File:Marmaduke2916120060807.gifMarmaduke asked for and was granted a rear entrance to his doghouse, just so his tail could fit out the back. Presumably his owners were willing to carry out such an asinine request because of how enormously impressive it must have been for a dog to communicate such a specific desire. [1]
File:Marmaduke2006229030810.gifMarmaduke attempts to trade his owner-girl his dog biscuit for her cookie, but she isn't having any of it, even though Marmaduke could probably just take the cookie if he wanted to and eat her for good measure (since, as today's strip clearly demonstrates by giving us a close-up of Marmaduke and girl next to each other, he is ABSOLUTELY FUCKING HUMONGOUS). [2]
File:Marmaduke2003053760816.gifMarmaduke is trying to let his owner-lady know that he wants to fuck her. His innuendo may seem blunt and crude, but in his defense, he is a dog. [3]
File:Marmaduke2045807060829.gifMarmaduke's owner-lady implies to a jowly clergyman that her giant, napping dog is going to keep him immobilized for probably the rest of the day. She also brings him tea. [5]
File:Marmaduke2006229030831.pngMarmaduke creator Brad Anderson has been alive for many, many, many years, and sometimes when people get really old, their minds start to get a little bit confused. Remember when Grandma tried to feed her poop to the cat? Yeah...
Don't be sad, though: Marmaduke creator Brad Anderson will be with God soon, and that's what we need to focus on in times like these. [6]
File:Marmaduke2006016287901.pngMarmaduke caused his owner-man to get a traffic ticket, despite the fact that he was a pedestrian at the time of the offense. [7]
File:Marmaduke2006203590907.gifMarmaduke's fat, elderly neighbor-lady believes her phone to be ringing, but her husband tells her that it is probably one of Marmaduke's mobile phones (Marmaduke, for reasons still at large, owns a very large number of mobile phones). [8]
File:Marmaduke2006016287908.gifMarmaduke ordered a pizza from 2 Ur Door Pizza! and tipped one of the delivery persons (2 Ur Door Pizza pizzas take two people to deliver them) a bone. As Marmaduke is a dog, and dogs consider bones to be very important and valuable, he no doubt was being earnest and generous in his offer, but the delivery boy has not encountered such before.
(A lesser strip would have pointed out the absurdity in a dog ordering pizza ("how can such a thing be?!?"), but the humor in Marmaduke is much more subtle and layered to settle for such an obvious chuckle. In the Marmadukiverse (c), this sort of shit happens all the time) [9]
File:Marmaduke2040718060912.pngMarmaduke planned on eating dinner with his fat, elderly neighbors, but they are having something he doesn't like to eat and he flips a shit. [10]