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Talk:Luka Magnotta

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animal abuse

hi. i didnt really understand why this article existed, cuz it read like an ordinary attack article... until i saw this. my theory is that someone vandalized the article at .com, and it slipped by unnoticed. :\ -hipcrime 06:49, 24 February 2012 (EST)



-hipcrime 17:06, 4 March 2012 (EST)
Rule Zero
  • this article was written by Magnotta at .com, and patriotically restored by hand by Da218835. several patriots have improved this article, even as Magnotta has tried to insert puffery and flattering material. this article has been improved significantly, and hopefully it will stand as a testament to the vile acts perpetrated by this sick fuck. Magnotta has gone to great lengths to spread his name all over the Internet, with limited success, until he broke Rule Zero: "Don't fuck with cats". he has used these incidents of cruelty to portray himself as a badass, but the evidence shows an aging, bald, acne scarred porn-failure whose article was deleted from Wikipedia for lack of notability. may God have mercy on him, because it is unlikely that the Internet will. good luck Luka. -hipcrime 06:11, 5 March 2012 (EST)

the suffocation video

i wanted to avoid adding this to the article, but i very nearly lost this link, so here it is. :( -hipcrime 15:04, 15 April 2012 (EDT) .

1 lunatic 1 ice pick

hello. this looks like the kind of thing magnotta likes to associate himself with. magnotta is unlikely to be the person in that video (which i confess i didnt watch in its entirety) because magnotta is a big fucking pussy. although incapacitating the victim makes it more plausible that it is magnotta. in either case, i strongly recommend that this video is backed up, because i dont think imageshack terms of service allows this type of content. -hipcrime 15:06, 27 May 2012 (EDT)

Nice Poster !
that's correct. sick fucker reminds me of logansperman2 R U MAD?(talkpage) 13:28, 28 May 2012 (EDT)
magnotta photoshops pix all the time, and that poster is probably widely available. although the pic of him in the blue hoodie holding the icepick sure does look like the pic of him in the blue hoodie from the kitten suffocation video. i am not defending magnotta, not in ANY sense of the word. i find his actions vile and nauseating, and frankly, i wouldnt put this kind of shit past him, especially since the victim was somehow sedated or anesthetized. also, the blood seen on the pillow after the man has been decapitated looks clearish to me, it seems that the blood should be nearly black. something is amiss, and i wouldnt be surprised if this was some sort of PR stunt by magnotta. however, i have found the claims credible enough to feature this article. -hipcrime 14:06, 28 May 2012 (EDT)

I'm going to edit to point out that this film does not include murder on-camera, and that he's a gigantic pussy. Resonanteye 19:24, 29 May 2012 (EDT)

Hi! There was a private investigator who posted a thread that got archived here: which is due to be deleted on the 6th June, but it has more backgorund information, tonnes of youtube accounts that seem to be from him encouraging discussion of this video, and he seems to love Basic Instinct and To Die For. There's also his blog from 08 which has a few ironic quotes on it now in light of things. I don't know how to edit wikis though so just thought I'd leave this here. Sorry for shitting up the page guys. PS, check out the lyrics to 'Luka' by Suzanne Vega - scary shit!

I added screen caps of the video, link where found here: I couldn't find the video it's self, it seems to be removed everywhere it's uploaded. Which is obviously due to it's content. These are pretty good as far as depicting what happened in the video from the descriptions I've read. I'll keep looking, and if I it I'll make a copy and put it here. Luvur 14:09, 1 June 2012 (EDT)

flickr R U MAD?(talkpage) 16:41, 28 May 2012 (EDT)

this looks shopped. i can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing a lot of shops in my day. -hipcrime 17:04, 28 May 2012 (EDT)
Why would you shop yourself to look that bad? Jesus, look at his face... LOOK AT HIS FACE... what a cunt. - Mr Jonzz User:Mr_Jonzz 17:31, 28 May 2012 (EDT)

Definitely been shopped and the freak done a shitty job R U MAD?(talkpage)

he is notorious for his poor photoshop skillz. a large portion of his google image results are awful shops, thats why i only used one of those in the article. -hipcrime 19:23, 28 May 2012 (EDT)

Magnotta named as a suspect in dismembering case

Just added a quick mention of the cases Magnotta was just named as a suspect in to the article. More info here --Shutupman 15:05, 30 May 2012 (EDT)

bump, just noticed that too. R U MAD?(talkpage) 16:35, 30 May 2012 (EDT)


His full address: 5313 Place Lucy, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

This video explains everything

Someone should put it in this article.JohnathanNiggers 21:08, 31 May 2012 (EDT)

External observation...

  • Contrasting Magnotta's 'manufactured' drama against the story of the Miami Zombie...
The mailing of body parts (and, if emerging reports are accurate, taunting notes promising more victims) to high-profile locations is also something that’s a cliche in crime dramas. The killer taunts the investigators, making his eventual outwitting and capture all the more satisfying for the audience. It would not be surprising if Magnotta is found to have been a fan of these sorts of TV programs. He seems to be borrowing their well-worn plot lines almost to the last detail.


National Post - 5/31/12

Lol hack... - Mr Jonzz User:Mr_Jonzz 04:50, 1 June 2012 (EDT)

  • UK journalist details meeting with LRM in London six-months ago...
I looked into his eyes — and did not like what I saw.


The Sun - June 1st 2012

- Mr Jonzz User:Mr_Jonzz 08:08, 1 June 2012 (EDT)

The Manhunt!

A senior French police official says he is "sure" that Luka Rocco Magnotta is currently in France.


Run Luka, run! - Mr Jonzz User:Mr_Jonzz 07:29, 1 June 2012 (EDT)

Who all here has joined ForGreatJustice on FB so far? The combined might of the internet hate machine and prowess of Anonymous internet detectives could potentially bring more fruitful leads on this douche than INTERPOL or the Canadian authorities could...possibly preventing another homicide or instance of animal torture...or both. Bit of a double-edged sword giving this guy useful information as he is a sockpuppet whore, but if it drives him to feel more paranoid and helpless in the face of vigilante-type elements it could definitely work to the advantage of the decent people who want to see him brought to justice for his crimes. Goodbyekitty 13:53, 2 June 2012 (EDT)

Hi, there is a section in the article currently with a quote from and link to the the FB group. I don't know if it's prompted anyone to join but we can only hope. The more people we've got on this the more he'll have to look over his shoulder, OTI and IRL. Luvur 14:10, 2 June 2012 (EDT)

It prompted me to join...I've been following this site for several years along with 4chan et al. I'm not "Anonymous" in any shape or form, however, I share the belief that sick fucks like this reinforce the logic behind eugenics sometimes. I will be happy to contribute so long as I stay in my place. Thanks. Goodbyekitty 14:39, 2 June 2012 (EDT)

Attempts to gain frame on ED and Wikipedia

It appears as if Luka (or someone who really likes him) used ED in order to preserve the January 2008 version of Wikipedia's "Luka_R_Magnotta" article.

Then in July 2008, Luka (or someone who really likes him) copied the ED article and used it to create Wikipedia's "Luka_Magnotta" article:

--JuniusThaddeus 12:37, 1 June 2012 (EDT)

murder news articles

Can we get a section compiling all of the news articles that have been published since the 1 lunatic 1 ice pick shit came out? --zaiger (talk) 19:53, 1 June 2012 (EDT)

This news link features all of the news feeds as of yesterday. There's 14, videos included: Luvur 20:35, 1 June 2012 (EDT)

1 lunatic 1 ice pick video hosting

I've just procured the video that was hosted from and since links to the video are showing that it's been removed, should we host the video here? The file is around 8MB. Let me know guise. --PizzaSlut 01:22, 2 June 2012 (EDT)

Yeah, I've got it too, I think zaiger has that one himself as well. Sirkillsalot has the one taken down from, which is the same minus 20 secs or so and with their watermark. The only thing Sirkillsalot was concerned on was whether it was the full version or not. Because it's obvious it was edited. However, after going through a shit ton of news articles, they all site BestGore as the first known copy of the video and what started the shitstrom. So we got the goods and documented sources siting it as the original, I'd say it's legit and would also like to know if we can upload it to the wiki. Luvur 12:06, 2 June 2012 (EDT)
The smaller the file size the better. The one that I have right now is too large to upload to the wiki's ogg handler, but one of the perks to being an administrator is that I can take advantage of little hacks like this, so we can definitely get it added to the article. Please upload the versions you guys have to rapidshit or 4shared, make sure you upload it packaged into a RAR or ZIP with a random file name like and then post it here. I'll convert and host the best version and port it to the article. --zaiger (talk) 15:00, 2 June 2012 (EDT)
How big is the video you have? TKN 15:20, 2 June 2012 (EDT)
About 11mb. I ended up just embedding it directly into the wiki in flv format: 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick --zaiger (talk) 19:45, 2 June 2012 (EDT)

Lulz to add

  • “We knew and always said that he used the web to glorify himself,” (police spokesman) Lafreniere said. “It was also the web that led to his arrest.”
  • The fugitive sat at the Number 25 terminal and started reading stories about himself.
  • The self-described porn star had first been detected in France by police using his cellphone as a beacon. They even managed to find a hotel room where he had been staying.
  • Kadir Anlayisli, who works at the Internet café on Karl Marx Strasse in the Neukolln district of Berlin, spotted Magnotta, the subject of an international manhunt, when he walked in.


crackpot theories here plz

it seems entirely possible that this is just the retard that was so desperate for fame that he hooked up with some canadian serial killer john who just used a retard to take the blame. magnotta has expressed in something from 2007, iirc, about turning thirty years old being the end anyway, so what would he have to lose. if this guy suicides in prison, then he is definitely a candidate for the Golden iPod. -hipcrime 17:28, 4 June 2012 (EDT)

He is probably a rasist

Luka Magnotta is Famous American Celebrity -- He is most special man in world. Luka Magnotta , he hates all asian people.


—[, account sharonstone2011 on ()]

This comment was sent 7 months ago ( 11.2011 ) by account sharonstone2011 --齐东野语 13:54, 5 June 2012 (EDT)

I thought the guy was his boyfriend? 13:55, 5 June 2012 (EDT)

There are several accounts suspect on, their videos are created from 1 year to 7 months ago - discussion on Douban

1、sharonstone2011「11 Videos uploaded」

2、beautybird 「4 Videos uploaded」

3、tracyguest 「7 Videos uploaded」

4、kitty604323 「8 Videos uploaded」

5、catherinen7 「3 Videos uploaded」

Perhaps he has begun looking for his prey an Asian 1 year ago. So he has sent his video on a website Chinese. --齐东野语 14:14, 5 June 2012 (EDT)

vidya of his arrest

Boring as hell. He just walks into the shop, the guy behind the counter recognizes him. Video then skips to when the police arrive and arrest him without incident. It can be seen here --Shutupman 16:54, 5 June 2012 (EDT)

also, here is the source for the latest edit i just made

cbc is reporting it as breaking news, but dont have an article up yet as of the time of my edit --Shutupman 15:23, 7 June 2012 (EDT)


there may not be any popcorn:

): -hipcrime 16:34, 4 March 2013 (EST)

Screen caps

Is there a place to store em for now Boudica 00:31, 18 January 2014 (EST)

Street Bait video clip

i uploaded File:LUKA MAGNOTTA GAY PORN.OGG.png to serve as a thumbnail for File:LUKA MAGNOTTA GAY PORN.OGG, but i can't remember how to "link=". would someone who can wiki please place this screencap right under the "personal life" header, linking to the .ogg file? this was supposed to be a workaround for the .ogg file's thumbnail looking like christmas puke. any halp is appreciated. :) -hipcrime 19:04, 10 August 2014 (EDT)

This works, but there seems to be no way to caption it '10 second clip from Street Bait. :/ -hipcrime 00:03, 11 August 2014 (EDT)


Sorry for the quick succession of my edits. I apparently can't math, but it's right now. Shutupman 11:48, 23 December 2014 (EST)

thanks for updating. :) -hipcrime 14:23, 23 December 2014 (EST)
Not sure if you're who I should talk to before editing, but in Canada, jail is holding, and prison is for long term sentences. Basically, the banner at the top should say "... he's going to prison". Shutupman 11:10, 26 December 2014 (EST)

i can not find a copy of 1L1IP

the link in the article was saved at Wayback but will not render or save. if anyone has a copy pls upload it and embed it into the article pls kthx -hipcrime 00:27, 12 May 2023 (EDT)

done. Zagan (talk) 00:43, 13 May 2023 (EDT)
ty bby -hipcrime 19:23, 23 June 2023 (EDT)