, or never, went beyond his own da page to verbally attack people. It's untrue though. Not that it would change the behavior he's displayed on other sites, where he'd make sock puppet accounts to pounce on and insult people not sharing his opinion (exemplified here if you'd like to see an example, he's TruthWarriorX). As for the whole opinion issue, right or wrong, valid or invalid, no matter what words people choose, deeming opinions as either true or false cannot be done. They can't be proven and can't be disproven, (if they can, then they're not opinions, they're facts by definition). Opinions can only be judged by another person's values, since right or wrong conditions cannot be assigned to them. You're free to feel that a certain opinion is more sensible or obvious, but that's also an opinion, and doesn't make it true. --Tealwalnut 04:57, 28 August 2011 (CEST)
Yeah, like I said only once, I didn't say never. And he actually did it well after he became well-known. No, an opinion backed up by more facts than another differing opinion is more sensible. --AerobianAngel
OMG, Nicochi only attacked someone's opinions outside of his deviantart page once! That means we should excuse him for attacking people's opinions in his deviantart page! It's just like this one guy beating his kid once in public! Therefore, it's excusable when he does it many times in his home! --Moltard24 17:20, 28 August 2011 (CEST)
More sensible according to? Sensibility isn't a sort of universal truth. It's relative and interpretive, ergo an opinion. What's sensible to me may be ridiculous to you, and vice versa. Arguing your opinion convincingly by using facts and logic may make you win a debate, but everyone knows that doesn't make you right. It makes your case convincing, not truth. That's the point I'm trying to make. You're free to feel his opinion is convincing, and agree with it, but others are free to not agree, even if their argument is absolute crap. Also, I don't recall saying that you claimed he "never" did it, apologies if it came across that way. Either way, I myself have seen him leave his page to attack people more than once. Not that it matters, it's not really what he does but how he does it that most people have issue with. --Tealwalnut 17:25, 28 August 2011 (CEST)
If you're not Nicochi, then why are you using AerobianAngel's username?--HyperPeanut 04:25, 28 August 2011 (CEST)
Because there are people other than Nicochi who don't like people/think they're lulzy? --AerobianAngel
So that fag is REALLY Nicochi? Do you have any citation on this? Because I'd love to add that to the article. It'd make all of it even more hilarious and make him look more like the butthurt fag he is. --CastleBravo 12:46, 24 August 2011 (UTC)
We don't have a cited source, but it's a pretty safe assumption as Aerobian-Angel is the deviant artist that he claimed that he "took down"(he was banned for a short time after a flame war with him) then started impersonating(as AerobianAngel). Based off the things he's said here, he's given us very little reason to believe that he's not Nicochi.--HyperPeanut 15:32, 24 August 2011 (UTC)
He states that wanking to lolicon is not pedophilia, when in fact the characters there are in the early tweens or younger. Anyone wanking to that age group is a pedophile, doesn't matter if it's a fictional character or not, and he even made lolicon porn himself and posted it on the net, with his now deactivated DA account and e-mail on it. That's enough proof that Nicochi is a pedo. And that's really just the icing on Nicochi's shit-cake. Thanks to his own retarded behaviour, he now ranks with people like Jessi Slaughter, Jared Milton, Sonmanic, Chasethehedgehog and the other lolcows ED milked, and keeps on milking. You need to work hard to be documented by ED, and boy, he's even worse than Richard Kuta. Even Kuta got sick of him, remember, and Nicochi was by then probably the last person who still vehemently supported him. --CastleBravo 11:59, 23 August 2011 (UTC)
Also, I'll add that probably the last thing ED would do is hack him, for obvious reasons. First of all, closing his account deprives ED of material to rape and put up here, second it removes a front where he can be trolled and milked. He closed his accounts, because he got uncovered as a huge pedophile, and by lurking through his account we could've found so much more to put up here. It was him, and everybody knows that. --CastleBravo 12:05, 23 August 2011 (UTC)

He's still using Aero's username? Jesus, that's gay.--Bwinbwin 05:34, 24 August 2011 (UTC)

He also tried scaring this ed page off the site with this legal threat. Which failed of course. --Tealwalnut 15:03, 25 August 2011 (UTC)

So, the faggot's threatening to call the cyber police on us. Even more proof of his asshurt. If he keeps this up we can put the "Taking Down ED" template in the article.--HyperPeanut 21:50, 25 August 2011 (UTC)
I'm not an expert on looking up people's Dox, but I couldn't find anything beyond his sleezyart and deviantart accounts, I doubt anyone could've gotten a hold of his phone number and/or address since he wasn't sharing it on the net, for obvious reasons. If someone got a hold of that I bed it'd be on the ED page already, so I'm pretty sure he's lying, but if not, feel free to correct me. However we should definately put this up on his page and add the "Taking Down ED" template, it'd make it so much richer. --CastleBravo 06:52, 26 August 2011 (UTC)
Don't add it just yet, let's see what he does first. So far, all he did was make an empty threat. If he actually does try to get the "Department of Homeland Security" or something stupid like that, then add it.--HyperPeanut 21:46, 26 August 2011 (CEST)
Lol. Nicochi e-mails the admin demanding the article be removed, and two days later, it's the featured article.--HyperPeanut 05:32, 27 August 2011 (CEST)

Dire factual innacuracy

After whining for the game since the game was announced, Nicochi got a Dreamcast and Sonic Adventure for christmas of 1998

The Dreamcast didn't come out until September 1999, so this isn't possible. Yes, I realize that pointing this out makes me a neckbearded twat, but someone is mistaken about video games on the internet and I simply could not let this pass. Tall Tall Tree 15:51, 27 August 2011 (CEST)

Well I remembered SA's release date being 98, but I guess I was wrong then. Thanks for editing. --CastleBravo 20:28, 27 August 2011 (CEST)

Anon947(Nicochi) and his friends harassing more of his 'victims'.

Edited because the other topic I posted here was irrelevant. Here: His friends are harassing this person just for liking both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic. This is why the Sonic fanbase is dying. DustyRose

Actually, 1991boy shouldn't be colored as a victim. He wrote journal after journal ridiculing elitist attitudes and posted links to said journals to anyone he thought was a classic Sonic fan. He invited any comments that he got, it's hardly harassment, especially when virtually every reply to those journals simply boiled down to "we don't care, stop linking us these journals." --Tealwalnut 04:06, 28 August 2011 (CEST)

Nicochi's favorites

Hey guys! Look what Nicochi favorited: Now that we know about what he drew.. it puts the favorite in a whole new perspective OlaVanko 09:17, 18 September 2011 (CEST)

Pedochi is a mod?

Of course, the admin who made him a mod is a dipshit. -Moltard24 15:54, 1 November 2011 (CET)

What forum is that?--HyperPeanut 21:56, 1 November 2011 (CET)
It's a videogame "critique" forum. I'm not sure I want to link it incase someone forgets to use a proxy. Disregard that. So far, Nico isn't a mod yet. I shouldn't have jumped to that conclusion. -Moltard24 11:52, 2 November 2011 (CET)
After lurking there for a couple of days, it's exactly what I thought it was going to be. Nothing but a forum full of neckbeard virgins bitching about Modern Sonic. Unfortunately, nothing particularly lulzy.--HyperPeanut 20:24, 12 November 2011 (CET)

"Critique" forum

Should that forum really be on this page? As far as I can tell, pedochi didn't really have anything to do with making that forum, he just joined it. Besides, it's really not all that crappy. Yeah, just bringing it up 'cause it doesn't really seem like it fits. ~ EpicMoron

It's relevant because Nicochi leaving DA is pretty much the only reason the forum was made[2]. It serves as nothing more than a hugbox for Nicochi and his white knights. It's also one of the only known hideouts where Nicochi is.
And the forum is shit because it's nothing more than 30-year-old manchildren bitching and moaning about Sonic's character design, bitching about people who don't share their opinions, trying to pass off their opinions as facts, spewing retrofaggoty, and just being all around pretentious cunts.--HyperPeanut 03:41, 4 March 2012 (EST)

One of his Faggy-ass Fantards came back to Deviantart, and Started a Shitty-Forum.

Said Shitty-Fan = Said Shitty-Forum =

missing =